Americans that don’t trust in God trust in big government

The central government our founders had in mind was a very limited one. They knew governments become tyrannical without checks and balances to control them. Our nation in many ways has departed from what are founders envisioned.

America was founded on Biblical concepts that are now denied by the state. Americans now give almost unlimited power to government and predictably tyrants are enslaving the people. It’s not just federal government either, take a look at California, New York and some other tyrannical state governments. The same can be said about some big city governments.

It’s not like we have not been warned about out of control government. Our founders warned us and more recently President Eisenhower, Kennedy and Reagan warned us about out of control government. The other presidents since Woodrow Wilson were part of the problem. Eisenhower, just before he left office, warned us about the dangers of the deep state military industrial complex. Kennedy warned us and he was killed. Reagan warned us and he was shot and almost died.

There is a globalist cabal of multi millionaires, corporatists, bureaucrats and bankers running the world. And it does not matter if you think they are Communists, Fascists, Jesuits, Masons, Zionists or Islamist’s because the luciferian socialists all conspire together and have the same goals. They want an all-powerful global government that will manage everyone and everything on earth. The only god they really know and serve is Satan.

They use war’s and revolution as a means to an end to achieve control over the whole world. World war II was really a war to determine which brand of socialism would control Eurasia. The nationalistic socialists were fighting the communist socialists. America got dragged into the war because we took sides.

After World War II communists became the enemy in America and elite Nazi’s were imported to help our military program. The secret program to import former Nazi’s into America was named “Operation Paperclip”. After the Right failed to remove leftist Communists from our government in the 1950’s and 60’s the differences between the different factions of socialism blurred. The socialists have been working together ever since to subvert America.

Nazi’s, Communists, Jesuits, high-ranking masons, atheistic Jews (they are not true Jews) and Islamist’s (all leftist socialists) control most of the world that we live in today. American styled liberty for all people is now just about dead in the world. Most governments in the world are now openly or covertly authoritarian. The world socialists pretend to believe in democracy but the ruling oligarchy with their appointed bureaucrats actually control everything. Even most world religion is under socialist controlled.

Most Americans learn nothing from history if they learn history at all. Our government has a long history of lying to the people. Most of our wars are based on lies. Now the deep state is working toward getting Americans to give up their constitutional rights for the promise of security that government cannot deliver.

Americans have become a gullible people. They just blindly trust government even though government proves not to be trustworthy. Even the press has become a propaganda arm of leftist statist deep state. America no longer has a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. America is largely run by the same godless statist socialist globalists running the rest of the world.

Government schools have become socialist indoctrination centers where they teach kids socialism and doctrines of demons. They brainwash our youth to rebel against the natural order that God created. Males are being mentally and chemically castrated in our schools. The end result is a generation of soy boys being led by radicalized women. As I speak, the leftists are using programmed school children to push their radical leftist political agenda on America. This leftist teacher and press led youth movement is what Obama wanted. Leftist governments created gun free zones that made the mass shootings possible. Now, the socialists are using the shootings to try to to take away guns from all Americans. History tells us what happens after Marxist governments takes away guns.

There are many examples in history where Americans have been lied to by our government as a means to an end. Most recently Americans were told by our government that the biggest mass murder in our time was done by a lone psychopath with assault weapons.

There are many theories about what happen in Las Vegas but few independent investigators believe the government account. Almost all independent investigators agree on two things. Top people in the FBI are purposely misleading the public and there was more than one shooter. Why were agents told not to investigate leads that did not fit the lone shooter narrative? One also has to wonder why American’s have already lost interest in finding out the truth about the murders of 58 American patriots.

It seems most Americans believe anything that government or the deep state controlled press tells them. That is dangerous because government lies to the people whenever it suits them. We have a government that makes everything classified so they can keep the truth away from the people. Is a secret government that spies on everyone the kind of federal government that our founders envisioned for America?

There was all kinds of illegal activity taking place under the Obama administration but it’s about impossible to get the facts when top people in government are lying and all the documentation is classified. Should we just trust government to investigate itself? Thus far that seems to be Attorney General Jeff Sessions approach.

Our founders warned us that our system of government was only possible for a moral people. The socialists have been working to demoralize Americans for decades. Now that the demoralizing and the destruction of families have largely been achieved they will implement phase two from the communist playbook. They will cause crisis and bring about riots.

They think the disorder will be followed by military rule and the rounding up of tens of millions of conservatives and Christians. However, unlike other nations where the communists, fascists and Islamist’s disarmed the people and took control, there is a small percentage of men in America that will not disarm, nor will they submit to socialist tyranny.

And if it comes to that, it would only take two percent of men with arms in America to militarily defeat the domestic enemy. Even with the temporary Trump retrieve it seems likely that American patriots and Christians will soon have to take up arms to defend themselves. The communists always persecute the middle class and the Christians after they take over. The white Christians in South Africa are now about to experience that.

America’s biblical foundations are crumbling. The nation our founders created cannot stand on satanic foundations and socialist lies. America cannot be great under godless socialism. I think Americans that gave up trust in God for trust in socialist big government allowed the progressive insanity that we see taking place today. Those that remain true to God and the absolute truths that our country was founded upon will either save the country from godless Marxism or they will die trying. Nevertheless, Christians always have the hope that the Rapture will take place before this nation goes down that very destructive road.

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About Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.


Americans that don’t trust in God trust in big government — 45 Comments

  1. Your blog paints a bleak future for the people in the US. I wish there were something big that I could disagree with. There isn’t, I think the future, assuming no Rapture soon, is quite bleak. That said, I do not do a lot of web surfing. There are three sites that I visit with some regularity, this one, Rapture Ready, and the Omega Letter. Your recent blog and the Omega Letter writers have put out opinions that the Rapture seems very soon. I received a recent RR thank you email (I donated a small amount) in which Todd Strandberg wrote “I know God is in control, so I don’t worry about a Democratic sweep in the upcoming midterm elections or some indictment stemming from the so-called Mueller investigation. My hope is that the Lord is just as sick of the nonsense as I feel right now, and He is planning to use the Rapture to hand these groups a hollow victory. As soon as they grab hold of power, the people they hate the most will suddenly vanish. The first sound we hear as we enter Paradise may be the Lord’s laughter at our foes.”

    My unclear point is that it seems that many more people (myself included) are beginning to feel/expect that the Rapture may be very soon. It may be even at the door so to speak.

    You, I, and followers of your blog should take to heart Todd’s words “I know God is in Control”. So do I and so many of your readers. Whatever happens, God is in control. The Rapture may be very very close, I hope to see you on the way up.

  2. Hi Phil.

    The awareness of the those in the body of Christ that Jesus is coming very soon is one of the reliable signs of the time.

  3. Hi Don,

    I’m a little unsure about your meaning in this quote:

    However, unlike other nations where the communists, fascists and Islamist’s disarmed the people and took control, there is a small percentage of men in America that will not disarm, nor will they submit to socialist tyranny.

    And if it comes to that, it would only take two percent of men with arms in America to militarily defeat the domestic enemy. Even with the temporary Trump retrieve it seems likely that American patriots and Christians will soon have to take up arms to defend themselves.”

    Did you mean the 2% we’re military, or civilians?

    Because, after reading this townhall article by Kurt Schlichter, I don’t think it would be that easy for armed forces to defeat organized civilians. BTW, he is former Colonel who served many years in the middle east.

  4. Hi David,

    I don’t even think most in the military would fight against civilians. After all, many of their relatives are those civilians. What I was saying is that a million men with arms will defeat any communist take over attempt in America. They can only do that if Americans allow the government to first take away our arms. That disarming of America might happen after the Rapture but I do not think it could happen before. In fact, the Rapture of Christians could be the very reason the leftists are able to take over the world.

  5. Dear Don, I am so glad I get to read your Blogs. Most of them seem to agree with Heart and Spirit. Feeling that Joy, Stepping out on Faith, and in Sync with God. I make a Declaration that your Articles will always be around for all of us Believers and those Struggling to make it in these Last days, Dangerous Times in this very present Evil World that we live in today and as a Hope built for the Rock on which we stand. “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other Ground is Sinking Sand, All other Ground is Sinking!” For on that day of his Glorious Appearing! We shall not be Ashamed! In the Beautiful name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

    Near Future, and for those struggling

  6. I think a lot of people in this country have become lemmings and will believe whatever the corrupt officials and leftist propagandist media tell them. The lack of knowledge of this country’s great history coupled with the complete lack of biblical knowledge is a recipe for disaster. The student walkout recently is a prime example. This should have never been allowed to happen. What parent allows their kid to walk out of school to protest? Every school involved in this should have lost their funding. If I had participated in something like this when I was a kid there would have been hell to pay from my dad. I think a lot of parents are afraid of their kids. I was at a dinner recently and was asked not to talk about Trump because the college kids at the dinner were vehemently opposed to Trump and would get upset. Are you kidding me!!! I don’t see a happy ending for this country with the ways things are going. These are the kids who will be running the country in the future. Products of years of indoctrination. God does not fit into their equation and neither does history except the revisionist kind they’ve been taught. May God have mercy on us is all I can say.

  7. I read the headlines today and it just shocked me how many people (Demoncrats) were standing up for McCabe and the other leftists,that have clearly violated our laws. If I even try to talk to my kids, who are in their thirties and forties, they ask me not to talk about it. Especially in front of their kids(my own grandchildren)… I have one nine year old though, that does listen and we talk about God and politics. However we both shut up whenever his dad’s around because he gets upset. What the hell have we raised. I know I talked about it at home as they were growing up, so it had to have been in the schools. It really scares me, because they get so upset if I talk political reality. Comments like “what can we do?”, Or “we can’t do anything anyway”, so I don’t want to discuss it, esp. in front of my kids (my grandkids).

    Some videos out there, indicate that Trump is going to start rounding up these criminals. I know it will not happen. Judges are so leftist that they will protect these criminals. It would sure be nice to see about a hundred or a thousand or a million of those criminals put on an island like Guantanamo, and let them fight with each other instead of us. The Clintons and Obama’s have done more illegal activity then conservatives have ever thought about. I can see Civil War breaking out, if they did round the creeps up and put them on trial. And conservatives are sinners too… But they at least recognize its sin and do not try to institutionalize it.

    They’re sure as heck is no way that this country can turn around to God, so we are in a Death spiral. It is only going to get worse, and I hear that America is better off than Europe.

    The Press, all democrats, and a good portion of the Rino’s. I cannot pray for such a Godless community to continue. I can see what you have said on this blog makes so much sense. A small remnant in the rapture, and a lot of trial by fire for these young people that say they are Christian.

    I guess I’ve said all I can say, and thanks for letting me vent on your blog. I have one niece, that tries very hard to study the Bible and understand. But out of the extended family of over 100, only a small percentage (maybe 6-8%) or less??? will even listen to true conservative values and a lot less to Christian values, esp. PROPHETIC warnings . I just pray that God will open the hearts of these family members in time.

  8. We’re already a socialist country and I have zero reason to believe we will wholly right the ship until our fall. Slowly but surely the leftists crept into our government. Even Gorbachev said to a group of Americans in the nineties or so, that their children would know socialism or communism. He was right. If the Democrats retake the House and Senate, the jig might be up. We need to pray for another miracle election I believe.

  9. I listen to people talk about their hate for Trump at work and I am astounded by their lack of reasoning and sound logic. These are some very smart educated people too. How can you use good logical reasoning at work, but somehow become a blathering imbecile when it comes to politics and religion? I wish I knew the answer. I can only assume they are lying to themselves or they are demonically decieved.

  10. jim,

    the same thing is happening at my job too…everything is trumps fault..and its mostly people from south america who are cursing him out and saying all kinds of nasty stuff about him as if they know what they are talking about. I call them brainless zombies

  11. Yes, but why do these people turn off their logical reasoning when it comes to politics and religion?

  12. Don,

    This post was a powerful, articulate, detailed tour de force, reality check and grave warning. I’m passing it on to all my family and friends. Would I have your permission to link and send it to two secular blogs? It deserves the widest exposure possible.

    I especially like the breakout of the globalist cabal of multi-millionaires, corporatists, bureaucrats and bankers in the 4th paragraph. One of the most serious awareness problems I see with Americans in general, besides their spiritual condition, is their complete lack of understanding of who the globalist cabal are and who they actually serve.

    Everyone who knows me knows I have been warning about a coming Civil War for years. I have prepared for it as I will be one of the two percent you mention in the next to last paragraph. (I think, hope and pray that percent will be higher).

    Until Trump (I think it was really God) pulled off the greatest political upset of my lifetime I was preparing for gun confiscation and Civil War before the end of what appeared to be Jezebel’s first term. I thank God for the time, but whether Trump offers U.S. a serious reprieve or is just a speed bump remains to be seen. The forces arrayed against him are massive.

    Before I came on here I was leaning Pre-Wrath for the Rapture timing…but having poured over your body of work and many others, I am back in the Pre-Trib camp. However, I feel deep in my spirit there still are coming stark events as a Christian follower of Jesus Christ, an American, a Husband, a Father, and a Grandfather (and for my extended family) I must be prepared for. The clash coming will soon be two things…BIG & UGLY.

    Your closing paragraph crystalized how I feel and why I have prepared and steeled myself to the degree I have.

  13. Hi Mark,

    You don’t need my permission to provide links to articles on my site.

    Hi Jim,

    Some emotionally follow the loud mouths that exist to steer the false sheep to their slaughter. Many have replaced the Christian worldview with the Marxist worldview. It’s not unlike when most Chinese were led to believe in Maoism.

    Christians that actually know and believe the Bible would not be deceived by the leftist worldly satanic worldview. As the harvest approaches the wheat and tares are becoming more identifiable.

  14. Hi All,

    First, this is where I come to feel like I belong among the sane. I’ve pretty much given up my quest to discuss or reason with the left. They say the same about us. We’re the uneducated deplorables who are deceived and can’t be reasoned with. I don’t need someone telling me my head is so far up my ass I’m blinded. He’s a claimed Christian too who has read the Bible 6 times and thinks Jesus was a social liberal and had no problem with homosexuality. Perhaps he should read it with understanding next time.

    Speaking of what we can say and who we can say it to; my sister’s 12 year old grandson is a Trump supporter and he told my sister, “Grandma, please don’t tell mom.” My sister’s also been told by her daughter not to talk about Jesus. (She does it anyway.)

    The rest of my extended family is just as mixed up. Everyone has claimed to be saved at one time or another but half of them are now denying the faith.

    To the gentlemen here: Remember that a lot of us women are armed and we won’t be hiding under the bed if we have to defend our values. I had already read the town hall article before David L. shared the link. It made a lot of sense even with my lack of military training. I am of course hoping for the Rapture and not a civil war or revolution.

    I write my own op-eds on Face Book’s “What’s on your mind, Caitlin?” so I can talk about Jesus, salvation, the Rapture, Trump or anything I want to talk about. I know my small group of friends and family see it whether they respond or not.

  15. So true Caitlin, about coming to this site to be among the sane. It’s very lonely out there at times.

  16. Hi, Caitlin,

    I also come here to spend time “among the sane,” and I totally understand how you’re feeling. Leftists are under a powerful demonic deception and it is next to impossible to reason with them. Sadly, I find the same can be said of the vast majority of today’s “Laodicean” Christians. One side of my family is filled to the brim with Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel/name-it-and-claim it false theology, and I’ve been trying as lovingly and respectfully as I possibly can to expose the errors and share the true Gospel. Sometimes I feel like I’m just wasting my time–casting my pearls before swine, so to speak–especially when my messages are repeatedly ignored. At the end of the day, I know I’m doing what I can, and I ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to their hearts and minds in ways that I cannot.

    Also, you touched on a very important point: there is a HUGE difference between simply reading the bible and actually reading the bible with good hermeneutics, proper understanding, and good-old-fashioned common sense. I know Christians who can quote scripture after scripture including book, chapter, and verse numbers, but for the life of them, they cannot seem to understand and properly apply what they’re quoting.

    As Adriana said, it’s a lonely walk. The blessed hope of the Rapture comforts and encourages me, and my spirit bears witness that Jesus is coming SOON!

  17. I have read your blogs and still keep on reading because I found it very interesting and almost accurate on the predictions. Although, like what Jesus said, no one knows , but the Father(on Jesus second coming). However, Jesus gave an impression that we will have knowledge of it. We as children of God and being our Abba Father, our father, we know Him very well. Did He not said that if we seek Him, He will reveal Himself to us.So, those who are earnestly seeking Him, found Him and reveal Himself to Him. I guess, you have found Him and He revealed Himself to you and I guess He has given you understanding of these matters regarding End Time as do a lot of people tried to understand and without getting it right. Did it not God, seek first my kingdom and righteousness and everything shall be added unto you. So, therefore, since you have tried your very best( I guess so) to seek Him and His Kingdom and His righteousness, so these things were revealed to you in true understanding of His words.
    On my own understanding, too, you are the one most accurate about end times prophecy. You see how things unfold, I go with your understanding of the End Times, so I keep on reading it.

  18. I’ll be the first to express my disappointment in Trump signing the spending bill. I went out side and screamed silently. I thought maybe I’ll just be done with all of it. Who cares what happens. From the comments I saw Trump’s base is angry and a lot were talking the same way I was thinking.

    I then read a Limbaugh Transcript. He said this overspending bill was to do exactly that; separate Trump from his voters. He wasn’t defending the signing, just explaining the purpose the Establishment wanted to accomplish. It may have worked.

    On reflecting on it for a few hours I have decided not to fall into the swamp and give the Progressive Communist what they want.

    I’m still upset, I still want to quit, but losing a battle isn’t losing the whole war so I have to go back in.

    My trust isn’t in government, it’s in God and I don’t profess to know how He works things out.

  19. I’m totally with you on being incredibly disappointed with President Trump signing the spending bill. I’d like to think there’s a method to this madness, but I don’t know. Perhaps he sees a war on the horizon and felt he had to get the money for defense above everything else, but I guess i’m trying to find a reason. Just have to continue putting 1 foot in front of the other and never give up. It’s God’s will and he is definitely in control even if we don’t like it or have trouble seeing the bigger (his) picture. What a frustrating time we live in. Without God as our compass we really would be lost.

  20. Hi Caitlin,

    By signing that bill Trump lost a lot of conservatives today. He better pull a rabbit out of his hat before the fall elections or he might be looking at impeachment in 2019.

    It will be interesting to see his favorable poll numbers now. Since he can’t seem to govern from the right Maybe Trump is hoping to pick up support from the center and center left. I don’t think that will happen, they are all brainwashed by the hard left media.

    In any case, if Republicans lose the house it won’t be Trump on the 2020 ticket.

  21. Hi All,
    I often listen to the X22 Report. The host, Dave, usually manages to put a positive spin on the unfathomable things Trump does. He feels Trump is playing a long game while everyone else are doing the opposite. It will be interesting how, or if, he comments on this latest event. What’s more worrisome is Trump’s appointment of Bolton.

  22. As soon as I heard about Bolton I thought about the Prophecy of Elam and a US/Israeli strike on Iran.

  23. Don,

    You have to commit an impeachable offense to be impeached. Simply being unpopular doesnt allow you to be impeached. There is no evidence of Trump committing any serious crimes. Even it he somehow was impeached it doesnt mean he is ejected from office. Worst case he doesnt run for re-election. If by some miracle the sub humans in the democrat party managed to remove him, civil war would break out.

  24. Doug, I have been following X22 for a while I agree it is an interesting site.

    Mike, I too immediately thought of Elam in connection with the mustachio Neocon being appointed.

    Here is Greg Hunter interviewing a Christian investigative reporter…both these men are fearless Believers. Its a worthy You -Tube I found intriguing and uplifting.

    New World Order Freaking Out About Trump – Alex Newman

  25. Hi Jim,

    An impeachable offense is anything the house of representatives say it is. Trump does not have deep support in the Senate even among the Republicans. Should he be impeached The Senate could tell him they have the votes to remove him and force him to resign. The real problem is that the republicans will get slaughtered in 2020 and we will get someone as evil as Obama and Hillary.

  26. Don,

    So they can contrive some false accusation and remove who they wish with no proof? Seems absurd. I think the GOP establishment set him up for this spending debacle. As for 2020, you are correct. If Trump loses his base, I dont see a single republican who could win. The dems could win with anybody but Hillary.

  27. Just think, if the tea party movement had actually started a new party instead of joining with establishment Republicans we would have have some power in Washington by now. As it is now, real conservatives have taxation, big spending, out of control debt and government regulation without representation.

  28. After further thought on President Trumps signing this spending bill, I’m wondering if perhaps he felt he had to take a bullet for this one, but not completely fall on his sword, so he could live to fight another day. We’re not privy to all the intel he has and after Mike mentioned the Prophecy of Elam it got me to thinking. After WWI, as most readers on the site are aware of, we were woefully unprepared for another war. We had to ramp up fast. Something that I’ve seen the last few days leads me to believe Pres. Trump may be ramping up for a major conflict with Iran and in turn Russia and I think he thinks there is not a lot of time left to do so. I read a lot of business news and we are selling some serious firepower to Saudi Arabia, and as you know lately they’ve gotten a lot friendlier with Israel. Also, Pres. Trump has been trying to get our steel production back in this country by way of the tariffs on China. I think he sees the need to have steel available without us having to go begging. Maybe I’m completely off the mark on this and he’s become another swamp thing, but I think we have to wait and see.

  29. Adriana, I think that you are onto something. I am old. I was a junior officer on a nuclear submarine during the Carter years. Across the board, the capability of our military declined tremendously. They could not even conduct a relatively simple rescue in Iran. Reagan rebuilt it, but Carter was only 4 years and his effort was just neglect, not intent to make it decline. Under Clinton it was reduced both by neglect and intent to spend resources on welfare. A friend of mine had taught a class to Apache helicopter pilots. They were getting one hour of training flight time per calendar quarter. When Clinton sent them to Kosovo several crashed during the first week. Bush II rebuilt it somewhat after 9/11. Obama had eight years, with intent, to destroy the military. It is probable that Trump did cut any deals to rebuild our military to pre Obama capability. There are a lot of serious threats behind the noise today. Could we fight a long war with a significant power today without his trade reforms and infrastructure rebuilding? That said, he could have just sold his supporters down the river.

    I think though that we are in the end game of God’s pre-Rapture time frame. The President’s recognition of Jerusalem is probably the most significant of the ongoing issues and sets up a lot of interesting scenarios. God’s focus is shifting to Israel and the gentile powers, USA included, seem to be shifting to fit into that program.

  30. Hi Adriana and Phil,

    The threat of war could explain why Trump signed the bill and it also might explain his picking of John Bolton for NSA.

  31. Hi Jim,
    That was Limbaugh’s exact point; Trump was set up by the Establishment (Dems and Republicans alike) to separate him from his base. Democrats expect to win in the mid terms and whether they impeach or not the rest of Trump’s agenda is finished and he can’t win in 2020 like Don said and we will get someone evil.

    The President said this was the largest military funding in history. I believe he knew if he didn’t take it now there wouldn’t be a 2nd chance. I think Adriana’s right about him taking a bullet and he did it to protect America. It was a selfless act knowing what it could cost him.

  32. Hi Caitlin,

    They certainly put Trump in a no win situation. Had he vetoed the bill and shut down government the progressive establishment and the press that they control would have had a field day. Over 60 percent of people elected to Congress have a progressive worldview so why does anything think that conservative legislation will be passed?

  33. I agree with the above sentiments. I believe he needs the leverage with North Korea, and the establishment of both parties was willing to use our troops and nuclear security as a form of giant human shield to damage him.

    That being said it seems that a lot of his supporters have seen through that as it’s explained then they come to realize it and may still defend him over it.

    Where I think he really damaged himself was with the bumpstock ban. He gained nothing and ended up creating an opening for more gun control at the federal level.

  34. Good point about Trump signing the bill for the military funding in preparation for war. Things really do seem to be spiraling out of control everywhere. I read where Erdogan mentioned something about creating a 57 nation Islamic army to destroy Israel. Not to mention Russia, Syria and Iran. Then we’ve got China and NK, and don’t forget India and Pakistan.I pray we aren’t headed for WWIII, but it’s hard not to see it.

  35. I dont have a problem with banning bumpstocks personally. If full auto weapons are illegal then why should any attatchments that makes them that way legal?

  36. Because it’s not about bumpstocks.

    1. There’s a very valid reason that automatic fire has been tied to one trigger pull = multipule rounds per minute and not rate of fire. All bumpstock bans that have been put out so far base it on rate which means in theory if they want to push it, they could declare most firearms and firearm accessories as machineguns if they wanted.

    2. We’ve been able to stave off gun control at the federal level for 20 years because if you support gun control you will lose your seat. If we don’t oppose Trump over this we do look weak. If we do and remove him then the dems will end up with the whitehouse and both houses next go around, and then there will be no holding them back. In short, politically it’s a lose, lose situation.

    3. It encourages a disdain for the the law and federal authority. Gunowners are getting tired of being held responsible for the actions of the lawless and government failures. Everyone I’ve talked to plans to ignore it. This is going to become more of a problem considering we’re in the early stages of the 3d printing revolution.

    4. It’s totally unconstitional along with every other gun ban in the country. Not only that, but you just had a president unilaterally declare something illegal.

    5. It’s not that Barak Obama and the BATFE declared them legal. They will try to ban everything that comes along. They didn’t with bumpstocks because there is literally no way under the law as written to ban them. They tried and they couldn’t.

  37. Hi Ben,

    The progressive agenda is always about banning all firearms. They will never be appeased by giving them a inch. They know they cannot have the all powerful tyrannical government they want as long as the population is allowed to have firearms.

    Many want to pretend that the 2nd Amendment was about guns for hunting but the no infringement of firearms clause was put in the Bill of Rights to prevent the take over of America by enemies foreign or DOMESTIC. The 2nd amendment was put there to prevent the tyranny such as what happened in Germany, Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba and now Venezuela and the domestics sell outs to global communism that are now trying to establish leftist tyranny in America.

    Conservatives better wake up because if they give up their firearms millions of them will later be rounded up and marched to places that they do not want to go.

  38. Yeah Don, I definitely agree with you on that.

    Bumpstocks were in essence a very convenient camel’s nose under the tent.

  39. This is a late addition to this commentary but wanted everyone to know that perhaps all is not lost in California. I live in Southern California, in the County of Orange. It’s a conservative enclave. Yesterday our county board of supervisors voted to join AG Sessions lawsuit against California’s sanctuary state policy. In addition, our sheriff Hutcheson is finding ways around the sanctuary policy as well. Our state attorney general Becerra (a commie if there ever was one) threatened to have Sheriff Hutcheson arrested. Her response: “I wouldn’t advise it.” I was giddy with joy. Maybe the gelatinous spines of these officials are finally starting to harden. Hope springs eternal!

  40. What little I know. But if God doesn’t want us empty handed or ways to Protect and Defend ourselves against the Enemy. Had our Firearms that might not have been around today for the trouble America has gotten herself into. “The Survival Guide for Dummies” Ha, I am already looking at & going to try to start doing w/o getting Sidetracked. Last but not least. Staying on Track with the Writings,& Scripture reading will get us through the hard times I Believe how ever that may be. But I am still Praying for the Rapture, for my Loved Ones and myself and as for everyone. I thank the Lord Don, that you were put here for such a time as this to help give us all some Hope! As we fill the Day ever so close and approaching.
    Thank you Lord for Don.

  41. Back in Paul’s Day in Scripture Reading was Paul told not to take up Arms against the Persecution of the Christians & Jews? My understanding was he did not. But I don’t understand why. If it was because love conquers all it may have been a different Concept back then. Not saying the same does not apply today. But did anyone see the movie “Paul the Apostle,” that has recently came out in the Theaters? It spoke on this very same Subject and it seemed they had their differences about it if I understood it right. Love All, Linda

  42. Sorry I couldn’t get the rest in. But the Movie I meant to say or “The Apostle Paul,” was very Moving and cut to the Core. Blessings, Linda. Don, I hope I got this on the right one? You know us Dummies, Ha!

  43. Hi Linda,

    Israel was occupied by Rome and subject to the laws of Rome. Those that took up arms against Rome would be swiftly killed by the Roman authorities. The only people that had arms was the people the Roman Empire allowed to have arms. That is not the case in America that has a government of the people and by the people that in our Constitution says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

    Paul’s commission was to give Gentiles the gospel of Christ. Not to lead a rebellion again Rome.

  44. Appreciate that clarification. It helps to understand a little better to know that during that time And to know we really have that Freedom is a Godsend to the right ones the ones that understand what that means. We have the Good, Bad and Ugly. As stated will always be until Christ’s Return. To me it explains that even though our Founding Fathers tried to do the right things their was still Wars and Bad People in the World. And even the Good ones still make Mistakes too. But I definitely Agree with you and always have on this Matter because if We the People did not have the Right to bear arms regardless of anything Else. I don’t think America would be around today for Obvious Reasons. My Thoughts Don, Blessings and Thanks again. Your Wisdom and Knowledge is very much appreciated.