Global cooling of 2030’s brings Gog invasion against Israel?

The global cooling of 2030’s could be one reason for the Gog invasion of Israel prophesied by Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39. We really don’t know what the mention of the hook in the jaw is all about so I am not saying that the global cooling of 2030 would be the only reason. I will explain why global cooling probably is in the picture shortly. First, I want to point out a few things about the current global warming narrative that socialistic fascists and their useful idiots are trying to force everyone to believe.

If there was sound science behind the global warming hype, the pushers of it would not need to resort to name calling and threats against those that deny that climate change is being caused by humans. The pseudo science about CO2 (carbon) causing global warming is based on faulty climate models that cannot even duplicate recent past temperatures, yet predict temperatures far in the future.

Even so, socialist controlled education and media use these flawed models and use cherry picked data to bring about mass hysteria in the herd that blindly follows their bull. They use threats and intimidation to silence climate experts that do have valid scientific arguments against the rather silly carbon caused global warming narrative. They do not want to deal with scientific evidence that is contrary, because the global warming agenda is not about truth, it is about putting nations under global government control.

The Bible tells us that the religious Harlot and the kings of the earth will fornicate together. We are seeing that fornication occur today between religions leaders and national leaders promoting the godless secular humanism socialism of the UN.

World leaders have gathered together in Paris to come to some agreement on how to reduce carbon caused global warming, but there is no man-made global warming occurring. There were warming trends on earth before the industrial age and there was a cooling trend when carbon was rising between 1940 and 1970. That is what brought about the fears of another ice age in the 70’s. The earth is always trending warmer or cooler, but humans have little or nothing to do with it.

Anyone can find out the truth about the carbon based global warming fraud through an internet search. I suggest that you do that if you are inclined to believe the hype. What one believes about carbon caused global warming is a pretty good litmus test to identify those who still think critically and those indoctrinated by socialist group think.

Most people in the world are deceived by group think cults. The religions of Catholicism, Islam, New Age, Secular Humanism and Radical Environmentalism are just five of thousands of satanic mind control cults that control most people on earth.

Where is the catastrophic global warming?

According to satellite data, the earth has not experienced any global warming since Al Gore blew his great yarn about the ice melting. The earth based data has been manipulated by globalist socialists and greedy “scientists”. Just follow the money. Those that come up with support for global warming get grants from socialists and those that find evidence that global warming is bunk get ostracized. But, even the manipulated earth based temperatures shows no catastrophic global warming.

Contrary to what they want you to believe. There is no melting of the ice caps. The ice at Antarctica is increasing and temperatures have trended colder there lately. The melting observed in one area of East Antarctica is caused by volcanic activity under the ice in that area. Part of the Arctic has less ice than usual but the area around Greenland has more ice than usual. There are always changes in the in the ice pack due to ocean and atmospheric currents. The overall ice cover at the Poles is not shrinking.

The ocean levels overall are not rising. The ocean acidic level are not increasing either. Increased CO2 is not harmful to the planet and does not cause global warming. Rising CO2 levels actually are beneficial for plant life and it increases crop yields. It is too rare a gas to have much of an effect on temperature. Water vapor is far more abundant and it is the prime agent in the atmosphere effecting temperatures.

Glaciers are melting in some areas of the world but they increasing in other areas of the world. That is not due to global warming, it is due to always changing climate patterns. Severe storms are not increasing on the earth, in fact the recent trend is quite the opposite. Climate is always changing on earth. Man really has nothing much to do with it. You can blame God and his sun for most climate change on the earth.

The global warming “crises” was invented by the globalist elite to help bring about global socialism run by the elite. Most of the world leaders know that global warming is not any kind of crises, but they find going along with the agenda useful. The global socialists intend to tax carbon to redistribute wealth. It is a UN led socialist wealth redistribution scheme and a way to force globalist UN sustainable development programs on everyone.

Many of the leaders of the richer nations are part of this global conspiracy and the elite of the poorer nations personally will benefit from it. And as you know, the Pope is also pushing the globalist agenda as are other religious leaders. Rich nations will be ripped off by a carbon tax scheme and higher energy prices and the poor people in undeveloped nations will not be able to afford energy and will become dependents of the power elite. The money from a carbon tax scheme will mostly go to people and projects promoting the global secular humanist agenda.

The father of the lie.

Globalism is being driven by the Devil and the proof of that is its godless secular humanism. They want you to believe that there is no God in control. Globalists also are antichrist. They do not want you to believe in any second coming of Christ to rule the earth from God’s perspective. They really do hate Christians and Jews and they will seek to imprison or kill them if they are given half a chance.

If you want a good litmus test to test “Christian” leaders until the Tribulation, here it is. Any “Christian” leader that promotes the socialist secular humanist UN agenda is really a wolf in sheep’ clothing.  A buzz word that they like to use is social justice. It is also called the social gospel.

The global cooling of 2030’s

Now having said all that,  I want to tell you that global cooling may be a real threat in our very near future. I am not just saying that because I believe God will make fools of them. He does not have to. Secular humanists are already fools. I also am not just trying to be contrary when I say Global cooling of 2030’s is more likely than any significant global warming. I believe there is evidence from both a scientific secular viewpoint and from a biblical one that global cooling will usher in the end of this age. The global cooling of 2030’s might in fact be a prime reason for the Gog invasion.

From the scientific secular viewpoint, sun spot cycles have a direct correlation to solar output. Scientists have observed that in solar cycles when there were few sun spots the earth was much cooler. The name given to that observation is called a Grand Minimum or another Maunder Minimum.

A solar cycle lasts about 11 years. Solar cycle 24 is the present cycle that we are now in. This cycle is past its peak and heading toward the end of the cycle. It is weakest sun spot cycle seen for 100 years. Solar cycle 23 was far weaker than cycle 22 and cycle 24 is far weaker than cycle 23 so we do have a trend toward less sun spots with the last few cycles. The next solar maximum will come around 2022. Scientists studying solar fields say that this solar cycle 25 is expected to be an even weaker than cycle 24. Some also say that solar cycle 26 may have few if any sun spots at all. 

Certain scientists claim that they now can predict a Maunder Minimum that will decrease solar output and bring colder temperatures on the earth for a period. They say it occurs when two known solar waves become exactly out of sync. They say that this will occur in cycle 26 in the years 2030-2040. An article about that mini ice age theory is found here.

From a biblical viewpoint, we know from Ezekiel 38 and 39 that in the latter days Gog comes down against Israel. The passage specifically mentions Gog coming down for silver, gold, cattle, and goods, to take away a great spoil. Most Bible scholars believe that Gog is a Russian leader. Most Bible prophecy students have a hard time taking the cattle and goods literally, but I suggest that they should.

What has been confusing to scholars is that no geopolitical reason is given in Ezekiel for Gog to come down against Israel. According to the text, Israel also happens to be living securely at that time, so it’s not like they are in an ongoing state of belligerence when Gog decides to invade. If geopolitical events were the reason, one might think there would be some mention of that in the text. However, it simply says that Gog comes down to carry off gold, silver, cattle and goods and take away a great spoil.

Now think about why Gog might want to carry off Israel’s wealth? Perhaps there is a great famine in Russia and elsewhere because of crop failures called by a drop in solar activity and colder temperatures on earth. Israel is like a garden. It already produces much of the produce for Europe and Russia. Starving people north of Israel that had a great army would covet what Israel has. Paper currency would quickly lose all value in a time of world famine. That makes Gold and Silver the currency of exchange. Cattle and other livestock and goods would be in short supply. Russia might need the livestock to rebuild herds decimated by the cold.

The prophetic big picture?

I cannot say for sure if Gog will come down before the tribulation or during the tribulation but the 2030-2040 timeline for the next Grand Minimum is very intriguing. It could set the date of the Gog invasion. Jesus said there would be great famines on the earth and Revelation says likewise at the third and fourth seal. Could the Gog invasion be the great war of the fourth seal?

2030 is also interesting because Putin plans to have the Russian military fully modernized by around 2025. The army they have today really could not fulfill the splendidly equipped army that Ezekiel describes, but the Russian army and coalition of 2030 could.

The text indicates that Persia and others come with Gog. I am inclined to believe that Russia will once again control much of Asia, Europe and the Middle East at the time of this invasion. According to Ezekiel, the main protest for the Gog invasion seems to come from Arabia and the young lions nations that were once under the old lion – Great Britain.

The Soviet Union may have been a secular foreshadow of the Russian Empire that will soon be rebuilt as a pseudo Christian response to the Islamic threat. The present Islamic invasion of Europe with its violence will change hearts and minds. Nations in Eastern Europe will look to Russia for self-defense. Western Europe without the US is military weak. It is not going to defeat Islam and it certainly is no match for Russia.

Putin is quite open about the role that he believes is his destiny. Putin believes that he is the new Tzar of the Third Holy Roman Empire. He believes he will save the Holy Roman Empire from the Islamic threat.

Perhaps it is time to think outside the box. The fourth beast of Daniel is the Roman Empire but it never ceased to exist. This fourth beast is said to devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces (Dan 7,23). It is the last beast before the Lord’s Kingdom.

In these latter days, Global cooling could be the prime destabilizer of nations resulting in the events revealed under the fourth seal of Revelation. If there was worldwide famine caused by global cooling, populations would have to be reduced and the best way to reduce them is through great wars.

The decade of 2030-2040 is very likely to be the time that Revelation describes for many reasons.  The global cooling of 2030 may or may or may not actually take place. I would not set my conjecture on this in concrete, but I would watch the sun and the global temperatures. This might all happen after the Rapture or after the destruction of the United States. In that case, preparing for the Global cooling of 2030’s is not going to do believers much good anyway.

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Global cooling of 2030’s brings Gog invasion against Israel? — 19 Comments

  1. A very interesting article Don. The global warming farce just continues to be held in place by a powerful deception! I am trying to figure how the roots of the global warming nature worship movement. There must certainly be roots going back to old testament Biblical days.


  2. Don, great points on climate change. Do you think the elitists had to change the name from global warming to climate change since it was evident that the earth was not warming, and also to save face for when temperatures begin to fall? Also, I read the link for Putin. Very good read. It reminded me of you post about Gog and if he could also be the AntiChrist. Putin is creating quite a stir and even a following here in America it seems.

  3. Hi Steve,

    I suppose changing to the words climate change was done to get more people frightened. Global warming would not be much of a threat to people living where the climate is cold.

  4. I totally agree Don, these socialist Gov’ts, want to control the people, carbon taxing is one way to make the populace totally dependent on Gov’t handouts, once you have the people dependent on you they control your destiny. This satanic movement is evident, it is obvious that each and every time we do happen to hear the word “GOD”, I ask myself which God, the God of the Muslims, the God of the Hindu’s, or Just God whomever you may think him to be. I believe that all is going as prophesied and that GOD, the Great I am, the God of the Jews, or as we Christians know him Jesus. This Muslim migration will end in bloodshed, and what happened in California is just the beginning. Getting back to the so called climate change I agree it is all a great Lie from the pit of hell, keep praying for your families and your friends, for the remnant that will see God.

  5. Hi all,

    Global cooling may well play into end times,along with other causes,but could be exacerbated by war,like nukes,or burning oil wells,and even a volcanic eruption. What ever the hook is,I’m inclined to take God’s Word more literally too as far as spoils go. I have been very vocal about fighting the global warming/climate change crowd. For those who may be unsure,here is a great documentary on the subject.

    The Great Global Warming Swindle!

  6. Hi Don,

    Just skimming drudge and saw this from one of my favorite sources for climate truth.

    Climate depot is a leading organisation in the fight against the global lying UN and their delusional cohorts. They too have a new film that they premiered recently. If you are not a subscriber to the newsletter I highly recommend it.

  7. Hi Don,

    I do believe you are correct. I’m sure I read this post back when you first published it, but it was all new again to me rereading it now. Martin Armstrong believes so firmly in cooling that he moved his entire company from New Jersey to Florida. As far as the Roman Empire being the final kingdom goes, after reading Mark Davidson’s book “Daniel Revisited”, I’m seeing where the idea of Islam fulfilling that role makes a lot of sense. Davidson makes a compelling case in the first half of his book, although I think the last section of it where he talks about the 4 signposts goes a bit off the rails. Have you read the book?

  8. Hi Doug,

    No I have not read the book but people should not suddenly change orthodox beliefs about Daniel interpretations just become someone came up with a theory based on creative interpretations and present threats to Israel.

    Islam is not going to fulfill the role of the Roman Empire. Everyone is fishing for new theories because they cannot see how these things will be fulfilled in their early timelines. So just make the Islamic Mahdi the Antichrist and it all fits. No. This stuff really does not make sense.

    John Haller just said that he thinks the prophecy about the He Goat and the Ram in Daniel 8 is still in the future. Everyone with any knowledge of this prophecy knows it was fulfilled by Alexander the Great. It seems that some people are using scripture to make it fit their conjectures instead of going with classical interpretations that were believed because of the overwhelming evidence. I wonder what evidence they have for such conjectures other than to say it fits what they want to believe?

    The prince that makes the covenant comes out of the area of the old Roman Empire. So unless one thinks Islam is taking over Greece, Rome and the EU in the next decade or two Islam does not fit.

    What might happen is what I suggest in a recent post. The person that makes the covenant could come out of the Vatican and the Vatican forms an alliance with Islam to create the Harlot of Revelation 17. Keep in mind, that the False Prophet has two horns like a Lamb but speaks as a Dragon. False prophets come out of religion. The two horns probably represent two Abrahamic religious being controlled by Satan. Roman Catholicism and Islam could get together on common satanic ground.

    As I have said before, it probably occurs because of the lying signs and wonders that include supernatural Marian deceptions. People in both religious will believe anything that claims to have come from Mary.

    In any case, Islam could be the reason why nations come against Israel in the Gog war but that is not the war where all nations come against Jehovah. The demons that come out of the mouth of the Beast and false prophet deceive the whole world and bring all nation to the valley of Jehoshaphat.

  9. Hi Don,
    I’m not going to defend or poo-poo any theory, as I find them all interesting, and some may even contain kernels of insight that have been overlooked. I will, however, suggest that you might want to read the book before making a judgment. Read it if only to keep abreast of what some current thoughts are. As far as orthodox interpretations go, Davidson makes a point in saying that the book of Daniel was sealed up until the end. If that’s true, then all orthodox interpretations are likely in error — otherwise, what would have been the point of God sealing the book? I think what eventually unfolds will surprise everyone.

  10. Hi Doug,

    People are coming up with nonsense all the time and I see no reason to keep supporting such people by buying their books or even wasting my time with their private interpretations. What percent of Bible prophecy books written over the last hundred years are still relevant today? Just the few percent that did not go off into contemporary fulfillment conjecture.

    Most of the books that I bought on Bible prophecy over the years never get pulled out of my bookcase again became the conjectures they came up with were wrong. Any interpretation of Bible prophecy that is not pretty common to most people that study prophecy and take it literally always seems to be proven wrong.

    The only part of the book of Daniel that is sealed up is what has not happened yet.

    The book of Daniel is a progressive revelation to Israel of what occurs until the 70 weeks of years are fulfilled. It is the history that started with the exile of Jews to Babylon. If anyone is going to take the position that everything was sealed up until the last seven years they might as will discard the book of Daniel as a prophetic book that ever tells the Church anything. You could not even establish that there would be a last seven years without the literal fulfillment of the first 69 weeks of years by Jesus. Anything occurring after that is occurring in the last days.

    The facts are that most of the visions of Daniel were already fulfilled in history and that is why we know that Daniel was a prophet and the rest of what he said will also literally be fulfilled. The history in the book is so accurate that history scholars have thought that the book of Daniel was written at a much later date than has now been proven to be the case.

    Now along comes the prophecy revisionists that say that end time events will not happen as Bible prophecy scholars believed because they have a private interpretation unique to them. What they really do is read current events and then make it fit Bible prophecy. Then they write a book on 99 reasons why the Beast is Islam. Others over the centuries have come up with 99 reasons why the Roman Catholic Church is the Beast. And of course there are countless other private interpreters such as 99 reasons why the Bible does not teach a Rapture or 99 reasons why Jesus will return on the day after tomorrow.

  11. Very well said Don. Another example of cyclical warming & cooling of the Earth would be the Vostok ice core, which I’m sure you know. For me personally, I noticed the world really start to accelerate toward the edge of the cliff right before the tech bubble burst in the late 90’s. It’s been all down hill now & at warp speed. Friends & family who have joined the politically correct, herd mentality gestapo have made the world a little less inhabitable. They have been turned over to a reprobate mind. Always enjoy your writing and honesty. Thanks much Don.

  12. Hi Don,

    1. What do you think about theory that war described in chapters 38 and 39 in book of Ezekiel will take place after end of millenium when Satan will be loosed?

    2. Can Dubai might be “chaldean Babylon” described in Revelation? If not, why will Satan rebuild Babylon near Baghdad? Is He (Satan) so confident?

  13. 3. In order to deceive Jews, Satan will have to forge the prophecy of 70 weeks, because time is short (to year 6000 according jewish callendar stayed only 222 years) weeks will be taken literally that is 70 weeks are 490 literal days. Whether is it possible in such a short time to fulfill the prophecy about 4 wild beasts?

    The second option to deceive Jews, there will be spread another gospel, that the messiah didn’t come in the flesh but in the spiritual way, that the prophecy of 70 weeks is only a metaphor.

  14. Hi Luke,

    Read the chapters, there is no way that the narrative in Ezekiel 38 and 39 can take place after the millennial reign. It does not make sense. Ezekiel 39 ends with the restoration of the promised kingdom. The only reason people come up with such nonsense is that Gog and Magog are also mentioned in Revelation at the rebellion at the end of the millennium. Gog and Magog is just identifying locations like east and west not wars.

    The Bible says where Babylon is. It is in Iraq where the ruins of Babylon is today. I wrote an article on it. Also read chapter 17 and 18 of my Revelation commentary on Babylon

    I think the UN will be shut down in the U.S.and moved to Rome. After the Antichrist rises from the dead the world headquarters will be moved to Babylon Iraq. Where the rebellion against God all began it will end.

  15. Luke,

    The Jews are already deceived. Satan does not have to counterfeit a Christian interpretation of a prophecy that the Jews do not even believe in order to get the Jews to make a covenant with the Antichrist.

  16. i wonder when this great financial center will be built in iraq, if the 2nd coming is to occur in the 2030’s then this great center will have to be built soon. Iraq just seems in ruins and not technologically advanced enoguh.

  17. Hi Alex,

    I expect the rebuilding to happen after one of three things. 1. Iran is bombed and in revolution and taken out of the equation. 2. Iran takes over the area. 3. New York is no longer a suitable place for the world headquarters.

    When globalist talk about moving the UN out of New York I think they will start the rebuilding of Babylon. Rome may be just be a temporary location until Babylon can be rebuilt.

    The city also may be built as a Shiite response to the great city recently announced by MBS of Saudi Arabia. If oil prices keep rising, people in these oil nations will get ideas to spend all the new revenue.

    Keep in mind that Revelation 17 and 18 is talking about more than a city. A city will represent the satanic religious and economic system at the end of this age but the city itself does not have to fulfill everything said. Read my Revelation Commentary for a full explanation.

  18. Hi Alex,

    I do not discount that Babylon is wealth and religion like Wilfred says. I explain that in my Revelation Commentary in chapters 17 and 18.

    What economic Babylon really is is the Satanic economic systems of the world since Babylon. On the other hand, Mystery Babylon is the satanic religious systems of the world since Babylon. Both will join together under global government at the end of this satanic ruled age.

    Where I would differ is that I think both the religious system and the economic system will be identified with real cities at the end of the age when the Antichrist is ruling on earth.

    Babylon the Great is the name that God gives the satanic worldly counterfeit Kingdom of God. That is why believers are told to separate from it.