Grave statistics that explain how serious the problem is among Christian adults

This survey obviously points out the real problem in our nation, unbelief or a departure from the faith, AKA apostasy.

An Urgent Report! Code Blue: Churched Students and Families in Final Throes of Worldview Crisis – CWN: “Researchers of the problem continue to come up with increasingly grave statistics that explain how serious the condition is. Among Christian adults:

• 64% believe moral truth depends on the situation;
• 60% believe male/female co-habitation outside of marriage is acceptable;
• 55% believe a good person can earn his or her salvation;
• 44% believe Jesus Christ committed sins while on earth.[1]

And consider the peril of college students:

• 67% of college professors approve of homosexuality;
• 84% of professors approve of abortion;
• 65% embrace socialist and communist ideals;[2]
• 88% of students from “Christian” homes deny their faith before they graduate from college;
• 91% of students from evangelical churches do not believe in absolute moral truth.[3]”

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