A Religious UN in Rome is proposed.

Powerful figures have proposed a body that will speak with a united voice for world religion. I don’t thing that this should surprise Bible prophecy students or the fact that it will be set up in Rome. Revelation says the Harlot woman rides the Beast and the Harlot woman sets up in a city that could only be Rome.

Prophecy News Watch – Biblical Prophecy in the News

The leader of the Italian Democratic Party, Walter Veltroni, today proposed the creation of an ‘Organization of Religions Nations’ Rome-based, and said that the idea’ liked ‘by both the secretary of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, and Pope Benedict XVI.Veltroni explained that his idea is the creation of a ‘palace of religions’ in Rome, like the United Nations in New York, where representatives of all faiths of the world can’ meet and talk among themselves.

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