A world government by 2030 AD?

The EU is just the pilot project for a world government. The North American Union is just one other leg in that world government. They are doing the same thing in Africa and elsewhere. All this fits into my own time line that the Beast government of Daniel and Revelation will come into power about 2030 AD.

WorldNetDaily: One final, treasonous act before calling it a decade “Blair’s worst betrayal, however, was of British national sovereignty. Above all, this will be his lasting historical legacy. It was bad enough to increase central power in Britain itself, but far worse was his agreement to voluntarily abandon Britain’s national veto in 40 distinct areas while denying the British people the opportunity to either confirm or reject this abase surrender of national sovereignty. What is particularly disgusting about this particular betrayal is all three major parties had agreed before the last national election that the British people must be consulted by referendum before any such surrender of sovereignty would be signed by their government.
In one treacherous act, Tony Blair appears to have achieved what the legions of Julius Caesar, Philip II, Napoleon and Hitler could not – the involuntary subjugation of the British people to a continental power.”

The significance of Tony Blair’s betrayal of the British people to Americans is that their own political leaders are in the process of doing exactly the same thing to them. NAFTA and the Greater North America Co-Prosperity Sphere (or Security and Prosperity Partnership for North America, if you insist on literal, not metaphorical, accuracy) are analogous to the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community. Both the ECSC and EEC historically presaged the European Union as NAFTA and SPP are the entities designed to pave the way for the North American Union.
For those who are skeptical that either George Bush or the Democratic Congress would ever betray American national sovereignty, I simply note that the 50th anniversary of the European Union took place on March 25th this year, which celebrated the 1957 signing of the Treaty of Rome that established the EEC, not the 1992 signing of the Treaty of the European Union. If the North American model follows the European timeline, and there is every indication that it is doing precisely that, the end of the United States of America will take place before 2030.

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