After the crash will the nation go back to faith and moral values?

Derry Brownfield is probably correct after the crash the nation cannot go back to faith and moral values that they never had.

Derry Brownfield — When the Stock Market Crashes?

I don’t expect so see the majority of the population go back to old-fashioned values. How can we as a nation develop faith, morals, principles, ethics, ideals and Biblical standards when they have never been taught to this generation? It’s only the older generation that sang Christmas Carols, prayed in school, and heard old-fashioned sermons condemning sin and teaching repentance. Our people have been taught the Bible is full of hate speech, prayer should never be heard in a public place, it’s alright to murder unborn babies and the golden rule is to “do unto others before they have a chance to do unto you.”

January 25, I discussed the crash of 1929 and how we may or may not be affected if another panic occurred. I received an e-mail from a listener named Eric. Eric said, “I’m listening to your show daily and learning. Today you talked about the stock market crashing. When the stock market crashes, I wonder if Americans will still need to eat out once a day, or even once a week; I wonder if we will still pay millions of dollars to athletes who, on the whole, possess no socially beneficial skills. I wonder if those of us who live in the boondocks will still drive hours to the nearest shopping malls just to save a few dollars; I wonder if we will plant vegetable gardens instead of flower gardens; I wonder if trees will be cut down for firewood instead of used to smoke barbeque; wonder if the gaming casinos will fold-up or whether it will be the churches? A generation of a country ignorant of its shortcomings is a scary thought.”

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