America aids China and loses Latin America

While we are so busy buying Chinese crap and spending over $200 billion more then we are buying from China every year the Chinese are taking our money and doing with it what we should have been doing in Latin America. Therefore, we paid China to undermine our own hemisphere. You can thank all the politicians and Corporate globalists who moved our jobs and technology to China so they could fill their own pockets at our expense. You can also thank yourself every time you buy that Chinese peace of crap that will break down in a year or poison your kids and pets. If you want this trend to continue just keep buying Chinese.

NewsMax – America’s News Page: “The Asian economic tiger is aggressively making inroads in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean as it seeks the resources to feed its super-heated economy. Some critics wonder if China’s involvement will supplant the United States’ near-hegemonic role in terms of trade and finance. “

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2 thoughts on “America aids China and loses Latin America

  1. You may have lost already in Latin America. Remember when there was a summit in Argentina to establish a FTA between the U.S. and Latin American nations? Virtually nothing could be agreed upon and the summit ended with no results. I think only former Mexican president Vicente Fox had more favorable views. Many Latin American countries are increasingly turning anti-American and the large majority of Central and South American nations are ruled by Socialists that seek to unite against U.S. ‘imperialism’, especially in South America. Maybe that’s why these nations want Free Trade with the PRC instead of the U.S. After all, I guess you could say they and the PRC ideological buddies. Even Central American nations that formerly only maintained relations with the ROC (Taiwan) now have relations with the PRC.

    And by the way, you mentioned the ASEAN but I just found out there’s a similar and more far-reaching agreement among South American nations to establish a supranational EU-like ‘Union of South American Nations’ with a common currency, common passports and so on. That’s about 370 mln people altogether, a little larger than the current U.S. population. Mercosur & the Andean Community are expected to merge during December of 2007 and a complete union should be established by 2019.

    I recall having read somewhere – it may possibly even have been on one of your blogs or your website though I’m not sure – that the world in the end times may consists of several huge power blocs… Well, it sure does start looking a lot like it! Btw, isn’t it odd that each time Liberals and Leftists embrace ‘free trade’ it always inevitably leads to the pan-nationalism and the creation of a union that is about more than economics and also involves common social, monetary and other policies? Just take a moment and compare this to the Chicago School economic policies of Pinochet in Chile. This ‘evil right-wing military dictator’ (and okay, he wasn’t holy) maintained national sovereignty, had free trade with other nations and never was at war. At the same time, he never sought to establish a huge supranational superpower and his country wasn’t a member of the WTO until 1995. Odd, eh?

    Anyway, as I was writing this I suddenly get overwhelmed by the feeling that having chosen to study Spanish instead of German as a third language in college wasn’t such a bad idea after all, haha!

    Hasta luegos,

  2. Yeah, we have probably lost Latin America already. Even Mexico almost went socalist last year.

    I think there will be ten horns on the Beast eventually. That end-time Beast world government with the ten horns is looking more and more like ten regional blocks of nations.

    Everyone now wants to get in a union of nations. They fear with good reason that if they don’t they will have no voice, no aid and no world trade.

    I am expecting Russia to announce a new Union before long and of course there are the Arab/Islamic nations if they can ever stop fighting each other long enough for that union to occur.

    There most likely will have to be a reginal war first.

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