Americans rejecting civil law and natural laws of God doom our nation

I wish I could tell people want they want to hear but that would make me just another liar. The truth is that it will not be long before American cities start burning and we wake up in a police state. The economy of America will go into further decline and before long the United States will no longer be united.

Some think this will happen because Americans have rejected God. That may be the reason why God will remove the special hedge of protection we have had but all nations on earth have rejected the true God and most remain as viable nations. Nations really fall when the people no longer obey civil laws and natural laws. When a nation becomes full of apathetic people, crooks and cowards that allow the nation’s predators to prey on the weak and the innocent, the fall of the nation is inevitable. That is now happening in America. I will give a few examples:

Civil Lawlessness

America now has 2.5 million people incarcerated at any one time. That number is 25 percent of  the people incarcerated in the whole world. For each criminal incarcerated in America there are several other criminals that were convicted but are not in prison for various reasons. For each of these criminals there are many other people that never were prosecuted or caught for their crime. Many crimes are not even reported because nothing will be done. The fact is that there are many millions of civil crimes committed in the United States each year. If someone were to call America a nation of criminals it would no longer be much of an exaggeration.

Among the baby boomer generation it became acceptable and almost fashionable to use illegal drugs. The baby boomers have aged but most have never grown up or given up their drug habits and now their children are also using drugs. Illegal drugs are now used by over half the population at one time or another in their lives.

Can a nation full of drug hypocrites successfully fight a war against drugs? The answer is no. We are losing the war on drugs and the militarization of our police against drug gangs means that we will lose our freedoms to boot. Illegal drugs are used by many top people in government and law enforcement as I speak. Our last three presidents admitted to using illegal drugs in their own lives.

So, what harm does this mass civil disobedience to drug laws bring on the American society? Did you know that most crime in this nation is done under the influence of drugs, or is done to get money to acquire drugs, or is a crime involving the sale or use of drugs? Our inner cities are under the control of  gangs that are mainly trafficking in drugs and the gangs and drugs are now moving to rural America. Most of the 16,000 murders in this nation each year involve drugs in one way or another. If natural laws of a civil society cannot be enforced it is either because the laws are not natural or the people in the society have become depraved. Take your choice, but do not think that America can survive a drug war of hypocrisy against itself.

Fraud and stealing is a pandemic in America, it is everywhere. Those that commit check fraud, identify theft, etc., are rarely prosecuted and even when convicted they almost always get off with a small fine and probation. Did you know that credit card companies and banks almost never go after these criminals? It is too much of an effort. The credit card companies often charge back the stores and the banks and they take the loss. All Americans end up paying the cost of these crimes with either higher prices on products and services or higher credit card interest rates. Since little or no action is taken against the criminals that are committing these frauds is it any wonder why identify fraud crime in America continues to soar?

If the law abiding citizens of America are going to allow this civil injustice and continue to elect prosecutors and judges that make crime pay they are going to increasingly reap the consequences.

Now we have a debt fraud epidemic in America. It is spreading among what used to be law abiding citizens. People that really could pay their debts see no civil or legal duty to pay them anymore. They just walk away from mortgages and other legal contracts. Trying to collect money owed in our justice system today is hardly an option.

Tax fraud is common in America but hardly ever prosecuted because it is difficult for government to prove intent. Many that owe the government end up paying only a small fraction of what is owed.

I have come to believe that Americans that steal are now in the majority. Some steal from other individuals, some steal from their employers, some steal from government, etc. Even our own government steals from taxpayers with its Robbin Hood tax laws and taxpayer bail outs.

America’s civil laws have allowed its next generation to be trashed through 50 million abortions. Along with that people used birth control usually for selfish unnatural reasons and that did the rest to insure that this selfish Baby Boomer Generation can never be supported in their old age. Nations that break natural laws about procreation will soon die of old age.

Sex promiscuity and sex perversion

Sexual intercourse outside of marriage among young people and unmarried adults is now expected in America. One half of all marriages end in divorce and the victims are children that grow up in one parent homes. Broken families produce broken people that produce broken families. The taxpayer ends up paying much of the costs for these one parent families.

America has become a nation that enables sex perverts.  The legalization of pornography all over the media is the number one reason for the rise in sex predators. They want to act out what they see. Unnatural lusts lead to mental diseases like pedophilia. The legalization and the promotion of homosexual practices with their promiscuous unnatural lifestyles was never allowed in civil society because it is against the natural order, it allows the rapid spread of deadly venereal diseases, and it is a cause of divorce. Believe it or not most homosexuals are or were married to someone of the opposite sex. America claims to be mostly Christian but it seems it has learned nothing from the Bible about the natural consequences of sex perversion.

Liars, cowards, and government dependents

America elects liars and cowards to lead them. The politicians they elect break every promise but the people keep electing them to office because they are mindless government dependents dwelling in Whats-In-It-For-Me-Land.

Few leaders anywhere have the guts to tell the truth about Islam and how evil now works in this nation through the lies of the far left, the  dhimmis and the communist idealists. The government cowards even redefine words in their directives to appease Muslim terrorists. This is done by politically correct cowards either fearing the Muslims or fearing their cowering bosses. They will not even say that a Muslim terrorist is a Muslim in fear of upsetting someone. The media will not even let the South Park comedy series say the word Muhammad.

Christian speakers that dare to tell us why Islam is evil are told by government that they are not welcomed. Those that document that Islam is evil are threatened to be killed by evil leaders in Islam. We are to believe that the Muslim scriptures do not say what they clearly say about killing those that will not submit to Islam because “Islam” means “peace”? No. Islam means submission to Allah and there is no peace in Islam. Islam is the biggest hate cult in the world but it is called a religion of peace by our elected government cowards and liars. How then can Americans escape the consequences when these Islamic predators see our appeasement as weakness. Under natural law the weak do not survive. Nations that appear weak will be attacked by predator nations.

America is doomed because the nation lives in some idealist false reality where natural laws of conduct for nations do not exist. The reality is that natural law do exist and civil law must exist and unless we come to our natural senses we are not going to doom our nation.

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7 thoughts on “Americans rejecting civil law and natural laws of God doom our nation

  1. Great Post! The truth is spoken here. America, indeed all mankind, is doomed.

    When God spoke this world into existence, natural laws were instituted which satan set about immediately to disprove. Among the first was, “ye shall not surely die”. Well who was the liar there? It amazes me that something as simple as a graveyard proves God’s laws absolute and people drive by one everyday yet still deny God’s truth.

    America, nay, mankind’s only hope is to turn to God, as Don stated, “…come to our natural senses” much as the prodigal son, who truly repented.

    Surely any parent with a teenager, can look at their room and understand the law of entropy. That order tends toward disorder, unless a higher power reorders. America is in need of a reordering. But I wouldn’t hold my breath.

    Just remember to pray, “thy will be done”

  2. Thanks Ken, That article actually got posted before I was even finished proof reading it. I was going to finish the article this morning but I see it was already published. I must of hit the publish button last night by mistake. I cleaned it up a bit now and added a bit.

  3. Why does American hate God and/or Truth? I do not know.

    Thank you for speaking the truth.

  4. Don, that is a really on the mark and well said post. I’ve been noticing for months now that even the simplist of things – the way we drive and the laws and courtesies that used to go along with it – are all just going out the window. People drive with only themselves in mind. I also have a relative (who claims to be Christian) who is in their mid-40’s – who thinks partying with their kids is not only acceptable, but also makes them a better parent, since their parents were so strict.

    It’s one thing to see how the industries/corporations/goverments are corrupt. Now its becoming clearn that its right down to street level.

    I know as Christians we should have an emphasis on love, but quite honestly, I can’t help but think, if this is starting to disgust us, the sinners, what must God feel? His wrath is going to be unbelievable. That’s another thing to that is going on today. We don’t talk about God’s wrath, it’s not politically correct. He’s a very balanced Deity, the level of His wrath will equate to the level of His love and I pray to Him I’m not around to see any of it.

    His will be done.

  5. Don – well said. There seems to be an escalation of disrespect by non-believers in America. You can go to church and be a non-believer if you do not bow your knee to Jesus.

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