America’s Feminized Postmodern Corporations Called Churches.

Real men in America that actually contend for the faith have become a rare commodity in the feminized government corporations that are now called our churches. Our individualist forefathers are now rolling in their graves wondering why men have allowed government and women to feminize America and the American Church.

The churches in America are now generally state licensed corporations. Churches have a corporate board that feels it must obey the laws of the State. Sit in any congregational business meeting and you will see that church business is conducted according to state corporate law rather than any biblical model.

Hitler’s Germany instituted such a system on Christian churches and 95 percent of the pastors went along with the State on everything, often teaching a Romans 13 interpretation that Christians must obey government. Don’t think for a minute that this cannot happen here. Pastors are already being indoctrinated by the state. In fact, there is an active government plan and training program that instructs pastors to use Romans 13 to convince people to give up their guns should the state order it during a national emergency. And it is quite obvious that most pastors would do just that. However, Romans 13 does not tell us to obey unlawful government.

Some  associations that churches have joined have become more  important than their denominational name. They might call themselves Creekers, or Purpose Driven, or Emergent rather than by their denomination. Many of the Evangelical churches in America from all denominations are now in lock step with the Willow Creek Association or claim to be Purpose Driven. Denomination affiliation is often downplayed in seeker churches because they think seekers might get turned off by the denominational name or the doctrine they teach. They often have little or no biblical doctrine in their own services anymore because for many of them biblical doctrine is divisive. Unity on good feelings and self help programs trumps unity on doctrine.

God forbid, that their church actually taught that absolute truths of scripture were absolute, and that those calling themselves Christians but living like pagans would not be admitted into membership or would not be retained in membership.

God forbid, that their pastors actually told the truth about leaders in this nation that are promoting evil instead of worrying about their 501 3C tax status. Who do they serve, God and His laws, the corporate state laws or the federal tax laws?

God forbid, that men showed up at meetings and acted like men rather than being led by the nose into another committee  that is overseeing another fluff program. Do you want to know why many men do not attend church? Some men do not want to attend a feminized Sunday ritual or be another peg in some peg board. Just fill the peg board and have all the same programs as the big churches and they will come is the thinking on many church boards. That’s how church growth is achieved in their minds. Some real men just do not see that God is in these things.

In the great revivals of the world, the converts were not converted in a church building on Sunday. Most true Christians that were converted found Christ elsewhere and then started attending a fellowship. Nothing has changed. Dependence on the Sunday service to save people is not converting America, and having only a Sunday ritual totally lost the people of Europe.

The lost find no reason to attend church. If the Church is going to be used to find lost souls, it has to move out of its comfort zone and out of its four walls. That means teaching the gospel with all its unvarnished truth to sinners and not just teaching some feel good message in a church building on Sunday. We do not gain anything by trying to appease those living in their sinful flesh.

Real Christian men by faith, confront the adversary and break down his strongholds. When Israel was in obedience, they conquered their enemies because all physically able men fought for God and country. (How would you like to have lived in the days when men were men and often died for God’s anointed and for what they believed?) Under David, some of these warriors earned the honor title of Mighty Men. They knew the life of flesh was not all there is, or even something that should be regarded over God, honor and nation.

Men that attend churches today often are not mighty because either they have no spiritual weapons, they were not trained to use them, or they cower like women. Prime example: when men choose to obey government or appease the politically correct feminized of the church (men or women) rather than stand firm for God.

The church gatherings were never for unbelievers anyway. They were for the already believing saints. The gatherings were training grounds to grow people in Christ into maturity through teaching of doctrine and through using of spiritual gifts. The gatherings were also to learn the physical needs of the members of the body of Christ and for mutual support and fellowship. Today we have made our churches big  containers of  ritual  wrapped in fluff to please the feminized.

If real men were running the churches today, they would actively take action against the ungodly that are destroying the innocent, destroying the Christian foundations of this nation and destroying their own communities. If we had real men leading, they would stand against the public school indoctrination and the trash on media that is destroying the minds and the souls of our offspring. They would take charge of their communities and not allow disrespect, vulgarity, rebellion, and crime in the streets. These things prevail because men do nothing.

What do you think the founders of our nation would do? Most risked their life for the truth that mankind has inalienable God given rights. They fought so people could be free of tyranny. Yet, today we see these inalienable rights are being taken away by a soft tyrannical government empowered by feminized men that think that government should be everyone’s Nanny. And today that nanny government is only one major crises away from becoming a hard tyrannical government, because real men that will take a stand for God and our Constitutional form of government, can hardly be found anywhere outside the State of Montana and a few other rural areas.

Can you imagine if the four songs and a sermon ritual found in almost all churches were interrupted by real men in the Church that would speak a message like Dave Daubenmire presents below. They did not want to hear it in the church that he used to attend.

While our nation is killing babies, our schools are indoctrinating Christian-kids in Secular Humanism and truth has fallen in the streets, our preachers are attending church-growth seminars, using ‘self-help” books to supplement the Bible, and chasing after the butts and bucks. They are fiddling while the nation burns, building their church rather than Christ’s Kingdom.

  • Public schools are destroying the faith of Christian children and the pulpits are silent.
  • Legislation is introduced to remove the rights of parents and the pulpits are silent.
  • Children are taught they came from apes and the pulpits are silent.
  • Millions of children are “medicated” to control their behavior and the pulpits are silent.
  • Gambling is promoted to pay for schools and the pulpit is silent.
  • Precious babies are being murdered in the womb and the pulpits are silent.
  • Planned Parenthood kills babies with our tax dollars and the pulpits are silent.
  • Judges make laws and the pulpits are silent.
  • Tolerance trumps Truth and the pulpits are silent.
  • Sodomy is granted legal protection and the pulpits are silent.
  • The institution of marriage is crumbling and the pulpits are silent.
  • Obama says the Sermon on the Mount justifies gay marriage and the pulpits are silent.
  • Government has replaced God as defender and provider and the pulpits are silent.
  • Faith-based initiatives invite the government into the Church and the pulpits are silent.
  • The IRS muzzles the voice of the Church and the pulpits are silent.
  • Taxes are levied to do the work of the Church and the pulpits are silent.
  • The Church locks arms with compassionate-conservativism and the pulpits are silent.
  • Children’s service agencies separate family members and the pulpits are silent.
  • Self-help books replace the Bible and the pulpits are silent.
  • A Purpose Driven Life is elevated above dying to self and the pulpits are silent.
  • G.W. Bush says Christians and Muslims worship the same God and the pulpits are silent.
  • The Constitution is ignored and the pulpits are silent.
  • Pagans pray to open a session of Congress and the pulpits are silent.
  • Our elected officials lie and steal and the pulpits are silent.
  • Private property is stolen by government and the pulpits are silent.
  • Mother Earth is protected more than Father God is defended and the pulpits are silent.
  • Illegal aliens over-run our borders and the pulpits are silent.
  • The entertainment industry celebrates debauchery and the pulpits are silent.

Full article by Dave Daubenmire

God forbid, that someone actually told the people the truth in our churches and that men in churches actually planned actions to do something about the evils that are destroying this nation, our children, and our churches.

Why is it that Chuck Baldwin can move to a small city in Montana and in months get hundreds of committed people to attend services at the church he just started, but you pastors cannot get real men to attend your church even with all your seeker friendly feely designer services? Perhaps, it is because Baldwin is saying what real men in Montana know to be the truth. Most real men see no point in attending a church that does not address and deal with the real problems of our nation and the Church.

What happens when real men tell the truth, even if the truth is not politically correct or popular? Ask Franklin Graham when he called Islam evil. Some of his worst critics were people that call themselves Christians. Ask Geert Wilders who is on trial in the Netherlands for saying the same thing. Ask men who were put out of their congregation for opposing the seeker gospel light feminized agenda in their church. Ask former pastors and church staff that were fired for just telling the truth and standing their ground and not going along with the latest church growth gimmick or the gospel light agenda. Ask Coach Dave Daubenmire what he thinks about our feminine churches.

The truth of the matter is that America is never going to get the understanding to deal with its dire problems if our own churches just have the wimps leading the brainwashed. Who will dare tell people the truth? Would pastors and church boards even allow real men to speak the truth to their congregations? I think you know the answer. They would not. They would think that someone’s feelings might get hurt. 😥  Somebody might even leave and go to the church down the road. Don’t rock the boat here; We like our comfort zone!

They have every PC program that they can cram in, and its all done in the name of doing God’s work…of course. Get with the program, or get run over! They insinuate that you’re standing in the way of a postmodern generation that can just feel God without knowing or understanding His written word.

Sure they can. That is why the vast majority of them now deny the absolute truths that even the basic Christian creeds taught.

We certainly would not want to upset anyone by allowing preaching that someone might think is negative! We cannot let anyone disagree with the latest teaching of one of the Christians gurus that we follow. That is being divisive. We cannot allow anyone to say any politician or party is bringing this nation to ruin, because some in the congregation that voted for them might be offended, and the IRS might hear about it and claim that we are no longer a church???  Lest anyone think I am being negative and hard on the men and against the women in the Church I will let one woman warrior speak in my defense. Even so…

The beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da

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27 thoughts on “America’s Feminized Postmodern Corporations Called Churches.

  1. Interesting timing as I am reading Hitler’s Cross by Irwin Lutzer. Not sure what rabbit trail I was on when I learned about the book, maybe even one of your discussions. Point being….

    National Socialism used masculinity, success and pride to build a very destructive system that rapidly engulfed every aspect of life including the church. Global Socialism seems to be building on feminization, collectivism, volunteerism and anything warm and fuzzy. The system being created is going to be just as draconian and insidious. Unfortunately, it will be too late when really good intentioned people wake up to the monster of a system they have created and participated. ALL will have to decide to serve the Lord or the state.

  2. Our government was founded on Christian priciples, this we know. Our form of government was meant for the self-governed, but is inadequate for those who do not know how to govern themselves. Our culture has emphasized the concept that we cannot possible take care of ourselves, but need an all powerful governement to serve that role. Ronald Reagan said “Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves. ” Our country and churches do need real men to take the lead, and live a controlled life by the power of God. People need something to rely on: God or government. God provides freedom and a system of accountability (through the law written in our hearts and the ministering of the Holy Spirit). The government provides tyranny, as it recognizes that an amoral people needs to be held accountable byway of endless list of rules, regulations and laws.
    The feminization of the church has weakened the church, and has lead to us being less reliant on God. Furthermore, our moral standards have weakened, which has not been addressed by strong leadership in the church. The body of Christ is meant to be a light to the world, which often times means going against the culture: this requires strong men.
    Bottom line: we get the kind of government we deserve. Currently we are deserving of a task-master. When we learn to govern ourselves (by being obedient to Christ), then we will deserve what was handed to us.

  3. That about covers the reasons we left a church that slowly became what you have described. CHRISTIAN PEOPLE; IF YOU HAVE A STRANGE, UNEASY FEELING THAT SOMETHING IS JUST NOT RIGHT IN YOUR CHURCH BUT YOU CAN’T EXACTLY EXPLAIN IT OR PUT YOUR FINGER ON IT BECAUSE THE HYPE JUST SOUNDS SO GOOD, get out! THE (sanctimonious) ENDS DO NOT JUSTIFY THE (cleverly marketed) MEANS. It’s really about getting more people to join, so you can have more money coming in, so as to support the gargantuan campus of the “christian corporation” which is a reflection of the “directors'” ego and man’s works apart from God. Ichabod

  4. Don,
    In reply to the your blog, the answer to your subliminal question is perhaps within the context of another;
    “However when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8
    The US has been slow in starting to play ‘catch up’ to the rest of the apostate world. It is a sad thing, but inevitable and inescapable. Praise God.

  5. I remember going to a bible study at my church a couple of months ago on a wendesday night. I was steadily going to one of the studies that I percieved to be pretty good scriptually, but I thought I would try the other one being offered to see what they had to say. I won’t go into detail about the content of the study, but suffice it to say that when asked how I liked the study by one of the elders, I remember saying that I felt like I just watched a “Feminique” commercial. Everything was said about feelings and relating and such, but nothing was said about ANYTHING remotely pertinent to anything that was happening around us or the world. Mind you, this is a church that is supposedly sold out to Jesus. I guess I should have realized that Jesus is, apparently a sensitive man of the 21st century, and He wants men who follow Him to be the same. Give me a break.

  6. Good article. However to take it one step further, what’s the difference between a 501c3 for a so called church and a social security number for a christian? Being they’re both from the same entity for he same purpose, control.

  7. They informed the people, that was the original purpose, but I don’t think the lies only started with recent administrations. But say they didn’t lie to the people back then, today when I take an honest look at them both, I see no difference. Without the SS# the government can’t (track) control the people. I believe if there’s a difference between the two, the SS# is far worse. Why would a child of God want to be so entangled in the socialist, God hating, program to begin with? Unless, out of fear, they choose to pay the thugs not to ransack their “business”.

  8. So you think some conspiracy started 70 years ago to track and control the People through Social Security numbers. I think that is ridiculous. It was not even allowed to be used as a source of identification until recently.

    I did not know that caring for the elderly and the disabled was a socialist God hating program and I am sure that most Christians then and now would disagree that it was.

    Why would a real child of God worry about being tracked by Government anyway if you have a government of the people and you are not doing anything wrong?

    Look Joe, Social Security was set up as an insurance program, it had nothing to do with muzzling free speech and has nothing to do with the feminization of Christianity. So either get on topic or more on. This is not the Alex Jones website.

  9. Right on Don. I personally knew a pastor who signed away his privilege of SS because of stupidity and bad information from other pastors back in the 70’s. He lived to regret that choice.

  10. Yeah, its like telling people not to pay income tax. Many are in jail or are in debt to government for following the advise of those selling rebellion. Even their peers in a court of law will not support them. With SS its easy to give up when you are young and healthy but many of our elders would be in the streets without it. Every advanced country in the world has a old age program.

  11. I live in the middle of Amish country PA. Say what you want (good and bad and you’d probably be right on both accounts) about them, but they stick together. The rest of the “Christian” community could learn some things from them about sticking together and presenting a unified voice. I believe they are exempt, in both paying and receiving benefits, of social security. But they also take care of each other, as a family. Doctrinally, they don’t get it, but socially,(that is to say, within their community) they do. I believe it was Augustine that wrote, “In the essentials, unity. In the non-essentials, liberty. In all things, Agape (Love).

    Also, make no mistake. Amish men are manly. And the women are too. 😀

  12. I live near Amish Country Mo. They still have lots of children so it seem that they are slowly taking over rural America.

    There was a day in America when families took care of their own but once everyone left the farm and moved to different areas of the country that gets tough to do. Maybe after the next world war or the EMP attack many that survive will live like the Amish. Probably not by first choice though.

  13. Regarding Romans 13 – The government willfully chose to not only sever it’s responsibility(ies), but to reverse them. Instead of chasing evil and dispensing good, the government has gone out of its way to dispense evil and chase good. Simply put, the government broke the deal. In other words, the deal’s off. Therefore, all of Romans 13 is null and void (sounds like that Judge in FL, hmmmm).

    More and more seem to be referring to an EMP as eventual versus possible. I agree. If it doesn’t happen before 2015, I would consider it long overdue.

    Glad to see Chuck (well, God and His spirit, through Chuck) is having great effectiveness after his move. Yes, that does speak volumes about the ineffectiveness of the emerging harlot. We sponsor a missionary who is having great success in the harvest South Of The Border. Not much chance of a harvest *north* of the border.

    In an interest twist… Mubarak is determined to finish out his term (rightly so), yet is criticized by the DEMs, yet the DEMs are the same ones who applauded Bill Clinton for finishing out his term – yet it was Clinton who trashed the justice system BY LYING UNDER OATH! and getting away with it, while the country not only looked the other way to the complete trashing of the very essence of justice, but supporting him. When Bill lied, people did die and continue to die and the result will be many more people will die – at the hands of the government (who is charged with dispensing good and chasing evil? Hardly these days).

    Yes, the deal is off.

  14. Sadly, a very true article. The church today mirrors society…..look at all the TV shows where the ‘man’ is always under the thumb of a supposedly super-smart, domineering woman who is the only ‘sensible’ thing keeping the family together. The man is constantly the butt of jokes and shown in every respect to be utterly incompetent, until his brave wife steps in to save the day. I always wondered why such a ‘smart’, capable woman would be so dense as to choose an idiot for a mate? Oh yeah – THEY DON’T! No, ‘smart women’ are the biblical ones who have real men as husbands. Goodness, I don’t even want to know what life would be like if my husband was even 1/10th like the men they show on TV – I mean….we have kids to raise!
    Fortunately, we are in a Godly church where the men are men and the women are women and each is glad…….but most churches around here in New England are either very, very charismatic or purpose driven, but in both cases extremely worldly.
    The feminized churches have turned BOTH our men and women into harlots.
    It all started way back when Rome embraced the church – Germany showed us it can still happen, and the gathering global church shows us it’s getting ready to again……..the interesting twist though is that this time it seems as though the church is the one embracing the Gov’t.

  15. Don:

    This article was a bit of a slap in the face and a wake up call. I am fortunate to be in a Bible teaching church, but I myself have gotten “too busy” and comfortable it seems.

    I write letters, weekly, to our “pretender in chief” and his cronies, but it seems that this is not enough.

    This article is a wake up call. Thanks

  16. Hey Don,
    I loved this quote from the Proctor article,

    When tribulation finally comes to America, many of today’s “Christians” will think God has turned His back on them or doesn’t really exist at all having never learned that loneliness, loss, betrayal, pain, rejection, scorn, sacrifice and suffering are all part of a faithful Christian’s walk.

    People have such a shallow view of what Christianity is supposed to be. What the pulpits of America deal with is not preparing the people to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
    Rick Warren wants to teach us how to loose the extra pounds and others will follow him.
    The people need to be taught, they need to be taught clear sound doctrine!

    I was in a meeting a few years back and told the senior pastor the people of the congregation were mostly immature believers. I was giving him an example of what I referred to, but got interrupted.
    It was funny as he looked from me then to one of his trusted advisors and the trusted advisor tried to soften the sting of what I had just said.

    I had intended to point out that there was immaturity amongst the church and it should be addressed, but it was quickly pointed out that the Pastor was teaching great and things were just great. Move along here nothing at all to see.
    It dawned on me at that point how out of touch with the true condition of the church the pastors can really be.
    When the churches get bigger it’s like a drug it’s intoxicating and can and does deceive good men.

  17. Interesting article to say the least but a lot wrong with it. What did Jesus say was the mandate of the Church? Preach the gospel to the world and make disciples, not overthrow Rome. American Christians need a good dose of persecution to drive them back to their knees in their prayer closets where they will find forgiveness for their own sins of greed, lust, and pride. Only then will God intervene. 2Chronicles 7:14

  18. The United States of America is a government of the people based on Constitutional law if Christians do not do what is necessary to keep it while that is still possible they will find themselves living under Rome and there is no overthrowing Rome.

    We also need to bring up our children in the way they should go and not let the state do it for us. The Church might start first doing that, because if it does not, it cannot carry out the great commission.

    Like many, your interpretation of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is flawed and I tell you why in this post.

  19. Don, I realize that the primary Interpretation of 2 Chron. 7:14 is referring to the nation of Israel, and I read your other article, on that we agree. In fact , I downloaded 25 pages of articles from your website and took them home last night and read them since I don’t have internet in my home. But you are wrong in saying its Application is only limited to Israel. Here’s why. God’s principles transcend time. God’s truth is eternal and endureth to all generations. The prophet Jeremiah basically repeated this principle in Jeremiah 18:5-10. Even though spoken by a Hebrew prophet you can see God was referring to nations in general. The truth of this is evidenced in Jonah 3:1-10 when people who were the enemies of Israel repented and God spared their city. God would have even spared wicked Sodom if there had been a small minority of 10 righteous in that place. I appreciate your website. It provokes thinking and thats a good thing.

  20. There is no way that 2 Ch 7:14 is a principle for those living in Gentile nations. I suggest you read the arguments in the article I presented to you in my last comment a little more closely. God’s principles transcend time but healing the land of Israel under Israel’s covenant of blessings and curses does not apply to the Church. Read the full context of the passage and not just one verse and you should see this.

    The wording in Jer 18 5-10 makes it clear that it applies to all nations and Jonah 3:1-10 is written about a specific Gentile nation. That is not the case in 2 Ch 7:14, it is a promise only for Israel under their own unique covenant.

    When God spared Nineveh the whole nation repented of their wicked ways if Christians in a nation repent of their own sins it is not national repentance. Since I addressed these arguments in my article it seems to me that you responded without even reading the article.

  21. Hi Don,
    Concerning John S’s post, something Walter Martin taught comes to mind.

    “Christians have a basic hermeneutical or interpretational position: the Old Testament is always to be interpreted in the light of the New Testament. Never the reverse. You may not build New Testament theology by quoting Old Testament passages without a link to the New Testament, which is the root of a great deal of heresy.”

    I’m not calling John S a heretic. All I’m saying is be careful of your interpretations.

  22. This is my last post. You will get the last word I’m sure but here’s my parting shot. I have read your article in its entirety (3), yes, three times. Reading it again and again will not change my mind. You spent most of your blog running down American churches and the men and women in them. 28 times you say “and the pulpits are silent,” but you never mention that the prayer closets are empty. You are more concerned with the evils of our nation than with souls going to Hell. You have an uncharitable attitude and manner of speaking and if I were an unbeliever reading your blog I would write you off as another religious nut. I go back to my original statement. American Christians need to get back in their own prayer closets and confess their sins and ask for God’s help. Only then will God intervene. Good-bye and God bless you.

  23. Sorry you feel that way. Of course I am going to get the last word, it is my blog.

    Funny thing, others have also quoted Ch 2 Ch 7:14 and applied it to the Church in America and then after reading my article some have changed their position. I guess some people read whatever they want into scripture.

    How would you know if the prayer closets are empty? You seem to think true Christians do not pray and you seem to want them to repent as if you know they are sinning? You are the one running down true Christians in America. You seem to confuse Christians with Americans that identify themselves as Christians and you seem to confuse religious institutions in America with the Church in America.

    This is a Bible prophecy and biblical discernment website and those coming here expect me to talk about relevant issues. If I write a lot about all those souls going to hell as you suggest I would not only be presumptuous I would lose my audience. What good is it to have a website that talks about souls going to hell if nobody in the world is going to read it? Besides, there are plenty of articles on this website they tell people how they can get saved.

    I try to tell people the truth and if you think doing that is being uncharitable I guess you will just go elsewhere. Unbelievers are always going to write true Christians off as religious nuts unless the Spirit is drawing them and they are seeking God. Unbelievers wrote Jesus and the Apostles off as religious nuts and millions have been killed for Christ because unbelievers thought they were religious nuts. So, I guess being looked at as a religious nut by unbelievers puts me in some outstanding Christian company.

    I don’t deny that American Christians need to pray and confess their own shortcomings to God. But, for true Christian to pray that God will heal a land that has willfully departed from Him seems to me to be praying against God’s will. Only discipline (judgment) from God will get people in America to repent from their wicked ways. Prayer from Christians to heal our land will not do it here anymore than it does in Haiti. Christians should pray for those in authority over them so that Christians are free to share the gospel and lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

    I don’t think true Christians in American need a good dose of persecution to drive them into their prayer closets like you said. I think many Americans that usually identify with Christianity actually need to be converted to Christ.

    If I am wrong about what I said in this article or on 2 Ch 7-14 provide biblical arguments for why I am wrong. The passages you used simply do not support your arguments.

    Before I disagreed with your comment you thought many articles on this site were worth printing out and now that I do not see things the way that you suggest you take your ball and go home. Seems to me that you just wanted me to allow your erroneous statements to stand because you cannot endure any correction. However, if I start doing that I will have to let all erroneous statements and criticism of my articles to stand as well. If I do that I am doing people reading these comments a disservice because I am not defending the position I wrote about. If I am not going to defend what I say in my articles then it would be better not to even allow comments on my Blog at all.

    God bless you as well.

  24. Why are feminine qualities being portrayed as wimpiness? Men’s failure to be firm and stand for the truth has nothing to do with taking on feminine characteristics. It is pure and simply called “sin”. Leaders in the church have “sinned” and the majority of them have been men.

  25. Julie,

    I will agree that some women are not wimps. Men not showing masculine leadership and letting women run the churches is sin. So I guess we are almost in agreement

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