Asking unbelievers to help reinvent Christianity

So here you have a conference led by apostates. Inviting unbelievers to re-think or re-invent Christianity. In other words, they wish to made Christianity more relevant to the postmodern generation that does not believe in the absolute truths defined in the Bible. They want a Christianity without biblical doctrine where all religions are equal paths to God.

The conference premise is so absurd that anyone who bought into the concept might as well call themselves by some other name besides Christians. They may believe in the apostasy of universalism but they do not believe or follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

clipped from CWN
The Schuller “Re-Think” event was co-hosted by Emergent leader Erwin McManus. Many Christian and secular leaders were invited, and it begs the question, Why are secular people speaking about “re-inventing Christianity?”
Just a few of the participants included Emergent Dan Kimball, Larry King, Gary Smalley, George Barna, Lee Strobel, Kay Warren (wife of Rick), George H.W. Bush, Rupert Murdoch, Henry Cloud, and of course, co-host Erwin McManus.
Roger Oakland states, “I hope and pray that Erwin McManus, Robert Schuller, and others will ‘re-think’ the direction in which they are heading. I pray they will start proclaiming the gospel according to the Scriptures. I pray they will begin to warn about the many unbiblical ideas that are driving the unsuspecting toward an apostate church. The potential for Christians to be led astray by a strong delusion as Paul warned in II Thessalonians is not only a real possibility—it is happening now.”

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