Audacity to commit high crimes and misdemeanors through unconstitutional actions!

This administration has the audacity to blatantly commit high crimes and misdemeanors as if they are above the constitutional law of our land. They think that the American people are too stupid or too apathetic to do anything about it. They are in for a rude awaking when the inevitable backlash comes.

When enough people in this country catch on that criminals have been running this nation for quite some time there will be real change. The Tea Party is just the start of this “fed up with government” movement.  The latest batch of criminals in Washington seem hell bent on destroying this nation as fast as they can. It reminds me of what Satan will do when he is cast down unto the earth and knows his time is short. He will set out to destroy all flesh on earth through his anointed Audacity-in-Chief. I am not sure that the Far Left is not also deliberately trying to destroy this nation for its own end. The concept seems ludicrous but many on the Far Left actually hate everything America stands for.

Even so, there is no doubt in my mind that the Marxist fascists that are now running our government will lose control. They might even try a military martial law takeover after some real or created crises but the American military will turn against them in the end. America is not Europe there are many more Christians in America and America is still overwhelmingly conservative. The rank and file military are not going to go against the will of the vast majority of Americans for very long. Keep in mind that all in the armed forces swore to defend the Constitution when they enlisted.

The highest law of our land is our Constitution and we have a teacher of constitutional law as our own Audacity-in-Chief. Apparently he uses his knowledge of constitutional law to try to make it say what it clearly does not. He is a postmodernist. He is like the liberal preacher that reads the Bible and picks and chooses only the passages that support his own Far Left ideology. In fact we know that Obama does that with the Bible or he would not be legalizing immoral practices. So it should be no wonder that he does the same thing with our Constitution.

Nevertheless, as hard as the liberals try to redefine the words of our constitution there are too many other documents written by our founding fathers that make the meaning of the words in the constitution absolutely clear. They did not write a living document like Obama and these liberals want to claim. They wrote a constitution founded on absolute biblical truths. You can no more redefine the Constitution to what you want it to say than you can honestly redefine the truths found in the Bible. Some will try but they are heretics.

I think the Democrats know how much time it will take to challenge all their unconstitutional actions through the courts and they think by that time they will have a Supreme Court packed with liberal clones. Even if that turns out to be the case, the majority of the people of this nation will have had enough by that time. There are provisions in the Constitution for out of control tyrannical government.

There have been a lot of unconstitutional actions by prior federal administrations as well, but they never had the audacity to make it as obvious as they do under Obama administration and the Far Left. Obama has the audacity to not even attempt to hide hiring liars, tax evaders, perverts,commies and freaks in his administration. He promised he would have an open administration but everything is being done in secret behind closed doors and critical details of legislation are hid from the public in thousands of pages of legalize. The hate bill was passed by attaching it to a critical funding bill for national defense. The people doing this are scum suckers they should be tried for high crimes and misdemeanors.

Liberals might even ask what is unconstitutional about our federal government actions? I would turn that question around and ask the liberals what Constitution is this government following?  They are not following the America’s Constitution that retains to the states and the people what is not given to the Federal government by the states and the people. The liberals rather than follow the Constitution are following the plans of Marxist and Fabian socialists that already control much of the rest of the developed world.

Just the other day Obama modified an executive order that will allow international police forces to operate with impunity on U.S. Soil?? That is unconstitutional! I won’t get into all the ramifications that this single action means against the rights of all Americans. Here is a view of this ongoing inner attack on the United States.

Did you know that at the same time that they were ramrodding the unconstitutional health bill through the Senate they also passed another 4 trillion dollar bail out provisions for the banksters . The next time they need a bailout the law to give them trillions of dollars is already on the books. Who gave the congress the authority to give away taxpayer money to private banks? The American people have been robbed more than once by congress and banksters. The latest robbery of the taxpayers bailed out bankers and selective corporations. It was clearly unconstitutional.

The Health bill that will force people to buy health insurance or pay a fine is clearly unconstitutional. For government to dictate a federal health plan over the health plans of individual states is unconstitutional. For government to make special deals with certain states at the expense of people in other states is unconstitutional. To force people to buy insurance or pay a penalty is unconstitutional.

Our government has been running  undeclared wars contrary to the Constitution for many decades. Will it ever end? Our annual defense spending is larger than the next 25 nations combined.

The hate bill that was recently passed is also unconstitutional. It makes a mockery of justice just to appease those who want to believe perversion is normal. I do not think government should be in our bedrooms but I do not think perversion should be acceptable in a civil society.

Government forcing the teaching of doctrines of perversion to our children in schools is unconstitutional.

Our whole monetary system  is unconstitutional.

Our tax laws are unconstitutional. Our tax system is a means of funding many other unconstitutional actions and is used to redistribute wealth.

The Democrats intent to pass unconstitutional cap-and-trades laws and the EPA is now setting up unconstitutional rules to control carbon dioxide that has nothing at all to do with global warming. This carbon control is not about global warming at all. It is about setting up rules and regulations for global governance, greed, power, and wealth transfer.

The federal government intends unconstitutional control over all water in this nation. That gives them unconstitutional control over almost all land uses.

The federal government wants unconstitutional controls over everyone’s farm animals.

The federal government unconstitutionally took over major financial institutions and industries in their to big to fail scheme. They dictatorially decided what corporations lived and died.

Our trust funds have been robbed by the federal government. There is nothing in them but IOU’s. Social Security and Medicare were to be insurance funds for people who pay into them all their lives. They were not to be a piggy bank for the government to rob. Those who allowed the robbing of our trust funds should be tried for high crimes and misdemeanors. Now taxpayers will have to foot the bill again to pay the cost of these entitlements that the government robbed.

Many Federal laws break the Bill of Rights to the Constitution. The U.S government now resorts to what can only be described as extortion to force states to comply with unwanted federal mandates.

Federal government taking ownership over state lands is unconstitutional. The Federal government claims to own over half the land in some sovereign states. Then they dictate to the people of the state the land uses allowed.

The Federal government is ever eroding our freedoms of speech and religion and they will certainly try to take our guns if they can create a believable national emergency. I am not talking about a false flag, although anything is possible with these people. More likely with Obama in charge of national security and him showing weakness to our enemies he knowingly or unknowingly invites an attack so that martial law could be declared.

The unconstitutional private Federal Reserve is creating vast amount of money out of thin air to pay for all the bailouts and guarantees and that will soon make the American dollar nearly worthless. Our own government will not allow the Federal Reserve to be audited because they do not want the American people to know the truth.

Do you know that the next agenda of the Democrats after the Health bill is to provide a way for illegals to become U.S. citizens? They also intend to pass a Universal voter registration bill that will unconstitutionally supersede all state laws. Everyone on any government dole roll will automatically be signed up to vote. They would include illegals and criminals (actually illegals are criminals). I guess the fact that most of these voters they want to get registered would vote Democrat is just a coincidence. Anyone really think that this administration will not take radical action to stack future elections?  What next, mandatory voting for those on government assistance?

The government drug wars have militarized the local and state police forces of this nation and have done nothing but make drug trafficking more profitable while eroding the constitutional rights of all Americans. The drug wars have zero chance of success but they will lead to a police state. We already have 2.3 million people in prison most for drug crimes. America has by far the highest incarceration rate in the world and the inner cities are still controlled by gangsters and drugs are everywhere. The fact of the matter is that Government cannot enforce morality without become a police state. Is that really what Americans want?

The only peaceful outcome of all this that I see is if the Tea Party movement regains control of government and puts it back under the Constitution before the Democrats bring the nation to open civil war.

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8 thoughts on “Audacity to commit high crimes and misdemeanors through unconstitutional actions!

  1. I was thinking about some of these things the other day, especially after listening to the Celente interview. He was describing a reboot of the system that is coming and it occured to me that it is exactly what is coming. The powers that be, and I mean repubs and dems, have been building an exoskeleton around our constitution for decades and when it reboots you will not recognize America anymore.
    I thought to myself “well if the banks close for holiday then I guess I wont have to pay my mortgage anymore” but then I realized that when they open again I’ll probably owe it to the government. Think about that! How terifying is that?
    I can just see it now “well, lets just move” oh mr C I’m afraid we just can’t allow that.
    I can just envision surveilence cameras in every room of your house. Can you imagine going to the thermostat to turn the heat up and a voice coming on and saying “mr C what are you doing? well I’m just turning the heat up, my children are cold “We’re sorry sir but that’s not permisable” Think it can’t happen? Think again!
    I’m sorry but faith in the governance of man is ill put.

  2. Ever heard of indexing? The government just passes a law that says everything is now indexed to the cost of living. They almost did that under Carter when they had high inflation and they have done it in other countries with hyper inflation. You can be sure if interest rates go up they are not going to just let all the banks holding the mortgages fail. They will just pass a law that indexes mortgage interest rates. Those who think they have secure 30 year loans are going to find just how easy it is for government to change the rules. Some idiots are saying don’t get out of debt because your debt will decrease in proportion when inflation hits. That is wishful thinking, if serious inflation hits debts will be indexed but your wages may not be.

  3. The following was emailed to me by Matthew since my spam filter will not allow posting behind a proxy server.

    “Don, I tried to submit this as a comment but was rejected.

    The message was, “Your comment has been blocked because the blog owner has set their spam filter to not allow comments from users behind proxies.”

    Unfortunately, this is my only way of connecting and viewing your site. Anyway here’s what I tried to submit:

    I’ve been following your site for about 1.5 years…first time commenter though. Seems like this article is the time to ask a few questions I need answers to. First though, I’m an IT professional (software developer). Surely you must know that SOMEONE is watching your site and the things you’re saying, as well as those commenting.

    Here we go…

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

    It seems to me that the vast majority of our population only remember this one line from this famous document, that is, if they know any of it at all.

    Next it says, “That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes…”

    I understand that last sentence to mean that prudent people shouldn’t attempt to abolish their form of government for silly or trivial reasons.

    Next we read, “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them [the people] under absolute despotism, [And I believe our current government and both parties are doing exactly this] it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”

    So here are my questions. In the final quote above, what did our founding fathers mean by saying it’s our “duty, to throw off such government” and how should we interpret the use of the terms “throw off”?

    I believe we’re in the same place, or past the point, at which our forefathers rebelled against the Crown. The only noticeable difference I see is that we’re not currently being forced to house military troops in our homes (see Quartering Act of 1765), but the 2010 census in my opinion is just as bad. What do you think?

    I’m concerned that the Tea Party movement seems to be, day by day, allowing the Republican party to more closely associate itself with them, to which I’m adamantly opposed. In my opinion, the Republican party is just as bad as the Democratic party. They’re the same; only the names are different. What’s your opinion on these statements?

    Additionally, I’ve been following Brannon Howse for about the same length of time. I’m going to send these same questions over to him as I greatly value his input and world view.

    Finally, brother, God bless you and protect you as we enter into these final trying times. Perhaps the trials coming on us will seriously refine the remnant.”

  4. What did our founding fathers mean? They meant that the people of America have the duty to remove corrupt government. I favor doing it by the ballot box if possible but other means are in our power if that becomes impossible.

    I think we are far worse than being under the old British Crown. But not worse than being under the United Kingdom police state of today.

    I have not seen the 2010 Census form. If your willing to take the consequences you might just tell government the number of people in your household. The rest should be voluntary but I am pretty sure it is not.

    The Republicans are obviously not quite as bad as the Democrats. Just look at the recent votes. I think the best route is for Tea Party people to take over the Republican party before the 2010 election and throw all the criminals out. If that become impossible then start a new third party for the 2012 election. The problem with starting a third party right now is that you split the vote and insure that the Democrats will retain total control. The only way you can start a third party and win the majority is through a major social revolution. That is not possible today but it may be possible if Americans wake up or if it continues to go down the toilet.

    Hopefully through all this many will turn back to God rather than making our government their God.

  5. Don,

    You identify two groups who stand opposed to each other — the progressive socialists who have taken over government at most all levels (federal, state, and local) and ordinary Americans who cherish the Constitution (the prospective Tea Party members). But there is also one other group in the mix — the Wall Street contingent who are part of the international banking cartel.

    The progressive socialists and the Wall Street bankers joined forces to capture the federal government. The progressive socialists think they have free reign to implement their socialist Utopian dreams but the reality of the fragility of the world financial system will thwart their plans. The back-stabbing international bankers are dumping their toxic investments on the taxpayers as part of their exit strategy. As soon as they have pushed their debt onto the government’s balance sheet, they will abscond to greener pastures, leaving the rest of us to pick up the mess. It is rather like the Nazis in the final days of the Third Reich taking their loot to South America or the Middle East so they could escape the gotterdammerung.

    After the financiers are gone, the progressive socialists will be at a loss since their program requires massive government debt to pay for all the goodies they pass out to buy constituents. Rebuilding after the collapse will require qualities the progressives don’t have — the ability do do hard work, the ability to delay gratification, the ability to sacrifice for the sake of building for the future, etc. I just hope there are enough of the Tea Party Americans who do have those qualities to dig us out of the mess we are in.

  6. I agree, it really may by to late to prevent a breakdown by 2012 even if the Tea Party gains control. The debt and money creation by the banksters is going to kill us before then.

    I think in some conservative areas of the country there will be those who can pick up the pieces and put some local control together that looks like some kind of a society and in other areas of the country living conditions will degenerate to that of Hatti.

    People really need to get out of the big cities and certain states before the riots. The real hyper inflationary depression will probably start before the end of this year and it looks like an almost certainty by 2011 in spite of the recovery hype. By 2012 we could be under a dictatorship and even at the start of a civil war rather than at an election..

  7. On a more positive note, the value of the Tea Party movement is education — giving people the intellectual tools to understand what new structures and policies to enact to replace the failed ones of the past.

  8. Born Again, Saved by Grace, Paid at Calvary for a Debt I Could Not Pay, Bought for a Price With Christ’s Blood, Nothing I Could Do to Earn My Salvation, My Works are as Filthy Rags– This is the BACKLASH, This is the Chickens Coming Home to ROOST. Since WWII, We Have Been Spreading + Strutting Our Arrogant, Infallible, Sanctimonious, Self-Righteous Imperialistic Give Us What You Got CUZ We’re Americans STUFF!

    Sure, We’re a-Gonna Build ya Coupla’ Schools, A Hospital, Give You Food, “In Exchange” for Letting Us Build a Few Military Bases to Protect the Raw Materials We’ll Be Taking + the Oil from the Oil Wells Run By the Same “OIL Buddies” that are Controlling the Oil Market Today in America While We STRUGGLE!

    Global Warming? This Earth is So Vast that the Earth Just Takes Care of Itself, “Self-Righting.” Global Warming, Ice-Age, Earthquakes in Diverse Places More Frequently, Polar Ice Cap Melting? Who Knows?
    Buttttttttttt- We Have Pollution Way Out of Hand + That is Sinfully Sinful! I’m Sure Like it Was the Days of Noah. We’ll Float On Out of Here but Not On Water, the Liquid Kind!

    It Started Out as Stop Polluting + Save Our Environment, a Good Christian Thang, but This Global Warming Because of Pollution? It’s Bigger Than That!

    Today, We Got China, Mid-East Oil, Russian Oil + Gas, Venezuela, European Union, Muslim Factions + the Rest of the World Gunning + Want nothing But Our Destruction, etc………

    We were + Used to Be Powerful Enough to Do + Get Away With Whatever Suited Us; Wielding American Power + the American Dollar etc………

    Now, Today, It Still Takes All Those Ships, Planes, Tanks, Missiles + Men We Have Left to Project Our Power “Like We Did So Easy Way Back Then.”

    Except Now; A Small Terrorist Group in Robes Can Suicide Bomb + Even Place a Suitcase Bomb Strategically Or Takeover a COUPLA Airliners + Fly Them Somewhere or Just Blow ’em Up
    Or, Or………….. The Whole Game Has Been Changing for So Many Years + Now WE are Not the Big Guys On the Block Anymore + We Have So Much More Stuff Than They Do to Lose + Don You Are Right; Get Out of the CITIES Cause Like You Said With Haiti, It’s Gonna Crumble Fast + It Doesn’t Have to Be Total Annihilation to Put America in a Haiti State.

    Our Soldiers are Over There Fighting a War—–BY THE WAY OUR SON, 18-yrs in the Military, DID 1-yr in KOSOVO + 15-mos in Downtown Baghdad,Airport + Abu Graib Clean-Up + Not the Garbage in the Trashcans + Got the Bronze Star Among Other Awards———–+ We Don’t Have the Manpower Short of Bombing the “HECK” Out of Them; of Whomever! (prepositional phrase)

    We Need the Draft, Civilian + Military to Clean Up Our Own Country + Give Us the Manpower. Marshall Law is the Only Thing Besides GOD that Will WORK to Bring Some Discipline to Our Neighborhoods. You’re Right; It will Be a Welcome Takeover to Bring Law + Order + Do For Our Children What the Parents Haven’t Done + Have Blown Off Since WWII, 60-yrs of TV!

    We Can’t Deny It Any Longer, We Can’t Blame it On a President Who Hasn’t Been in Office a Year Yet as a Scape Goat, Especially When He Has Followed Geo.W.Bush’s Format!

    It’s Been Crumbling for a Long Time, For Sure as Long as We’ve had Rock & Roll!

    Who would Replace Him with the Energy + Guts to Do Something with No SUPPORT from Folks Looking in the Past with EUPHORIC RECALL + Can’t Accept They Lost the 2008 Election.

    Republicans Had Eight Years Using Yellow Cake + Getting Rid of Saddam Hussein, Iran’s
    Staunch Enemy ,Off- Setting Power- Give Me a Break!

    There is Revolution Going On Like We Have Never Seen Before, Lately. It’s the Old Rich Against the Poor. More Christians to Fight With all these POOR People, No Jobs, Food, Heat, Houses!
    Hardly. It will be Desperate in America Like Haiti– Looting!

    Marxist Takeover is a Red Herring. Red Like the Blood in the Streets From the Riots + Shortages.

    America Like We Knew It is Finally HUMPTY DUMPTIED Itself Where All the Kings Horses + All the Kings Men- Couldn’t Put Humpty Dumpty Back Together AGAIN!

    Head for the HILLS; The Western Plains Hills.

    Don, I’ve Always Loved Your Survival, EMP Section. It’s Kind of Funny but I’ve Been Preparing Myself All My Life Till the Lord Comes, & I Agree that There’s a Gonna Be Some Skirmishes Like WWII, Ezekiel 30,39 Before We Get Raptured Away, Untouched!

    God Bless + Pray for the Peace of Israel. Geo.W is No More Saved than Obama, Both Lost + Muslim is a Political Tool that Didn’t Work + Besides, Many Just Wouldn’t Care.

    A Way that Seemeth Right Unto a Man, But the End There-in is Death + Destruction.

    I am the Way, the Truth + the Light + the LIFE + No Man Cometh Unto the Father But By Me!
    God Bless Everyone Including President Obama, that He Will See the Light!
    Pray for Our Leaders, It’s Ultimately in God’s Hand!

    We Got a BIG, BIG, HUGE PROBLEM + We All Gotta Pitch In + “BAIL??” Or this Ship Is GONNA Sink!…

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