Biden says America will resist unpopular changes of Obama within the first six months.

Read the part that I highlighted below. Joe Biden said that Obama will need the help of community leaders to control the population as unpopular decisions are made and AMERICANS RESIST. This will occur within six months of him taking office. In other words they are saying they expect something to happen that will make Americans resist the Government. I cannot think of what that would be other than Martial law and taking away people’s guns. It has been the plan of Government to use Clergy and other community leaders to get people to voluntarily hand in their guns after Martial law is declared. So it seems to me that this is what Joe Biden is talking about. Wouldn’t that be a hoot, if within 6 months they use some real or false flag event to make Obama dictator?

Something is very strange in Denmark here because all these people that are out of the homeland security loop could not possibly know what terrorists are planning to do within 6 months of Obama taking office. So what is it that all these people who will have a role in the Obama administration and some foreign leaders been told?  I can see Joe Biden making off the cuff bazaar statements like this but when all the people listed below indicate the same thing this seems to be well coordinated. Throw in the Americans resisting the unpopular changes and decision made by Obama?? and we all truly have reason for alarm.

This has not been put out as some glib statement these people are serious. Perhaps they know there will be a war with Iran and it will set off sleeper cells here, who knows? You wanted change under Obama it looks like you will get change sooner than anyone expected.

Australian PM Kevin Rudd – “Nuke strike would make 9/11 insignificant” | Daily Newscaster

Over the last 72 hours there has been a strange melange of cryptic messages leaked from world political leaders about what could be in store for America over the next few months.

These predictions of impending doom come from England, France, Australia and the United States. In each case there has been a press releases or news expose’ predicting huge and building threats emerging from faceless enemies in shadowy places

Biden told the top Democratic donors that a “generated crisis” will develop within six months and Barak Obama will need the help of community leaders to control the population as unpopular decisions are made and Americans resist.

Biden’s ominous language at the Seattle Sheraton are followed with statements by long time establishment insiders Colin Powell and Madeline Albright both say there is a massive crisis on the horizon and Biden was simply making a “statement in fact.”

Meanwhile in England were they are trying desperately to pass a draconian measure allowing for the 42 day imprisonment of any citizen without charges or access to bail.

Lord West, adviser to Prime Minister Gordon Brown on national security says, “There is another great plot building up again and we are monitoring. It dipped slightly and is now rising again within the context of severe. The threat is huge. We have done all the things that we need to do, but the threat is building – the complex plots are building,”

Only a few hours ago Agence France-Presse published a press release about the Sydney meeting of the international Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament presided over by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd who said that the world is facing a threat that will dwarf the September 11 attacks.

“The devastation that could be wreaked by one major nuclear weapons incident alone puts 9/11 and almost everything else [in] to the category of the insignificant,” Rudd said.

Why are there so many high level politicians around the world in a seemingly coordinated effort warning of huge threats and developing crisis’ that may include a nuclear device? Are they preparing the masses for an event or series of events that have been in the making for some time? Is the public being prepared for new and forming enemies with a potential to plunge the entire world into war?

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9 thoughts on “Biden says America will resist unpopular changes of Obama within the first six months.

  1. What “or else”? I think that I might of had that error in a first version of this post. Reload or Refresh this page and see it it still there.

  2. Did you look at WND today? Joe Farah has an article on this topic

    He also mentions Biden’s further comment that said, “He calls on Obama supporters to stand by him in this inevitable crisis whether they believe him to be right or wrong, “Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.”

    What is Joe Biden talking about not being apparent that we’re right in whatever they do? Also Biden as head of the Senate Foreign relations committee gets the same intelligence as George Bush so what does he know they we are not being told.

    There is also another good article on the controversy if Obama is even legally qualified to be president. Apparently they claim to have a tape where his Grandmother said he was born in Kenya. If any of this is true Obama could be disqualified before he even takes the oath of office. Then what happens? Does Biden become president or is the whole campaign invalid and do they do the whole election over?

  3. If any of this is true Obama could be disqualified before he even takes the oath of office. Then what happens? Does Biden become president or is the whole campaign invalid and do they do the whole election over?

    Wow! What a great excuse for a “do-over” (a la Torricelli). The Dems could swap Obama for Hillary in such a case!

  4. If any of this speculation is true then wouldn’t McCain and Republican “insiders” be just as aware of an “impending event”. If there is a collective elite with the ability to forecast or even create these potential future events wouldn’t it make more sense that people of both parties are involved as most “conspiracy theorists” believe?

    I’m not supporter of Obama, but I have a hard time buying that only those “on the left” do not have our (regular peoples) interests at heart. Our current neo-con government, and their current candidate John McCain are in my opinion just as culpable and socialisticly minded as those on the left. Tow sides of the same coin.

  5. You are correct assuming the Biden insider information came from a Top Secret intelligence briefing. Having set in a few of those myself I would not think that they actually gave Joe Biden any specific concrete threat. I would think that many top officials were given a Top Secret security briefing by the joint intelligence agencies about threat assessments to this nation and government planned response plans already in place to each threat.

    I think Joe Biden needing to make himself look self important took this ball of information and ran with it without specifically giving out anything classified or mentioning any specific threat because he simply does not know which of the following threats that I list below will actually materialize. His references to unpopular decisions probably has something to do with the nature of the top perceived threats and the action plans he knows the government has in place to deal with them.

    Here is what I think probably happened. In a briefing leaders were told that within six months after the election that a likelihood of a major event impacting the U.S. had a 90 percent probability of taking place. This could of been broken down into figures like what follows:

    A 50 percent likelihood of a successful WMD attack somewhere in the world by terrorists or a coordinated terrorist attack on many targets in the U.S. They might have also mentioned an EMP. I surmise if there was any kind of WMD or a highly coordinated terrorist action then Martial Law will be put in place until the government evaluates the full extent of the threat and their response.

    A complete collapse of the world economic system with world wide food riots maybe a 33 percent probability likelihood.

    The fall of Pakistan to radical terrorists maybe a 33 percent probability and possible a first strike on Pakistan’s nuke sites buy us or by India.

    An attack on Israel on Iran or Iran on Israel might have a 33 percent probability.

    Iraq could fall apart again making a withdrawal necessary and very unpopular, 20 percent probability.

    An attack by North Korea on South Korea might have a 20 percent probability.

    A war with Russia over the Ukraine might be a 20 percent probability.

    China going into a economic downturn might decide it has nothing to lose by taking Taiwan at this time (20 percent probability)

    The positioning of Russian Nuclear weapons in Cuba or Venezuela (20 percent probability)

    And who knows what else that might have brought up. Add this all up and you get a overwhelming probability of a crises by next summer.

    From that Joe Biden makes the conclusion that one or more of these events will occur. His statement that it would not be popular might just mean that he knows the plans would implement Martial law, a draft, higher taxes and rationing.

    McCain also would know of these possibilities but he is not not going to think out loud like Joe Biden and speak around Top Secret information just to make himself look enlightened.

    To me it is a no brainier. Something very serious like one of the above events will happen by next summer it does not take a prophet. The fact that other world leaders were backing up what Biden said leaves me to believe that is the case.

    Obama can have all the plans he wants for socialistic changes but external events could take all those grand social schemes completely out of his hands. That is why hoping for change by electing one man to be President is a false hope. It is not going to change the world. Just the fact that all these things can happen within a few years proves that the world is as insane as it was before the second world war and it certainly is not ready for any utopia society socialistic or otherwise..

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