Black Muslim Louis Farrakhan says Barack Obama is the Messiah

Louis Farrakhan the black Muslim prophet has spoken. The Half Black Messiah is Obama. The scriptures foreshadowed him. Like Melchisedec no one really knows who his father is or where in the world he came from. 🙄

It is obvious that to some Obama is one of those false Christs that the Bible warned would come.

Barack O-holy-bama,
I have been saved!

It’s not just Merten who has seen the light. The media, too, is dancing around in an orgiastic frenzy, plastering magazine covers of Obama’s suspiciously smooth and unlined face (Photoshop, anyone?) backlit by an ethereal glow while simultaneously retouching McCain’s face with just the right dash of decrepitude.

Never before in the history of this country has an election been so tough. McCain faces a huge uphill battle. How difficult must it be, after all, to run for president opposite the Messiah? I think I’d want to give up once I knew my opponent was a deity.

No less an exulted prophet than Louis Farrakhan has told us that Obama is the Messiah. In addressing a crowd of black Muslims, Farrakhan said, “You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.”

Wow. Who would dare to oppose the will of God? Or at least the will of Louis?

Since Obama has never denied his deistic status, I’ll assume he’s going along for the ride. There’s no way of knowing if Jesus was any good as a speaker (at least without a TelePrompter), but I can overlook any of Obama’s oratory shortcomings in light of his message of “change.” I’m not quite sure what those changes are – beyond distributing our wealth and guaranteeing free health care and housing and maybe a chicken in every pot (tofu if you’re a vegan) – but I’m certain I’ll find out soon enough. I’m sure whatever Lord Obama has in mind will simplify my life and make it flow freely. And with less hassle too. Something like how the inhabitants of Planet Camazotz lived their lives in freedom and independence under the benign rule of IT (see Madeline L’Engle’s “A Wrinkle in Time”).

As is proper for a deity, Obama’s origins are shrouded in mystery. We don’t know his country of birth, his academic credentials, his religious affiliation, or his relationship with people of wildly hateful speech, actions and mindset. Phew. Who wants to clutter up a Messiah’s prophecy by knowing from whence he came?

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2 thoughts on “Black Muslim Louis Farrakhan says Barack Obama is the Messiah

  1. So the sort of people that would like to destroy Christianity and the foundations upon which the U.S. was built are coming out in support of Obama. Well good, maybe that will lead some people to examine what exactly this man-made religion that calls itself “Nation of Islam” stands for. Black supremacy (anti-White racism), anti-Semitism, and anti-Zionism, among other insane things.

  2. That is sad, real sad. But, I am not surprised. I saw the attention Obama got from many blacks and I am black myself..and it totally disturbed me to the core.

    Come Lord Jesus…

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