Blogging to mostly postmodern mindless robots?

When I started blogging two or three years ago it was with the idea of getting more traffic to read articles on my main website The blogging has certainly brought readers to the blog part of my website but I do not think it has increased traffic to the rest of my website much at all. I probably could have increased traffic much more by just writing and posting new articles on my main website and not blogging at all.

Between the blog and the website I probably get about 1000 unique visitors a day or 1500 visits a day, and each visit downloads about 3 written articles from my website. That sounds good until you look closer at the statistics.

No human could possible read my articles in less than 30 seconds but consistently eighty percent of all visits  to my website are for less than thirty seconds. The vast majority of these visits could only come from mindless robots.

Anyway, I would estimate that only 15 percent of the visits on my website are there long enough for a human to read any article and I bet no more than half of those read anything with any comprehension. That means maybe 300 articles a day are actually being read.

An analysis of the blog portion of my website is a bit more difficult. The blog gets about 600 visits a day and the blog software would limit the robot activity so perhaps as many as 100 people a day actually stay on an article long enough to read it. I have over 1000 posts on this blog so that rounds down to zero readers per day per post! 😯

I have noticed that the comments almost stopped after I made people actually sign up and login to post a comment for the first time. You might think that mindless robots would not be able to sign up but over half the people that did sign up never commented on anything so they probably are mindless spam robots just wanting to appear as real live humans.

What becomes very apparent to me in this postmodern culture is that the vast percentage that typically make comments on blogs will not take the time to sign up on a blog so they can post comments on blogs.

Another indicator of postmodern people reading my posts is that when I provide  links to an article that gives further indepth information few people click on them. I get maybe 20 to 50 clicks a day on over 2000 links provided on this blog and that does not even mean that these people actually read the article .

I have been told by others that have forums that they want to re-post my whole article because nobody follows links. I obviously now believe them. What postmodern mindless human robot would actually take the time to follow a link to get the full story? That is why I have not been quoting many excerpts anymore and providing a link to the full article. For example, in the post before my last one I have seven links to other articles on the global warming post topic and I could count on my toes the number of people that clicked on any one of them. That has been true of other articles with links in them as well.

So I have to wonder if spending over forty hours each week to read material and write new posts for mostly mindless robots is even worth my time and effort? I guess I will have to continue to think about that. After all, pastors today have much the same problem. :mrgreen:

I also know that each article I post on this blog takes about 10 times the bandwidth it would if I were not using blogging software and I also doubt if my website homepage is getting proper ranking credit for my hundreds of blog articles. Not only that, if the posts are not hit on regularly Google seems to drop them out of their index after a certain period of time even when they are provided a complete site map. They were not dropping my articles out of the index when I just posted new articles on my website.

Finally, I might as well once again allow anyone to make comments without signing up and logging in, otherwise as you can see, there will not be more than one or two comments. Sorry that the ten or twenty people that actually did sign up and that actually did comment had to go through that ritual for nothing.

Even so, I will again be monitoring all comments and the first comment from a new visitor will have to be approved by me before it is posted and anything that I do not want on my blog from now on simply will either be not posted or it will be deleted.  Those who wish to comment should read the comment policy on the sidebar and thus prove that they can actually follow a link.

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37 thoughts on “Blogging to mostly postmodern mindless robots?

  1. Delusional American Illusion caught my attention… and I love your website….. it’s one of my “favorites” that I now visit almost everyday, just to see what your thinking today….. Thank You for sharing your thoughts and wisdom… I’m glad I found you.

  2. Don,
    I can hear your frustration growing as you analyze the data regarding your blog and website. You wonder if it is all worthwhile. I’ve been maintaining a website of my verse by verse studies of the bible for several years now. I’ve since added a blog with a prophecy focus in hopes that one would help the other. They are not high traffic websites, and I know practically nothing about how to improve that traffic or even access the kind of visitor data you are talking about. I determined early on that these web ventures were God’s to use as He so chooses. Every time I get discouraged the Lord sends me a comment or an email from someone who has been blessed by the content. I continue to be personally blessed by the time spent in study and consider it a great privilege to know that He is able to use me to encourage anyone else in the study of His word. That is what I would like to encourage you to do. Dedicate your work to the Lord to use as He sees fit and take joy in the opportunity you have to touch so many lives in His name. I spent quite a bit of time on you main website early on, but haven’t been back in a while to check for updates. I will do so this weekend. You have much to offer. Don’t let the enemy discourage you.

  3. Hi Sharon,

    Thanks for the encouragement I do get many encouraging comments as well. I have no doubt that the Lord is using me in the Internet ministry so I am not discourged but my real question is do I need to blog? Since few follow links to articles I find and often write about it might be more productive to just put new articles I write on my website.

    The only advantage I see to blogging is that people can easily find the newer and the more popular articles. The other advantage is that people can make comments. The disadvantage is that it is such a bandwidth hog and I do not think articles on blogs get the same weight over time or even the same initial rankings because of all the added blog data to each post. The articles are also harder to find over time since articles are posted in sequence.

    There is not much new on my main website because most everything new is now put on the blog. So there really is little reason to go back there if you already read it.

    I guess some of what I said applies to all websites. 80 percent of the traffic to most any site are mindless robots. So when you hear that some site has X number of visits realize that less than ten percent of those visitors actually read the articles. Take Yahoo for example their indexing robot hits my articles about 20,000 times a month and uses over one gigabyte of bandwidth a month. Google is almost as bad and there are hundreds of others robots roaming the internet. No wonder big Internet news sites are going nuts and going broke. They get millions of visitors a day and need dedicated servers and a staff to handle it all but the percentage that buys anything from their sponsors is very small because most of their visitors are smart mindless robots that do not buy junk.

  4. Don, I tend to think in terms of numbers and figures, because the last jobs I worked at I was the controller of companies accounts. But what I have learned from God during the past 8 years I have been disabled is that God can manipulate the numbers and calculations to His benefit. What I am trying say here is you are looking at what appears to be hard data and you are disappointed at what you are seeing. Like Sharon said turn it over to God.

    My wife does not work, she takes care of her mother who is 83 years old and has diabetes and renal disease. My wife also has a little more to do when I am ill. We live on a fixed income and according to the world it is 50% below the average poverty level. God is very gracious towards us. Our grocery bill, just food we eat, has been declining for the past several months even though the news says everything is getting more costly. We pay all our bills every month. We do not have credit cards and no loans outstanding. The most costly items are the medication that I need daily, but with Juarez so close I get most of those over there and they work well.

    How are you going to know the effect that this website may have on one person that God may use in an enormous manner? And is what God does with another person any of our business, but God’s? Did the Sunday School teacher that taught D.L. Moody have any idea as to what Moody was going to do later in his life?

  5. Like I said to Sharon the only question is my blogging. These articles could be on my website without blogging software.

    I just looked at a source file of one of my posts, 95 percent of the data has nothing to do with what I wrote. Much of it is the sidebar being displayed along within each post. It makes me wonder how the mindless robots even find key worded data and index the individual articles properly. I will have to take a good look at that.

    Maybe I will also look into a more minimal blogging template.

  6. Don,
    Please don’t be discouraged by the lack of hits, etc. on your site. It’s not a good measure of what effect it has. For example, I check it daily for all sorts of things. Yours is one of the best, and I use it as the starting point to get to other good websites from your links. Also, I teach several classes on prophecy and I use your site as not only a reference, but as an online resource that I give out to my classes for their own research. Numbers in these classes range from 50 to 60 people, so the information you provide is having a larger effect than you see reflected by internet “intelligence”.
    Hang in there, stay the course, and keep up the good work until the Lord sees fit to rapture us out of here.

    p.s. If the web stays on and technology doesn’t go down after the rapture, your site would be extemely valuable to those left behind who will have to go through the tribulation.

  7. I also make this the first site I visit when I turn on my computer in the morning and drink my first coffee. The articles you put up make a day very interesting here is one example. The article on “Nephilim, Aliens and Satan’s angels have a common connection in end time prophetic events”. In connection with this article last weekend I watched on the History Channel about “Adolf Hitler and the Occult”, then following that was a program about Dr. Joseph Mengales(sp?), and what he did in Germany during the WWII and then moving to Brazil and what transpired in a small farming community in which the doctor was involved with. There is not enough space to write about what was done by Hitler and Dr. Mengales(sp?), but it was horrifying and fascinating at the same time. If it were not for the involvement of the United States into WWII, not only would we be speaking Japanese and German, but what would have been the outcome of Mengales experimentations in human beings come too? These men were not just evil, they were satanically inspired. God put the stops on Joseph Mengales and those experiments.

  8. As a Bible believing Christian, I found your website several years ago and bookmarked it. But it didn’t seem to update often enough, nor have dates on your articles. I agree with more than 90% of your theology and observations, and was glad to find your blog several months ago. God Bless, Take heart and keep up the good work Bro’. We are not all mindless robots out there.

  9. Yeah, When I first started my website ten years ago I did not date the articles. I did not even keyword the articles or have meta titles on them. It took two or three years and some begging just to get Google to index the website. Then the traffic increased exponentially. I learned through the years how it was supposed to be done then I took a year to write my Commentary on the Book of Revelation that doubled the traffic again as soon as it appeared in the index and it has been in the top ten under “Revelation Commentary” ever since Google indexed it.

    Over the years I did go back and update all the articles and SEO all of them and I wrote scores of new long articles but not often enough to keep old readers visiting the site. I still get comments from friends who say they love my website and yet don’t even know that I have a blog. That is why I recently put a feed of my last ten blog posts on my website. They better not say that now because I will know that they have not even looked at my website for quite some time.

    About three years ago I started blogging and that also was a learning curve. I had three blogs at one time hosted by Blogger and then went down to two and now I have one blog that I host myself.

    Most of my early posts were just clips of other peoples articles and a few comments of my own. Now I write most of the content on my posts and just add links to articles of others to give more information. I also try to make what I say interesting enough that people will read it and everything in the post is key worded so it can be found by a search on a couple of words on the title . For example, on this article if you Google “mindless robots” or “postmodern mindless” this article should appear in the top ten.

    Actually the comments on the blogs often take more time than writing the articles. So I am learning not to respond to everything and not deal with people who just want to argue, slam Christians, or are pushing a totally contrary theology.

    I do not agree 100 percent with anyone’s theology myself and I do not expect everyone to agree with every point of mine. I do not even agree with myself sometimes. Views of people should change over time as you learn or you can be sure that someone is a mindless robot not learning anything.

  10. Postmodernism is a great challenge for the communication of biblical truths. I think the way you write your blogs has to get their attention. If they are not reading through it is because they are lazy. You may try putting the conclusions first (although the title of the blogs you pst conclude enough many times) or play with their imagination and curiosity all throught the post. Maybe some links into your website from some posts may help people read some articles. Keep on. We love you, brother.

  11. Thinking about all this, I checked out this passage:

    Eze 2:3-7 And he said unto me, Son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me, even unto this very day. (4) For they are impudent children and stiffhearted. I do send thee unto them; and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD. (5) And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, (for they are a rebellious house,) yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them. (6) And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house. (7) And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious.

    One of the things I see in this passage is that the prophet had to speak whether they heard him or not. This is hard for the prophet; he is not to have any satisfaction from his hard work. The other thing I see is that this Jews had two characteristics: 1) they were “impudent”. The Spanish translation RV60 says that had a hard face; the Jewish Publication Society Bible translates: “brazen-faced”. Like when you are talking to your son and he just stares at you. And 2) this Jews were “stiffhearted”. Stone-hearted. These two characteristics may well describe the postmodernist mind. Yes, with the coming of the Internet, we have many people of that mindset here in Honduras also.

    Lately (maybe the last 10 yrs), the response I’ve been getting from the people I evangelize with the gospel of grace has been different that in the first years. Now, less people take the decision to accept Jesus Christ as their savior. The great majority just hears. I think there is a great saturation of messages coming from everywhere, so people are less interested in the cross of Christ.

    They are interested in whatever tickles their ears. (2 Tim 4:3)

  12. Hi Don,
    Thanks for all of your hard work. It is greatly appreciated. I am sure there are many others such as myself that
    check your blog every few days for your perspective and insights.
    As a husband, father, business owner, farmer, repair man, etc. , there is very little time to gather information to
    prepare for what is ahead for our nation and our families. A quick synopsis of how I have used your resources:

    1. Googled (or other) for Commentary on The Revelation. Found your site.
    2. Reviewed World Current Events to see if you were a kook.
    3. Printed and read your commentary. (Finally decided you weren’t a kook)
    4. Started reading your blog. Read older articles/posts as time permits or search if studying particular subject.
    5. Check back every few days to see what is new. Many times, your synopsis/comments on an article is sufficient
    as I have already read the article, other times it is sufficient because there are other things more pressing for my
    sparse moments of reading time and I trust you because I have read enough of your posts to establish a certain
    level of trust.

    I don’t know a whole lot about the technical side of what you do, but I thought I would let you know how a random,
    busy individual utilizes your site so that you can assess how to make it more efficient for yourself, yet still continue
    to help others. Keep up the good work as you feel led and don’t let NUMBERS get you discouraged. Hope you
    are enjoying your new home.

  13. Thanks for all that information and encouragement Marvin.

    I am not worried much about the numbers. If out of 4500 downloaded articles each day only three hundred people actually take the time to read one that is still 2100 articles read each week. That is as many people that are reached in most mega churches (of course a good portion of the people in the pews in those mega churches are not paying attention, comprehending what is said, or sleeping there also. (Often with good reason.)

    I just wish more people would follow the links I put up but I understand that there is a huge amount of information available on the Internet and that people have limited time. I guess when I do link to an article I need to put more emphases on why people need to read the article. It really is my failure to communicate to some extent.

    This post really was somewhat tongue-in-cheek and key worded to reach mindless robots. However, I do wonder if after all is said and done taking up blogging was better than just posting new articles on my website. I see pros and cons, but I really cannot change directions now anyway. Unless one of those people who are so sure Jesus is coming in two or three years would send me one of those million dollar checks they know they will not be needing so I can hire a staff. 💡 Believe it or not I have not even received one yet 🙁 Some date setters need to put up or shut up :mrgreen:

    It is amazing and quite bazaar what people will come up with in regards to “Bible Prophecy” I was not going to post this, but what the heck. It was sent to me in an unsolicited email today. I am putting it here as a sample of one of the great mindless postmodern Bible prophecy “experts”. I really can’t make this stuff up.

    Hi All,

    I have located the Abominations of Desolation in a Holy Place. Below is an adjustable template.

    By adjusting the number of blocks traveled by the Army in Jerusalem, you can change when the 3rd King in Daniel 7 will fall.

    By adjusting the Angels’ present location on the Bridge, you can change the placement of the 1335th day.

    Below are some useful links for establishing the exact location of these Angels while they are in Philadelphia (they ought to be in Manhattan).

    Listen Now to KYW Newsradio
    PennDOT Traffic Cameras
    Do not attempt to interfere with the agenda of these Angels, they are absolutely deadly.
    Daniel 8

    These are the events that transpired/will transpire.

    The Transgression of Desolation

    Dan 11:36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
    Dan 11:37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
    Dan 11:38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
    The Transgression of Desolation was caused by G. W. Bush when he prayed to Angels as if they were God. This placed those Angels into the category of Abominations (false gods). G. W. Bush is the little horn of the goat in Dan 8, and also the 11th horn of the 4th beast in Dan 7. The common thread between Ancient Greece and the USA is democracy.
    Removal of the Daily (Sacrifices) and Ceasing of the Sacrifice and the Oblation (Sanctuary Cast Down)

    There are 5 verses (pasted below) in The Book of Daniel that refer to the Removal of the Daily (Sacrifices):

    Dan 8:11

    Dan 8:12

    Dan 8:13

    Dan 11:31

    Dan 12:11

    One verse, Dan 9:27 (pasted below) refers to it as the Ceasing of the Sacrifice and the Oblation:

    English (KJV) (Help)
    Root Form (Hebrew)

    And he shall confirm

    ??? gabar

    the covenant

    ???? b?riyth

    with many

    ?? rab

    for one

    ??? ‘echad


    ???? shabuwa`

    and in the midst

    ??? chetsiy

    of the week

    ???? shabuwa`

    he shall cause the sacrifice

    ??? zebach

    and the oblation

    ???? minchah

    to cease,

    ??? shabath

    and for the overspreading

    ??? kanaph

    of abominations

    ???? shiqquwts

    he shall make [it] desolate,

    ??? shamem

    even until the consummation,

    ??? kalah

    and that determined

    ??? charats

    shall be poured

    ??? nathak

    upon the desolate.

    ??? shamem

    The 2 words, that are translated as Sacrifice and the Oblation, are zebach and minchah. From Qorbanot: Sacrifices and Offerings, these 2 words mean as follows:
    Zebach Sh’lamim: Peace Offering

    A peace offering is an offering expressing thanks or gratitude to G-d for His bounties and mercies. The Hebrew term for this type of offering is zebach sh’lamim (or sometimes just sh’lamim), which is related to the word shalom, meaning “peace” or “whole.” A representative portion of the offering is burnt on the altar, a portion is given to the kohanim, and the rest is eaten by the offerer and his family; thus, everyone gets a part of this offering. This category of offerings includes thanksgiving-offerings (in Hebrew, Todah, which was obligatory for survivors of life-threatening crises), free will-offerings, and offerings made after fulfillment of a vow.

    Food and Drink Offerings
    A meal offering (minchah) represented the devotion of the fruits of man’s work to G-d, because it was not a natural product, but something created through man’s effort. A representative piece of the offering was burnt on the fire of the altar, but the rest was eaten by the kohanim.

    Removal of “Peace” and “Food and Drink”

    Referring to the 2nd seal in the book of Revelation, Abaddon/Apollyon is responsible for taking peace away from the earth. At the 3rd seal, Wormwood is responsible for Famine. Therefore, it is these 2 Angeles that are responsible for removing the sacrifices. These are at least 2 of the Angels that were prayed to as if they were God.

    Abominations of Desolation

    The Abominations of Desolation are therefore Abaddon/Apollyon and Wormwood, probably Death and Hell (the Angels of the 4th Seal) and maybe the Army of Locust, that Abaddon/Apollyon is King over (5th Trumpet). As you will see, they all travel together, for most of their journey, so it is difficult to identify conclusively who the Abomination(s) of Desolation is/are. I think it is more important to be able to locate him/them, then knowing exactly who it is. Looking at the word “see” in Mat 24:15 , Mar 13:14 , and Luk 21:20 (Strong’s word g1492), it has a meaning more like Strong’s word g3539 (also in Mat 24:15 and Mar 13:14). The meaning is more closely translated as “perceive”. The Abominations of Desolation are not somebody that you will be able to physically see.

    Sanctuary Cast Down

    Those Angels were cast down from their sanctuary in Heaven, to their new sanctuary on earth, which they will defile by removing the Sacrifices. However, their activity here on earth started well before they were cast down (see Revelation). The difference now being their denied access to Heaven.

    Cleansing of the Sanctuary

    The sanctuary that needs to be cleansed is translated from a different word than where the sanctuary was cast down. This word has a meaning more closely translated as Holy Place, and usually refers to the Temple Mount area. This has also been defiled, and it will be cleansed by Christ/Messiah when he returns/comes.

    Locating & Tracking the Abominations of Desolation

    I used Google’s satellite map for tracking.

    Remembering the 2 crane accidents at the beginning of Bill Clinton’s calculations, I suspected that they were caused by the 4 horsemen, and decided to see if I could track their movements through Manhattan, NY, by observing the destruction that they leave in their wake. The distance between the 2 crane accidents is about 40.85 blocks/intersections (based on measurements from 2nd Ave to 1st Ave on 51st St at 305 E 51st Ave) (see BREAKING: Midtown East Crane Collapses Kills 4, Injures Many … and Gothamist: BREAKING: Manhattan Crane Collapse at 91st Street and 1st … ). If it took 75.700687 days to travel 40.85 blocks/intersections, then the rate of travel is 1.8531379 days/block.

    Since there are so many paths that the Angel’s can take from here on, most events below are approximate locations.

    If they continue up 1st avenue to 125th street and turn left, then go to 55W. 125th street (see WikiAnswers – What is Bill Clinton’s address ), they would have travelled about 40.55 blocks/intersections. I did not find any incident report involving Bill Clinton’s building on that date, this is only an approximation. I do however know that they had to be there, since the number of blocks/intersections to the next incident requires that they travel from Bill’s residence (correct number of blocks/intersections), rather than directly from the site of the second crane accident (too few blocks/intersections).

    They traveled for approximately another 155 days, approximately 84 blocks/intersections, and arrived at about 51th street off of the Hudson River, on January 15, 2009, where they caused flight 1549 to be struck by 2 birds, whereupon the plane had to be ditched into the Hudson River (see Disabled Jet Crashes In Hudson River ). I do not believe that they needed to be standing on the River’s edge to have accomplished this.

    If they travel to the next site on the Hudson, where the helicopter and plane collided on August 8, 2009, at about 11th, they should get there around mid April, which is much too early. However, if they continue southward, they arrive at the site of an accident on the FDR throughway, between the Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridges on May 31, 2009 (see Brandon Connelly).

    Traveling back north, they arrive at about 11th Street off of the Hudson River, the site of the helicopter/plane collision, on August 8, 2009 (see Helicopter, Plane Collide Over N.Y.’s Hudson River – ABC News ).

    Since there are 35.1367 blocks between the above event and the below event, the exact location of the above event is on Charles Street, .1367 blocks West of Washington Street.

    On October 12, 2009, a large cherry picker fell over, which has the same signature of destruction as the crane accidents (see Rittenhouse Square Crane Accident Kills Operator …). It occurred at a church (a holy place) in Philadelphia (a place where they ought not be, they ought to be in Manhattan). I went to a map, to see if I could somehow have the Angels arrive at that church in Philadelphia, PA, 65.1132 days, about 35 blocks/intersections from the last site. I thought that perhaps the same rules applied to exits on throughways as they did to blocks/intersections, but there is no way to get them to that church in time for the cherry picker accident using any combination of streets and throughways that I could find. Since I live in Philadelphia, I am somewhat familiar with the streets, and I noticed that 1 blocks/intersections from the helicopter/plane collision site is 10th and Washington, and there is a 10th and Washington in Philadelphia, not too far from that church. I proceeded to count the 1 blocks/intersections in Manhattan, and the blocks/intersections between 10th and Washington in Philadelphia and 21st and Walnut streets where the First Presbyterian Church is located (34 blocks), and there are exactly 35 blocks/intersections (using Washington St. West to Broad St North to Walnut St West). This would seem to indicate that there is a passageway (wormhole) at that intersection (maybe all of the intersections) that allow for travel from city to city.

    Having the Angels arrive at the Church in Philadelphia, satisfies both Mat 24:15 and Mar 13:14 , but not Luk 21:20 . The phrase that is common to all 3 is “Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains”. This indicates that all 3 will occur at the same time (otherwise why would there be a need to flee Judaea, twice). Remembering that Abaddon/Apollyon at the 5th Trumpet, has an army of locust traveling with him. I tried to see if I could get the army to Jerusalem and have them compass her. Using the same method of gaining passage from city to city through certain intersections, I did manage to find a possibility.

    If at the site of the helicopter/plane collision, the army, instead of going 1 block South to 10th and Washington Streets, went 3 blocks North to 11th and Washington Streets, gained passage to Hempstead, NY, then traveled another 18 blocks/intersections South to Washington and Lincoln streets, they could then gain passage to Jerusalem, with 14 blocks/intersections left, which would enable them to compass the city (or at least the old walled city that was present during the time of Christ/Messiah).

    Wormhole Anomaly/Phenomenon

    While we cannot create wormholes, we know that they exist. These passageways from city to city seem to be located at the intersections of streets. This is not the only Anomaly/Phenomenon that I have encountered while attempting to unseal Daniel 7 and 8. A Time Anomaly/Phenomenon occurred when I Applied Hours and Minutes to the day that the death would occur in (see Applied Hours and Minutes, in Rules and Definitions, in Daniel 7). I do not know if the wormholes are existing, or if the Angels create them as needed.

    Abominations of Desolation Set Up (Agenda)

    There is still one King at Daniel 7, that needs to fall, and the Abominations of Desolation are set up to ensnare an unsuspecting Bill Clinton.

    daccs = days after Clinton’s calculations started

    The day that the Abomination of Desolation was at the First Presbyterian Church (575.979861 daccs), was not the day that they were set up (it was however the day that the Army in Jerusalem stopped moving). If you add 45 days (Sanctuary Cleansed) to October 12, 2009, it takes us to November 26, 2009, which cannot be the 1335th day at Dan 12:12, nor the 2300th evening and morning at Dan 8:14.

    However, the Angels have left us enough clues in Manhattan, to allow us to know where they are set up.

    Remembering the FDR accident, it occurred between 2 bridges near a river.

    The Walnut Street Bridge is 4 blocks from the Holy Place.

    The Chestnut Street Bridge is 6 blocks from the Holy Place.

    The Market Street Bridge is 8 blocks from the Holy Place.

    There are several streets that would place them between 2 of the bridges.

    Locust Street intersects with the Schuylkill River Trail, which goes under all 3 bridges.

    I chose to use the Walnut Street Bridge.

    If the Angels travel 4 blocks West on Walnut Street, from the site of the Holy Place, they arrive at a bridge that spans the Schuylkill River. From 24th and Walnut (where the bridge starts) to 30th street (where the bridge ends), there are 6 blocks. Since we will need the placement of the 1335th day to use as a comparison to my calculations, and we are not certain exactly where they are on the bridge, we will allow them to travel nearly the full length of the bridge (if they travel the full 10 blocks, they would be in the middle of an intersection, and essentially off of the bridge). If we use 9.8965 blocks, it will place them at sundown in LA on December 14, 2009, and keep the Angels on the bridge.

    Multiplying 9.8965 blocks by 1.8531379 (their rate of travel), and adding it to 575.979861 daccs (when they were at the Holy Place), places them at 594.319444 daccs (the end of the 1290th day). Adding 45 equals 639.391444 daccs (the end of the 1335th day) which is at 4:44 PM PST, 7:44 PM EST on December 14, 2009.

    This seems to imply that there will be an accident on or under that bridge, on the day of Bill’s rendezvous with the Angels.

    We are now ready to make that comparison.

    Comparison 1

    Comparing Bill Clinton’s Actual TOD (see Bill Clinton in Daniel 7) which is 664.345746125 daccs, to when the Sanctuary will be Cleansed (639.319444 daccs), we see that unless Clinton’s days are somehow shortened, he will not die until after the Sanctuary is Cleansed (which is not the correct time frame).

    Time Anomaly/Phenomenon

    A Time Anomaly/Phenomenon had occurred when I was doing calculations on the Applied Hours and Minutes (see Daniel 7). Time began moving 2 times faster than normal, once we started referencing Jerusalem while we were still referencing Los Angeles.

    I wondered if time began moving twice as fast when the Army of locust were walking through the streets of Jerusalem while the other Angels were walking through the streets of Philadelphia. There were simultaneously, an identical set of circumstances occurring in Jerusalem and in Philadelphia.

    Using the 14 blocks/intersections that we determined the Army spent travelling in Jerusalem, and multiplying it by 1.853138, it is equal to 25.9439306 days. Since this has doubled, we need to compensate for those extra 25.9439306 days. Since in effect, it shortens Bill Clinton’s life by 25.9439306, we can remove 25.9439306 days from his calculated TOD. It then becomes 638.4018904 daccs (this also shorten everyone else’s life by 25.9439306 days).

    You will need to change the location of the helicopter/plane site, slightly, to change the blocks traveled in Jerusalem. The total number of blocks travelled by both parties has to add up to 35.1367 blocks each, from the helicopter/plane site.

    We are now ready to make that comparison, again.

    Comparison 2

    Now, comparing Clinton’s Adjusted TOD (638.4018904 daccs) to when the Sanctuary will be Cleansed (639.319444 daccs), it will occur before the Sanctuary is Cleansed (which is the correct time frame).

    Bill Clinton’s Actual TOD

    638.4018904 daccs places Bill Clinton’s TOD at 6:43 PM PST, 9:43 PM EST on December 13, 2009.

    Compensation Number

    His compensation number, 5.649305, is added to the moment that his TOD occurred. 638.4018904 + 5.649305 = 644.0511954, which is several days beyond the when the Sanctuary will be Cleansed at 639.319444.

    Dating and Timing the Other Events

    Once that you have identified one of the events in Daniel 8, you can calculate for the remaining events. Adding 45 days (Sanctuary Cleansed) to October 30, 2009, takes us to December 14, 2009 (the 1335th day at Dan 12:12). This is also the 2300th evening and morning at Dan 8:14. The 1290th day (Removal of Sacrifice and the Oblation) at Dan 12:11 becomes April 19, 2006, and the Transgression of Desolation at Dan 8:13 becomes August 28, 2003.

    In date order:

    Transgression of Desolation August 28, 2003

    Removal of Sacrifice and the Oblation April 19, 2006

    Abomination of Desolation set up October 30, 2009

    Sanctuary Cleansed December 14, 2009

    The above dates are the end of each event.

    Daniel’s Last Week

    The Last Week started on Rosh Hashanah, September 7, 2002. G W Bush’s presidency effectively ended on election day, November 4, 2008.

    Dan 7:25 And he shall speak [great] words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most

    High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and

    times and the dividing of time.

    Between September 7, 2002 and November 4, 2008, there are 2250 days which is 6 times and 1 season. The week will end upon the return/coming of Christ/Messiah.

    Daniel 7

    In Dan 7, the 4th beast is the USA. The 10 horns are all of the presidents since Israel became a state (Truman through Clinton) the 11th horn rising up is G.W. Bush. The 3 that were plucked by the roots before him, are the ones that died (Reagan and Ford), or will die during G.W. Bush’s life time. Using the Rules and Definitions, we can calculate who, when and where.

    Rules and Definitions

    There are 3 verses that mention the deaths of these 3 former presidents. They are verses 8, 20 and 24.

    I used March 22, 2001, sundown in Los Angeles, Pacific Time, the end of the 7th Trumpet (see the Book of Revelation, below), as a starting point, and all calculations are performed using sundown in Los Angeles.

    Each verse is equal to 49 days.

    TOD = Time of Death

    DOB = Date of Birth

    Next, the birth dates, of Ford, Carter, Reagan, G.H. Bush and Clinton must be converted to the Hebrew Calendar. The Jewish year must change on Nisan 1 (as per Exodus), and not on the traditional Jewish New year.

    Hebrew Calendar DOB

    Gerald Ford 4-9-74

    Jimmy Carter 7-3-85

    Ronald Reagan 11-8-71

    G.H. Bush 3-10-85

    Bill Clinton 5-22-7

    USA 4-17-37

    Partial Birth Dates

    These are created by combining 2 of the 3 numbers from the DOB.

    Hours and Minutes

    Adding the day and month of the birth date, it is equal to the hours. The year is equal to the minutes.

    Applied Hours and Minutes

    These calculations are done in the Primary Verse.

    For Reagan and Ford:

    Step 1: Since both of their days start and end at sundown, we need to calculate the number of hours and minutes from the sundown in LA, on the day that the calculated TOD should occur, until the next sundown in Jerusalem. Once sundown in Jerusalem occurs, time begins to move 2 times faster than normal.

    Step 2: To compensate for this, we must take the remaining Hours and Minutes, and divide them by 2.

    Step 3: The total of Step 1 and Step 2 is the number of Hours and Minutes after sundown in LA that the death will occur at.

    For Carter, G H W Bush and Clinton:

    Step 1: Since all 3 of their days start and end at 16 hours and 20 minutes after sundown, we need to calculate the number of hours and minutes from 16 hours and 20 minutes after the sundown in LA, on the day that the calculated TOD should occur, until 16 hours and 20 minutes after the next sundown in Jerusalem. Once 16 hours and 20 minutes after sundown in Jerusalem occurs, time begins to move 2 times faster than normal (as above).

    Step 2: To compensate for this, we must take the remaining Hours and Minutes, and divide them by 2.

    Step 3: The total of Step 1 and Step 2 is the number of Hours and Minutes after sundown in LA that the death will occur at.

    For Clinton only:

    Since his Hours and Minutes exceed 24 hours, you only need to use the above Steps on the Hours and Minutes that are in excess of 24 Hours.

    There is a Time Anomaly/Phenomenon in place here, which speeds up time to twice its normal rate. When we are doing these calculation, while referencing LA, we apply time, minute for minute and hour for hour. Once we simultaneously reference LA and Jerusalem, we apply 2 minutes for every minute and, 2 hours for every hour. This results in shortening the life of the former President whose hours and minutes you are applying, by 50% of the remaining time once the overlapping occurs. I do not know why it exist, but I am certain that it does, because it shows up in the calculations.

    Sum of the Number Words

    All of the number words in a verse that are added together. You must use a concordance, since not all of the words that were translated as numbers, are not actual numbers and vice versa.

    Verse Multiplier

    The Sum of the Number Words divided by the verse number is equal to the Verse Multiplier.

    Primary Verse

    These are the verses 8, 20, and 24 (Clinton’s turns out to 2)

    Primary Verse Length

    The Primary Verse multiplied by 49

    Secondary Verse

    The Primary Verse multiplied by the Verse Multiplier (other than 0 or 1) creates the Secondary Verse.

    Secondary Verse Length

    The Secondary Verse multiplied by 49

    Primary Verse TOD

    The Applied Hours and Minutes added to the beginning of the largest Partial Birth Date that will fit into that Primary Verse.

    Secondary Verse TOD

    The Verse Multiplier of the Primary Verse multiplied by the Primary Verse TOD

    Starting Point

    If the Verse Multiplier of the Primary Verse is less than 1, the formula is the Secondary Verse Length minus the Secondary Verse TOD, subtracted from the Primary Verse Length minus the Primary Verse TOD, the results is then subtracted from the Primary Verse Length. This becomes the Starting Point.

    All of the minus signs above become plus signs below

    If the Verse Multiplier of the Primary Verse is more than 1, the formula is the Secondary Verse Length plus the Secondary Verse TOD, added to the Primary Verse Length plus the Primary Verse TOD. The results is then added to the Primary Verse Length. This becomes the Starting Point.

    Average Verse Multiplier

    The Sum of the Number Words for the Primary Verse plus the Sum of the Number Words for the Secondary Verse divided by the product of the Primary Verse times the Secondary Verse.

    Actual TOD

    If the Verse Multiplier of the Primary Verse is 0, the TOD will occur on the smallest Partial Birth Date.

    If the Verse Multiplier of the Primary Verse is 1, the TOD will occur on the largest Partial Birth Date that will fit into the Primary Verse

    If the Verse Multiplier of the Primary Verse is less than 1, the formula is the Average Verse Multiplier multiplied by the Primary Verse TOD and then subtracted from the Starting Point

    If the Verse Multiplier of the Primary Verse is more than 1, the formula is the Average Verse Multiplier multiplied by the Primary Verse TOD and then added to the Starting Point

    Compensation Number

    The Compensation Number is added to the moment that the TOD occurs. If the Primary Verse has not ended (Verse Multiplier less than 1), those remaining days are added to the end of the Compensation Number.

    The difference between the Verse Multiplier and 1 (subtracting the smallest from the largest) must first be calculated, then inserted into the below formula. We will call this “X”. If the Verse Multiplier is 1, the Compensation Number becomes zero.

    (Applied Hours and Minutes /x) + x{(Hours and Minutes – Applied Hours and Minutes)/x}


    Chapter 7 started on March 22, 2001

    DOB is 4-17-37

    Partial Birth Dates are 174, 374, 417, 437, 1737, 3717

    Hours and Minutes 21 hours and 37 minutes.

    Applied Hours and Minutes are 17 hours and 25 minutes.

    Primary Verse is 11

    Primary Verse Length is 539

    Sum of the Number Words is 0

    Verse Multiplier 0 (0/11)

    The smallest Partial Birth Date is 174.

    Actual TOD is 173.72569444 or 12:32 PM PDT, 3:32 PM EDT on September 11, 2001.

    Ronald Reagan

    Reagan died on June 5, 2004. The 24th verse is between April 23, 2004 and June 10, 2004 or between 1128 and 1176 days after Chapter 7 started on March 22, 2001.

    DOB is 11-8-71

    Partial Birth Dates are 118, 718, 811, 871, 1171, and 7111

    Hours and Minutes are 20 hours and 11 minutes (11 + 8 hours 71 minutes).

    Applied Hours and Minutes are 15 hours and 57 minutes.

    Primary Verse is 24

    Primary Verse Length is 1176

    Sum of the Number Words are 24

    Verse Multiplier is 1 (24/24)

    The largest Partial Birth Date that is contained in the 24 Primary Verses is 1171.

    Actual TOD is 1170.66458333, which is 12 minutes before his recorded time of death at 1:09 PM PDT.

    Compensation Number

    Since the Verse Multiplier is 1, the Compensation Number becomes 0

    Gerald Ford

    Ford died on December 26, 2006. Chapter 7 must be restarted on June 10, 2004 (after Reagan’s verse 24 ends).

    DOB is 4-9-74

    Partial Birth Dates are 49, 94, 474, 744, 749 and 974

    Hours and Minutes are 14 hours and 14 minutes (4 + 9 hours 74 minutes).

    Applied Hours and Minutes are 14 hours and 3 minutes.

    Primary Verse is 20

    Primary Verse Length is 980

    Sum of the Number Words in the Primary Verse is 13

    Verse Multiplier is 0.65 = 13/20

    Secondary Verse is 13 (637 days)

    Sum of the Number Words in the Secondary Verse is 0

    The largest Partial Birth Date that is contained in the 20 Primary Verses is 974.

    Primary Verse TOD is 973.585416

    Secondary Verse TOD is 632.8305204 = 973.585416 X 0.65

    Starting Point

    980 minus 973.5854166 equals 6.414584

    637 minus 632.83051 equals 4.1694796

    6.414584 minus 4.1694796 equals 2.2451

    980 minus 2.2451 = 977.7549

    Average Verse Multiplier is .05 = (13+0)/20X13

    Actual TOD

    977.7549 – (.05 X 973.5854166) = 929.07562917

    Which is 7 minutes before the recorded TOD of 6:45 PM on December 26, 2006.

    Compensation Number

    (.5854166 / .35) + .35{(.5930555 – .5854166)/.35} = 1.68025

    This Compensation Number must be added to the moment that the TOD occurs. The remaining days of the

    Primary Verse is added to the end of the Compensation Number. This places the end of the Primary Verse

    981.68025 days after Ford’s calculations started.

    Jimmy Carter and G.H.Bush

    To allow the death of the 3rd former president to render the same results, Chapter 7 must be restarted

    Again after the previous Chapter 7, verse 20 ends, 1.68025 days after sundown on February 15, 2007,

    Only this time ending it at verse 8. This places verse 8 between 1.68025 days after sundown on January

    24, 2008 and 1.68025 days after sundown on March 13, 2008 or between 344 and 392 days after chapter

    7 restarted. Both Carter and Bush have partial birth dates in this verse.

    Jimmy Carter

    DOB is 7-3-85

    Partial Birth Dates are 37, 73, 385, 785, 853, 857

    Hours and Minutes are 11 hours and 25 minutes (7 + 3 hours 85 minutes).

    Applied Hours and Minutes are 11 hours and 25 minutes.

    Primary Verse is 8

    Primary Verse Length is 392

    Sum of the Number Words in the Primary Verse is 4

    Verse Multiplier is 0.5 = (4/8)

    Secondary Verse is 4 (198 days)

    Sum of the Number Words in the Secondary Verse is 1

    The largest Partial Birth Date that is contained in the 8 Primary Verses is 385.

    Primary Verse TOD is 385.475694

    Secondary Verse TOD is 192.7378472 = 385.475694 X 0.5

    Starting Point

    392 minus 385.475694 equals 6.524306

    198 minus 192.7378472 equals 5.262153

    6.524306 minus 5.2621527 equals 1.262153

    392 minus 1.2621532 = 390.737847

    Average Verse Multiplier is .15625 = (4+1)/8X4

    Average Verse Multiplier is .09375 = (4-1)/8X4

    Actual TOD

    390.7378467 – (.15625 X 385.475694) = 330.5072695125

    390.7378467 – (.09375 X 385.475694) = 354.5995003875

    Compensation Number

    (.46875 / . 5) + .5{( .46875 – .46875)/.5} = .9375


    DOB is 3-10-85

    Partial Birth Dates are 103, 310, 385, 853, 1085, 8510

    Hours and Minutes are 14 hours and 25 minutes (3 + 10 hours 85 minutes).

    Applied Hours and Minutes are 14 hours and 12 minutes.

    Primary Verse is 8

    Primary Verse Length is 392

    Sum of the Number Words in the Primary Verse is 4

    Verse Multiplier is 0.5 = (4/8)

    Secondary Verse is 4 (198 days)

    Sum of the Number Words in the Secondary Verse is 1

    The largest Partial Birth Date that is contained in the 8 Primary Verses is 385.

    Primary Verse TOD is 385.600694

    Secondary Verse TOD is 192.8003472 = 385.600694 X 0.5

    Starting Point

    392 minus 385.600694 equals 6.399306

    198 minus 192.79409 equals 5.20591

    6.41181 minus 1.20591 equals 1.193396

    392 minus 1.193396 = 390.806604

    Average Verse Multiplier is .15625 = (4+1)/8X4

    Average Verse Multiplier is .09375 = (4-1)/8X4

    Actual TOD

    390.806604 – (.15625 X 385.600694) = 330.5564955625

    390.806604 – (.09375 X 385.600694) = 354.6565389375

    Compensation Number

    (.588194 / .5) + .5{(.59375 – .588194)/.5} = 1.18194

    Jimmy Carter’s and George H. Bush’s Partial Birth Dates both fall within verse 8 on the 385th day,

    The reason that neither one of them died is because they only needed to be mentioned by way of verse

    8 so that the required amount of time could be fulfilled. This will become more apparent near the end of

    Chapter 8. The only former president that is left is Bill Clinton.

    Bill Clinton

    The 1st crane accident occurred in NYC on March 15, 2008, 1.68025 days after sundown on March 13, 2009.

    This was at the very moment that Clinton’s calculations started. The 2nd crane accident occurred 75.700687

    days later on May 30, 2008. If you divide 75.700687 by 1.129861 (Clinton’s 27 hours and 7 minutes), it is

    equal to exactly 67. This is further indication Clinton’s calculations started at the time of the 1st crane

    accident. It is also an indication, that we should use his partial birth date of 75 (the same day as the 2nd crane

    accident). Clinton’s calculations start 16 hours and 20 minutes (.68025 days) after sundown on March 14th.

    DOB is 5-22-7

    Partial Birth Dates are 57, 75, 225, 227, 522 and 722.

    Hours and Minutes are 27 hours and 7 minutes (5 + 22 hours 7 minutes).

    Applied Hours and Minutes are 27 hours and 7 minutes.

    Primary Verse is 2

    Primary Verse Length is 98

    Sum of the Number Words in the Primary Verse is 4

    Verse Multiplier is 2 (4/2)

    Secondary Verse is 4 (198 days)

    Sum of the Number Words in the Secondary Verse is 1

    The largest Partial Birth Date that is contained in the 2 Primary Verses is 75.

    Primary Verse TOD is 75.129861

    Secondary Verse TOD is 150.259722 = 75.129861 X 2

    Starting Point

    98 plus 75.129861 equals 173.129861

    196 plus 150.23972 equals 346.259722

    173.129861 plus 346.259722 equals 519.389583

    98 plus 519.389583 equals 617.389583

    Average Verse Multiplier is .625 = (4+1/2X4)

    Actual TOD

    (.625 X 75.129861) + 617.389583 = 664.345746125

    Compensation Number

    (1.129861 / .2) + .2{(1.129861 – 1.129861)/.2} = 5.649305

    We will return to Bill Clinton’s calculations during Daniel 8

    The Book of Revelation

    In the Book of Revelation, there are 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 vials and 2 wildernesses.

    7 seals = 1260 days each

    7 trumpets = 1260 days each

    1st wilderness = 1260 days (Rev 12:6)

    2nd wilderness = 4 and 1/2 seasons (405 days)

    To place the 2 wildernesses in the order that they occur is difficult, since I was not able to find anything

    That actually happened that I could associate with either of them. The length of the 1st wilderness is given.

    The placement must be somewhere before the 4th seal. The length of the 2nd wilderness was found by trial

    And error. The placement must be somewhere before the 5th trumpet but after the 3rd trumpet. I placed

    Both at the earliest possible time that they could occur. Below is a time table starting with Israel becoming

    A state through the end of the seventh trumpet. Since the events that I was able to find occurred on the

    Last day of the seals or trumpets, the dates shown below, are the last days for each seal, trumpet or

    Wilderness, keeping in mind that the next new seal, trumpet or wilderness starts on the same day that the

    Previous seal, trumpet or wilderness ended.

    05 14 48 Israel becomes a state
    10 26 51 1st wilderness
    04 08 55 1st seal
    09 19 58 2nd seal
    03 02 62 3rd seal
    08 13 65 4th seal
    01 24 69 5th seal
    07 07 72 6th seal
    12 19 75 7th seal
    06 01 79 1st trumpet
    11 12 82 2nd trumpet
    04 25 86 3rd trumpet
    06 04 87 2nd wilderness
    11 15 90 4th trumpet
    04 28 94 5th trumpet
    10 09 97 6th trumpet
    03 22 01 7th trumpet

    The events that I was able to find were the seals and trumpets that mentioned angels names, the 4th

    Seal (Death and Hell), the 3rd trumpet (Wormwood) and the 5th trumpet (Abaddon/Apollyon).

    4th Seal

    Rev 6:7
    When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying,

    “Come and see.”

    Rev 6:8
    So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and

    Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill

    With sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.

    3rd Trumpet

    Rev 8:10
    Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and

    It fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water.

    Rev 8:11
    The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many

    Men died from the water, because it was made bitter.

    5th Trumpet

    Rev 9:1
    Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him

    Was given the key to the bottomless pit.

    Rev 9:2
    And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great

    Furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit.

    Rev 9:3
    Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the

    Scorpions of the earth have power.

    Rev 9:4
    They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree,

    But only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

    Rev 9:5
    And they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five months. Their

    Torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man.

    Rev 9:6
    In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death

    Will flee from them.

    Rev 9:7
    The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle. On their heads were crowns

    Of something like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men.

    Rev 9:8
    They had hair like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’ teeth.

    Rev 9:9
    And they had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like

    The sound of chariots with many horses running into battle.

    Rev 9:10
    They had tails like scorpions, and there were stings in their tails. Their power was to hurt

    Men five months.

    Rev 9:11
    And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is

    Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.

    Rev 9:12
    One woe is past. Behold, still two more woes are coming after these things.

    Below is the time table with the events that I found

    05 14 48 Israel becomes a state
    10 26 51 1st wilderness
    04 08 55 1st seal
    09 19 58 2nd seal
    03 02 62 3rd seal

    08 13 65 4th seal Watts Riots
    01 24 69 5th seal
    07 07 72 6th seal
    12 19 75 7th seal
    06 01 79 1st trumpet
    11 12 82 2nd trumpet
    04 25 86 3rd trumpet Nuclear disaster at Chernobyl

    06 04 87 2nd wilderness
    11 15 90 4th trumpet
    04 28 94 5th trumpet 5 months of Peace negotiations with Israel
    10 09 97 6th trumpet
    03 22 01 7th trumpet

    The 4th Seal occurred in Los Angeles (Spanish words for the angles)(plural)

    The 3rd Trumpet occurred in Chernobyl (Ukrainian word for Wormwood) Timeline of Events

    The 5th Trumpet occurred in Cairo, which has no connection to destruction (Abaddon/Apollyon),

    but the 5 month period did follow. Also, the 5 months started on the second month, the seventeenth

    day of the month (using the Hebrew calendar), the same as the day that the flood started in

    Gen 7:11 (which also lasted 5 months) . If you overlay the flood dates from Genesis, using a

    prophetic 30 Day month (which both Genesis and revelation uses), then the tenth month, the first

    day of the month (the day that the tops of the mountains could be seen in Gen 8:5) occurred on

    12-08-94. This was the day that Bill Clinton signed GATT creating the World Trade Organization

    (perhaps the image of the beast, rising out of the bottomless pit in Rev 17:8). Beast and mountains

    are both used prophetically as governmental entities.

    Quarter Scale Timetable

    Additionally, I found a quarter scale version of the above timetable. It’s zero point is 16 hours after

    sundown in Los Angeles on 03-24-01 (where they both intersect). Below is the quarter scale time table,

    starting with 1st wilderness through the end of the seventh trumpet. Again, Since the events that I was

    able to find occurred on the last day of the seals or trumpets, the dates shown below, are the last days

    for each seal, trumpet or wilderness, keeping in mind that the next new seal, trumpet or wilderness starts

    on the same day that the previous seal, trumpet or wilderness ended.

    11 16 88 1st wilderness
    09 27 89 1st seal
    08 08 90 2nd seal
    06 19 91 3rd seal
    04 29 92 4th seal

    03 10 93 5th seal
    01 19 94 6th seal
    11 30 94 7th seal
    10 11 95 1st trumpet
    08 21 96 2nd trumpet
    07 02 97 3rd trumpet

    10 11 97 2nd wilderness
    08 22 98 4th trumpet
    07 03 99 5th trumpet
    05 13 00 6th trumpet
    03 24 01 7th trumpet

    The events that I was able to find in the echoes were the seals and trumpets that mentioned angels

    names (the same as in the original time table), the 4th seal (Death and Hell), the 3rd trumpet

    (Wormwood) and the 5th trumpet (Abaddon/Apollyon). Below is the echo time table with the events

    that I found.

    11 16 88 1st wilderness
    09 27 89 1st seal
    08 08 90 2nd seal
    06 19 91 3rd seal
    04 29 92 4th seal Rodney King Riots

    03 10 93 5th seal
    01 19 94 6th seal
    11 30 94 7th seal
    10 11 95 1st trumpet
    08 21 96 2nd trumpet
    07 02 97 3rd trumpet Progress M-34 was sent into the atmosphere to burn up
    10 11 97 2nd wilderness
    08 22 98 4th trumpet
    07 03 99 5th trumpet 5 months of Peace negotiations with Ireland
    05 13 00 6th trumpet
    03 24 01 7th trumpet

    The 4th Seal occurred in Los Angeles. It seemed to be duplicated (perhaps the use of 2 angels


    The 3rd trumpet had half of the prophecy on one day and the other half on the other day (perhaps

    the use of only one angel). Progress M-34 was the cargo ship that crashed into Mir. It is interesting

    to note that Mir itself burned up on March 23, 2001, a day after the end of the 7th trumpet, and a

    day before the center of the echo. Mir Falls to Earth (Mir is the Russian word for Peace).

    The 5th Trumpet occurred in Belfast, which has no connection to destruction (Abaddon/Apollyon),

    but the 5 month period did follow (perhaps the use of only one angel using 2 names). Since the 5 month

    Period in the echo did not start on the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, there is no

    reason to overlay the flood dates.

  14. Hello Don,

    I’m sorry that you feel disappointed that many people don’t read your words as you would hope. I’m 31 years old. I live alone. I find it difficult to approach a group of girls I don’t know. That is disappointing to me. But I put on a smile and realize God has a perfect plan for my life. He has a plan for your life too.

    If it’s any consolation, I’m very impressed that you know so much about the Bible. I haven’t read the entire Bible. But I chose to have faith that the Christian God is the right God.

    The best is yet to come.

    Have a great day!

    Kind Regards,
    David Henley

  15. David, it is not like I did not know that robots are the bulk of mine or anyone’s website traffic years ago, this is not a new revelation.

    God’s plan for my life is what I think He told me to do and I think I am doing that. God has a purpose for your life but your the one that must make the proper choices to fulfill His purpose. If people do not God will just do His will on earth through someone more willing. I suggest you read the entire Bible and keep reading it or you will never grow in God.

    Why would you want to approach a group of girls you don’t know? Best to do what God is telling you to do and the rest will follow. He knows your needs.

  16. I have already done alot of home work on a lot of topics and end time prophacy so most of the time when I read an artical there is no need to go any further as Im already familer with what the artical is talking about, but I do check your site from time to time as it dose supplement my growing jigsaw picture of whats going on in the world these days.
    Just another example why you get drive by shooters.
    You are doing a good job, this site and the info on it is very relivent for today. Also found it while googling for prophetic info.

  17. Hi Don,

    Don’t lose heart, Keep posting stuff so I can be more prepared dude. Besides I have emailed you a couple times regarding some questions so that’s awesome.

  18. Thanks for posting the above unsolicited email. It all makes sense now! The pieces just fall right into place if I read it standing on my head while the wind is blowing from the east while I am wearing a purple shirt on Tuesday. Forgive me for making fun, I just couldn’t resist.

  19. Yeah Marvin, that might get you in the right ball park but you still have to use the average verse multiplier and measure the distance from Ronald Reagan’s jelly bean jar to the holy place in Jimmy Carter’s head divided by the number of times Rodney King is mentioned in the law.

  20. Hi Don, I sure do understand how it sometimes feels like your a voice crying in the wilderness, but I hope God grants you perserverance in your endeavor. I try to read all your posts and articles but don’t always feel motivated to comment usually because you have reasoned so well.

    Having said that, and after reading the previous email posted, I believe I am more stupid for having read that rubbish.

  21. I Ken, thank for the affirmation.

    You actually read the rubbish sent to me in that email that I posted above?

    What was it saying in 25 words of less? Never mind, I do not want to know.

    I really posted it to show just how nutty people can get on various interpretations of Bible prophecy. I did not post the links in the article but there were scores of them so anyone taking the time to create this article must have did it on the manic side of bipolar. Of course it could also have been developed at some mental institution that had a postmodern group think workshop on Bible prophecy.

  22. Don, My son and I enjoy reading all of the articles on your website. Although I consider myself a Pentecostal Christian, I am apalled at the postmodern influence in my own denomination (Church of God Cleveland, TN). People no longer think, read, or even question anything said from any pulpit or TV. I find myself unnerved by the spiritual apathy and Biblical illiteracy of my own generation, and even that of the previous one.

    I don’t agree with everything on your site; but you make me think, and that’s always a good thing. You don’t know you have faith unless it is challenged. People today do not know how to think critically. They are taught what to think, but not how to think.

    Not all of us Pentecostals are unthinking people. Some of us enjoy a lively debate, which gets us into trouble; just like it does in other purpose-drivel churches.

    I have rejected the Word/Faith babble, the Third Wave fiasco, the Emergent monster, and most of the evangetainment/evangomercial culture, because I actually believe in Absolute Truth.

    Keep up the good work.

    Romans 5:3-4 (New King James Version)

    3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope.

  23. Thanks John Eric Adams,
    The most serious problems I have with Pentecostalism are the things that you have already identified and rejected.

  24. Don,

    The comment you were not going to post and posted…that is crazy! No wonder you are tired.

  25. Actually it was never sent as a comment it was sent to me as a email. Yeah, it it totally nuts. I just wanted to show you the minds that seek to enlighten me and others prophecy sites they email to. At least this one was not calling himself one of the two prophets in Revelation. I get those loons regularly.

  26. Don,

    I have enjoyed reading your blog and your website. The main problem with people today especially in churches is that they do not have discernment. People will accept something as “truth” if it sound good to them or whatever. If they don’t like a statement they will go ahead and say the statement is not true even though a statement could actually be true.

    The stuff you discuss here does not sound good so most people will think you are into “conspiracies” etc. Some will probably think that you need to quit being “negative” and start looking at things from a “positive” perspective.

    Most people are into a ideology of “positivism” and I believe that is one of the reasons why false teachers are being successful.

    Keep up with the good work and do not get discouraged.

  27. Thanks Justin. I think teaching people to be mindless optimists when the enemy is already in the camp is all part of the communist pimps and queens brain washing program .

  28. Don;

    I usually enjoy your blog. It is read as time allows. Lately, I have been busy working for worth less and less dollars to buy grains (wheat, corn, and edible beans & such), means to store said grains properly, wood, coal, and supplies just in case things do go south. It would be difficult to look our grown children and grandchildren in the face and say “gee, I never really thought something like this would ever really happen”

    SOOOO, time to read and reply is not as abundant as it once was. Keep at it, there are those who listen>

    Be Well


  29. Don,

    I promise you I am a real reader here in PA and would miss your blog terribly if it went away. I wish I had more time to read and post, but often just “stop by” to see what you are commenting on. Sometimes I am several articles behind and being human get easily overwhelmed by too much information. I admit it was in fact your prophetic years site that landed me here, and I still have the full commentary on my laptop. I have shared your site and blog with many of my free-thinking human friends and family and not one mindless robot that I am aware of 🙂

    As long as you have the time, the will, and the freedom…

    I remain a loyal reader


  30. Dave, I guess it don’t hurt to be prepared. There may be so many other shoes dropping before long that you could equip the militia.

    Thanks Betty, “free-thinking humans” now that is a real old fashioned concept. How did you all escape getting captured by the Borg 😉

  31. haha…I think its because we live in a brick house. Maybe its the slate roof…course the old fashioned lead and asbestos could act like kryptonite for the borg;-)

    Who knows? As long as we’re safe, I’m not complaining. Well at least until the EPA shows up….Between all the toxic substances, the CO2, and the well pump…

  32. Hi Don, wanted to tell you how much I appreciate and can be encouraged by the information on your website. I am a middle-aged female in a very conservative part of the country where women practice being stepford wives more than anything else, so I truly do share in your frustration of anyone really reading or going any deeper than the surface of things. Honestly, I have come to find in my attempts to follow your blogging/articles as well as following other events/information that it can become very overwhelming and depressing. Don’t get me wrong, being alive in such a time is absolutely amazing and we are privledged to be experiencing God’s phrophetic Word come true right before our eyes, but, it does seem like less and less of us are interested in such things.

    Just being part of a real church, where the Bible is studied word by word, seems to be a dwindling endeavor. It is websites, blogs, and articles from people like yourself that help me to remain satisfied in knowing I am not alone in my thought process. I share your information with everyone who is interested in going deeper and I am hopeful that as events unravel that people will go back to seeking some answers.

    Please be encouraged, while the number of people willing to speak the truth and go deeper might be winding down, the need for it is ever increasing. Thank you for your efforts. You are being used of God and you and your information is a blessing, even though in large doses, it is hard to swallow.

    I hope that more women who claim Christianity open their eyes to what is going on in the world around them as the continue in their roles as mothers, etc. It seems to me (at least in the area in which I live) that as women raise their families, they get so wrapped up in that responsibility, that they fail to be aware of what is going on outside of their proverbial bubbles, especially when the information is as difficult as it is. Yet they continue to reproduce, which is fine, but I truly hope they are preparing their children for what is to come.

    Thanks Don, keep up the great work!

  33. Thanks for the encouragement Lisa.

    Most Christians in America today are not very deep and are all wrapped up in the affairs of the world, but I think God is about to change all that and those with eyes to see might finally understand, but it is going to be a painful experience for most living today and not just their children.

    All hell will break loose right here in America in the next decade and I am not at all talking about events of the tribulation. I can think of at least four serious events that shook our nation that will turn out to be of lessor consequence then the chastisement coming – The Civil War, World War I followed by the Spanish flu, the great depression, and World War II. I think Christians will have to live through the next chastisement as well and it could be fatal to our nation if Christians remain lukewarm and apathetic.

  34. I agree with you on your view of what is coming down the pike. My father lived through the great depression and was in WWII and he had a very different view of things in the world and raised me accordingly. We (my husband and I) are trying to prepare for major changes in the way in which we exist (and I don’t necessarily mean by stocking up on food and supplies), so much as getting ready to live in a country/world that is so very different that what we experience now.

    Things like getting ready to lose everything we have. We’ve already sold our house and given away a great deal of what we own and we continue that practice today. We openly discuss living as homeless people, or in bankruptcy, or dying from lack of proper medical care, things of that nature. In the meantime we know that God is in control and will always be and that no matter how it all goes down here, eventually, we will be where we belong and will suffer no more.

    I pray not only for those who don’t know Christ, that they would come to know Him, but really for those who think they know Him and don’t ever consider what He will allow us to go through. We have no idea, we sit in our comfortable homes, with our large tv’s, typing on our laptops (as I do right now), with multiple cars outside, plenty of food in the fridge and we just don’t see that God rains on the just and the unjust. Until then we will continue to read the information on your website and share it with others. Thank you.

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