Cancer is now liberally spreading to the best places in America

Dr Rosenbloom says America has cancer a.k.a. liberals. This liberal tumor grew in California where the cells are no longer thriving because of its own excrement so many of the liberal cancer cells now are jumping onto the superhighways much like lymph vessels and transporting themselves to healthy places of beauty and symmetry like Idaho, Wyoming and Montana.

Seems that there is no way to change a cancer cell to a healthy cell even when it moves to a healthy area. It will attempt to recreate in healthy areas the same malignant society that it could not thrive in on the left coast.

A look inside the malignant mind.

If no action is taken to stop the spread of this liberal cancer America will certainly die. Perhaps it is too late to stop the spread of this malignant social disease called liberalism but I think the good doctor believes the patient should at least give it a valiant try.

Liberalism is a malignancy

The conversations I had with the Californians usually began with a friendly hello, followed by introductions and the inevitable discussion of present goings on and past lives. Pretty much without exception, the people who had moved from California bemoaned the crowds, traffic, high taxes, high crime, expensive real estate, social discord and decreased livability of California. Interestingly, however, their political attitudes had not changed. They were invariably liberal, yet out of disgust for what it had become, they left a state they had helped to remake into a far-left liberal Shangri-La. Even so, they were hard at work trying to remake their new communities in the political image of California. They had in many cases successfully converted these communities from conservative red to liberal blue in short order.

Idaho, Wyoming and Montana: Large sections of these bastions of conservative individualism were being converted into pockets of far-left liberalism. I wondered how it could be possible for these people not to realize the irony here. There seemed to be a total logical disconnect. They had succeeded in making California a place where every liberal wanted to live. High taxes, widespread social programs, lack of traditional morality. Yet after years of regulating California into the far-left haven they craved, they jumped ship looking for simpler places, simpler people and less regulation. Was it possible that these malcontents were so numbed by their ideology that they did not or could not see what they were doing?

I began to think about how modern liberalism could be compared to malignancy. Not a pleasant thought but an applicable thought. A well-known conservative radio personality wrote a book entitled : “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.” I began to consider that it may be a malignant disorder as well.

On arrival, they don’t assimilate into the culture of the new organ. They again begin aborting the production of normal cells, finally destroying their new home as well. Freedom, rights without responsibilities, lack of concern for cellular tradition. These are the evils of malignancy. The old ways of doing things have been replaced.

Is this liberal metastatic propensity simply an inability to understand cause and effect? How can liberals maintain this single-minded commitment to an ideology of absolute freedom leading invariably to progressive dysfunction and death? This is the undeniable similarity between modern liberalism and malignancy.

Liberals misunderstand individual freedom in the most fundamental way. The word freedom is derived from two words, free and domination. Freedom is the right of each person to be free of domination and by their own efforts to work toward a life of their choosing. Freedom does not guarantee perfection in society nor equal outcomes for people of differing individual abilities and initiative. Liberalism replaces individual responsibility with collective guilt, promoting the idea that everyone’s desires must be guaranteed. In so doing, the freedom of those who object is suppressed.

The sad reality is that with all of their concern for society, they are really only concerned about themselves, and when they do metastasize they always pick the most unspoiled and beautiful destinations. Yes, liberalism is truly a malignancy. The question is whether we will have the moral strength to prescribe effective therapy before it destroys us all.

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22 thoughts on “Cancer is now liberally spreading to the best places in America

  1. Wow!

    As one who lives in Nevada and has experienced this California “cancer” coming across our borders in droves with their wacky ideas how we should think and live, this aritcle was right on!

    It always baffles me that the Californians who come here lamenting the high taxes and oppressive government of their previous state. And the first thing they do is try to change their new home into another California. Their liberal, socialiast policies have bankrupted their state and then they try to do the same thing here in my blessed Northern Nevada.

    I was watching a news show that showed how many California businesses are leaving the state in droves and many of them are coming to Nevada as it is more business friendly. Portland Conrete is going to have to close their plant in california when the new enviromental taxes and laws come into effect because it will cost them 200 million to refit their plant from coal to and more “enviromentally friendly” power source.

    I lived in California for 3 years and finally got tired of paying for the “privilege” of living in the liberal, socialist toilet of California. I prefer it much more where I live in Nevada. We celebrate a pioneer spirit. We work hard, take risks and are accountable for our actions.
    If my neighbor has an engine block in his front yard, I figure it’s his property and he can do what he wants. If it really bugs me, I can always build a fence or plant a tall hedge as he was there first.

    Sorry for my rant, but this article hit pretty close to home. I’m pretty sick and tired of Nazi-fied Californians bringing their failed socialism and trying to plant it here where we just want to live simple and be good neighbors.

  2. Nevada is a pretty nice place once you get away from Lost Wages. We had considered living there ourselves but I better shut up or all the liberal people from California now being foreclosed on will move there and totally ruin what is even left.

    The liberals did the same thing in Arizona. I lived in Arizona more than anywhere in my life and it used to be a pretty nice free state until the liberal cancer moved in from California and New York. Typhoid nanny first moved to Maricopa county and from there spread to the more rural counties, now she has infected the entire state. Today in Arizona you have big nanny government, always rising taxes, and impact fees and you have to get a permit to build a dog house and you cannot walk the dog without a leash anywhere in the state. God forbid in some areas if you do not cut your grass to nanny’s specifications or have a vehicle in your driveway.

  3. Yeah, putting Napolitano in charge in Arizona and now Homeland Security is quite a trip. Part of the reason why this is happening in Arizona, New Mexico and now even Texas is that most Mexican Americans vote for the party that will give them free hand outs. When you have six kids and get large sums of money from the IRS for each kid in earned income credits no matter if you paid no income tax at all, or when medical care is free when you have a lot of kids and you do not have the income of the middle class because your wife does not work. You can then see why liberals are now taking over these once very conservative states. Then add the white relocated liberal malignancy from California and there is no liberal program that they will not pass.

    When I was living in Santa Cruz County Arizona there were so many transplanted Mexicans that the county could get anything it wanted passed because all the county government would turn out for the vote and the citizens that relocated their from Mexico (or illegals) were too intimated to show up at the polls. Cops and bureaucrats were half the people showing up to vote on sales tax increases on their own unneeded projects. Meanwhile, try even getting a low water bridge built over the Santa Cruz River so the second largest subdivision in the nation could have access to the freeway without people ruining their car. No, the border police were against that because the unpaved river crossings were their favorite catch and release habitat! Nothing like democracy!

  4. I just listen to that crazy woman on FNC. These idiots think that this “swine flu” is the most harmful thing that is out there right now. The funny thing though that this flu has only killed one person where as 36,000 folks die from regular seasonal flu each year.

  5. Justin, the most harmful disease out there is this Liberal cancer eating away at America. Yeah in the light of how many tens of thousands died of flu already this year before this strain even appeared the reaction seems a bit bazaar. Can you imagine the reaction of the world when a more serious virus hits? Seems those in control of government and the media are peddled fear in many different ways these days. We know they won’t waste a good crises so we better hold on to our freedom and our wallet.

    I wonder what news will not be covered while this flu scare becomes all you hear for the next month or more?

    By the way, I hope nobody got sucked into the April fool rally on wall street? The economic crises is not over by a long shot.

  6. I heard a Mexican lady saying it was a deliberate government’s attempt at getting more financial support. Perhaps exaggerated but who knows whether Calderón thinks like Emmanuel does. After all things aren’t looking too well in Mexico with the drugs cartels trying to seize power anyway.

  7. You are right Don. Those liberals are like mold. They ruin anything they lay their hands on. I personally believe there will be alot of chaos in the US in the next few yrs or maybe sooner. I do not buy into the economic recovery lie. I really do not think that the United States will never recover economically again. You know the Bible says in Proverbs 13:34 Righteousness exalts a nation,
    But sin is a reproach to any people. I do believe that we will see what God meant when He said “reproach” It is going to be pretty scary. But when these things come there will be more people taking drugs, committing suicide, and stealing. You know there are some states that legalized assisted suicide.

    Bob Chapman wrote a article on his blog on what is about to happen in the world in general soon

    I hope Christians get prepared for this and also know that they will get blamed for in these troubled times. But do not be surprise though when these times hit most Christians will not be prepared even though God warned them about this in His Word.

  8. Justin, I used to have a reciprocal link with Jerry when he linked to my site and had a site on on Bible prophecy.

    I have also written on the US financial situation it has been the number one article under “world debt” on Google. I warned that this collapse was coming almost ten years ago. We are still only in phase one. Phase two will be here shortly. I also wrote a article in my imminent danger series written in 2006.

  9. I knew u had a article on the debt we are currently in. I did not realize that u use to have a reciprocal link to his site. I knew his site has some good historical stuff on there.

  10. Yesterday they passed the “Thought (Hate) Crimes Bill” and Sebellius was confirmed for the Dept of Health. What else are the liberals going to slip in while this so called crisis is going on. This morning the CDC is saying you can not call this “Swine Flu” you have to use the term “H1N1”, muslims might be offended, or maybe if a muslim is infected with swine flu and dies they won’t get their 72 virgins and barrels of wine in heaven.

    What other craziness is going to happen? Liberals are truly insane or have a organic brain disorder.

  11. The H1N1 strain of the Influenza Virus Type A is the same as the one that caused Spanish Flu and others. It is said to originate in aquatic birds. Some insist we call it Mexican Flu because so far it hasn’t actually been found in pigs in Mexico. I don’t know who or what to believe anymore sometimes. Even the Israeli government was saying that it should not be calling it Swine Flu so as not to offend the Muslims and the Jews. I don’t see the problem. A pig is a pig. If it’s haraam or not kosher, they don’t eat it, but the name of the animal itself surely cannot be offensive? They called it Swine Flu because similar diseases were found earlier in pigs, including in the United States and this strain has all the symptoms of it. So now they’re going to piss the Mexican government by insisting it is “Mexican” Flu. Whatever!

    By the way, I’ve read today that the Flu has been stabilizing in Mexico. So quite frankly I think this is all just another typical media hype and an attempt at diverting the public’s attention from the real issues that are affecting citizens. And if it were biological warfare or terrorism I think we would surely have known by now.

  12. From what I read most Americans have partial immunity because of a old similar virus or through taking flu shots over the years.

  13. Good site, Justin. At first I thought this might get serious but now I think it’s really all a hype. Of course the H1N1 strain has a deadly potential, e.g. the so-called Spanish Flu. However, it doesn’t look like this is such a very virulent and dangerous strain. I would think that this outbreak is largely due to a lack of hygiene and proper health care. I wonder what the authorities will do when they’re faced with a real biological attack if some wish to declare martial law and shut down all the schools now already. Some people were even claiming that this influenza pandemic is due to globalization or global overpopulation. Yeah, I guess that’s why we had the black death in Europe in the Middle Ages, and cholera, malaria, the measles (etc) decades and even centuries ago. Maybe they should do something about the illegal immigrants instead, that is posing more danger to the integrity of the US than swine flu (which has occured in Texas earlier as well). And what about the AIDS pandemic caused by promiscuity? Just another attempt by the elite to fool people and keep them in a state of bliss and out of touch with reality.

  14. Also our government is hypocrital when they say they want to protect the people of Americans but the same time they support homo sex or fornication. But when things go downhill I wonder how these single Moms are going to survive?

  15. That link about sums up Janet Napolitano. I wonder what the people working under her must think having her running Homeland Security? Seems Obama consistently picks people to fill posts that can only cause harm to America. He is trying to cure a patient suffering from too much liberal exposure by giving it liberal cancer. The Liberal cancer definitely has tumors rooted in Washington D.C.

  16. Apparently the people working in the Homeland Security deparment disagreed with Napolitano’s views but this damnable report anyway. Thomas More Law Center has filed a lawsuit against her.

    Makes you wonder why they don’t abolish the constitution altogether since it was written by 18th century right-wing fundamentalist Christian sons of guns. Clearly people are so much wiser in postmodern 21st century!!

    Just keep on voting for crypto-Socialists, you dumbasses! 👿

  17. Looks like some part of my sentence is incomplete. I meant to write that she published her “report” anyway.

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