Electrical grid down could kill most in America within the decade

I have addressed this issue several times over the years but apparently Americans are still not getting the message about the grave danger of an extended electrical grid down situation. If this should occur, most Americans probably will not survive this decade. (See the related posts at the bottom for previous articles.)

This is not some danger that I am pulling out of thin air. It is no conspiracy theory. This is a grave danger to our nation that is established in scientific fact. All the experts that have looked into the grid down possibility have warned our leaders of the dire consequences.… continue reading

Comet ISON: Harbinger of death of a great nation or World War III?

Update 11/30/13

(Apparently ISON flew too close to the sun and got pretty much destroyed by the great heat and gravitational forces. So, there will be no great show in the sky this December. If there is going to be any harbinger in the sky in the near future, we will have to wait to see what else shows ups. These small icy comets are very unpredictable and more often than not they do not live up to the comet of the century expectations. When or if God sends a real sign it will be spectacular and it will be obvious.)continue reading

Analysis of the North Korean threat and America’s weak response

The world has been told by the Obama administration that Obama does not bluff. However, apparently leaders in North Korea, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere do not believe him. Many leaders think that Obama is bluffing because like Presidents Clinton and Carter he is so wishy-washy predictable. The “progressive” leaders of America always take the politically correct way that is blessed by the globalist progressive appeasers.

Obama bluffed North Korea by sending a few ships and nuclear bombers and having a joint exercise with South Korea as a show of force that we will not put up with their nuclear weapons development program.… continue reading

Global elite believe world turmoil leads to their utopian end

It seems that in Europe and America everyone is living for today. Many nations are spending their future and many people are spending their retirement accounts. It is like eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. Most might not confess to being that fatalistic but that seems to be evident in their choices and lifestyles.

All the national banks are now printing money like there is no tomorrow and if they continue to print excessive money they will ensure that this world economic system will not exist tomorrow. I think the global power elite pulling the strings know where all this will lead.… continue reading

America destroyed through apathy and vulnerable electrical grid?

The gravest danger to America is the survival of its electrical grid. If that grid should go down for months or years, America will cease to exist as a nation of any consequence. If the grid failed across America, and we could not get it up again within several months, hundreds of millions of people could die of thirst, starvation, disease, and civil conflict over the few resources that could be scavenged.

The foremost experts on EMP’s say it could take 4 to 10 years to restore the grid after two small nuclear explosions fifty miles above the East and West coasts of the United States or even one well placed nuke about 200 miles above the center of the nation.… continue reading

Utopian humanist socialist globalism and issues in Bible prophecy

This article might kick some sacred cows of conservative Christian Americans and the Bible prophecy “experts” that many follow, so you have been warned. This article is also very long (over 5000 words), so if you have no attention span and cannot critically think like most in this sound bite generation, then this article was not written for you. On the positive side, that would also eliminates 99 percent of the people who would be critical of this article and all people hired to readĀ  blogs by government spy agencies. šŸ˜Ž

This article has six sections that I call points and it also has a brief summery.… continue reading

Modern infrastructure without security is the top threat to America

As I have expressed many times on this Blog, I think the end times spoken about in Bible prophecy are still about twenty years in the future. Nevertheless, don’t be under the false delusion that troubles in America are anyway near that far off. This very year could be the end of your world as you have known it. In any case, the survival of America as a world power will not likely extend into the next decade. The economic situation is a major problem that people rightly should also focus on but America’s dependence on its modern infrastructure is probably what will do us in first.… continue reading

America is on life support – flying flag upside down now seems approprate

Memorial day is a day of remembrance for those fallen in battle in the service of this nation. It is also a good time to give a national warning to those that think freedom is free. The American nation that our forefathers died for already is on life support and if we do not fight to keep our liberty and freedom we will lose it.

Perhaps the time has come for patriotic Americans to fly their flags upside down because the nation is in great distress. If nothing is done to turn America around we will be judged by God. Soon we could no longer be a great or a free nation.… continue reading

Those optimistic about America’s future are not living in reality.

America is a nation with a Constitution and a Bill of Rights designed to keep individuals free from government tyranny. However, it is obvious that most Americans have now given up these rights for the shackles of socialism and the facade of false security. The politicians that Americans elect still give lip service to our Constitution but their actions show that their heart is far from it.

Tyrannical control freaks are not supposed to be ruling Americans under our system of government but nevertheless it is very apparent they already are.

One successful terrorist attack brought America to its knees when Americans allowed this attack to open the door to a police state.… continue reading

2012: year that started events on earth many will desire to forget

The year 2012 will probably prove to be the most important year in the recent history of the world. It will be the year that started events on earth that many will desire to forget. I do not believe 2012 will be the start of the last seven years of Bible prophecy; yet, many believers might start to think that the tribulation is upon us. It could get that bad.

I am sure Israel would like to put off a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities hoping that the Obama administration will be replaced in 2013, but I do not think they believe that they can wait that long.… continue reading

One Second After, explains why America is not in Bible prophecy?

If you want to know why the United States is not in Bible prophecy an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon exploding high above the United States is probably the most likely reason and not the Rapture of Christians like some wishful thinkers like to believe. I have been writing about the U.S. vulnerability to an EMP for over five years. It all started with this Imminent Danger article. You can find my additional articles on EMPs under “Categories”, on the blog side bar.

The reason for this new post on the EMP danger is not to say the same things that I have said in other articles.… continue reading

The time for procrastination is over if you are planning relocation

Back in 2005 I relocated to Arizona and bought a house there because my wife was planning on starting a cash based Osteopathic practice in the area. Housing was way overpriced but if you wanted to live in Arizona you had no choice but to pay the price. I purchased a two year old house for $207,000 that the original owner had paid only $150,000 for just two years earlier. By 2006 I knew that my wife’s plans were not going to work out so I knew it was time to scale down and get out of Arizona before the economic crash that I knew was coming hit.… continue reading

The EMP generation starts when power ends in America

We are rightly concerned with the political and economic situation in America, but nevertheless, there is a very high likelihood that the failure of our national electrical grid and national infrastructures is what will get most of us killed within this decade.

The probability of a solar or nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) occurring over America this decade is probably more likely than not. It is a scientific fact that an EMP can put America back to the infrastructure conditions of the 1800’s but trying to support ten times the population.

We should be aware that an EMP can happen at any time but most in America are either not aware of this threat or they are treating this threat to our society as if it were little more than science fiction.… continue reading

I think an analysis of present political realities is in order.

If you are aware of present political realities of today, the news headlines of tomorrow may not come as a complete surprise.

Obama is going to withdraw from Afghanistan but it will take until 2014 to do it. Meanwhile, nothing has changed for the better in that area. In fact, things are growing worse because the war just created more radicals in Pakistan and Afghanistan that hate Americans. So there is no reason to think that these areas will not become terrorist training grounds in the future.

Bashar al-Assad of Syria has killed well over a thousand people in Syria and he is creating quite a humanitarian crises by destroying the towns of people that do not support him and their very livelihoods.… continue reading

America is only one EMP attack away from complete national catastrophe

I have written several articles on the danger of any EMP attack on the United States already, but yesterday I ran across what I think is the best scientific description and analysis of the three components (E1, E2, and E3) from a nuclear EMP that I have read.

The article is, “EMP Attacksā€”What the U.S. Must Do Now“, by James Carafano, Ph.D. and Richard Weitz, Ph.D. What is said in this article is founded on well documented information. The article gives 48 references.

Here is the opening paragraph from this article (bold emphasis mine).

An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack represents one of the greatest threats imaginableā€”to the United States and the world.

continue reading

American dependence on these transformers could be our fatal mistake

I have written on this topic before, but since I believe this is the number one danger to the survival of our nation, and since our government is not doing anything about it, I am going to lightly touch on this subject once again. If you want to find out more detailed information on this subject click on the links and also follow the reference links contained within those articles.

Modern life in America is now dependent on about 350 very high voltage transformers. These transformers are at risk from a solar coronal mass ejection (CME) or a nuclear electromagnet pulse (EMP) from an enemy.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, August 2010

Its already August and time for my second monthly perspectives article. In case you got here by a search engine with a keyword search these perspectives are posted on the World Trends and Bible Prophecy Blog of Don Koenig. There is a category on the side bar and a tag on the bottom of this post that will bring you to prior monthly perspectives.

It now looks like team Obama is about to turn on the simulation money printing machines again. We were told that the stimulus would soon end but it now is evident to even the Obamanable Far Left, that they did not get the high that they were expecting from their 3 trillion dollar stimulus.… continue reading

United States EMP aftermath preparedness discussion

Imagine if you wake up tomorrow morning and the electricity is out and your heat is off. You also have no water or telephone service. You find your neighbor and then he locates an old battery operated shortwave radio that is still working and then you hear this:

An EMP has occurred high over the United States from a nuclear explosion that is believed to have come from a missile from some unidentified ship and the entire electrical grid in America and parts of Canada is down.

Official United States government sources could not say when anyone in the United States would have electricity again.continue reading

Prepare for the great American blackout!

With the title Prepare for the great American blackout! I bet you are wondering what in the world I am talking about. I have come to the conclusion that in about five years most of those who are still living in America will be living without electricity. The whole nation will experience a major prolonged blackout that will last many months, perhaps even years. Many if not most of the people living in the cities in America would not survive the aftermaths of the coming electromagnetic pulse (EMP) hundreds of miles over the United States.Ā  That is my conclusion why America is not in Bible prophecy.continue reading

Total dependence on the grid god of electrical forces could be civilization’s Achilles heel.

What if you woke up tomorrow and there was no more electricity for the foreseeable future? If you think that is not a real possibility the experts say you are wrong. I already have written about the possibility of a nuclear EMP weapon that could put America back to conditions in the 19th century. Now a study by NASA and the US National Academy of Science (NAS) tells us that it is just a matter of time before a solar storm will make a similar event happen on at least part of the earth. They are not talking about some possibility of a storm some millions of years in the future.… continue reading