Preparing for coming global cooling may be critical to survival

I could get on the bandwagon and tell you that there will be global warming in the future, but even if it actually happened it will not have much of an impact on most that live on this planet today. Global cooling, on the other hand, does really matter to those alive on the earth today. If the earth cools, world food production will fall and many poor people would starve to death.

If the temperature falls just 3 degrees Centigrade, global grain production would be reduced by one-quarter. The U.S. would no longer be an exporter of grain and many nations of the world would be living in famine.… continue reading

American Oligarchy rules nation with police state enforcement

You might not yet even realize that you are under police state control, but you will soon. Americans are now ruled by an Oligarchy that controls an increasingly powerful police state that has Big Brother surveillance capabilities.

Everything you do will be regulated and if you do not abide by the rule of the elite and their police state enforcers the little liberty and freedom that you still have will cease to exist. The huge growth of armed federal agents in the Department of Homeland Security and the militarization of almost all local police forces and the control of them by directives from Homeland Security ought to tell you something about where we are heading as a nation.… continue reading

America chooses judgment through the fascist tyranny of Obama

The 2012 election makes it clear to me that the majority of Americans have already been brainwashed by media and the “educational” system to accept fascist tyranny and socialism. The ruling Far Left will now try to force their Marxist globalist ways on all traditional Americans that abhor their godless communistic and fascist socialism. America is now doomed to experience accelerating division, economic collapse, tyranny and self-destruction.

America is now a people with two distinct incompatible ideologies. Some say that Obama will bring judgment on America. Sure, but what they fail to see is that Obama and the Far Left is the prime means being used to bring that judgment on America.… continue reading

25 symptoms that argue that America has a fatal disease

I think America has gone past the point of no return. I see no political solutions to the problems because the problems are really a result of the immorality of the people. Just changing some of the government overseers for a slightly different set of government overseers will just bring upon us a different set of problems. It will not cure the fatal disease of mortal rot that is now so evidently being displayed throughout our society.

Here are 25 symptoms that argue that America has a fatal disease:

1. Race and class hatred is rising dramatically in America because many people covet what others have and believe that those living today owe them something for what happened to their ancestors.… continue reading

The West needs to see the present world realities

It’s time that people in the West opened their eyes to the present world realities that they live in. The present economic threat to the West is caused by socialism, living beyond one’s means, high energy prices and trading with China. The present military and stability threat to the West is Islam. The primary religious threat to the West is not Islam, it is secular humanism, religious pluralism and New Age spirituality.

Most in the West will learn to find a job if the West stops paying people to do nothing, and stops giving people entitlements that they have not earned.… continue reading

Deception is epidemic in America.

Have you noticed that deception has become an epidemic in America? Deception is the rule of the day and most people buy into the deception because they can no longer discern truth from lies or they actually want to believer liars. For example the rhetoric that most whites are racists but blacks are not while black gangs beat white people in many cities in this nation. Or the lie that everyone wealthy got their money at the expense of others.

Deception is so ingrained into our American society today that I hardly know where to begin to even talk about it.… continue reading

High oil and gas prices exist because of speculation and government!

Right now we obviously have a stability problem in the Middle East that drives speculators to bet that oil prices will go higher. The speculators create a spike or bubble and that is why gas is now $4 a gallon. If we can get the Middle East to settle down (fat chance) and get our government to start developing our own huge oil reserves, oil could soon fall to $50 a barrel. That would mean that in most states gas would be under $2 a gallon.

I know about the Hubbert peak oil theory. It is not entirely wrong but it is based on conventional oil and he had no way of knowing the advances that would come in the technology.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, August 2010

Its already August and time for my second monthly perspectives article. In case you got here by a search engine with a keyword search these perspectives are posted on the World Trends and Bible Prophecy Blog of Don Koenig. There is a category on the side bar and a tag on the bottom of this post that will bring you to prior monthly perspectives.

It now looks like team Obama is about to turn on the simulation money printing machines again. We were told that the stimulus would soon end but it now is evident to even the Obamanable Far Left, that they did not get the high that they were expecting from their 3 trillion dollar stimulus.… continue reading

Worn out loafing around on the Internet in a tired world.

I wanted to write a couple of new articles on something worth knowing this week but the chances of that seem to be getting slimmer all the time. Between comments, emails, website administration and modifications, keeping up with the news, shopping for food, yard work, a garden that is out of control, all my high mileage vehicles needing repair, my wife going on a mission trip, a birthday, spraying the fruit trees, taking care of the animals, doing bills, a holiday coming up, sleeping , etc. I find that there just are not enough hours in the day to get everything done.… continue reading

The Obama Midas touch turns U.S. government policy into fools gold

The Golden One and his handpicked apostles (Czars) apparently do not have the Midas touch after all. In fact, the Obama administration seems to be cursed. Everything touched by Obama and his administration turns into fools gold.

The oil has been gushing in the gulf for two months now. I am not blaming Obama for the oil well failure but some of the blame has to go to people like him that create environmental laws that force Oil Companies to drill fifty miles off-shore.  Also, the buck stops with Obama for poor government oversight of BP and for failure to come up with a solution to this problem and the bumbling with the clean-up .… continue reading

The people said, “Give us a King”! Then pimp for hucksters and communist queens.

Just reading about what is going on in this nation and the world and churches each day is enough to make the blood boil of real Christians and real American patriots.  I am learning how Lot felt when the Sodomites took over the land and how Martin Luther felt when he came to realize that the Roman Church was run by the same den of vipers that crucified his Lord. I am also beginning to understand the feelings of Patrick Henry that said, “give me Liberty or give me Death”. He would be saying the same thing today to our government of pimps and queens that want to run a collective communist Borg ant farm here.… continue reading

Global warming climate change, postmodern thinking and Al Gore reinventing truth

I have not covered climate change (global warming) much on this blog because it would seem to be off topic to the world and church trends and Bible prophecy theme. But, it actually is an attempt at satanically controlled global government. So an article on this climate change topic does seems fitting.

I did write about this issue and listed scores of articles on this global warming or climate change topic on my old blog and I always took the position that all the hype was based on junk science and was a hoax and a fraud pushed by global elitists and politicians controlling the purse strings of many scientists.… continue reading

Obama and EPA regulating freedom and America out of existence

The Obama administration through the Environmental Protection Agency is about to take a step that will regulate American freedom out of existence. They will do it through almost unlimited regulatory powers authorized by the Clean Air Act.

The Obama administration first appointed yes women to head critical national agencies and then the Obama administration claims the government must act because of their unfounded and unscientific recommendations? This EPA announcement has just moved us another huge step toward executive branch dictatorship and fascism. If congress does not take strong enough action against CO2 emissions we are now told it will be done by EPA regulation and through Obama’s executive orders.… continue reading

The real story about the rising CO2 global warming religion and scam

You may want to know the real story about how the global warming scam got started and how Al Gore got to be a leader in it. You may also want to know that the person who started the global warming theory also cautioned everyone that the data for global warming was not conclusive and told people to use caution because much more research had to be done. But Al Gore dismissed this mentor of his as if he was a senile old man and pushed his own radical catastrophic global warming religion to foster his idea of global governance and also to make himself filthy rich.… continue reading

Three demonically inspired worldviews merge to oppose the Christian worldview

Brannon House gives a very good explanation of how three different demonically inspired worldviews have merged to create what he calls “One-World Spirituality”. After you read this article you will have a much better understanding of where Oprah, Obama, Al Gore,Tolle are leading the world via the lies from Media, Educational systems, Radical Environmentalism, Emergent Church, WCC, CFR, UN etc.

Over half of America now is under the influence of this new worldview and that includes most of those who call themselves Christians. All of the three worldviews are incompatible with Christianity and when combined they are not only hostile toward Bible believers they also have the power to carry out hostility and persecution on those who oppose them.… continue reading

The Beast will come in through the Left door.

Take heed! The “nice” leftist people that you are electing are planing to take this nation to what we fought against in World War II. They plan to replace our system with a global fascist system of total governance over everyone and everything. History is repeating itself on a world scale and this time there will be no America coming to the rescue. It is Big Brother control disguised as democratic compassionate humanitarianism. They brainwash you to fear the Christian Right while they bring in their fascist godless socialism through the Left. This Beast will not follow the American Constitution it will follow the ways of the Antichrist.… continue reading

Eugenics through population control

The article gives the connection from eugenics to world population control. The power elite want the earth to have far less people for the sake of the environment. The people they really want to limit are what they consider the genetically inferior underclass. Many of the world birth control polices are toward that end. The common people are so misled or oppressed that they either are forced to submit like the people in China or they are “educated” to support quantity control through birth control and abortion like inner city blacks and the poor in the U.S.

Eugenics and Environmentalism: From quality control to quantity control

Population control today – and the corresponding environmental movements – grew out of the post WWII shift from eugenics to Malthusian programs.

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Global governance will bring famine and starvation

Liberals will never learn that the more government takes over the management of the world the more they will screw things up and make life on earth worse. Their global governance of energy and Co2 output will just bring famine and starvation on the earth.

Government bureaucrats cannot manage this planet. They do not have the required wisdom or the scientific knowledge and too often government is controlled by special interest groups who could care less about the poor. This statement is as true as the the second law of thermodynamics.

Simon Jenkins: The cost of green tinkering is in famine and starvation | Comment is free | The Guardian

While antagonism to science merely impedes progress, antagonism to economics is regressive.

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Southern Baptist leadership cooling down for Jesus

I talked about this yesterday on my other Blog. Seems that Joe Farrah also sees the lack of discernment coming from the Southern Baptist Convention leadership on the issue of global warming. I think the leadership gets caught up into these worldly viewpoints because they are a little to eager to hobnob with elite worldly people and embrace the philosophy’s of men so that they can fit into the fallen world system. In other words they are carnal.

Whither the Southern Baptists?

What is it about major Christian denominations that leads them, inevitably and inexorably, into error?What is it about the world that seduces Christian institutions to forsake the Bible in favor of pop politics and junk science?

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Man caused global warming determined to be scientifically wrong

The article gives ample proof that CO2 does not drive global warming.  The author suggests that global warming advocates will either go into denial because they cannot take being wrong or they will switch to the threat of global cooling. I do not think that will be the way it will turn out.

There is already plenty of proof that global warming is not man caused and the little warming that there was over the last hundred years is not any threat to mankind. Nevertheless, if you tell lies long and loud enough, and certain people stand to get rich supporting these lies, and politicians stand to gain power over the people through these lies, the lies are not going to be done away with anytime soon.… continue reading