Aww…Poor God!

Some claiming to be among Christianity would have us think that the universe that God spoke into existence for His own purpose is not really under His control. They have a God that dwells in creation wringing His figurative hands just hoping that someone will love Him and be His friend. Aww…poor God!

Although many “Christians” may deny that they see God in the above terms, their theology and what they say about God indicates otherwise. I will give a few examples but it certainly will not be all-inclusive because this anemic concept of God is exceedingly widespread and is subtly interwoven in “Christian” concepts about their Creator.… continue reading

The urban rural division in America parallels Lot and Abraham?

Most know the biblical story of Abraham and Lot. Lot was Abraham’s nephew and Lot traveled where God was leading Abraham. Tension started increasing between the herdsmen of Abraham and Lot so they agreed to part company. Lot chose to move to the plains where the cities were. Lot’s people mingled with the natives and became influenced by evil people who dominated the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham stayed in the hill country and walked with God.

Not more than a couple of decades after Lot’s people departed Abraham, lot’s people were all destroyed by fire from heaven along with all the native people of the plains because they had joined in with the wicked practices of Sodom and Gomorrah.… continue reading

The Satanic world system is rapidly progressing toward Antichrist

With so many people calling themselves “progressives” these days you would think that the progressives would have made some progress over the years but it looks to me like this Satanic world system is now rapidly progressing toward the Antichrist and its own doom.

The hippie generation of the 1960’s thought they were about to  enter the age of Aquarius where peace would guide the planets and love will steer the stars. The old communist hippies and their progressive offspring are now ruling the world and these godless diehards are still singing the same utopian song. Even so, the reality coming upon the earth will have somewhat different lyrics than that old Fifth Dimension’s song.… continue reading

Petrus Romanus: an exercise in finding the future in the demonic

In 2009 Tom Horn gave us his theory in his book “Apollyon Rising 2012” that the Antichrist would make himself known between the year 2009 and 2012. Three years later Horn has followed up with a book that has the False Prophet coming to power in late 2012. This book seems designed to complete his theory based on many private mystical and pagan prophecies that the Great Tribulation starts near the end of 2012 and ends in 2016.

Last month I gave a review on Apollyon rising 2012. In brief, I thought that Tom Horn assumes that unregenerate man has power over the spirits that humans do not have, and that Tom Horn gives demonic pagan prophets way to much credit to be able to foretell the future.… continue reading

Apollyon is not Rising in 2012. You are being Hornswoggled.

Some in Christian media have been doing interviews with Thomas Horn so I decided to read a couple of his books. I recently read “Apollyon rising 2012” and I will soon read his latest book “Petrus Romanus”, which God willing, I will comment on sometime in the future. The title “Apollyon Rising 2012”, implies that Apollyon of Revelation 9:11 will be rising in 2012 but If you believe that you probably already have been hornswoggled.

First let me say that there are quite a few errors and shoehorning of scripture as well as some hornswoggling in Tom Horn’s book. Dr. Cathy Burns points out many of the problems in her critique of Tom’s Horn’s Apollyon Rising: 2012.… continue reading

If Bible prophecy will be fulfilled, why expect worldly solutions?

American Christians who are aware of Bible prophecy should not be surprised or unduly concerned by the lawlessness and insanity that we are seeing in our nation and the world. If we believe Bible prophecy will be fulfilled in our generation why would we now expect America or the world to come up with solutions for a world that will prove to be doomed without Jesus?

Why should we expect the prophecies about what would happen in the last days, to not happen, if we are indeed in the last days? If these things were not already happening before our eyes, I would have to question my own presumption that the prophetic scriptures about the end of the age will be totally fulfilled within a couple of decades.… continue reading

Imagine evangelists missionaries and martyrs occupying the occupiers.

There are many Christian teachers that teach that Christians should go in and occupy or possess the land. There are other Christians that want financial support to go into foreign lands to be missionaries. However, missionaries are needed right here and now in our inner cities. Other Christians think that they were called to be evangelists but they mostly evangelize the already evangelized.

To be honest. I have not encountered any Christians that want to be martyrs for Christ (Being martyred for religion seems to be a Muslim thing, it has something to do with hate for their own life, and the perks).… continue reading

Christians need to take a biblical stand, for Christ’s sake!

First let me point out that Christ Jesus does not need us, so when I say in the title that Christians need to take a biblical stand for Christ’s sake, I am referring to the mission of the spiritual Body of Christ called the Church. Our Savior created the universe and He is perfect in spite of the Laodicean and aberrant Christianity that is largely following the world system and the ways of Satan.

Christ Jesus offers us a gift of salvation and a role in eternity with Him but what you do with that free gift is up to you.… continue reading

The spirit of darkness blinds Americans from seeing the true Light

I hope you do realize that just changing the President in this country is not going to change the direction of this country for the better in any significant way. Political leaders of democratic republics pretty much reflects the inclination of the people that they represent. The latest presidents that we elected in America are just the symptom of the spiritual darkness that is engulfing most of the nation.

There has been increasing spiritual darkness in America for quite some time; this darkness can also be called the spirit of antichrist. I am not saying that the majority in this country now embrace the spirit of antichrist but this spirit of darkness is definitely taking over our land.… continue reading

Rick Warren picks pagans to lead “Daniel Plan” in his “decade of destiny”.

I believe I have about 43 posts on this blog that either are about Rick Warren or his name is mentioned in the article for some reason. I also wrote articles that reside on my website about Warren’s seeker sensitive church growth model and Rick Warren’s Global P.E.A.C.E plan. I have been disagreeing with Rick Warren’s agenda for a better part of a decade.

I have been writing about “America’s pastor”, since his Purpose Driven Life was thrust in my hands to read. I found problems with the book and had bigger problems with the churches that adopted his seeker sensitive methods and his gospel light sermons.… continue reading

“I Am” beckoning by Glenn Beck

It is with mixed feelings that I am writing this post because most of what Glenn Beck says is as American as American pie. Nevertheless, most Christians leaders so love the sugar in the American pie that Beck is dishing out that they are also gobbling down the deadly crust that molds it. When Glenn Beck stays on politics he is pretty good but when he talks about God he is so far off the Christian reservation that he might as will be on planet Kolob (Where Father God of the Mormons lives).

First let me once again comment on Mormonism in general.… continue reading

Fascist dictators and cults stole the envisioned Utopian age of Aquarius

Remember this song? It was inspired by the post World War II spoiled undisciplined Spock babies of the Boomer Generation. They became the counterculture hippie generation of the 1960’s. They were deluded enough to think that they could end war on earth by rebelling against the establishment. They envisioned that they would bring in the Utopian Age of Aquarius of New Age pagan lore.

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius

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Demonic nations under judgement

Had what happened in Haiti this week occurred on the same scale in America many people would be saying that Bible prophecy was being fulfilled. They would be saying that America was Babylon and it has now fallen. Haiti is not in Bible prophecy and neither is America but throughout history God has only put up with evil nations for so long.

Haiti has been a nation that has sold itself out to Devil worship through Voodoo for two centuries and the consequences have been turning what should be a resort Island into a hell hole with the lowest standard of living on earth.… continue reading

The Kabbalah: Mocking the Name of God

Kabbalah a counterfiet Jewish old age, New Age Satanic cult that makes oneself God.

The Kabbalah: Mocking the Name of God – CWN
Last night I found a book I had purchased about a year ago for research on the current enthusiasm for the Kabbalah and read about a counterfeit “repentance” that, naturally, has nothing to do with the blood of Jesus. The pop Kabbalah offers a counterfeit for everything.

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Pope says Protestants are not in the Body of Christ

I hope you ecumenically minded Protestants realized what this Pope just spelled out. He said that Protestant clergy are not ordained and they are therefore not priests in the one true Church. He also said that the means of salvation are not found in those churches. Thus, no matter how you want to spin it the Pope just said that all Protestant Christians are not saved unless they return to the apostolic authority of the Catholic Church.

Some of you that thought you could fellowship with this church as fellow Christians should now see that you have been deceived. In Catholicism there is only one true church, it is their church.continue reading

The ancient secret

The secret of “The Secret” is that is contains the lie of the power of positive confession and the lies of old age paganism but it is wrapped in a nice New Age cover.

Berit Kjos — A New Mask for an Ancient Secret: “Yes, ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne teems with tempting promises and positive affirmations. But it omits all facts that could sound negative, since ‘summoning what you want’ demands an intentional focus on what’s positive. ‘The law of attraction doesn’t compute ‘don’t’ or ‘not’ or ‘no,’ or any other words of negation.'[1]

So while the next quote mentions the historical roots of this Secret, it doesn’t tell us that those roots include the ancient Egyptian mystery religions, the occult Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Rosicrucianism, and Hermetic magic.

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