Christianity progressing to enable postmodern inquisitions.

Peter Jones has it right in this article. Pseudo Christianity will again be going to war again against those true Christians who actually believe the Bible. When the youth of those going to the churches of today grow up (many of them already have) will those four percent that still believe the Bible actually be tolerated by Christianity? Of course not. Pseudo Christianity has persecuted the Church before in history and it will do it again. Christianity is now progressing to enable the coming postmodern inquisitions.

The persecution at the fifth seal of Revelation comes from the religious Harlot not the Antichrist because at this point he has not even arrived on the scene. I believe the Trumpet Judgments are the Lamb’s response to a world that persecuted His Saints. Then the religious Harlot in turn will be destroyed by the Beast she rode.

The ostracizing of Bible believing Christians has already started with “Christian” leaders calling believers that hold to the fundamentals of the faith dangerous and biblical doctrine divisive. In the “tolerant” “politically correct” world of the next decade the Bible will be rewritten, and redefined to accommodate sinful lifestyles. They will outlaw uncensored literal interpretations of the Bible that might offend anyone.

At that point those who speak against politically correct sins of society will be charged with hate speech. The truths of the Bible and true Christianity will be replaced with a world harlot religion where everyone is free do what is right in their own eyes as long as they do not offend or proselytize someone else. All world beliefs including paganism will have equal standing but any religion that claims some exclusive way to God or that offends someone’s self esteem will be called intolerant and will be outlawed.

At that point, which is not that far off, there will be no more reason for the true Church to be here on earth.

Christian Worldview Network – Brannon Howse – New “Progressive Christianity”: An Old Liberal Swindle

Much of what Progressive Christians believe fits with the principles of the radical Emergent Village, emerging from Evangelicalism. Indeed, Liberal Progressives intentionally include “the more progressive evangelicals” in their ranks. In their descriptions of a “generous way” of “following Jesus” (not Christ, for Christ is far too “Christian”), the “progressives” echo Brian McLaren’s A Generous Orthodoxy, in which he calls himself “a Jesus follower.” They focus on Jesus as a mystical human being for all the religions. This is not Jesus, the God/man and Savior, for their “progressive” religion denies sin, claims no unique means of salvation, and, like McLaren, accepts all: “believers, agnostics, atheists and all sexual orientations and gender identities.”

Though “all-inclusive,” Progressives abhor the “modern heresy of fundamentalist Christianity.” Though rejecting absolute truth, they define their “god” as “absolute love, justice, and peace,” rejoicing to find their new absolutism in the “godless European Union with its insistence on equal justice for women and gay people.” The absolute mess which is present-day Europe, held up as the ideal for the future of America and the planet, ought to fill us with despair!

Progressives are euphoric as they ride a new social wave of all-inclusive social justice globalism, for it provides a timely pretext to justify their basic unbelief about the Christian Gospel. With undisguised optimism they believe their time has come, in two ways:

1. they rejoice in the theological implosion of historic Christianity, and, for the good of the planet, you understand, salivate over the fact that only “four percent of Bible believing teenagers will be Bible-believing Christians as adults”;

2. they are eager to capitalize on, and I quote, “a historic opportunity to seize the country’s foundational narratives about itself, and recast them in a way that opens doors to the [global] future we seek.” Is this what the political Left, which also now describes itself as “progressive” and claims to be “Christian,” really means by “change”?

As the third millennium began, Frederic Baue (The Spiritual Society) predicted the coming of “a phase of Western or world civilization that is innately religious but hostile to Christianity…or worse, a dominant but false church that brings all of its forces to bear against the truth of God’s Word.”

Is “Christian” liberalism beginning to join with spiritual pagans and activist courts, to demonize, marginalize, and ultimately silence the biblical message by defining the Gospel as a global hate crime?

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2 thoughts on “Christianity progressing to enable postmodern inquisitions.

  1. Everyone – and I do mean everyone – should instantly trip on over to Yahoo and type in “Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right” by Dave MacPherson. Bruce

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