Christians who think we should not resist evil so the end will come?

I am not sure that Chuck Baldwin did not just create his own little straw-man argument here. I do not hear Christians saying that we should just let the world become more evil because we know it is coming. I doubt if Chuck Baldwin did either. Who would be dumb enough to even say something like that to Chuck Baldwin? And for enough people to say it to him to make this a real issue is simply beyond my belief.

So I think what we have here is what Chuck Baldwin thinks that some other Christians think, but frankly I do not think his view is valid unless the people that give him this idea are not really Christians. What is totally valid is Chuck Baldwin’s view that Christians should resist evil wherever it is.

The truth is that the Holy Spirit in Christians is the restraining influence that stops evil from taking over the world before the appointed time. Until the Church is removed evil people will wax worse and worse but the Spirit filled people will wax better and be a counter-force where they are located.

Is this the generation that will allow America to be overcome by evil because of unbelief and apathy as Chuck Baldwin suggests? It most certainly is if American “Christianity” continues down the path of apathy, apostasy and biblical ignorance. It certainly appears to me that it will.

Chuck Baldwin — Apathetic Pastors And Christians Killing America

I have even had Christians tell me that we should not oppose any attempts to resist draconian developments within our country, because doing so would actually be resisting God. The reasoning goes something like this: “The Bible says things will get worse and worse. Therefore, all this ‘bad’ stuff happening is God’s will, and if we try to prevent it, we are fighting against God’s will.” I know it sounds incredible, but we might be shocked as to the number of professing Christians that actually subscribe to such nonsense.Isn’t it interesting, however, that these same Christians did not believe we were fighting against God’s will when we sent hundreds of thousands of U.S. military forces (many of them Christians) to fight and destroy the evil regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq? If things are supposed to get worse and worse and we would be opposing God’s will by resisting, why should we interfere in Iraq? Why should we send troops to Afghanistan, if we are not to resist evil?

And, of course, the bigger question is, If it is right to resist evil in a foreign country half way around the world, why is it not right to resist evil in our own country?

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