“Christian” politicians who use Christianity to their advantage

Like so many Liberals they claim a relationship with Jesus but do not do what He says. If a person cannot discern abominations like Abortion and homosexual practices and understand what harm these abominations bring to society it is because He or She has no biblical understanding.Those who have no understanding of what God said in the scriptures are either immature Christians or liars using Christianity for their advantage. No one in any of those categories should be leaders in the Church or leaders of a Nation that fears God.

Obama might say the right words when he stands before naive Christians but his stands are contrary to what He claims to believe. Besides, he recently claimed to believe in Universalism. How is an all way’s to God view compatible with Christianity? It is not.

You can also tell a person by who supports them. Obama’s number one supporter is Oprah Winfrey and she is a pusher of New Age/new spirituality positive confessing paganism. Now Ted Kennedy is also in Obama’s camp. Need I say more!

clipped from www.foxnews.com

We see the perfect example of this religious dualism in
Senator Obama’s interview with Christianity Today. “I
am a Christian, and I am a devout Christian. I believe in the redemptive death
and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I believe that faith gives me a path to be
cleansed of sin and have eternal life.”

Then when the interview turns to Christian moral teaching —
in particular, abortion — he flips and flops. He uses Christian lingo to justify
a pro-choice position that is contrary to the beliefs of the major Christian
denominations in the United States, including Southern Baptist, Evangelical,
Lutheran, Methodist, and Roman Catholic.

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