Christians yoking up with swine will bring in the kingdom?

what we have are Evangelicals who really think that the Church will be influencing government to help bring in the social actions of a Christian kingdom on earth. What they do not understand is that you do not get into the pigpen if you want to yoke up with those that will pull on clean fertile ground. They also do not understand that there will be no Christian taking of the earth before the return of the King. What they will end up with is amoral secular socialism using them until the godless decide they want to get the religious monkey off their back. Thus, the Woman that rides the Beast of Revelation is attacked by the swine Beast system.

Spat between Obama and Dobson just the beginning

Most importantly, he will turn every verse in Scripture that teaches about individual responsibility into a dictum on government policy. The Bible says that we should give to the poor; therefore, we ought to raise taxes on the rich in order to redistribute such wealth. The Bible says that we should feed the needy; therefore, we ought to raise taxes to send money and aid to foreign governments. The Bible says that we ought to seek to be at peace; therefore we should submit to the authority of the United Nations. The Bible says that we are to care for the sick; therefore we must adopt universal health care akin to the stellar European system. Can anyone say, “Non-Sequitur?”
He will do all of these things with a new wave of evangelicals in his pocket who are equally satisfied with ignoring basic principles of Biblical interpretation as well as all things historical. Marxism does not work, even if employed with a Biblical cloak; but damn-it if they don’t try. Here’s hoping that someone sends a regular dosage of blood pressure medication to Dr. Do

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