Chuck Baldwin asks, Have Christians Already Accepted The Mark Of The Beast?

Chuck Baldwin chides Christians for any interest that might have in the timing of the second coming as if it is something a Christian should not be spending time on but he himself continually spends all his own time attacking our government and George Bush which he equates to Hitler and the Antichrist. No Christian should do this!

No, Chuck Baldwin — the mark of the Beast is not accepting the policies of Hitler or George Bush. Read your Bible for a change instead of fantasy conspiracy theories. The Mark of the Beast does not even occur until after the False Prophet comes on the scene after Satan is cast out of the Heaven for his 3 1/2 year reign on earth to deceive people like you who do not want to believe the truth and expect a man made resistance will bring about God’s Kingdom.

If there is anything really satanic going on in these times it the spreading of lies found in Chuck Baldwin’s columns on newswithviews website and the rebellion and discord he is sowing to his own destruction and to those who buy into his satanic nonsense. I used to say Chuck Baldwin needed to get back to teaching the gospel but now he has totally convinced me that he never read or understood it.

I don’t often judge the person although I do judge what they say but in this case I have to make an exception because Chuck Baldwin is teaching Christians to believe doctrines of hate. Beware, He is the prime example of a false teacher.

By the way, a Christian cannot take the Mark of the Beast because those who do cannot be saved. To even imply that a Christian can is a contradiction.

Chuck Baldwin — Have Christians Already Accepted The Mark Of The Beast?: “Can we not say that, in their own way, Germany’s pastors and churches accepted the mark of the beast? Sure they did. No, Hitler was not THE antichrist, but he certainly exemplified the spirit of antichrist. As such, he deserved to be resisted. However, before we become too judgmental toward the Christians of 1930’s Germany, we should look in the mirror. Are not many Christians in these United States behaving in the exact same manner? Have not many of us already embraced the spirit of antichrist? And if so, have we not, in our own way, already accepted the mark of the beast? Sure we have. Many pastors and Christians embrace the authoritarian policies of one George W. Bush with the same enthusiasm and blind loyalty as Germans did Hitler.”

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