Communists everywhere!

We have people with Communist ideas leading the Democratic Party which should change its name to the socialist party. Now we have these emerging leaders in Christianity spouting Communism and we also have Word Churches, some Pentecostals and the World Counsel of Churches looking to bring in a Christian utopia based on Communist principles. So Communism is not dead it has just shape shifted into the American mainstream. Mao would be so proud. He is taking America and is destroying Christianity without firing a shot.

It is unbelievable how far Americans and Christians have strayed from their ideals in the last fifty years. Fifty years ago we thought America might fall to the Commies by military conquest. Today we see it is falling though the ignorance, apathy and gullibility of people who have left the truths of the Bible to believe in a socialist paradise on earth that was fed to them by Communist brain washers who often call themselves emergent Christian Progressives.

I have just finished reading Tony Campolo’s book Letters to a Young Evangelical. Published
by Basic Books and copyrighted by Campolo in 2006, this work gives the
reader an amazing look into the mind and heart of a radical sociologist
on a mission—to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. The
cannon fodder for establishing this Kingdom is the poor, the wretched,
the oppressed, the naked, the downtrodden, and the proletariat. The chief tool to bring about this Kingdom is “progressive politics” (3). Its Mein Kampf is Jim Wallis’ God’s Politics. Indeed, Jim Wallis is featured on the jacket of Campolo’s book with this statement: “Tony Campolo is my favorite evangelist.”Campolo’s volume is a veritable love-fest among three leftwing
Evangelicals—Campolo and his two partners in crime (the crime being
deception): Ron Sider (Evangelicals for Social Action) and Jim Wallis (Sojourners magazine), whom he calls his “best of friends” throughout the book. All
three subscribe to the same party line—liberal, leftwing, allegedly
progressive, ideas that impact social, economic and political action. “I
believe,” says Campolo, “that Christians should engage in efforts to
change the political and economic structures of our society because
these structures do not adequately address the needs of the poor and

Campolo conveniently forgets to mention, or else does not know for
himself, that the baggage he asks these two young, naïve evangelicals
to carry with them in bringing about the Kingdom is simply a plethora
of failed radical ideas and agendas that make impossible any and every
effort to establish that Kingdom– unless, of course, the Kingdom of
God is a socialistic “paradise” something on the order of a Stalinist
farming collective or Moscow under Brezhnev. Those horrors, and not Campolo’s airy utopian dreams, are what his ideas repeatedly yield, and to where they inevitably lead.

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5 thoughts on “Communists everywhere!

  1. It seems to me sir that you have made a few erronous errors in your article. What Communist, or even “Socialist” policies are the democratic party following? Also, when was the US in danger of an invasion by the forces of the Soviet Union or any other socialist country.

  2. If you just look at the stated goals of Communism you would see that the U.S. has already adopted most of them and most of these socialist agendas have been pushed by the Democratic Party although there are also socialists in the Republican Party that are in bed with the global socialist collectivists.

    The U.S. mainland was not in danger from invasion by troops we were in danger of having all of our cities blown off the face of the earth with nuclear tipped missiles launch by the USSR who clearly said that their agenda was for Communism to take over the world. Only America was standing in their way and if you remember that is what the Cold War was all about. It is time to read some world history rather than the leftist propaganda that someone is feeding you. I say someone is feeding you this, because no thinking person can come up with such revisionist nonsensical innuendos on their own.

  3. To Salvatoe Noth ,
    I believe what Don Koenig is pointing out is that mankind and / or the church cannot establish
    The Kingdom of God on this earth. Jesus alone will do that at the appointed time. The Bible
    teaches personal responsibility from cover to cover. That teaching includes concern for the
    poor and needy who genuinely need assistance. It does NOT include or mean that government in
    any form is to supply everything for everyone. Communists and Socialists think it it the function of government to control all aspects of life. The Democratic Party is controlled by
    globalists who want one world government at the expense of personal freedom and responsibility.

  4. You should try living in Europe … It’s a Fabianist (Communist by Increcments and stealth), Socialist, (obviously) and Marxist Paradise …

    A living Hell. People say there is no such place as hell. In so doing they also should take a good look at the world they are annexing onto and conclude there sure isn’t any God in this Spirit Foresaken Gulag Continent either.

    It’s all going to come to a very sticky end, as it always has in Europe.
    – The Great home to all Great wars.

    You’ll see.

  5. Juntawatch,

    I agree, the European hell will soon break all previous heat records and not because of any climate change.

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