Creating the end of our world.

There is nothing new under the sun. Jesus said what happened prior to the flood of Noah will happen again just prior to His coming. The combining of human and animal genetics will again bring God’s judgment on the whole world and only Jesus’ return will save a remnant. Seeing that humans have already started to corrupt God’s creation by creating chimeras and transhuman monstrosities indicates that time is getting might short.

Thomas Horn — Did Ancient Biotechnology Create “Nephilim?”

The benei Elohim saw the daughters of Adam, that they were fit extensions” (Gen 6:2, Interlinear Hebrew Bible).

May 3, 2007 — — In the study of the Old Testament Book of Genesis, beings of great stature called “giants” appear, which some scholars believe came into existence after powerful angels known as ‘Watchers’ descended to earth and used women (or their biological matter) to construct bodies of flesh, which they used to “extend” themselves into the material world.

The Apocryphal books of Enoch, 2 Esdras, Genesis Aprocryphon and Jasher support the Genesis story, adding that the sin of the angels grew to include genetic modification of animals as well as humans. The Book of Jasher, mentioned in the Bible in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18, says, “After the fallen angels went into the daughters of men, the sons of men taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order to provoke the Lord”(4:18). This clear reference to the Genesis 6 record illustrates that “animals” were included in whatever cross-species experiments were being conducted, and that this activity resulted in judgment from God. The Book of Enoch also supports this record, saying that after the fallen angels merged their DNA with women, they “began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish” (7:5,6).

And what about this prophecy from Isaiah:

“The vision which Esaias son of Amos saw against Babylon. Lift up a standard on the mountain of the plain, exalt the voice to them, beckon with the hand, OPEN THE GATES, YE RULER. I GIVE COMMAND AND I BRING THEM: GIANTS ARE COMING TO FULFILL MY WRATH [emphasis added]. . . . For behold! the day of the Lord is coming which cannot be escaped, a day of wrath and anger, to make the world desolate. . . . And Babylon . . . shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. . . . It shall never be inhabited . . . and monsters shall rest there, and devils shall dance there and satyrs shall dwell there . . .” (Isaiah 13:1-3, 9, 19-22, [Septuagint Version]).[8]

Given what is happening in Babylon (Iraq) and biotechnology today, we may be witnessing the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.

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