Demonic nations under judgement

Had what happened in Haiti this week occurred on the same scale in America many people would be saying that Bible prophecy was being fulfilled. They would be saying that America was Babylon and it has now fallen. Haiti is not in Bible prophecy and neither is America but throughout history God has only put up with evil nations for so long.

Haiti has been a nation that has sold itself out to Devil worship through Voodoo for two centuries and the consequences have been turning what should be a resort Island into a hell hole with the lowest standard of living on earth. Eighty percent of the people in Haiti practice Voodoo mixed with Catholicism. In modern times Satanic Voodoo has been the official religion of those leading Haiti and they have been oppressing the people of this nation that are living under tyranny and spiritual bondage. America has even helped to prop up these evil leaders.

God gave Haiti plenty of time to repent and has sent in many missionaries to get leaders and the common people to give up Voodoo spiritualism for true Christianity but in the end most would have have nothing of it so Haiti is now a demonic nations under judgement

Now in one hour judgment has come on Hatti and many tens of thousands of people are dead and the port city is destroyed. Like most judgments of correction it can become a blessing in disguise if people of Haiti repent of their evil. This judgment can give Haiti a chance to break their bondage to Voodoo and build a  foundation for a new beginning based on the Bible. However, they must  heed the spiritual advice of the hundreds of Christian relief groups that will now be coming to Haiti to help them and they must give up their wicked religion. After all, what has appeasing demonic spirits brought Haitians besides poverty, misery, bondage and now total destruction?

America also can take a lesson from what occurred in Haiti. In one day our nation can be cast down as well, but in our case there will be few coming to help us. If America continues on its present course the outcome is inevitable. Also be aware that American Patriots and Christians who see these things coming on America and try to prepare and warn others will become enemies of evil people running our nation . They wish to control all that do not see things their way and they have a false view of who the real enemy of America is. It really is big government control freaks, corruption at the highest levels and Islamic radicals that hate us.

Just remember that after an EMP, a financial collapse, or a major earthquake, in just one hour we could find ourselves in a position very much like those living in Haiti today. If the government and police forces actually have the time to set up a command and control structure I see a police state running things.

I do think the churches would have a primary role after any major disaster because they are the most highly organized local groups in our nation. How much the churches would obey government rather than God depends on the church. If  many of our churches stay on Bible ground rather than becoming a muzzled arm of the state, it could be a great tool after a national disaster to bring much of this nation back under God.

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7 thoughts on “Demonic nations under judgement

  1. Good stuff and very timely. Also quite sobering…what might the Lord allow to happen to the U.S.A. for our wickedness?
    Thanks for the links!

  2. Scarey,scarey,scarey! With a little time off work; (two week layoff, I hope). Watching the continuous news on the Haiti situation from Fox News I found myself pondering “what if”. The link to survival blog has pretty much confirmed my fears. Hmmm… Kill others like varmints (some of whom you would know personally) to defend whatever you have -or- give away what you have -then- starve like the rest. Perhaps something in between.

    God help us all, no matter what happens. The book of Revelation is looking just way too plausably familiar for comfort. (wars, rumors of wars, four horsemen, seals, trumpets…) I know where I end up eventually thanks to Jesus the Christ and the sacrifice made on the cross; however some of the possible scenarios to make it that far are rather unsettling….

    Also- should / when America fall(s) the vacuum created will suck in some sort of rule; I.E. Communist China, Russia, Islam, … too many natural resources, skilled professionals and such to be left to just all die; some scavenger will get the carcass to pick over. Look at German scientists after WWII. Some to USA, some to Russia, some to who knows where!

  3. I really enjoyed the article ,in a somber way, I really enjoyed the link about the history behind Haiti and vodoo since what Pat Robertson said made the news. Do I think God is punishing them (earthquake) for sighning a pact with the devil 200 years ago? Not really, could it be there punishment was how they got to live in squaller for the past 200 years? Now did God send an earthquake to Haiti as punishment for declaring voodo as the national religion in 2003? That would seem more plausable, but I do know that God has opened a door for The Gospel to be preached and probablly opened up the Hatians to doubt vodoo as an answer.

  4. Mr. Koenig:
    On Sunday at Church our reverend asked the question, Did God cause the earthquake in Haiti? Her answer was we don’t know and also mentioned what Pat Robertson had mentioned. I looked him up on the internet. I have done alot of reading on your website and on others. My opinion, which usually doesn’t count for much is I believe God is trying to wake people up and get them to believe. My husband doesn’t understand why he hurts innocent children if God is suppose to be loving. I suggested this subject to the people who hold a Bible Study on Wednesday night which I try to attend. They agreed. Do you have anymore thoughts other than what is stated above.

  5. God did not cause the earthquake. He allowed it to happen. Earthquakes happen because we live in a fallen world. Unless we all repent of our evil ways the fate that awaits all of us is certain death.

    Luke 13:1 There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.
    2 And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?
    3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
    4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?
    5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

    If the people of Haiti are willing, God can use this calamity for good to break the curse that Voodoo has had over these people. There will now be hundreds of Christian organizations in Haiti bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ and much material aid. Most in Haiti were unemployed and some were eating mud to fill their bellies before this earthquake now because of the aid that will pour in there will be an abundance of food and plenty of work for reconstruction.

    Haiti could soon see more prosperity than it ever has but that all depends on the choices that the people now make. If the people do not repent and continue in witchcraft they will reap the consequences.

    The people need to realize that devil worship has kept God from blessing their nation. All other nations and people should take head least it also happen to them.

  6. Thank you for your response, I appreciate your input. As I am unable to go myself, I will pray for these Christian organizations to spread the gospel.

  7. This was indeed God’s judgement. A warning to the rest of the world. The world has seperated itself from God.

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