Don’t call America a conservative society it has proven that is is now Liberal

The article makes the case that America is post Conservative and post Christian. Even the Republican party that most Conservative and Evangelical Christians have supported in he past have gone Liberal and conservatives are now the minority and are marginalized by the party. The fact that there are few true conservatives to oppose the liberals or to start a third party movement makes it clear that the American society has drunk the leftist socialist globalist Kool-aid.

AD: ‘A Conservative Society?’ – David Tatosian – Jun 15, 08

There’s no shortage of pundits, commentators and scribblers who’ve convinced themselves that the United States is a conservative society

For example, according to the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Survey conducted this year, 78.4% of Americans (approximately 220 million people) are Christians. Yet our Christian heritage, a tradition worth conserving because Christianity has been a guiding principle since the Declaration of Independence, has all but disappeared from the public eye. That is to say that conservatism, in what some consider a conservative society, could not prevent the beliefs and traditions of some 220 million Americans, a clear majority, from being vilified and cast from the public realm.

American traditions (which conservatives champion) such as individual rights, equal justice before the law and equal opportunity, rights which I believe rest upon the Christian ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” philosophy, now take a back seat to rights, justice and opportunities based on skin color, gender, sexual preference and ethnicity. Not to mention the right to proselytize for any religion other than Christianity.

How can one claim to live in a conservative society when the principles and traditions upon which that conservatism is based have little or no influence in the governance of that society, the education of it’s citizens or the portrayal of that society by the various media?

Certainly there are tens of millions of conservatives in this nation. But they are essentially a faction without a voice and without real representation. Their dependence on and support for the Republican Party, a party that has become increasingly liberal and therefore hostile to them, has been their undoing.

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