Dr Norman Geisler reviews Hank Hanegraff’s Apocalypse Code

Hank Hanegraff’s wrote a book called “Apocalypse Code”. Dr Norman Geisler does a brilliant scholarly book review and rebuttal of Hanegraff’s book that attacks premillennial dispensational theology. Here is just a small sample of Dr Geisler’s summery.

This brings me to my chief concern about The Code–it is based on an allegorical method of interpreting prophetic Scripture that, if applied to other teachings of Scripture, would undermine the salvation essentials of the Christian Faith. Let me illustrate the extent to which The Apocalypse Code goes in allegorizing away the literal truth of Scripture from above cited texts. It transforms –

  • The plain meaning of the Bible into a so-called “deeper” meaning
  • Literal promises into spiritual ones
  • Unconditional promises into conditional ones
  • Jewish tribes into Gentiles
  • A thousand years into eternity
  • A literal resurrection into a spiritual one
  • Land Promises for National Israel into spiritual life in Christ
  • A literal mark of the Beast into a mere symbol of identity with him
  • Physical clouds into mere symbols of judgment
  • A literal earthly throne of David into a heavenly reign of Christ
  • Two literal witnesses into literary representatives of the Law and Prophets
  • Cosmic judgment into the destruction of a small city (Jerusalem)

All of this Hank is fond of calling “Reading the Bible for all it is worth.” Well, for all it is worth, this is not reading the Bible; it is a serious misreading of the Bible. So serious a misreading it is that were it a reading on an essential doctrine of the Bible – like the virgin birth, the sacrificial atonement, the bodily resurrection, or the second coming–it would be a rank heresy!

It is sad that a man who has fought so hard for so long against cults and aberrant teachings has himself succumbed to a method of interpreting the Bible that is not significantly different from those used by the cults which he so vigorously opposes.


Full article

Also read what Dr. Thomas Ice says about Hanegraff’s “Apocalypse Code” (pdf file)

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19 thoughts on “Dr Norman Geisler reviews Hank Hanegraff’s Apocalypse Code

  1. Correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t allegory, imagery, and symbolism typical in apocalyptic literature? As apocalyptic literature, should we not read Revelation, parts of Daniel, etc. differently than other books of the Bible?

    I do not intend to make judgment regarding Hanegraff’s book here (I have not yet read his book), nor do I intend to evaluate Dr Norman Geisler’s review of his book (I have not yet read his review). The above statement does raise questions in my mind, however. Apocalyptic literature carries with it certain characteristics, does it not? Why, then, would this “allegorical method of interpreting prophetic Scripture” Geisler refers to, be “applied to other teachings of Scripture?” Should poetry be read and understood in the same manner as historical narrative or parables? To read the story of the virgin birth and interpret it in the same manner as apocalyptic literature would be absurd. This is a straw man.

  2. HI Adam,

    Yes there is allegory, imagery, and symbolism in apocalyptic literature but we also know why those literary devices were used. If that were done with other Christian theologies without strong foundation for doing so we would have lost the gospel.

    Allegory of non prophetic passages has been used by unstable men in the past so it is not a straw man argument. The Gnostic’s of the early church were coming up with all kinds of heretical doctrines by using their allegorical method for interpreting scripture. Augustine did a great deal to refute these teachings. Even today we have people who pick and choice how they want to allegorize clear non prophetic biblical passages in order to make it fit their neo-pagan Oprahanity. Catholicism allegorize certain non prophetic passages for some of their doctrines. Cults do so as well.

    What is really going on is that people like Hank are spiritualizing Bible prophecy to the New Covenant Church without any indication from the author that the prophetic fulfillment is not meant to be taken literally. Many of the passages they allegorize make it clear in the text that the author is talking about real literal future events on the earth (not some nebulous event in the spiritual kingdom).

    So what it comes down to is that they do this because they think the spiritual Church replaced all literal promises to Israel and thus they see no future fulfillment’s to the Jews even though the passages themselves make it abundantly clear that real Jews on earth will suffer end time judgments followed by spiritual restoration for Israel. They rob the prophets of the meaning of their prophecy just to satisfy their near sighted theology and make 1/6 of the Bible meaningless statements taken most anyway any like minded replacement theology denomination wants to spin them.

    All past prophecy of the prophets was always fulfilled in a literal sense even though literary devices were used and so will all future Bible prophecy.

  3. Thank you for your review-I had never heard about this book until I had a visit recently from a relative. When the person explained what the book was about and that all of the events in the book of Revelation had already taken place and that the entire book is allegory I asked about the part that states how 1/3 of the ocean will be destroyed, and 1/3 of the animals, etc. I asked, and said, but that that HASN’T taken place yet and therefore it is literal and FUTURE just as MANY prophecies in the Old Testament about Jesus were LITERAL but I got no answer.-I used to listen to Hank Hanegraff on the Bible Answer Man back in the ’90’s—what is going on with him and why is attacking Tim LaHaye so strongly with this issue? I am shocked and frightened for my relative since he so whole-heartedly believes Hank’s premise in this book…It is very sad that some Christian leaders feel the need to attack their brothers in Christ (Tim LaHaye) and this issue-it is our salvation and faith in Christ that should matter the most-not whether we believe in the rapture or not…right?

  4. “what is going on with him and why is Hanegraff attacking Tim LaHaye so strongly with this issue?”

    Just follow the money. Most of the support from CRI now comes from the Christian Left with their postmodern Replacement Theology and Dominion Theology. They see delusions that Christians will socialize, rule and restore the world to a paradise before Christ can even return. They have a mighty high regard for man and think Jesus will fulfill everything through the Church on earth.

  5. Hi Kim,

    You took the words right ouot of my mouth. One can alegorize, symbolize, twist and turn The Book of Revelation all they want, but past history has never fulfilled the words written in the book. In addition, Jesus is still hasn’t come back. How does one explain that? Jesus himself said that things would grow worse and worse until his Return, and unless he returned no flesh would be saved. It is utter folly for one to think that they will conquer this world and then hand it off to our Lord. Both Old and New Testaments speak otherwise.

    My reading of Revelation 19 paints a vivid, powerful, and literal picture of our Lord and Savior returning in in a real and visible sense. No allegory or symbolism, just heaven opens and here He comes! The Return of the King!

    Don is absolutely correct when he says:

    “All past prophecy of the prophets was always fulfilled in a literal sense even though literary devices were used and so will all future Bible prophecy.”

    It was fullfilled literally in the past and will be so in the future. Personally, I am looking forward to my Lord and King coming back on a white steed to save the day when all appears lost. And we’ll be there to see it! What a story that will be to tell in the Millenium and eternity future!



  6. Don,

    Wow! That certainly clears up a lot for me! Thank you for informing me about this:

    “Just follow the money. Most of the support from CRI now comes from the Christian Left with their postmodern Replacement Theology and Dominion Theology. They see delusions that Christians will socialize, rule and restore the world to a paradise before Christ can even return. They have a mighty high regard for man and think Jesus will fulfill everything through the Church on earth.”

    I am a teacher and work very long hours, lately I haven’t been “in the loop” in regard to these issues so I really appreciate you taking the time to enlighten me! Unless we all are really grounded in God’s Word we can really be deceived!

    Also, Kev, thanks for saying :

    “Jesus is still hasn’t come back. How does one explain that?”

    I don’t know why I didn’t think of that! You both encourage me in that it’s good to know that there are Christians who are not swept away by these things. I did a search on google after leaving my original comment and discovered that Hank Hanegraff has been accused of plagiarism and did not quite acquire the Bible Answer Man under the most ethical circumstances. Furthermore, when I also learned that he has very vociferously attacked not only Tim LaHaye but Hal Lindsey, that is where I lost all respect since I hold both in the highest esteem…

    Thank you both for your precious time,

    God Bless you,
    Kim S

  7. HI Kim,

    Thank you for your kind words and insight. It’s funny that you mention Hal Lindsey and how he is attacked. I have a certain special place in my heart for Mr. Lindsey, because it was through one of his books that I became a christian. I know what some in certain circles say about him being a “sensationalist” and other things, but he’ll still get a big hug from me when I get to the other side and thank him that the Lord used him as a vessel to help bring me to Christ.

    But, back to the Book of Revelation, here’s another zinger. How does one spiritualize the fact that well over 1/2 the people on earth are killed in the judgements of God in the Book Of Revelation? (Rev 6:8 and 9:15) Really, let’s throw together the three greatest mass-murders in history, (Hitler, Stalin and Mao) and maybe you get 30-40 million that lost their lives. Heinous yes, on the scale of what is coming upon this world, definitely not!

    Now, plug that figure into those who say the Book of Revelation was fulfilled in the 1st century. Given that scholars estimate that the world population was approximately 250,000,000 people and if half the world’s population is decimated in that time, that makes 125 million people. That’s not counting the Jerusalem eathquake of Rev 11:13 or all the saints who are martyed during that time. Again, when did that ever happen in world history (certainly not in Caesar Nero’s time) and I’m sorry, that dog just don’t hunt!

    Can Mr. Hanegraff explain that?

    Have a wonderful Thursday and GBU!


  8. I cannot understand how hank has fought tooth and nail with false doctrines and then gets himself entangled with his own web of falsehood[preterism] to dismiss so much that is yet to occur to fulfill prophecy is like he has become a religious quack, I believe deceived and being deceived fits him well. I believe alot of it comes from all of these revised bibles instead of original text bible[KJV] watered down versions will cause you to doubt the word of God, living bible denies the virgin birth, others have been diluted to books that are powerless. Proverbs 30:6 add thou not to my words lest you are found a liar.

  9. As they say. Just follow the money. Find out who is supporting CRI and you might understand why he takes the positions he does.

  10. Wow! I had, for years held Hank in the highest regard, but a couple of his last books have really left me scratching my head. I guess that we’ll see, because brothers and sisters, if we are not heading into the end times, I’ll eat my hat! Love God with all your heart, love your neighbor as yourself. Stay ready for whatever…………………………..
    See ya in Heaven

  11. Amados,

    He estado preocupada investigando acerca de la apostasia moderna, he estado leyendo el libro Cristianismo en Crisis y me parece una excelente publicación. Decidi investigar sobre el autor, y bueno, me encuentro con esto. Me preocupa el hecho de que decidamos ser celosos en la fe y caigamos en errores… es decir, es triste que empecemos bien y terminemos tan mal… Me gustaria saber si Hank se ha retractado de su libro, me gustaria saber de donde provienen las donaciones, porque Don dice: As they say. Just follow the money. Find out who is supporting CRI and you might understand why he takes the positions he does. Pues bien, si Uds lo saben, pueden decime de dónde proviene? yo he estado buscando pero quizas me falta más… o sino, me lo indican por correo.

    Todo esto me lleva a pensar, que debemos ser tan temerosos, examinar todo… y orar.. no perder el rumbo, pedirle a Nuestro Señor sabiduría para no errar, para mantenernos en la sana doctrina, y no aceptar ni tolerar las doctrinas de error, vengan de quien vengan… y no caer nosotros en ellas creyendo que estamos en lo correcto!!

    Señor Dios Todopoderoso, Padre de Nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo, Tú y sólo Tu sabes quiénes somos.. somos tan pequeños delante de Tí… no permitas que nos envanezcamos en nosotros mismos,no permitas que juzguemos mal a los justos, no permitas que el temor nos haga callar ante las sutiles mentiras del maligno… ayúdanos porque si dependemos de nosotros mismos y de nuestra sabiduría… pereceremos… te lo pido en el Nombre de tu amando Hijo Jesucristo. Amén.

    PD: Amados, pueden responder en Inglés, escribí en español porque soy de Venezueala y me resulta más rápido escribir en mi idioma.

  12. Don,

    For anyone that doesn’t understand Spanish, I thought I would translate Oanny’s post. Hope that helps.

    Loved Ones,

    I have been preoccupied investigating the modern apostasy and have been reading the book ‘Christianity in Crisis’ and I think it is an excellent book. I decided to investigate the author and I ended up here. I’m concerned about the fact that we attempt to be zealous for the faith and we end up in error. In other words, it’s sad that we start well and end poorly. I’d like to know if Hank has retracted his book and where the donations come from. As Don says: “As they say. Just follow the money. Find out who is supporting CRI and you might understand why he takes the positions he does.” If you know, can you tell me where the donations come from? I have looked but I have not been able to find specifics (or if you can email me the information)

    All this makes me think that we need to be careful examining everything….and pray and not get off course, ask the Lord for wisdom to avoid errors, to stay in sound doctrine and to not accept or tolerate erroneous doctrines come what may…and not fall into thinking those false doctrines are correct.

    All-powerful God, Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ., You and You alone know who we are, we are so small before You….don’t let us get puffed up in ourselves or to mis-judge the righteous, do not let fear cause us to be silent before the subtle lies of Satan…help us because if we depend on ourselves and our own wisdom, we will perish, I ask You in the name of your loving Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.

    PS: You can respond in English. I wrote in Spanish because I am from Venezuela and it’s faster for me to write in my language.

  13. I just want to put a little plug in here for David Wilkinson; I believe that man is a man of God;
    I read his book “The Cross and The Switchblade” almost thirty years ago, a new christian then, but it really made an impact on me, I still have that book, I am 72 now and I feel anyone any age would get a blessing out of reading it, I believe it is still available on google
    or Times Square Church, I still take his newsletters and it is sermons that are preached in his hugh church and they are fervent, very biblical and spiritual, he reaches out to broken lives, prostitutes, pimps, winos, destitute and all kinds of hopeless people, they stand in line to get into his church on Sunday about four times a day, his life’s story is no where near
    most TV preachers, the direction this country is going now, I would not be surprised at anything he has said will happen, I know we have to be carefull of ministers making false prophecies and putting those men on a pedestal, which I don’t believe he would want, he is an humble man, holy, Godly. When 911 happened and all the famed and alot of ministers gathered at the hugh church in NY, he was not invited, even though his church is only a block off Times Square, those people would have not liked what David would tell them, I put him on a spiritual plane as equal or more as Billy Graham, at least David never felt the call to visit the pope as Graham did, if we don’t know that church is false, there is something wrong with us[Vatican]. I cannot understand why any preacher or christian would want an audience with the pope except to tell him to repent and be born again and the billion who are following him. Sad.

  14. “Just follow the money. Most of the support from CRI now comes from the Christian Left with their postmodern Replacement Theology and Dominion Theology. They see delusions that Christians will socialize, rule and restore the world to a paradise before Christ can even return. They have a mighty high regard for man and think Jesus will fulfill everything through the Church on earth.”

    With all due respect — and I, speaking, not as an apologist for Hannegraff, either — hasn’t Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins found their ENORMOUS cash cow with the “Left Behind” Series? If you want to be fair and objective, let’s follow the money trail on all ends. To quote Mark Noll, the scandal that’s invaded the church is not just of the “Evangelical Mind” but of the “Evangelical Economy.”

    Secondly, the argument here is not as tidy as Biblical fidelity vs. “Christian” left, although it’s certainly easy to pit those terms against one another to dumb down more serious analysis for a commercial audience. Why not call it dispensationalism vs. reformed view of theology? And the former, as well as the latter, has certainly a lot to answer for in terms of consisttency and logic.

  15. I mostly agree with what you said but i might add that nobody makes people buy LaHaye and Jenkins books and there really is nothing wrong with making money on a fiction series based on one’s theology. Abraham was quite rich and used his wealth wisely. I cannot judge if they are doing that or not. There also is a difference between reformed theology and the arguments and attacks coming from the partial preterism of Hank Hanegraff. However, I do agree that Evangelicals are often more focused on raising money for “God’s work” than they are in doing real works of the Spirit.

  16. Just a couple of quick comments. I too hold Hal Lindsey in the highest regard. His book “The Late Great
    Planet Earth” was a great influence on my life and helped lead me to Christ. I read it in the very early 70’s
    and it stuck. I received Christ later that decade but the contents of that book remained with me and I have
    loved Bible Prophecy ever since. God Bless Hal!!

    As far as Hank Hanegraff, I used to listen to him and admire the way he went after not only the cults but
    also the TBN “money-grubbers and their ilk. Mike Murdock in paricular makes my blood boil. Anyway not
    to get sidetracked, I also remember a caller asking Hank early on in this decade (acutally around 2000)
    some things on Bible prophecy and Hank answering that he was just beginning a 5 year study of Bible prophecy and was not really ready or equipped yet to give a knowledgeable response. Right around that time
    I had stopped listening to his program because it was no longer available (reception-wise) in my area.
    Seems ol’ Hank didn’t study hard enough.

  17. Lol I agree Peter. Mike Murdock is a charlatan. I was was watching some of the “Inspiration” channel (I think thats the name) the other night and he was on there along with some other really old guy after that that was talking about “sowing seeds” etc. LOL. These guys are fooling lots of older people into giving their life’s savings away. Truly sad. If people would study their Bibles instead of the “boob tube” they would see them coming from a mile away.

  18. Mike Murdock is a religious con man, braggart, he is best at fleecing the flock instead of feeding it, he was formerly with the PTL scam org., raised money for them also, Inspiration
    networks owned by the Cerullas[Morris and David] Morris lives in a twelve million dollar mansion in San Diego California, David lives in a gated community and recently bought another 3 or 4 million dollar home, these guys are not just taking funds from the elderly, but many other hurting saints, seed money is for a miracle these folks hope for and Murdock has the gift of gab and knows how to control people through the media, when the Cerullas is down to their last ten million they summon Mike and his private jet, sadly these people are not grounded in scripture, no Christian has to buy a miracle from God, just an effectual
    fervent prayer will do it; I know, I have been there too many times. Hank Hanegraff has gone
    out into left field in the gospel[preterism] he believes Matthew 24 had to do with 70 AD events with the Romans, to alot of people he seems to know what he is talking about, but he don’t, he even takes the side of the palestinians in the middle east, or he favors their cause, I listen to what men are saying, but then judge it by scripture and a prayed up mind.

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