Eugenics through population control

The article gives the connection from eugenics to world population control. The power elite want the earth to have far less people for the sake of the environment. The people they really want to limit are what they consider the genetically inferior underclass. Many of the world birth control polices are toward that end. The common people are so misled or oppressed that they either are forced to submit like the people in China or they are “educated” to support quantity control through birth control and abortion like inner city blacks and the poor in the U.S.

Eugenics and Environmentalism: From quality control to quantity control

Population control today – and the corresponding environmental movements – grew out of the post WWII shift from eugenics to Malthusian programs. The line connecting eugenicists to population control is unmistakable. Population reduction is being used by the elite as a weapon of war against competition, as an assurance of continued domination.

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4 thoughts on “Eugenics through population control

  1. The population control procedures are almost exclusively in Western nations, spanning from the US to Canada, to Europe and Australia. You won’t find “Abortion ships”, birth control, sterialization and similar procedures really pushed anywhere else. (Except maybe China and Japan.) It’s the so-called under-class both in the US and the world who have the most babies. The law-abiding, tax-paying, educated, socially responsible people are the ones who have maybe 1-3 kids max (the fewest kids) whereas the thugs have 4-7 kids and are paid using our tax dollars to pump out more kids. So if anything this is eugenics in reverse.

  2. It won’t fly in most third world nations but many are getting birth control from the U.N. and other international organizations. China has a one child policy, Russia has about the highest abortion rate in the world.

    Government policy awards those in our nation who have more kids. We award people for kids through our tax system of credits and give away programs. That is socialism and it should be stopped but it will not be. Our government is just planning on giving more give away programs.

    However, the real problem is the sex promiscuity. The underclass is having children with no means of support. The answer is Christian conversion, marriage and training them and relocating them out of that environment to jobs and areas that can support a family. We have a whole generation of underclass that were brought up without fathers and they learn their ways from welfare mothers. We really need to break the cycle or we are just spitting into the wind.

    Perhaps the Federal government should help these people by teaching them a skill and relocating them instead of giving them handouts. Then the cities could make a park out of their inner city ghettos. It was amazing how effecting Katrina was at doing this in one city. The real problem is that they are allowing those on welfare to move back after spending all that money to relocate them to other places. Besides that, what is the cost to the taxpayer of a new evacuation of two million people every year? It is also more than likely that it will all flood again.

  3. I live north of Houston in a very Christian conservative part of the county and have lots of family in law enforcement. We were all happy about trying to help these people and improve their lives. We even put our house on notice to house a family though none came.The end result?

    After the influx into Houston and surrounding areas, crime skyrocketed. (It was already bad!)It was chaos. School fights, gang fights, shootings, etc. In “sub-urbia” where I now live, where all the nice homes are, the gov apparently paid the ticket for some of these people to move in. Guess what?

    A guy fatally shoots his mom and grand-mom in their nice new home. This was 5 minutes away! And that new house and neighborhood with lots of Church-going people didn’t change him. An elderly church-going lady took in 2 people and literally got stomped to death by the people she took in. Lots of stories like this. I work with people around the country and I know that crime jumped in many places where these people were relocated. To think spreading “the under-class” around in nice, safe Pleasantville/Mayberry neighborhoods is going to positively change things is fantasy AND DANGEROUS.

    I can get access to lots of crime stats that show when this happens Pleasantville people get physically harmed. The ROI of just one person being harmed isn’t worth it. Lots of Houstonians have regreted helping. Lots of ugly stories happened.

    That’s why I and I know many others have considered relocating to parts of the US or even to Europe to raise a family in safety. A guy I worked with in LA, his family was terrified by some new residents who enjoyed the red carpet treatment. He had enough and decided to move to Oregon but discovered it’s getting bad there too. He ended up relocating his family to Europe “the land of his ancestors” and he is quite happy. In the European country we visited, most people are working class and live in these ugly, cramped block apartments yet the crime rate is surprisingly low. What’s their big school crisis?

    Not gangs. Not shootings. No, it’s they think some teens may have cheated on an exam!!!! And the majority of these people in this country and the 2 neighboring it are not Church-going, Bible readers. I know I felt comfortable with my wife wandering the capital city of this European country on foot, by herself and elsewhere in that country. I myself felt quite safe and loved how safe I felt. But here, in our area which is considered a nice area I won’t let my wife out at night, no way!

    I know too with the influx of new people in our area, the mall feels foreign and unsafe with packs of men glaring at you. Many stand in packs staring at 13-year old teen girls! One guy stopped in front of me while I was pushing my baby, glared at me and acted like he was going to punch me! I kid you not, many of them literally seem to revel in “intimidating” all those soccer moms and retirees there. And this is supposed to be in an affluent area with lots of Churches and ministries and cops.

    Even in small town rural Bible-belt America MS-13 has set up shop across the US and “family values” of rural America didn’t change these gang-bangers.

    The rural Pleasantville town I grew up in got some people “spread to it” and crime shot up. One guy kidnapped his girlfriend. Another guy shot a cop, lots of pitbull and cockfights and other bad things. My brother who is a cop in that town won’t go anywhere there without his sidearm. All the Pleasantville towns my friends grew up in turned into bad places to live due to “spreading around”. This is a consistent, persistent problem across most of the US. People don’t magically change because they’re relocated. Hence the reason God in the OT kept warning the Israelites about entanglements with neighboring peoples.

    As for government skill training, the government does offer skill training and all sorts of grant aid. I know because I’ve had to work on business campaigns for these types of products. On another note, look at how the government treated the katrina people compared to the “farming Iowa” people who lost everything. There was no $2,000 Fema card nor was Bill Clinton or Bush Sr raising money for those Mid-west people devasted by the recent floods.

    Sorry for the long post but to say we should relocate people and they’ll change seems to be the prevalent mindset which is extremely dangerous to the safety of others. Additionally lots of ministry groups bring in refugees who end up living on the dole and hurt innocent people. Those groups should be held accountable for damages don’t you think? We’re called to wisdom, not idealistic emotionalism.

  4. In my third paragraph I actually did say we need to convert them to Christianity first (I know that is easier said than done but few are really trying). You made some good points. There certainly are dangers in relocating them but other than conversion and/or relocation or military occupation there are no solutions to inner city problems. But yes, you are correct, if we empty the ghettos we will spread the disease but the ghettos are now incubators of the disease and it is spreading to the rest of America anyway. So if you don’t deal with the breeder ghettos and gangs the problem will continue to spread and get worse.

    The way I see it you have too choices. Either deal with these people in thousands of Pleasantvilles where law still prevails and where they can learn right from wrong by Christian example or send in the troops to all our major cities and take away all their constitutional freedoms and put down the inevitable riots. Since we know option one will never happen because people do not want their Pleasantvilles to become more unpleasant the only option will be a military occupation or the continual spread of the disease outward until it kills the nation.

    No solution would be pleasant but one offers a way of providing a better life to the majority that are trapped in this endless cycle and give some the hope of turning their lives around. The other solution is no solution at all. It just gives them a hopeless endless police state in the ghetto along with the gangs, riots, looting, burning and killing.

    I also do not see relocating these people as being the prevalent mindset as you suggest. The mindset in this nation is to do nothing except throw band-aids out of helicopters to the few that are working within the cities to try to cure the spreading cancer.
    MS-13 and Mexican drug gangs are mostly illegals and they need to be rounded up and deported and if they come back they should be imprisoned. One of the few police forces that are doing anything about the illegals is the Sheriff of Maricopa County Arizona. Other cities and counties should follow his example. Instead the cites and towns in his own county work against him by harboring illegals.

    Europe is much safer but that is changing quickly so you might watch were you decide to relocate. They have some of the same problems in their large cites. There are places the police will not even go. Much of that has to do with the influx of Islamics and drugs.

    Why live in a Pleasentville at all in the troubled times that are coming? I know of places in this nation where your nearest neighbor might be a mile away?

    The Bible says because inequity shall abound the love of many will wax cold in the last days. It is already waxing.

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