Europe’s heart of darkness

Good article that explains to me why the Beast will soon rise out of Europe. They have a very sick godless society.

FrontPage Magazine: “While Americans proclaimed, “In God We Trust,” the Europeans have gradually abandoned the belief in the Judeo-Christian God and the moral direction it provided. They largely agreed with German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) who wrote that, “God is Dead.” In Auschwitz, the Europeans did away with the Judeo-Christian God altogether. And since then they have increasingly relied on the state to direct their lives. The state has become the source of order, legitimacy, and authority. And the state has since 1957 evolved into a super-state known as the European Union.

The same secularist spirit that dominated Europe in the 20th Century and gave rise to Communism and Fascism, has given birth to a new ism – welfarism. Keynesian economics (named after British economist John Maynard Keynes) advocated state (government) intervention in economic policies. Keynes wrote the blueprint for Britain’s welfare system, and was pessimistic about the future. One of his more famous quips was “In the long run, we are all dead,” it perhaps best reflects European passivity, and lack of belief in a better future.”

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5 thoughts on “Europe’s heart of darkness

  1. Great if somewhat ‘dark’ article. As an European I can say the author pretty much hits the nail on the head about many things. Of course generalizations are tricky and it’s not like every European is as the author described but, yes, the overall outlook on the future is generally negative, yes, we are terribly addicted to gov’t welfare and, yes, our gov’ts and especially the EU have more in common with enlightened despotism than ‘gov’t by, for and of the people.’ I don’t know about Sarkozy though. He strikes me as someone who sincerely doesn’t like our current welfare system much. But as he promised the French people to be president of all French, including Left-leaners, I guess abolishing the welfare system altogether is not on his agenda. On the other hand, we’re so dependent on this system that abolishing it is virtually impossible. Because of our ‘addiction’, people can hardly imagine a life without the existing welfare system and have no clue about alternatives for the existing system. They all think if we adopt the American way we’re going to get a lot of poverty and huge gaps between rich and poor. Well, maybe that’s quite possible since we don’t have much of a work ethic anymore as a result of gov’t welfare. I for one think work and discipline should pay off rather than just your degree. Finances are primarily an individual responsiblity. Family is central to providing care and creating order and morality in society. Private enterprise and non-profit private organizations can more efficiently provide much of what is currently done using the unfair welfare system. Gov’t is to protect are basic rights and maintain law and order. All the rest leads to serfdom.

  2. The European socialist elite bureaucrat club want you all to be obedient little surfs but it will not turn out the way the socialists think.

    Islam is the fly in the ointment and when the backlash against Islam comes it will also come hard against the Left.

    You will have a European Churchill figure before you know it. It might seem good for awhile but whenever too much power is given to one man in Europe it usually turns out bad.

    Europe has a history of dark behavior. Even in the days when it claimed to be Christian most just gave lip service to God, few really knew Him.

    The dark path will continue in Europe and even more-so today because there is no God in Europe, at least there is no God in the hearts of most of the people.

    The gods of Europe are man and Allah and neither qualify.

  3. True. That’s exactly the problem with Europe: we always go from one extreme to the other. There’s not enough moderation. Common sense in politics both on the Left and the Right often seems absent. And there’s no doubt that the fact that few Europeans truly know Jesus make this even worse.

    I find it extremely annoying when people associate anyone who opposes illegal immigration and multicuralism with fascism but on the other hand I too fear that if a blacklash against Islam is going to happen, it’s not going to be pretty. Right now I often have mixed feelings about the whole situation with Islam. I don’t hate Muslims at all because they too are all different individuals but I can’t say the same of Islam itself as a religion. So how do you ‘balance’ this?

    I think many people on both the Left and the Right are having trouble distinguishing between people who call themselves Muslims and Islam itself. Those on the Left stigmatize anyone who dares to speak up against Islamization while some on the (Far) Right stigmatize any colored immigrant groups and blame especially Muslims for whatever problem we have in society. The (Far) Right’s criticism of multiculturalism is deserved but I generally don’t like their proposed solutions exactly because they too are just another extreme and tend to disregard the individual.

    I kind of feel caught in the middle. I have my politial views and my preferences but I find it hard if not impossible to give my full support to any political party.

  4. The real problem is human nature. Evil people in Islam will bring out the evil that is in many in the West. There is no human answer to stop what is coming.

    There are people in Islam who do not agree with the evil and there will be people in the West that will not agree with the overreactions to what I fear will come against all Muslims in Europe.

    In a sense God is raising up evil against evil. Islam with its evil legalistic laws to rise up to punish a evil Western civilization that has rejected God and His laws.

    Many years ago I read a book that had prophecies of the future by old Church mystics. They talked about a very bloody civil conflict in many European nations near the end times that did not fit the world wars.

    When I read the book, Islam in Europe was not even worth a thought. I thought if what they were saying was true it would be the result of Communism but I had a hard time graping how such a bloody civil conflict could happen within European nations over communism.

    When the Soviet Union collapsed I just figured the prophecies were all wrong.

    Now I see they could of been describing the coming conflict in Europe with Islam and I now have no difficulty seeing what they said taking place in Europe because of the rapidly increasing Muslim population.

  5. I’m afraid you’re right. It essentially all comes down to human nature. Frankly, I can sometimes get very angry over what Islam is causing here and abroad but at the same time the loss of moral values in our Western nations also sadens me. I often wonder what’s left to defend against Islam since today, ‘Western’ culture no longer seems to to stand for Biblical values, liberty and human dignity. On the other hand, I still believe in those values regardless of whether they’re still ‘Western’ or not and for that reason I oppose Islamization. But I oppose modern-day Western lawlessness just as much.

    These days it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to support any of the existing camps since like you said, they’re both evil. I guess that’s why we as Christians should above all be citizens and representatives of the Kingdom.


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