Evangelicals tell Bush to support a Palestinian State in the land of Israel

The list of the signatories makes it clear that this letter is from a bunch of replacement theology dominionists. They do not represent those who take the Bible literally. The Bible clearly says the land of Israel was given to descendants of Israel forever. Yet, the letter from them says that the “Palestinians” had a right to the “land of Israel”. They contradict themselves in their own letter! They first call it the “land of Israel” and then say the “land of Israel” also belongs to non Israelites. The solution they endorse is not a solution since Islam is violently opposed to Israel and always will be until Jesus returns. There can be no lasting peace in the Middle East before the return of Jesus!

They allegorize Bible prophecy so that what God says about this issue has no meaning for them. Therefore, they think Christianity through human effort will bring peace to the world and therefore their reason for this letter. Their theology is heretical so they take these unbiblical positions and prove how foolish Christians can be that fail to understand their own scriptures.

Evangelicals’ letter backs PA state Jerusalem Post: “Many evangelical Christians throughout the United States support a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and seek ‘justice’ for both sides, reads an open letter to US President George W. Bush published in Sunday’s New York Times. ”

“According to the letter’s authors, both Israel and the Palestinians had rights to the land of Israel that stretched back “millennia.” Both sides, the letter said, had committed acts of violence.
Only a lasting peace agreement, the letter exhorted, would end bloodshed and ensure that each side had a “viable” state. To this end, the letter’s authors expressed their support for the road map peace plan, and endorsed former British prime minister Tony Blair’s efforts in his new role as the Quartet’s Middle East envoy.”

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