Fascism has arrived in Canada and has become a world plague.

Father Alphonse de Valk is one of the small minority of religious leaders that is speaking the truth about the fascist takeover in Canada and he is now being persecuted for it. Fascism is socialist state control over everything. It is obvious that Canada is now run by secular godless socialists. But it is also coming to the U.S. from the Left and it has already arrived in much of Europe. Not to mention the Chinese, Islam and Russia fascism. Hitler and Stalin would be so proud of the world today.

Priest warns fascism has arrived in schools

In a column at Catholic Insight, de Valk writes under the headline “Fascism has come to Canada” that the Department of Education in British Columbia plans in September to “introduce the mandatory teaching of SSM [same-sex marriage] from kindergarten to grade 12 in provincial schools.

“It is a first for a province in Canada to claim the right to determine moral teaching in schools when the vast majority of its citizens reject it as unscientific and contrary to the common good,” he wrote.

“So we move from [former Prime Minister Pierre] Trudeau’s 1967 slogan ‘there is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation’ – falsely used to destroy traditional morality – to the new slogan that the state will determine people’s moral thinking.”

Further, he said, the Quebec Department of Education also intends, as of September, “to replace Christian Ethics in its schools with a secular mish-mash invented by its staff in which Judeo-Christianity is trivialized as only one religion among many.”

He said the “suppression” is called “normative pluralism.”

“Under this title the state dismisses parental rights and the formative role of Christian culture, and replaces it with secular sociology. Again, then, the temporal authority, the state, dismissed the spiritual authority and usurps its role. In history this is called ‘statism,’ better known as fascism,” de Valk wrote.

“Some people may think that use of the term ‘fascism’ must be an exaggeration,” de Valk wrote. “Surely, Canada is not that far down the political slippery slope! But remember, fascism is little more than the political notion that the state – through its various organs – is the final authority in all things human.

“Several years ago, Canada’s chief justice claimed that she and the Supreme Court now take the place formerly allotted to the church. Today, some provincial departments of education as well as human rights commissions believe that they, too, share this authority,” he wrote.

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