From 2010 until the Messianic Age Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua.

I certainly am not a prophet but I believe we are in the final decades just before the Messianic age and Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua. In fact, I think there will only be three more decades. Sometime before the end of that third decade I think Yeshua (Jesus) will have returned to earth to set up His Millennial kingdom.

I am writing this because I think many Christians today have been misled into thinking that everything must take place within this decade. I think it is much more likely that these events will play out over two to three decades.

The following is how I think the final decades will play out in the world. Events do not have to play out as I suggest so you really need to be the judge. Also, do not expect too much detail here. Details that are not known cannot be revealed. Further, I have not tried very hard to put the events in the exact sequence, nor can this short summery mention more than a fraction of the events that will actually take place.

Decade one – 2010 to 2020.

The United States of America will cease to be a great power in the world. America will become increasingly divided and her debts will either crash the dollar causing hyperinflation or America will default on her debts. Living standards in America will plunge dramatically in this decade. Riots, upheavals, civil war and secession of States from the Union is likely. Even radical change back to constitutional principals will not change the fact that half of the nation are already dependents of government and the whole nation has future national debt obligations that simply cannot be paid unless the dollar is dramatically devalued. When the people of America apathetically or purposely allowed socialist radicals to destroy our free enterprise system and our personal freedoms all that remains is for the fat lady to sing, “Its The End of the World as We Know it””.

Europe will be in turmoil. Standards of living in many parts of Europe will decline. Terrorism and demands of Muslim immigrants will bring a right wing backlash from the natives against Muslim immigrants. Civil war is not out of the question, neither are wars between European nations or wars between European and Muslim nations. The EU will continue to realign but toward the end of the decade it will probably reflect the proposed Euro-Med revived Roman Empire model. Some of the Eastern nations in the EU will realign with Russia.

Russia will form a new Union that will be tyrannical and fascist. Russian Influence has already moved the Ukraine back into the Russia sphere and as Europe shows weakness Russian influence will expand West and Southwest as far as Iran. I think an assortment of other nations will  join with the Russian block much like they did when the old Soviet Union was at its peak. Russia will use its control over energy and natural resources as a tool to force neighboring countries to come under their sphere of influence. World tyrants will once again see benefits in aligning with Russia against the Western world order.

Israel will defeat the neighboring Arab states in the war of Psalm 83. Iran will have a revolution either before or after the bombing of their nuclear facilities and form a secular government.

China and India will continue to develop, although not as rapidly as they did last decade. There will be more internal turmoil in China  and China will take Taiwan by conquest or agreement. The take over of Pakistan by India is not out of the question if Pakistan loses control over their nukes.

Japan will go nuclear because of the threat of China, North Korea and the collapse of the United States nuclear umbrella. There is likely to be war against North Korea during this decade. South Korea will take over the north and unite the country.

South America will rise in power, form a Union, and become a major economic power in the world. There will be some local wars and civil wars but Brazil and Argentina will increasingly dominate the South American continent. There likely will be a war between Argentina and Great Britain over the Falklands. This time a greatly weakened Great Britain will have to pull out.

The African Union will also become a geopolitical factor.

By the end of the decade true democracies or republics will not exist in reality. People all over the world will come under the tyranny of authoritarian governments. Many people will sell their soul for the promise of security.

The UN headquarters will move from the United states to Rome.

Persecution of true Christians will spread and increase. Religion will increasingly only be allowed to be expressed in the confines of local church campuses. Proselytizing will not be allowed in the public arenas in most nations.

Decade two – 2020 to 2030.

The United States and Mexico will be failed states broken up into different factions. The different factions will eventually agree to confederate with Canada into a loose central federal government called the North American Union. Living standards will be about half what Americans enjoy today and a world currency or regional currency will replace national currencies.

The Euro-Med Union or revived Roman Empire will became a fascist oligarchy divided into ten zones that will be controlled by ten appointed leaders that will give their power to the an appointed head of the Union.

The Rapture of true Christians is likely to occur sometime in this decade although it could happen sooner.

Israel will be living in peace and security since the Psalm 83 war of the last decade.

The first seals described in Revelation will be opened and the events described will begin. These are the beginnings of sorrows or early labor pains.

The Gog war of Ezekiel 38 and 39 will take place when the Russian Islamic block comes down against Israel to take a spoil. The God of Israel will intervene for Israel and make Himself known to the nations of the world when He supernaturally destroys 5/6ths of this great army.

Israel will bury the dead of Gog’s army and they will use the weapons of war to power the nation until they flee to the mountains seven years later at the revealing of the man of sin (Antichrist).

China and India will become true world superpowers and vastly increase their military capabilities.

A world war between Islam and the West over 1/4th of the earth.

The rise of a pluralist religious harlot will end the religious wars, unite world religions and become totally dominated by the Roman Catholic Church. (Queen of Heaven apparitions and deceptions will bring this about).

Decade Three  – 2030 until  the Messianic Age and Millennial Kingdom of Jesus (These events could actually start as early as 2025 )

The signing of the seven year covenant with the many by the prince to come (Dan 9:26-27)

144,000 Jews  preach the gospel of the coming Millennial Kingdom to the whole world and two witnesses of God in Jerusalem preach and send Judgment as often as they wish on all those that oppose them getting out the message of the coming Kingdom of Yeshua.

The killing of the two witnesses by the one who ascends out of the pit.

The Abomination that cause desolation and the Satanic supernatural power of the Antichrist and His false prophet begins and lasts 42 months.

The world rejects the truth and will not have Yeshua rule over them. The worst time ever to occur in the history of the world begins when the wrath of the Lamb and the wrath of God is poured out on all that are in rebellion against God (The Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation).

The Harlot of Revelation is burned by the people following the Antichrist.

The kings of the East invade the Middle East with 200 hundred million men and bring the death of one third of all men left on the earth.

The fall of Babylon the Great.

The appearance of Jesus and the Holy City in the heavens.

The False Prophet and Antichrist lead all nations to fight against Israel and her God.

The destruction of all forces of the Antichrist over the length of  Israel.

The Messianic Age Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua begins.

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17 thoughts on “From 2010 until the Messianic Age Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua.

  1. Hi Don,

    Any clue about what is going to happen to Latin America, 500 million people?

  2. Hi Edward,

    I think you will do very well economically compared to some of the rest of the world because you are still developing and you have great natural resources. I think South and Central Latin American nations will form a loose union of states dominated by the more powerful South American states. Religiously, I think there will be many conversions from Catholicism to Evangelical Christianity in the short term. Nevertheless, in the longer term I think most Latin America leaders will bow to Rome and there will come increasing persecution on Evangelical Christians. Watch what is happening and will happen in Russia today with the Russian Orthodox Catholic Church against the Evangelicals and you may get a glimpse of what will come in Latin America via the Roman Catholic Church. Keep your eye out for the rise of Marian apparitions, it could be what sets off the rise of persecution against non Catholic Christians.

  3. Interesting comments. There has been some union between the Catholics and the Evangelicals in a same front against human secularism (for example, abortion), and, more recently, the castro-socialist movement. As I see it, if we do not evangelize and make disciples more agressively, than most of the christian people will turn atheist and socialism will make it’s way through all the region. Also, drugs and cartels are destroying the governments north to Colombia. This situation appears to be unstoppable in Mexico. The socioeconomical inequalities in the region willundermine any macroeconomical growth.

  4. Hi, I find your writing intresting, I go to a christian school and church and I have learned alot over the past two years studying on my own. I to have learned of the falsehoods in churches today, but all my studies lead me to believe that the little horn is the Papacy aka the roman catholic church.

  5. Huh, never thought about putting the papacy in as the false prohat but the papacy fits the description of the little horn in the book of danile. Also the beasts in revalation aren`t single men but world powers so I figured Beast out of sea=Papacy Beast out of earth=UN, EU, or even US depending on how future events play out.

  6. We know from Daniel that the Little Horn comes up from among the ten kings of kingdoms and then he cuts off three. That does not fit the Papacy. The Little Horn is obviously a political leader. Also, from John’s perspective on that high mountain, the Beast that came out of the sea would mean that it came up out of the Mediterranean sea area. The Beast that comes up out of the earth (it really means land) means He will come out of the land of John’s people. It will come up out of Israel. So if the False Prophet even comes out of the Papacy it will have to be someone with Jewish ancestry.

    Your strange conjectures really do not add useful information to my post. So unless you can contribute something useful to the post and use proper exegesis when doing so I suggest you refrain.

  7. Yeah sorry for not talking about stuff that related to what you posted originaly, I just wanted to talk with some one that studied prohacy. If I do post any more things I`ll try to find some where they will fit under.

  8. Okay, but you really might learn how to spell the world prophecy if you want any prophecy student to take you seriously.

    I have a search box in the upper right for finding topics by keywords.

  9. Don,
    Why did you put the ‘first of seals opened’ prior to the peace treaty? I always believed that the seals would be released ‘during’ the 7 year tribulation.

  10. Because while studying the matter for my Revelation Commentary I found that all these things in Bible prophecy do not fit in just seven years like so many others teach.

    For example, If we are having peace under the prince of Daniel how is it that the four horsemen of Revelation are riding in that 3 1/2 years of peace? If the two prophets preach and can bring judgment on the earth as often as they wish for 3 1/2 years how is it that they allow the four horsemen to bring hell on earth in the same period? If God is dealing with the Jews again for the last seven years at the opening of the first seal why is it that not one word is mentioned about the Jews until the sealing of 144,000 at the sixth seal? etc.

    I think some of the prior thinking on these matters that fit everything in just seven years makes for a nice neat package to write books about but it does not fit Bible prophecy without the use of a shoehorn. One teacher just feeds on the teachings of others rather than going back to what scripture really says on these prophetic issues. It is also why there is so much disagreement among experts of Eschatology about the order of events in the end times. All can build a neat theory from the scriptures and others can tear down their theory by using other scriptures that were ignored or glossed over. But, the real cause of why that happens is that end time events do not fit in just seven years.

    I think that before this final seven years there is the beginning of sorrows, false birth pains, false tribulation, counterfeit tribulation, riding of the four horsemen, Ezekiel war, (whatever name you want to put on that period) that will set the world up for receiving the Antichrist as the savior.

    We have to be wary and not fall into the belief like some that are writing and believing books today, that a world war with Islam in this decade will mean that we are in that last seven year period and and the Beast is Islam. Islam will just help bring the Beast into power from the backlash against Islam.

  11. Thanks for the clarification. I think you are right but we won’t know exactly until all this takes place. You make a very good, strong case, thank you. I think also this might be a stumbling block for Christians where we are looking and expecting harpazo and when it doesn’t happen ‘as per our understanding’ that’s where those come in and say, ‘Where is the promis of his return?’, ‘I told you Christians it wouldn’t happen!’, etc. Good stuff Don!

  12. Which one? He started orthodox and then got really strange in the end. It seems to be brain virus that affects limelight preachers.

  13. I have gotten a lot from reading your blog. Thank you. I know this comment is years too late, but I do not often have a computer that works all that well and have been looking at some of your older commentaries that I missed. My comment probably does not even match any of your posts other than the Revelation Commentary, which I did read, but several years ago. In it, as I recall, you state that the seven years of tribulation need not start at the Rapture, but sometime later. That was the first that I had seen a commentary which stated that. Most just make it seem that Christ will return seven years after the Rapture. My opinion, and it is only an opinion, is that you are correct that the seven years will begin at least 3 and 1/2 years after the rapture.

    One point, I have not seen in anyone’s comments, is that at the midpoint of the seven years, the AC goes into the temple and proclaims himself God. I think that happens only after Jesus does not return seven years after the Rapture.

    The Rapture will be a very visible and known event to all on Earth. Those who come to believe post-Rapture and have researched the pre-Rapture commentaries will be counting down in desperate hope for the return of Christ. At T=7years, it does not happen and will be a huge disappointment and challenge of faith. It also allows the AC to proclaim himself because God did not show when the majority of believers expected. It also discourages future conversions as Christ did not show when they thought he was scheduled. I think that most prophecy teachers may be setting up a scenario that may result in some amount of harm by focusing on the seven years starting at the rapture. I find no scriptural support for that timing.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks again, though I seldom comment.


  14. Hi Phil,

    (This is a correction)

    Thanks for the support.
    The position I took in my revelation commentary is that the Rapture could be 3 1/2 years before the final seven for pretty much the same reasons that you mentioned.

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