Global Living Rosary hatched out of hell.

The Catholics taking part in this Global Living Rosary are practicing what is forbidden in the Bible. The Bible says that there is one in heaven that makes intercession between God and man and that is Jesus Christ. Show me any scripture that says we are to pray to Mary or that Mary makes intercession for anyone. I will show you many Old Testament scriptures that says the Queen of Heaven (often carrying a child) was in existence before Mary and it was a demon. Those who prayed and offered to her were condemned by God.

These also think that their many rote prayers to someone other then Jesus works up power. That is not prayer it is witchcraft. They indeed will have the power to call up demons to further deceived them. Rote prayer is also spoken against in the Bible. Those who practice rote prayer have taken up the ways of the heathen. Do you really think there is power in your many words? (Matt 6:7.) That also is witchcraft.

These practices are so far removed from biblical Christianity that Catholics who practice these things might as well join the New Age/New Spirituality movement (many have and that is why they hang on the words of fools like the demonic guests that appear on shows like Oprah talking about their new spiritual enlightenment).

I do not know how I can say this any more forcefully. Those who put there faith in these demonic practices will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.

Rosary prayed in dozens of languages to prepare for ‘Global Living Rosary’ – Catholic Online

One purpose of the Global Living Rosary is to seek the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary to bring peace in individual hearts, in families, in communities, in nations, and in the world, said the founder of the Global Living Rosary movement, Father Jim Kelleher, as he implored the crowd that nearly filled the huge midtown Kansas City church.

A priest of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, Father Kelleher is continuing the work of the late Father Patrick Peyton, the legendary “Rosary Priest,” who led massive rosary rallies in the 1940s and 1950s to inspire thousands of Catholic families to pray the rosary together in their homes.

How powerful are you? Do you have the power of a president?” he asked.

“I suggest you have a much greater power,” Father Kelleher said. “It is the power to gather together in your living rooms, in your own domestic church, and pray the rosary. You will be calling on the Prince of Peace through the intercession of the Queen of Peace. The blessings he will give will radiate through this city.”

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10 thoughts on “Global Living Rosary hatched out of hell.

  1. I don’t think I will ever be able to understand the Catholic faith. Statues of Mary
    (who stopped being a virgin, right, when Jesus’ brothers were born?), statues of angels,
    the crucifix (we are not to forget Calvary, but the LORD is no longer hanging on the cross…
    HE’s coming back a King to claim HIS throne), and all other kinds of what appears to me to
    be idolatry.

    Salvation is only through Jesus the Christ. GOD Almighty created the heavens and the earth and
    and all that is between them. GOD bless Mary for being found worthy, but absolutely no where in
    the Bible does it say that she can make intercession for us, or that she would be sitting on the
    LORD’s throne… you know what I mean? She was GOD-chosen, but not a divine being. Why
    would one bow before an image of her or pray to her? Doesn’t anyone think the Creator might be

    And, if I’m reading the above clearly, are they saying this Queen of Heaven idol makes intercession
    for Christians before the LORD? Oh, people. Woe is us, indeed. We delight in delusions and lies at
    the sake of our souls.


  2. They were condemned by God? Really? I had no idea it was written. I’m gonna continue with my research now.. thanks! 😉

  3. That is a song verse not a verse from the Bible. You can’t even properly define love if you think promoting pagan doctrine is love.

  4. Well said Don. That song verse sounds like a verse from the Message, which is the book (the MESSage is not a Bible) that was responsible for destroying my marriage. One of many I’m sure.

  5. Do these catholics even read the Bible?

    I left the Cahtolic church becasue once I was saved and started studying the Bible, I found out alot of the Catholic ‘traditions” have no basis in Scripture, especially the veneration of Mary.

    I respect Mary as the mother of our Lord and because she is a fine example of a faithful and Godly woman. But she was still a sinner in need of the salvation that Our Lord provided just as much as any of us.

    And I find it funny that the last recorded words of Mary in scripture are at the wedding of Cana:

    John 2:5: His mother saith unto the servants, “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do [it]. ”

    Nothing about intercession or veneration, just pointing to Jesus and Him alone.

    And that’s the way it should be!

  6. If you really took the time to study the history of the church from the very beginning and study the doctors of the church, you would find out that you are relying on limited information going only back to your Reformation. You are speaking out of ignorance. The Catholic Church is the true Church of Christ, the one he founded and the only one that has remained faithful to and consistent with the teachings of Christ. Look at how many denominations your Protestants have and every single one with different interpretations of the gospel. No thanks! I am not going to switch oranges for empty bottles. This nothing but persecution of the Catholic Church due to misunderstanding and ignorance. Get educated !!!

  7. Nena,

    I really did study the history of the Church and the history of the Roman Catholic Church. They are not one and the same. Roman Catholicism did not even start until about 400 years after Pentecost. I was a Catholic and I am educated in Catholicism so I am not speaking from ignorance. If you have an open mind and are not brainwashed you might read A Woman Rides the Beast, by Dave Hunt. He gives the actually history of the Roman Catholic Church.

    You talk about the division of Protestants but Catholicism is not as united on doctrine as you might like to think. The majority of Catholics do not even practice true Catholicism. The big different in Catholicism is that people continue to call themselves Roman Catholics and continue to identify with the Pope even through they do not even practice Catholicism, or they combine it with a native pagan religion.

    Protestants split over such issues and Catholics just pretend that they are united. That is why in America most Catholics practice and support such things as abortion and birth control that the Roman Church says will send them to Hell. They really do not believe their own church doctrine. Most are just the great pretenders. They act religious when in the presence of a priest or in some church function. They will pray the Rosary in front of an abortion clinic and then vote for someone like Obama that pushes abortion around the world.

    Your argument is pointless anyway. The one true Church is not the viable denomination that one attends, it is all those that were spiritually born into the Body of Christ through trusting in God’s Savior.

    If you want my views on the visible churches in the world you might read the following article.

  8. You are so right Don. But if you are not spiritually born again through Jesus Christ, then the word of God is veiled to you. The Bible will not be revealed to them the same as it is to a born again believer, because it is the Holy Spirit that reveals the mysteries of God. Not Mary. I was Catholic and they just can’t get it. Actually Paul said to pray always in the spirit and praying in the spirit takes you to a whole new level of communion and prayer with the Father.

  9. I’ve spoken to numerous friends that I attended catholic schools with in the 50s and 60s. Most admit that they have ‘cocktail party relationship’ with GOD. ‘I advise them that if they continue that course of action they will deliver themselves to the other gods referred to in commandment #1?!

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