Gog moves Rooks into place for end time chess match.

This is a very good analysis of the Russian Georgian conflict by Terry James. I also think that this is the turning point with Russia to achieve its manifest destiny. From now on you will see Russia act militarily or at least forcefully on conflicts that support their national interest of building a counter force to the West and in doing so Russia will attempt to achieve control over much of Europe’s energy. Yes, Russia is now totally controlled by the old KGB and thugs and Putin’s groomed fascist brown shirts will soon be put into positions of power. There has been no real change in Russia since the cold war. They just got a fresh start thanks to the West and don’t use the term communism anymore. They never were pure Communists anyway they have been and are again very much Fascists.

The next major step for Russia may be the Ukraine. The people in the Ukraine are torn with many wanting to join NATO and many of the Russian ethnics wanting to join with Russia. Russia will prevail. I doubt if NATO will have the guts to really oppose a nuclear power like Russia. After the Ukraine goes to Russia expect other dominoes near Russia to again fall into the sphere of a new Russian Fascist Union.

By the way, Check out this Bible prophecy Today Blog as often as you can. This Blog actually does have the best collection of the very latest thinking of astute Bible prophecy teacher/thinkers. I have a link to Bible Prophecy Today Blog on my sidebar.

Bible Prophecy Today • Bible Prophecy News And Commentary By Today’s Leading Bible Prophecy Scholars • News and Commentary From A Biblical Perspective

Gog And The Magog Chess Match

By Terry James

Russian moves, begun this past Friday in the Caucasus region and other parts of what was the former Soviet Union, should sound the siren alarm of things to come for the spiritually attuned Bible prophecy student.

We have watched Iran’s posturing and repositioning during the past months, with the area of ancient Persia coming into focus as a predicted player on the regional chess board that will be part of the end game, as foretold by Ezekiel the prophet. Now, the nation-state that is at the heart of the coalition foretold to storm toward the oil-rich Middle East and Israel seems to be demonstrating intention to achieve its manifest destiny.

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17 thoughts on “Gog moves Rooks into place for end time chess match.

  1. It should not surprise anyone that Russia is acting the way it does. Post-Soviet Russia has one of the world’s – if not THE most aggressive military doctrine, according to a former member of the GRU (Russian Military Intelligence). Check out this article he wrote back in 1995, at http://www.jamestown.org/publications_details.php?search=1&volume_id=1&issue_id=100&article_id=1181.

    I’ve been told several years ago by a Russian immigrant that I knew personally, that the Russians long for a return to the Czarist period. They want a strong leader, they don’t care much for democracy. What they want is a great Russia that is restored in all its glory and greatness. They won’t tolerate NATO moving eastwards and ussurping Russia’s former territories and its natural resources.

    Look at the opposition in Russia. Communists, Neo-Nazis (or National Bolshevists, rather). Can you even call that “opposition”?! It’s like trading Hitler for Stalin or Mao for Pol Pot. There’s hardly any pro-Capitalist, pro-Liberal Democracy opposition. And don’t count on Zhirinovsky, the president of the so-called “Liberal Democratic” Party either. He’s a man who calls for the deportation of non-Whites from Russia, invading Iran and Afghanistan to make them Russian territory and annexing Alaska – just to name a few. And he’s popular too.

    You see, the overwhelming majority of the Russians actually support that kind of people. So I don’t need to hear these idiots saying that it’s the Kremlin that’s running amok, and the Russians themselves have nothing to do with it. Yeah, right. We’ve been hearing the same dumb argument about Islam and terrorism for years now and I’m not taking that kind of politically correct bullcrap anymore.

    Russia is a hostile nation. We better prepare for more trouble to come. God knows what they might do following a joint Israeli-American attack on Iran. I think that is what Russia wanted anyway. It’s not about some stupid oil pipeline. It’s about showing off to the world and saying “dont’ you mess with us! ” They sure did a good job at getting that message accross.

  2. I agree that the government reflects the people. Just look at the lifespan of the males in Russia due to alcoholism. It says wonders about the mental health of the people. Putin is hugely popular in Russia and has become their Czar because the people rejected self rule. Weak godless people always say, “give us a King”

  3. Hitler’s coup d’état in 1922 failed. A decade later, the Germans democratically elected him and turned him into their almighty Führer. Hugo Chávez’ own coup failed. Now he’s the democratically elected president of Venezuela.

    The people had nothing to do with it? Yeah, sure. Go tell that to the millions of people that have been slaughtered in Nazi death camps or Soviet gulags and the millions of brave soldiers that have died in the fight against totalitarianism.

    We’re headed for difficult times with new and potentially devastating conflicts. Everybody who has keeps their eyes and ears open knows that. It’s time the West awakes and ditches that political correctness and faces the harsh reality before it’s too late.

  4. I think you do not have all necessary information to draw a conclusion.

    First, in the US, we’ve taken God out of the school systems. In Russia, they’re teaching it! It’s become mandatory to teach Christian Orthodox theology as well as history of Orthodox saints! Look at the US, we’re actually teaching Islam in some public schools.

    Second, the mayor of Moscow for several years now has tried to resist a Gay Pride Parade in downtown Moscow. This past year the US and Western Europe demanded he fly out to a meeting of theirs to brainwash him into allowing the march. The mayor has called homosexuality “Satanic” and Russia has had Orthodox priests blessing the river in Moscow from the gay organizations that did manage to protest. Could the mayor of Washington DC ever get away with taking a stand against a gay pride festival? No!

    In fact Russian youth actually held a counter protest promoting heterosexuality!

    Third, Russia is building churches everywhere.

    Fourth, Putin himself declared Russia the “Defender of Christianity”. Could you imagine the US president being able to do such a thing? People would go bonkers here in the US.

    Fifth, Russia is promoting big healthy families and are having success with bringing the ethnic Russian birth rate up. It’s getting to the point in some areas where it’s frowned upon if you don’t have a family. Compare that to the US’s materialistic, self-indulged “Sex in the City” lifestyle.

    In the US, in advertising, it’s virtually taboo to say, “Christmas Trees” in advertising. Nor is it PC in the US to talk about Christmas from a Christian perspective.

    Etc., etc.

    Look, we figure that the UK and Norway are allies, right? Well they don’t have a government that’s 100% indentical to ours. Yet we consider them democracies, correct? Yes. But did you know the UK is virtually a police state with video cameras everywhere, something like 4 cameras per person! They are deeper in PC than the US. Russia declares itself a “Sovereign Democracy”. Which means the Russians do not want outside influences meddling in their country. In other words, Russia is trending nationalist – off the grid of the one world government gang. To make one world government work, all nations must be sucked into the one world government philosophy, well Russia isn’t too interested in playing.

    You can’t expect every people on Earth to be governed by American style Democracy. The Israelites certainly weren’t! Russian people want a strong, tough leader. Apparently that’s what fits their genetic makeup.

    As for one of the posters, the ethnic Russians have lived in Russia for eons. I think they have a right to their own country. More power to them to retain their God-given country. Immigrants need to focus on turning their countries into nice places to live instead of trying to move into and colonize Russia/Europe and other places.

    Also keep in mind, that Georgia started hostilities first by shelling South Ossetian women and children! Interestingly, the shelling started when Geogia’s president was giving a speech about compassion and unity!

    You’ve got to remember, you’ve been fed anti Russian hysteria for much of your life. The bad guys in most international thrillers are Germans, Russians and Eastern Europeans. It’s the same in video games. Just 2 years ago I hated Russians and Germans but then I realized what basis in reality is this feeling? Aren’t we supposed to “test the spirits”?

    The US is encircling Russia with new Nato members and bases. The US has 400 US bases around the world, and yet Russia is accused of imperialism because they don’t feel comfortable with a globalist police force encircling them with military hardware?! The US since the Cold War to this day flies bombers and spy planes around Russia. And until recently Russia starts flying bombers and now people are hysterical.

    Remember, American style democracy wasn’t around in Old Testament days. God didn’t map it out in the Bible. Think about that.

    US military hardware is unmatched in the world. Scripture says “Who can defeat the beast?” Just our Raptor fight plane alone can take on 5 planes at once. US military spending is 10 times higher than that of Russia. Think about it. US forces are constantly being called to partake in operations in Africa, Asia, South America, etc. The troops are red white and blue, but the politicians giving the orders have other loyalties.

    Yes Putin has strong armed his media and others in power in Russia. These people he strong armed are internationalists with loyalties outside Russia. That’s a good thing, getting rid of traitors. Putin helped close down illegal immigration into Russia and brought tens of millions of Russians out of grinding poverty. There’s now a fast growing Russian middle class. The Russians have even tried to kick out things like MTV. Think about that. Wanting to feel good about your country is a good thing.

    The US with its boot on the neck of Russia is not Christian. Sorry but this ain’t the US your grand-dad grew up in. The US today is the world’s “Wal-Mart”. Where any Tom, Dick and Harry can waltz in and start leaching off tax payers. What is America? Big Macs & Cola? Britney Spears and Paris Hilton? Really?

    For Pete sake we’re poking a stick at Russia, and criticizing them but look at the US, where half of the population is happy to vote for Socialists/commie lite political candidates. Look at what’s taught in US schools – emotionalism, global warming propaganda and multi-culturalism.

    Go talk to some Russian people and you’ll see they’re not foaming at the mouth zombies. The average Russian is far more educated than the average American. Stats show something like only 1 in 10 Americans ever bother to go into a book store! And 1 in 4 only bother to read another book since graduating HS.

    Think about this, in America, our produce was hit hard by the Midwest flooding. But in Russia they’re experiencing the biggest grain harvest in 15 years and aren’t sure how to store it! Why is that?

    Remember when the children of Israel were fighting a foreign army and an angel appeared, and the Israelite asked, “Who’s side are you on?” and the angel replied that he’s on God’s side. We must be of the same mind.

    So please stop criticizing Russian people based upon media hysteria and misinformation. Let’s look at the facts.

  5. You can use pretty much the same arguments about, say, Qatar, to come here and tell us how much they incorporate or instill their religion on others by means of politics and through education and then point the finger at the U.S. and say American style gov’t is no good because it brings about materialism and godlessness and didn’t exist in Biblical times. U.S. conservatives and Christians recognize the problems you identified in modern-day Western or American culture. Did USSR-style Putinism exist in ancient Israel? I bet it did, but those kings got punished and their families wiped off the face of this planet for disobeying God’s Law. God actually didn’t even want Israel to have a “strong man” or a king in the first place. Do you now suggest the Russian Orthodox is good because the Russian authorities and people like Putin who claim to be Christians do not allow gay parades in their cities? Do you really think that puts them on God’s side? Do you believe in salvation through works or salvation through faith as a gift of God? As a Christian and a political conservative I do not believe government is the answer to immorality. Sola Scriptura, sola fide. Also, have you taken a look at Russia’s pre-USSR history and that of the Russian Orthodox church? Antisemitism and support for Fascism, White Supremacism and similar ideologies are commonplace in Russia. We may agree or sympathize on a personal level with some of Russia’s more conservative family values, but I will not for a moment allow that to delude my take on Russia’s foreign policy. Georgia’s territorial boundaries are internationally recognized and even Russia did not recognize Abkhasia’s and South Ossetia’s self-declared independence. They are pointing the finger at Israel by claiming they supplied weapons and training to Georgian troops but apparently they see no problem in supporting a Iranian Shi’ite madman who calls upon the destruction of Israel, in spite of the international agreements and sanctions. Never mind Russia has been supplying arms to Arab Natonal Socialist states for decades.

  6. Thanks for your input “Opened Eyes. I do not have the time to address each point and do not even disagree with much you said. But I will make a few comments.

    I am not contrasting the U.S. with Russia. This is a Bible prophecy Blog. I am merely suggesting that the pieces are now coming into place for Russia to soon fulfill Ezekiel 38 and 39 (I suggest the actually prophecy will be fulfilled 15 to 20 years from now).

    Putin is not the defender of Christianity. He is the defender of Russian Orthodox Catholicism. There is quite a difference. That is not unlike saying that the Pope is the defender of Christianity. The Queen is the defender of Christianity. But, a denomination calling itself Christian is not Christianity. The facts are that religious freedom in Russia is now pretty much limited to an almost totally apostate state church.

    Hitler promoted big families for the Fatherland so what does that prove? But, I am not saying Putin is like Hitler but he is certainly leading the nation toward Fascism

    I understand the positions of Russians. They always want authoritarian leadership. They have that right but that also presents unique dangers to themselves and the world. For example, the tens of millions killed under communism in Stalin’s USSR.

    I have been saying on my Blogs that I do not think America will exist as a superpower in another ten to twenty years if she continues in the direction she is heading. So I am not just talking about the evils of Russia and sugar coating the evils of the U.S. I think the U.S. is not in end time Bible prophecy because we will not be a great power in the end times. Nevertheless, imagine a world without the restraining influence of the U.S. over the last century. You would be speaking either German, Japanese, or Russian and Christianity would be outlawed.

    I do not expect the whole world to live under Democracy at all. It is rapidly going Fascist. We already have E.U. fascism, Russian fascism, Chinese fascism, Islamic fascism, N. Korean fascism, etc, and if the Far Left takes control in America we will soon have American fascism. Not to mention the rising world government fascism and one world religion fascism that is being planned.

    Actually God’s form of government in the early Old Testament was a Republic under Judges and Prophets that spoke for Him. It is the people who demanded, “give us a King”.

    If the Russians already had the troops in place you know they had something to do with the uprising. They were not giving out Russian I.D’s for nothing. They helped to incite this rebellion in Georgia and they will do much the same thing in other areas.

    Your reading into what I said. I did not criticize the Russian people as being any worse than any other people and I am not contrasting them with other ethnic groups saying one is better than another. I am merely pointing out that Gog has an end time role and Gog is a end time Russian leader who will make an alliance with Middle East countries and come against Israel in the latter days. The stage in now being set.

  7. I just wanted to add a few things to clarify my own position on this issue. Hitler continuously referenced to God and Christ during his speeches and it certainly contributed to his popularity. As far as his true religious views are concerned, it’s debatable but when you look at the Nazi ideology he created and the work of men like Himmler (head of the SS), it is clear that they wanted to do away with true Christianity after the war in favor of the pre-Christian pagan Germanic religions and traditions. Why did Hitler promote greater families? To produce more “Aryans”. The people living in the People’s Republic of China and the “Democratic” People’s Republic of Korea are socially conservative by our standards and Kim Yong-Il even stated that homosexuality is a Capitalist disease. The Chinese government has a pro-abortion policy and both China and North Korea are anti-Christian or anti-religion in general. Today, the Spanish gov’t is giving couples financial incentives to make them more willing to have more than one child. Why? They don’t care about traditional family, Zapatero’s socialist gov’t even legalized gay marriage. It is merely a matter of demographics, and the same goes for Putin’s lack of support for the homosexual agenda. Here’s what he jokingly said on the issue: “My approach toward gay parades and sexual minorities is very simple. It is directly linked to my responsibilities. One of the key problems of our country is the demographic problem.” And yet Russia has one of the world’s highest rates of abortion, go figure. How many Russians are religious and how many are Christians? The numbers vary with some stating over half of the people are “Russian Orthodox” while others say the vast majority are really agnosts or atheists. In any case many people do have some sort of loyalty or respect toward the Russian Orthodox Church but that’s equally true of many secular people in Western Europe who still cling to some Catholic traditions even if they couldn’t care less about what the Bible really says.

  8. Great comments el nasrani.

    Are the churches nearly empty like in Europe or full every week? Are there many young people in the churches or are they full of old ladies. From this you can tell the health of the Russian Orthodox Church. In any case, do a study of Russian Orthodox beliefs. I do not believe their salvation theology is in the Orthodoxy of the Christian faith even if they call themselves Orthodox.

  9. To El Nasrani,

    Yes I do not believe government is the answer. Christ is the only hope we have. At the same time when a gov outright promotes the Church vs one that doesn’t, that’s gotta tell you something.

    You can’t sum up the current Russian population by describing what past evil leaders did. Every nation has that. A pet peave of mine is it seems someone always has to toss out “Hitler” or “Nazi” when talking politics. Equating Putin with such things is juvenile. For Putin to look out for the Russian people and promote more Russians and to build Russia up is a normal, good healthy thing. Is it really Christian to secretly wish for the genocide of Russians or displacement of them?

    No it’s not. You know it was 2 years ago that I used to hate the Russians. I started evaluating things and realized that the folks in DC dont’ care about the average American. I started realizing that Russians aren’t these frothing at the mouth freaks the media makes them out to be. I’ve met Russians in Europe and the ones I met were extremely kind. The kind of people you’d want for neighbors. As a father, to govern objectively, you have to evaluate both points of view when two kids are arguing. You can’t immediately take sides.

    I’m a truth seeker. And so I try to look at things objectively. Russia is not this boogeyman that people make her out to be. Look, when you have NATO and the folks in DC surrounding Russia with military weapons, plus aerial bomber flights, satellite survelliance and espionage and sabotage going on against Russia, how can you not expect Russians to be alarmed? How can you not expect them to do frowned upon things like try to resist US Gov control in the Middle East?

    It appears to me that the US gov is pushing Russia, constantly poking her with a stick, threatening her. The Russian people aren’t as meek and docile as say Swedes are. So if you keep pushing, they’re gonna react.

  10. How full are the Churches in Russia? I do not know. At the same time, even though many American Churches are filled up, you can by no means proclaim America a Christian nation. The stats clearly show divorce, abortion, and all sorts of other problems are virtually identical to non-Christians. Many Christian churches in the inner city are really nothing more than identity politics clubs. This I know firsthand. Many pastors are involved in unsavory activity. We all know this. I do not point this out to demoralize. The point I’m making is that to attribute American style Christianity good and Russian style Christianity bad is erroneous. I have read up on some Russian Orthodox teachings. While I do not agree with some of their points, like the some of the Catholic churche’s it’s quite apparent that living a sin-free, holy life devoted to God is extremely important to them. That’s what many of their prayers are about (read their prayers) living a life free from sin. Contrast that to US Christianity which treats God as a genie. By the way, I used to subscribe to that mode of thought too but in my business circles I realized lots of non-Christians I competed against were more successful than me even though I did lots of these “prosperity things”. The issue came down to who acquired more knowledge, worked hardest and had more skills or contacts.

  11. Hi Opened Eyes,

    I think you got me wrong. I know some people always feel this need to drag Hitler and Nazi into every political discussion. It’s cliche and simplistic, I know, and it irritates me too. However, I did not intend to call Putin a modern-day Hitler. I didn’t say Russians are Nazis and I do not believe Putin is a Nazi. I used Nazi Germany, Communist China, North Korea and even liberal democratic Spain as examples to illustrate that Russia’s apparent social conservatism is merely a facade. I believe it would be a mistake to think that any nation’s foreign policy must better than that of another merely because its local culture and customs *seem* socially conservative. I do say *seem*, because with abortion, atheism, authoritarianism, antisemitism and white supremacism, frankly, Russia is not my idea of a Christian society.

    Moreover, I bet Georgia is just as socially conservative as Russia is, and its people are nice also. And Orthodox… As I have indicated in many other comments of mine on the issue of Russia before, I believe Russia is merely trying to re-establish itself as a superpower as it used to be during the days of the Czar, and under Sovietism. I personally knew a young immigrant from Kazakhstan (former USSR member) who spoke Russian and was very pro-Putin. He wanted to see Russia “restored” and told me the majority of the Russian people want a strong leader and, in fact, they long for the return of a Czar. Is that wrong? I tend to support a people’s self-determination and as far as I’m concerned, they can have a Czar and all that but quite frankly I don’t like the whole idea, I don’t sympathize with it and don’t believe that Russia is the underdog.

    Don’t get me wrong – I fully understand your position. I used to think like you do. I’m fed up with Western decadence, just like you. I guess like every born again Christian here. I too believe that sometimes we need to balance our views of other peoples. I don’t see the Russians, Arab or Iranian people as inferior, for instance. However, I frankly do believe that their religion and way of government is. I know it’s tempting to support nations or cultures (been there myself) that seem more conservative on the surface out of frustration with this re-invented “Western” culture of today. But I believe you need to look at all things in perspective and put things in their appropriate historical context. Rather than supporting a different culture, we should, I believe, support the restoration of true Western civilization – the one that stood for the advancement of individual freedom and Christian virtues.

    God bless!

  12. You keep bringing up that Russia has a “white supremacist” streak in it. Where do you get that idea from? At the same time, if Russia doesn’t belong to the Russian people, then who does it belong to? Citibank? Washington Mutual? The United Nations?

  13. On another note, why wouldn’t having another super-power be a good thing? The US Gov is certainly not pro-Christian. It has tentacles in more countries and organizations than anything else. I used to be rabidly “pro Americana”, the “US can’t do anything wrong”, “rah, rah, rah!”. But when you step back and seek the truth rather than emotional gratification you realize the US Gov is no friend to Christians or the average American. The US Gov could care less if US citizens are being gunned down by Mexican paramilitary gangs operating in the US. Look at US schools, they’re an absolute disaster. Any dunce can come up with a curriculum that outclasses what beaurocrats are doing. What about watching out for jobs for Americans instead of giving them to cheap immigrant labor or shipping them over overseas? Hollywood’s movies, music and TV is what much of the world watches. Hollywood pollutes the world. My point is, the folks in DC dont’ care about Joe Sixpack. As far as they’re concerned the US is nothing more than an economic zone. So why vicerally support any US action without first evaluating it with a critical eye?

  14. Opened Eyes you really need to open your eyes and read what this post is about. I am not contrasting the Christianity of Russia with the Christianity of the West. I know the West is a mess. I write about it quite often on this Blog and on my other Blog. Neither is this post saying the Russian people are in any way inferior to the West. We have our own thugs and KGB. We just call them Liberals. Ouch!

    Anyway, the post is about how Russia has again started the rise to become a superpower and a counter force to the West. Russia will ally with the Islamic nations of the Middle East and be a nuclear guard for them and this will eventually fulfill the Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophecy (I believe that event to be almost twenty years down the line).

  15. May I suggest you move over to Western Europe and see how you like it here (yeah, I’m European). We don’t have Mexicans here; we have something better. Everybody’s talking about it these days.

    As for Russian white supremacism, support for Fascist policies, abortion and all of the above arguments I have used, check out the Wikipedia entry on Russian political parties, for starters. Then I suggest you ask some Ukrainians and the Poles what they think of Russia. In fact if you really wish to move to Eastern Europe, I’d recommend Poland rather than Russia. At least they’re not brainless sheep that blindly follow the leader, and many of them do seem to take their faith seriously.

    From what you have been writing here, frankly, I do not get the impression you have actually taken much time to educate yourself thoroughly on Russia yet you assert that it’s so much better over there. I’m afraid your frustration with the U.S. (or its negative sides) have clouded your judgement. Sorry, I’m not going to keep repeating myself, I have better things to do. If you want to discuss an issue I think you should first do your research.

  16. I read many of your articles and I must say they were excellent. But I still have a couple of questions. 1) What do you make of the demographic crisis in Europe? Their militaries and personnel are a joke. Muslims and third-world immigrants in Europe are rapidly growing in number while the Europeans are literally going extinct in most of Europe. (UK, France, Sweden, Belgium, Spain, Norway, etc.) So how could Europe possibly have the wherewithall to be the “evil empire” that many prophecy teachers claim?

    2) After reading these articles, they somewhat dissuaded me from traveling to parts of the European Union to promote Christianity and democratic patriotism as opposed to socialism and athiesm. It now seems pointless to do anything. Your thoughts?

  17. Hi Opened Eyes,
    I think you are talking to me but el nasrani knows even more about Europe since He lives there and is quite the political scientist.

    1. I have wrote on this topic as well but I cannot tell you exactly in what post. Some of what I wrote could be under the Roman Empire, Islam, or Islamofascism categories that you will find on the sidebar. I also have wrote some thing on my other blog under “Europe” or “Britain”

    Basically I say the people of Europe will only appease Islam so far and then there will be a right wing backlash. It really has already begun in some areas but it is limited. The coming civil unrest in Europe just might be what brings the Antichrist figure to power.

    Think of the natives rounding up Muslims this time instead of Jews, it likely will get very bloody. Of course something will be the catalyst first, perhaps a WMD attack on a European city, a wider war with Islam, or riots or even all of the above. I simply do not see Europe going Islamic. Native Europeans are not going to embrace bondage to any religion. What you are seeing now is Liberal appeasement and their putting their head in the sand hoping that if they appease the Muslims and ignore the demographic and religious freak control problems it will go away. It won’t, and they will be forced to face that fact fairly soon.

    The ultimate answer after the religious turmoil will be to only allow pluralist universal all-ways-to-God with no proselytizing. They will outlaw and attempt to rip out fundamental beliefs in all religions in the name of world peace. That will bring in the Revelation Harlot.

    2. Spreading Christianity is never pointless and I think the Eastern European Union is more open to real Christianity then the Old Western block that now just sees it as a culture. No matter where you go some will always hear and be saved so don’t let anything I say stop you. Democracy is another issue. I do not see much future for true democratic Republics in Europe but there is more hope for them in the liberated Eastern countries than in the Old Western block.

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