The doctrines of grace according to Brian McLaren

Brian Mclaren is reinventing Christianity but it is not the Christianity found in the Bible.

Reinventing Calvinism – A Generous Heresy …the doctrines of grace according to Brian McLarenCWN: “If Brian McLaren’s name is new to you, he is the latest guru of evangelicalism’s ‘search for significance movement’ which he and others have coined as “The Emergent Church.” This is the new ‘flavor of the month’ in Christian circles. He is featured currently in the cover article of CT (Christianity Today) on the theme of ‘The Emergent Mystique.’ More on “The Submerging Church” later (‘submerging’ – for what is emergent is not a biblical church at all, but more appropriately – a movement).”

When it comes to his reinventing the five points of Calvinism, better known as TULIP, he brings the same mentality–large on sentimentalism or relationship; small on truth. Here is Brian’s “Generous Orthodoxy” on the Doctrines of Grace. (Generous Orthodoxy… translation? he makes up the faith as he goes. There are no rules, no models, no denominational walls; no truth constraints; no theological grids; no ecclesiastical structures; no polity; no seemingly observance of hermenuetics for properly interpreting Scripture; no common meta-narratives (they have invented their own pomo religious language that you must understand ahead of time to fully communicate with them); and not even any agreed definitions to common biblical terms and truth. It’s just him learning, growing, evolving, experiencing with a left unfinished kind of Christianity.)

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