Hearing the death rattles of radical Islam before the great awakening

Frontpage did a great interview with Fr. Zakaria Botros on the teachings of Muhammad. For those wondering why Islam will collapse and will not be the Beast of Revelation I think this article indirectly gives us part of the answer. The whole foundations of Islam are built on the babblings of a mentally ill demon possessed person. Sooner or later Muslims are going to come to know what their own scriptures say and see  that much of Muhammad said is contradictory and demented. The main reasons why Islam is spreading now and is a threat to the world is due to four factors:

1. The vast majority of Muslims do not know their own scriptures.  If they did know their scriptures they would see the many contradictions and they would not be bound by radicals in Islam who ignore Muhammad’s earlier teachings and just focus on Muhammad’s later sick hate filled teachings.
2. Muslims are being controlled by clergy that are often power crazy control freaks. They keep people in line through sharia law and harsh punishments.
3. Radical violent people use Muhammad’s insane writings as their own excuse to hate. They will allow no peace for anyone, including others in Islam who do not believe their views.
4. Muslims are having more children.

Sooner or later with mass communications Muslims are going to learn the truth about Muhammad from people like Fr. Zakaria Botros and others and each convert is going to open the eyes of still others. I am not saying that Islam will convert and disappear but it will be modified. It will become just another leg of a universal end time religious Harlot. Some obviously will convert to true Christianity but they will only be a small minority.

I do not expect this great awaking in Islam to happen until there is a war against the radicals in Islam. What we are seeing now is really the death rattle of Islam as we know it. The radicals know the only way they can keep this religious facade going is through creating scapegoats, violence, intimidation, hate and lies. These methods in the end will backfire on them it will bring the opposite effect that they expect. It will bring about a revolution against them within Islam. The day will come that the people will no longer endure enslavement and they will turn on their own taskmasters. The fall of Islam as we know it could happen as fast as fall of the Soviet Union.

A prime example is what happened in Iraq. The people got tired of the oppression and violence from the religious radicals and the people of Iraq turned against them. The radicals became more hated than the Americans. That was the turning point of the war and the nation changed in one year. Another example is what just happened in Pakistan. The same things are going to happen on a global scale once Muslims eyes are opened about the hate filled radical control freaks who use Muhammad’s crazy words for their own ends.

I will say this for Obama, he is a man of destiny. He is going to help open the eyes of many people in Islam but he is also going to bring upon himself and America great dangers. The violent extremists will correctly see him as a dire threat to their world Jihad movement. The action the radicals take because of this threat might also be the reason why the West gets into a much wider world war against the radicals. In fact, the next world war might start as a world war against radical Islamic states but end with a revolution within Islam. Because when the radicals bring a great war to many nations the majority of the Muslim people will get fed up with the extremists within Islam and they will revolt and turn against them.

I am not saying that Obama’s position of appeasement will turn out good for the world. I am saying the role he is taking with Islam might be a major factor that brings about the modification of Islam. However, Obama’s universalism and elitist Fabian Socialism will also set the stage for the rise of the religious harlot, a socialist one world government, and the rise of the Antichrist.

FrontPage Magazine – The Strange Teachings of Muhammad

The Strange Teachings of Muhammad By: FrontPage Magazine
FrontPageMagazine.com | Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Coptic priest Fr. Zakaria Botros, who al Qaeda has called “one of the most wanted infidels in the world,” issuing a 60 million dollar bounty on his head. Popular Arabic magazines also call him “Islam’s public enemy #1”. He hosts a television program, “Truth Talk,” on Life TV. His two sites are Islam-Christianity.net and FatherZakaria.net. He was recently awarded the Daniel of the Year award.

Botros: Theologically, as I am a Christian priest, I believe that only Christianity offers the truth. Based on my faith in Christ, I reject all other religious systems as man-made and thus not reflective of divine truths. Moreover, one of the greatest crimes committed by Muhammad—a crime which he shall surely never be forgiven for—is that he denied the grace and mercy that Christ brought, and took humanity back to the age of the law.

But faith aside, common sense alone makes it clear that, of all the world’s major religions, Islam is most certainly false. After all, while I may not believe in, say, Buddhism, still, it obviously offers a good philosophical system and people follow it apparently for its own intrinsic worth. The same cannot be said about Islam. Of all the religions it is the only one that has to threaten its adherents with death if they try to break away; that, from its inception, in order to “buy” followers, has been dedicated to fulfilling some of the worst impulses of man—for conquest, sex, plunder, pride. History alone demonstrates all this: while Christianity was spread far and wide by Christians who altruistically gave up their lives, simply because they believed in Christ, Islam spread by force, by the edge of the sword, by fear, threats, and lurid enticements to the basest desires of man. Islam is by far the falsest religion—an assertion that is at once theologically, philosophically, and historically demonstrable.

FP: You always document your discussions with Islamic sources. Why do Muslim clerics and imams have such a difficulty discussing what Islam itself teaches and instead just attack you personally?

Botros: I think the answer is obvious. The Islamic sources, the texts, speak for themselves. Muslims have no greater enemy than their own scriptures—particularly the Hadith and Sira—which constantly scandalize and embarrass Muslims. To date, I have done well over 500 different episodes dedicated to various topics regarding Islam. And for every one of these episodes, all my material comes directly from Islam’s textual sources, particularly usul al-fiqh—the Koran, hadith, and ijma of the ulema as found in their tafsirs.

So what can the sheikhs of Islam do? If they try to address the issue I raise based on Islam’s texts and sharia, they will have no choice but to agree—for instance that concubinage is legal, or that drinking camel urine is advocated. The only strategy left them, then, is to ignore all that I present and attack my person, instead.

Botros: Again, this is a reflection of the fact that Islam is less a faith, more a vehicle for empowerment. As you say, what is the point for a person to closely guard and follow a religion that he himself has to rationalize, ignore, minimize, constantly reinterpret, dissemble over, and so forth? The fact is, most Muslims do not know what is in their own texts; at best, they know, and here and there try to follow, the Five Pillars. This is why the issues I broach often traumatize Muslims

FP: So Islamic texts command that women must breastfeed strange men. Ok, so who would create such an instruction? For what purpose? Who even wrote this down and thought of it? Le’s even say that I am being open-minded and am ready to accept this as an understandable teaching. What’s the rationale here? Yes, women should breastfeed strange men because. . . .?

Botros: Because Muhammad—“Allah’s prayers and blessings be upon him”—said so. Period. Who created such a practice? Muhammad. Why? Who knows; the texts say he laughed after commanding the woman to breastfeed that man. Maybe he was joking around, trying to see how far people will believe in him as a prophet? The top hadith compilers wrote it down, preserving it for later generations. As for what purpose does it serve, one can ask that question about any number of things Muhammad said: what purpose does drinking camel urine serve? What purpose does commanding men to wear only silver as opposed to gold serve? What purpose does banning music serve? What purpose does anathematizing dogs serve? What purpose does commanding people to eat only with their right hands, never their left, serve? What purpose does commanding Muslims to lick all their fingers after eating serve? Simple: sharia law’s totalitarian approach serves to brainwash Muslims, making them automatons that never question their religion, or, in the words of their own Koran, “Do not ask questions that may prove harmful to them.”

FP: Tell us a bit about Muhammed’s sex life as documented by Islamic sources………. (you can read the answer of Botros in the full article)

FP: In your view, who was Muhammad?

Botros: Well, I have received the answer from Islam’s own books. Ironically, Ibn Taymiyya, who happens to be the hero of the modern mujahid movement, explained the prerequisites of prophet-hood very well. One of the things he stressed is that, in order to know if a prophet is in fact from God, we must study his sira, or his biography, much like the Christ’s statement that “You shall know them from their fruits.” So, taking Ibn Taymiyya’s advice, I recently devoted a number of episodes analyzing the biography of Muhammad, which unequivocally proves that he was not a prophet, that his only “fruits” were death, destruction, and lust. Indeed, he himself confessed and believed that he was being visited and tormented by a “jinn,” or basically a demon, until his wife Khadija convinced him that it was the angel Gabriel—which, of course is ironic, since Muhammad himself later went on to say that the testimony of a woman is half that of a man: maybe over time he realized she was wrong, and that his first assumption was right.

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15 thoughts on “Hearing the death rattles of radical Islam before the great awakening

  1. Modification of Islam? As in even closer relations with Saudi Arabia allowing for more funding of extremist Wahhabi mosques in Europe, and more funding of “Islamic” studies at American universities? Modification in Islam by pledging to protect Islam against anyone who dares put it in bad light (or tell the truth about it)? Modification as in forcing Israel to accept the right of a Palestinian state to exist (with East Jerusalem as its capital) and an Iran with a “peaceful”, “civilian” nuclear program? Hell of an improvement, I must say! Islam is not going to change until the Muslims themselves redefine what orthodox Islam means to them. Islam is not going to change itself because Obama blamed the West for Muslim extremism in his speech either. If anything, he managed to reinforce their delusional anti-Western ideas and sense of Islamic superiority by insisting that we somehow owe a great deal of our civilization to Islam and that America is a Muslim nation. One would almost start believing he’s a crypto-Muslim after all. He will get one vote from me, and it’s a vote of no-confidence. As do all traitors who bow for Saudi kings who fund the destruction of the West.

  2. You fail to realize that I am talking about a great awakening and modification of Islam only after the radicals bring about a huge world war. If we are going to have a one world religion and if we are really in the end times it has to occur somehow soon. I see the seeds now being sowed for this to happen by those that are exposing Muhammad for what he really was (like the author of the quoted article). As for Obama, God appoints world leaders for his own purpose. Obama’s real destiny besides bringing judgment on a hedonistic America is to open the doors of communication with the common people in Islam. Believe it or not they were all listening to his speech and you can be sure what he said will be the main topic around the tea shop gatherings. Would you expect anything less from the Antichrist who comes on a platform of peace? I am not saying that Obama is the Antichrist but he is certainly setting the stage for his arrival. But again I remind you that this great awakening does not take place until after a very nasty world war and a revolution in Islam against what you mention.

  3. I was mainly commenting on what you wrote about Obama’s role in all this. I have no problem believing Islam will end up as part of the Harlot religion but I don’t see Islam and the clerical establishment modifying itself because of this sermon in Cairo. Rather I think it will bolster their efforts to spread even more nonsense about Islam and shove it down our throats with any criticism being regarded as hate speech or racism by our self-hating elite. I think if Obama laid any foundations it is not for a modified Islam but for an even stronger antagonism between Western people, especially now that reactionary parties are getting elected in many European nations who are not putting up with the EU establishment and radical Islam anymore. I also am not sure whether I agree that God directly appointed Obama. He certainly allows things to happen and foresees things but ultimately it’s the American electorate which chose Obama. In any case I do agree if you say a modified and “englightened” version of Islam emerges after a major conflict or outright war.

  4. Think about it. Who else in the West could have reached so many Muslim people to even get them to listen? Believe me this will not be Obama’s last speech to those in Islam. I do agree with you that what Obama is saying is not the solution but that is not the point. I want you to see the big picture on this. All things happen for a purpose and Obama and his Muslim roots heading the most powerful nation in the world is no exception. Think about the reaction the warming up to Obama will bring from the radicals in Islam who are threatened by it. I fully expect that Obama’s overtures will soon bring about violent attacks on America and possibly on Obama himself. Of course that would bring about a wider world war against all supporting radical Islam. However, meanwhile the majority of the common people in Islam are warming up toward Obama and his messages of peace. Then the radicals cause something that brings this world war on them and they cannot blame Obama (if he survives) or America they have to blame their own radicals. Those are the seeds of a Revolution in Islam that will bring about change. I think that God has people to call out of Muslim nations before the end. Most of these 1.4 Billion people have never heard the gospel at all. The doors for the gospel will be opened for a short season as a result of this war and the Revolution coming in Islam.

    No leader rules unless God allows it. It does not really matter if we believe the ruler was appointed by God or allowed by God because the ruler is still in place ruling. God even allows evil leaders to bring judgment on rebellious sinful people. The American electorate is swayed by many unseen forces. Obama, right or wrong, reflects the present mindset of the majority of voters in this nation today or they would not have elected him.

  5. Hi Don! It’s been awhile, I am still catching up on the articles you posted in the past few weeks. Looks like you’ve been busy as ever…

    I have to agree with you Don, on both points. I do think that no matter what, Obama definately has the ears of Muslims. Its not a stretch to believe many muslims will be moved by his words, after all a majority of Americans have already bought into his celebrity and change platform. No matter what, his platform will bring about major “change”, unfortunately it seems that change will come at high cost that will be obvious only after its too late, if ever. I would think he (or more accurately his entire administration) was the Antichrist if you were not so sure he wasnt. Either way, he (they) pave the way for an antichrist movement, or The Antichrist.

    God is still sovereign, praise Him!

    Nasrani, I agree with you, too. Obama’s speech paves the way for hate speech charges and even worse against those ‘crazy right wingers’ who believe in absolute truth. As the movement grows, our rights will continue to be trampled on. Free speech/thought has no place in the New World Order. We are already seeing the groundwork being laid here in the states. As for the western bad guy image, I think Obama is trying so hard to set the record straight, by acknowledging our transgressions and continuing to promise change, that the world may very well buy his message. I am afraid his speech was so em(pathetic) that the world will lose some of their hostility against westerners because it appears we no longer stand for anything (and truth be known, it seems the majority does not). As for the minority that does, they will be painted as the new terrorists (oh, yeah, that’s already been done).

    The coming peace will be an illusion, and I can only pray that people like Don can continue to watch and advise, but I fear this too shall pass. (Don, we may be moving to your town soon, lol)

    I continue to give thanks for not putting my faith and trust in my government, may God help those who do.

  6. HI Betty, If anyone is planning to move to my town be aware that my town will be a house in the middle of the woods in a month or so.

    By the way, I am not saying there will be any temporary peace before the coming world war and Islamic Revolution. I am saying that Obama’s overtures to Muslims will be seen as a threat to the radicals and they will actually redouble their efforts with more terrorist attacks on the West. This will bring about a world war from the West against states harboring and enabling violent radicals. At that time many peace loving Muslims eyes will be opened and they themselves will turn against the radicals in Islam. If people like Obama in the West reach out to those in Islam but are rebuffed by radicals the sane people will know the only thing left for them will be their own destruction. I think Muslim people will wake up to that fact and will overthrow those radicals that have put them in bondage and are leading them to sure destruction.

  7. Well, It’s easy for Obama to go over to the Middle East and babble about giving them a new chance! In the meantime, we in Western Europe have to deal with millions of these people! They will now use his speech to prove that we owe them something and use it as an excuse to further their agenda of Islamization. As a result most native Westerners will get even more decadent and morally relativistic, and others will grow more radically opposed to Islam. Obama is also only fueling anti-American sentiment among some of the Right with this kind of talk and his continued insistence on Turkish EU membership. Not to mention that Israel has elected the most Right-wing government in its existence. So now Obama’s going to force his vision down their throats as well. It’s downright arrogant and self-centered.

    By peace he shall destroy many. That’s the Antichrist’s policy and if you read his speech you’ll see that’s what Obama’s policy is leading to. Also, he has tried to reach out to the Iranians at the beginning of his presidency and it has not lead to any improvement. On the contrary, Iran’s regime has grown even more radical and it has been said that support for the regime from the common people has risen also. If he thinks he can apply the same tactics on North Korea than he’s also very much mistaken.

    As far as him being divinely appointed, I will say that I believe everything has been preordained. Otherwise there might be ways to circumvent the apocalypse, and that’s obviously not possible.

  8. What is happening in Europe and the backlash from the natives who get fed up is one of the reasons why there will soon be a very bloody civil war in Europe. I think the Antichrist rises to power with talk of peace after the deadly war with the radicals. At that time all the world will follow him including Muslims because the people of the world so fear the consequences of more war. Thus, he at first will become a Savior and Messiah figure.

    No doubt that Obama is arrogant and self-centered. Obama is really the Oprah of politics. He actually reflects the views of the Fabian socialist elite that really run this world. They think they are intellectually superior and that they should tell everyone else in the world how to live. What he really is going to bring on us to is probably the reason why the U.S. is not in Bible prophecy. But hay, most American still cannot get enough of him. They are obsessed with Obama even featuring everything he does on prime time TV. We have free speech in America, or so they say, but try getting on a soapbox and opposing Obama in most of America and see what happens to you.

  9. I believe the “one world” religion will be a pantheistic new age religion in which people will believe that “all roads lead to heaven”. Its already set up in the US and Europe. Certainly people in both the US and Europe claim to be protestant or catholic mainly, but these two are in name only.

    What people believe deeply, especially in the US and Europe ,is that there is no one true “way”. Its whatever way you wish to believe. The One world religion that the anti christ will set up will be like what you see in Sweden. A state run religion in which there is much censorship of the Truth/Bible’s true real teachings. They scrub the Bible so it communicates a false religion in which you can live anyway you want and believe in any god of this world. Its similar to Hinduism really. Jesus said “wide is the gate that leads to hell and many enter through it but narrow is the road that leads to Life and only a few find it”. This religion will be a WIDE GATE.

    Islam is intolerant of any and all other religions or ways. They reject true Christianity. They reject any other world system. That is why I think, as Don said, be realigned with this pantheistic system.

  10. I agree, After the coming world war, the world will see all exclusive fundamental religious teaching as a danger to world peace. The elite running the world will only allow a all-paths Harlot and religion will be limited to the walls of religious institutions. In fact, Tony Blair’s foundation is already working toward that end as are all Western governments now controlled by the ruling elite. That is also why there is persecution of true Christians at the fifth seal in Revelation.

    True Christians that publicly say that Jesus is the only way will be seen as dire threat to world peace and those preaching true Christian doctrine will not be tolerated. Remember, that many religious people will think that killing us fundamental Christians is doing God a favor. Much like what happened in the inquisitions (there is nothing new under the sun).

    We have already had several presidents, Rick Warren (CFR), and two recent Popes say that fundamental Christians are a threat to world peace. Especially those who support Israel or actually believe that Jesus is coming again very soon and will deal with those who love their sins.

    Of course the harlot religion only lasts until Satan is cast unto the earth. After that happens Satan wants to be worshiped and he burns all the harlot religious institutions.

  11. By the way, thanks for linking to the interview with Zakarias Boutros. It was a great and refreshing read. This is truly a man of God.


    Islam treats women like a bunch of animals. There exist enough space in the Qur’an in favor of gender equality. If the situation remains unchanged. Islam is facing sever irreparable consequences and repercussions that can bring Islam to a catastrophic decay and high risk of
    extinction. The claims of injustice towards women in Islamic countries has become a common topic throughout the civilized world and gaining support in Europe mainly Amsterdam.

    Reference to the new Alliance Anti-Islam Front Line Fighters organized by Listiani Lestari
    id:530971312. Converted from Islam by her Dutch husband in the struggle of Islam women emancipation program. She refers to the founder of Islam religion who she describes as a mass murderer, a rapist, a blasphemer and a pedophile who married nine year old Aisha.
    Married once again Javaerah his slave. At the age of forty said to have received para normal revelations to conduct his followers into a Cult of bloodshed entertainment.

    Listiani Lestari warns all Islamic Clerics who she describes as monsters without sympathy towards this suffering Nation of Indonesia. A trouble Nation battered by natural disasters and heavy earthquakes. But the most intolerant Cult of Islam, bomb America in Jakarta and in Bali.
    Under the anonymous Jemaah Islamiah who hides behind innocent Jihad human bombs groomed to serve as a revenge for the pleasures of Islam extremism of bloodshed entertainment.

    Myself, Soedardjo Darman id:860430053 of Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam III D. No.16. Rt.005., Rt.003
    South Jakarta. Convey a true message in Allah the Supreme. Unless Islam do not respect the
    Human Rights Regulations Act. Islam is going to fall into complete extinction.

    Listiani Lestari warns that by the year 2012. All Islam hatred will be devastated.

    Myself, Soedardjo Darman, urge the Council of Islam Leaders to honor the Treaty signed on the 10/10/09. Set in full clear directives by Listiani Lestari in Amsterdam Europa.

  13. Well I’m proud to say that I am one Muslim soul that was drawn by the Father to His Son.

  14. Don the war that you say will happen with Radical Islam, is it the Psalm 83 War or the one/s mentioned in the Book of the Ezekiel .

  15. Shaikh,

    It probably will be neither. Or what is said in Psalm 83 could just be part of a larger world war. The Ezekiel 38-39 war is a war to acquire spoils and goods rather than ideology or trying to cut off Israel from being a nation. I think the war with radicalized Islam will be world war III.

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