Hey Al Gore, We Want a Refund!

Don’t you think a deliberate fraud on the world should be a criminal offense? They are making students watch this stuff like it was fact in many schools. This was the major catalyst for the global warming hysteria that will now cost the world trillions if not stopped. They even gave an Emmy and a Nobel Peace Prize to this fraud. Where are the lawyers and the FCC? If he did what BBC reported he should be prosecuted.

FOXNews.com – Junk Science: Hey Al Gore, We Want a Refund! – Opinion
Perhaps worse than the film’s errors is their origin. The BBC reported that Gore knew the film presented incorrect information but took no corrective steps because he didn’t want to spotlight any uncertainties in the scientific data that may fuel opponents of global warming alarmism.
“An Inconvenient Truth” grossed about $50 million at the box office and millions more in DVD and book sales. Gore charges as much as $175,000 for an in-person presentation of his slide show that forms the basis for the film.
Considering that a key 25 percent of “An Inconvenient Truth” is not true — and perhaps intentionally so — it seems only fair that Gore offer a refund to moviegoers, DVD/book purchasers and speaking sponsors. Where are the class action lawyers when you need them?

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6 thoughts on “Hey Al Gore, We Want a Refund!

  1. I know it is quite useless to even try to argue with people like you, but I’m on a break and well I’ve got 15 minutes.

    As a young biologist, I have personnaly witnessed many consequences of climate changes, most of them not reported on tv or in the news for they are totally boring and sometimes hard to understand for the average human being who has no clue of what a diatom is. This being said, making a movie and talking about very precise events and facts that have to be accessible to most of the population sometimes leads to generalization and over simplifying. It is sad, but won’t affect the whole point of “don’t destroy your own environment”. Al Gore’s message hit many people right in the face and I think that’s why his work won the Nobel Prize. Not because the axises on the 4th graphic of the 1st part of the presentation were not well defined. I don’t want any refund. I hope that you recycle and that you don’t drive a SUV. If so, please watch “An inconvenient truth”, it’s a usefull movie…

  2. Hi Julie,

    Climate is always changing,there is no scientific evidence of man caused global warming. None!

    All of Al Gore’s and global warming points made by others have been disputed by actually scientific studies. You can find many of those studies on this blog by clicking on the label “global warming”

    No one should win a Peace prize for hitting people in the face with baloney.

    What I drive is my business. You worry about what I drive, but you have no problem with Al Gore creating contrails all over the world?

    I also have no desire to watch brainwashing propaganda films. If you must watch them, at least get opposing views before you believe them.

  3. I saw the ‘Inconvenient Truth’. As a non-American with a strong interest in U.S. politics, I can tell you it struck me more as a political propaganda stunt than anything else. It sure was unlike any previous nature related documentary I had ever seen. I thought the documentary was laughable at times but rather than making me laugh it angered me because there’s too much at stake.

    What angers me especially about types like Gore is they insist it’s not a political issue but nevertheless insinuate that anyone who disagrees with their claim that global warming is man-made and due to industrialization, is consequently an irresponsible person. In fact some of these extremist almost accuse you of being a criminal for not agreeing with their views as if you’re some Holocaust denier.

    Well, despite not agreeing that global warming is man-made and being pro-capitalist, compared to many others I don’t think I’m all that irrespectable of what God has created. I’m still an exremist according to the political elite though.

    By the way, when I say I don’t believe in man-made global warming, that doesn’t mean I necessarily reject there’s global warming in itself. I remember seeing this documentary as a kid several years ago, before the global warming hype, about how the sun may be contributing to a large degree to global warming. Now it would be almost unthinkable to air such documentaries because it would be politically incorrect – not because it’s unscientific.

    Perhaps that might change one day. But only if some big shot has the guts to make a movie of the political propaganda sensationalist type like the Inconvenient Truth to cause a new hype strong enough to end the environmentalist extremist hype. I think the only reason that’s not happened yet is because Gore’s message is politically correct and appeals to progressives because the man-made global warming theory allows one to blame Capitalism, Industrialization, the West and the U.S. for everything. Not so with scientific data going against man-made GW. You can’t make a very sensationalist story out of that.

  4. Gentlemen,
    Aaaah wow, thank you, it was a good laugh. Too bad I don’t have any more time for that now. One last thing. Global warming has a natural cause, nobody will argue on that. The problem is absolutely not that it is happening but more, like eutrophication, how fast this happens, and how animals adapt to it. And that’s the main mistake most people do. A polar bear will eventually adapt to a global warming that happens over 500-1000 years, like what occured in the past. But now they cannot react quicly enough when it happens over 6-7 generation. The earth biodiversity is in great danger, and I’ve worked and witnessed that happening often enough not to even need to base myself of papers. Now while you keep laughing and rubbing your bellies telling the whole world that this is a propaganda keep doing as usual! I’ll go back North and try to find a way to prevent the polar bear population crash related to ice melting. Thanks folks. I’ve got a job because of people like you, but I’d rather grow vegetables in my garden and just raise kids.

  5. Oh come on! Where are you getting the drivel on a polar bear crash from? Polar Bears are actually on the rise.

    The Arctic ice is melting but it has before. Remember Greenland was settled a thousand years ago? How do you think they lived there?

    The melting in the Arctic is most likely a result of ocean currents, salt content of sea water and/or black soot from China and India’s un-regulated coal plants that is settling on the ice and absorbing heat. It is not cause by CO2

    I asked you to read the rebuttals to CO2 caused global warming on this Blog but apparently you would rather just give us some tear jerk propaganda.

    You want us to believe your going north to save the Polar bears? That is laughable. I don’t doubt that global warming hysterics are cutting your pay check but that is probably the real reason why you are posting on this blog and crying frozen polar bear tears about an illusionary decrease in killer polar bears.

    You might keep away from those bears so your kids you have are not orphaned. If you really think Polar Bears are decreasing play on the ice around Iceland this winter.

    By the way, God has the world’s climate totally under control. He does not need help from Goreites. In fact, have you ever considered that God is allowing a slight warming of earth to help support the increasing populations on earth? Do you really want another ice age when we will soon have 10 billion people to feed?

    Should we let the poor starve just to save ice for the killer polar bears and to make fat cat cap and trade slime balls rich?

  6. Is that all you can bring in about it as a student of Biology? I’m not impressed.

    And I’m not laughing. I’m dead serious about this. But I guess that makes me even more laughable to you. Not that I care though! Laughter’s a good medicine. And there’s enough people out there that are pretty annoyed by people like you as well. It’s only they’re too afraid of admitting it because they fear being laughed at by that group of arrogant whiners who claim the scientific debate is ‘closed’. Which is the most unscientific idea I’ve ever heard in the first place.

    Just one last thing. It’s that biodiversity you people like to talk about so much. Did you know tigers once lived in Central Asia and Iran? Did you know Europe was once plagued by wolves and rats? How about cattle and horse breeding? Tell me how much worse off is mankind due to causing a ‘unbalance’ in nature’s biodiversity?

    Not that I’m in favor of just wiping out a whole species of animals for no good reason, but I just wanted to use this to illustrate that I don’t believe humans are mere animals and part of nature the way, say, sheep or polar bears are.

    And sure, we do mismanage natural resources at the expense of our own health and safety. I’ve never said I’m against renewable ‘green’ forms of energy and technology for instance.

    But all that talk about alternative energy and biodiversity is not the point here and is pretty much irrelevant to the discussion. Climate has been changing even over the last 2,000 years. In Britain during the Medieval Warm Period there was more prosperity and less diseases. They were able to grow vines, which some place names are still evidence of.

    The point is global warming is not human-induced. Only extremists would conclude that you’re somehow in favor of ‘destroying nature’ for not agreeing with them on that.

    Have a good laugh!

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