Hey, José, you’re going the wrong way!

An open letter to Latinos that want to come to the United States illegally

José, or whatever name that you go by, you most likely cannot speak English, yet read it, but, maybe someone who can read and translate English will read this letter of warning to people like you that want to illegally invade America. I hope after hearing some facts, you will change your mind about traveling north to the USA.

You do know that many of your women and girls coming north will be raped on the way? You do know that you will be abused by the drug gangs that are running this human trafficking operation? You do know that ten people a month coming into the United States illegally are found dead in the deserts of the state of Arizona alone?

You may have seen the pictures of the conditions of how you will live when you are detained to be processed? Do you really want to bunk on the floor head-to-toe with hundreds of other strangers and catch their diseases?

Maybe you think that is only temporary and things will change for the better when they let you go? I have news for you, José. It will be better to stay where you now live and be poor and happy, than to come to America and be poor, unhappy, and a victim of predators. I assure you, there will be times when you want to go back to where you came from, but that option may not be available.

Where do you think they will be relocating you in America? Who really knows? However, you probably will not like it. The Southwestern parts of the U.S. are already overcrowded with unskilled workers and it is also running out of water. What do you expect to do there for a job even if you do get to go to public school?

If they send you up north, I hope you can deal with the snow and cold up there. Do you know what it costs to heat the shack that you will be living in up there? You might be able to get dead people’s winter coats at thrift stores at low-cost, but they will not be very cool looking especially since most will be three sizes too large for you. You don’t know cold until you have to walk for an hour or wait for a bus when the wind chill is 30 degrees below zero. Even if you get a junker car, good luck getting it started on such occasions.

If you go to the Southeast, I hope you can live with the majority of black Americans that don’t want you coming there. By the way, the overwhelming majority of white Americans don’t want you either. Even the majority of Hispanics don’t want you coming here.

Most brown unskilled workers and welfare receivers end up living in our big inner city ghettos. Those drug gangs that you do not like where you came from actually run those city ghettos. They also will run you unless you become one of them.  And you should know that a third of our prisons are filled with illegals that took that road. If your American dream is steel bars and institutional living, you are probably taking the right path running drugs up here.

You do not know what unsafe is until you lived in a ghetto where gangs rule and gang turf wars are continually taking place. You think you will be safe in the ghettos of America? It will not even be safe for you to walk down the street or to sit in front of your shack on warm evenings. Most of the people with concealed guns in these inner city ghettos are criminals.

So you think our government will take care of your physical needs? They might temperately, but how long do you think that will last? You ought to know from your own experience with government in your own countries that governments keep changing. We have government that keeps changing here too. The trend now is toward a statist police state. You will be moving from your own police state to our developing police state and our police may not even deal with you fairly. Remember, the police in America are paid by American taxpayers. Welfare reciprocates usually only give them grief.

If things are like what I say, you might wonder why this Obama administration makes it so easy for you to come here and acts like they care about you? It is because radical socialists have taken over our national government and they think the best way they can stay in power is to import more poor people who are likely to become government dependents who will then vote for them. They don’t care about you. They care about government having control over everyone and bringing the American capitalist system down by bankrupting it. That is the same capitalist system that provided jobs so that people could emigrate to America.

As I said, the overwhelming majority of Americans already do not want you coming here. If there are one or two terrorist attacks coming through our southern unprotected borders, more minds of Americans will change in a heartbeat. That is likely to happen, and when it does, I hope you have a back up plan. The next U.S. administration might not be so friendly toward illegals living here or coming here. If the will of the people prevails over the socialists that are now in power, the government handouts could end abruptly.

Even if you think our government will give you amnesty, what makes you so sure that you will be able to meet the conditions that they will require? For example, Can you learn to read English when you have not even learned to read Spanish?

Meanwhile, if your going to be a guest worker, where do you intend to work that will not take jobs away from  legal citizens. Do you think these unskilled workers are going to have warm fuzzies toward you when you take their jobs and drive down their wages? If you want to be loved, stay home, if you want to be hated by many, come to America.

Perhaps you think America has a better future than your own country. Really? Our government is $18 trillion dollars in debt and soon will not be able to pay the interest on that debt and fund all the entitlement programs that will add to that debt. Do you really want to be in America during the next inevitable economic crises when the dollar becomes worth about as much as a Mexican Peso? If social programs are not funded, your major source of income and your benefits will cease. If the dollar crashes, there won’t be any jobs for people like you, so how will you survive here?

You ought to know that some of our elderly that were living in our big cities are actually moving to your countries because they cannot afford to live here or they don’t want to deal with the problems that they see developing here. Now why would they be heading south to your country if the U.S. is the ideal place to live?

It seems to me that you have an opportunity to make a living in your own country by providing services to increasing numbers of people who will be moving south as the American and Canadian population ages and retires. Some are already wise to that fact and they are starting such enterprises, of course you cannot be part of that growing opportunity if you are occupying our ghettos and collecting welfare, running drugs, working as slave laborers on our chicken farms, or in prison.

Do you really want to live in a country where their next big war is likely to get you drafted into the military? We have a long history of those wars and we are running out of young blood. Your it. There are many countries that would like to destroy America and there are about a half-dozen countries that might even have the means and the will to pull it off.

There are ways our whole electrical power grid can be taken down for months by a nuclear EMP or even by sabotage or cyber attack. If that happens, you will be living in 19th century like conditions with no means to survive. Yet, if you remained in the country where you were living, you would never have been at risk at all.

America is a world power, so there are many dangers from others that hate us and wish to bring us down. We have powerful enemies that wish to destroy us, but I am not seeing anyone talking about destroying nations south of our border. There are at least seven imminent dangers to the survival of the USA that could happen within the next decade, you might want to avoid relocating here to experience one or more of them. The chances of avoiding all seven while living here are not very good.

I actually like Latinos and their culture, but most of you are emotional beings that unfortunately buy into socialistic lies that never prosper anyone but the tyrants that rule over you. Now, many Latinos think that trafficking drugs to America is the answer for their own woes. They are dead wrong. It is time you took your own country back from the predators instead of trying to escape it. You will soon find that drugs and socialists are bringing the same problems to America.

Hey, José, what more needs to be said, you’re going the wrong way. Unless you have some needed skill to contribute, you are heading north to hardships and trouble. The days of unskilled labor shortage is long gone in America. You will not have a prosperous future in these increasingly dis-United States. Going north is not the answer. You would be better off staying where you are at, or if you really desire more socialism head toward South America. But, don’t forget to take your tin cup with you. Living under socialism you will need it. Just ask the oil rich Venezuelans that are now standing in food lines.

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14 thoughts on “Hey, José, you’re going the wrong way!

  1. Stop giving us “your poor, your tired. your huddled masses,” because we’re all becoming poor, tired and huddled.
    There is a good-sized Hispanic community in this Texas town where I live and I’ve been told by some who would know that many of them are illegal. I was also told they are paid cash under the table by some business owners.
    When I retired from trucking I had to find another source of income so I tried substituting in the public schools. There were a handful of students who didn’t speak a word of English, but I can’t say whether they were illegal or not. I didn’t last long in a situation where the students were in control of the classrooms so I took a part time job in a small business where I was the only one who didn’t speak Spanish. I have no idea what the other women talked about all day long.
    I’ve also noticed that all of the yard maintenance who service the apartment complexes around here are non-English speaking workers.
    Their community isn’t affluent. It looks very poor just to drive through.
    I’m not connected to the world of drugs but it’s a well known fact that this is a drug town, but once again I can’t say how much of a connection there is between the Latino’s and the drugs. I heard the other day that the word around Ft. Worth is if you want drugs go to Mineral Wells.
    If you have come here legally or you are American-born then I’m not against you. I saw a headline yesterday that some school awarded a scholarship to an undocumented alien. I didn’t read the article; enough is enough.

  2. Maybe we should ask ourselves why us citizens continue to live here as well. Many are moving overseas.

  3. Fredrick,

    Warning people to not come to America to reap what the Far Left radicals have planned for this nation is no more hardhearted than warning Christians not to migrate to Iraq.

  4. Fredrick,

    Don is correct. Latinos would fare better transforming their own countries rather than be used for their cheap labor and votes up here.

  5. I am one Canadian that will not be migrating south. I like it just fine here in southern Alberta, our winters are mild, we have wide open spaces, lots of wood, game and we grow enough produce to can and freeze through our winters. That’s one good thing about living where it’s considered cold, it does not attract many people, particularly those that are from warm climates. I feel badly for those south of your border that are trying to enter your nation illegally, but agree they should make the best of what they have. I believe they can pray to the same God you and I pray to, he can change situations around. I love to read your blog, you tell it like it is, I’m of the same mold, don’t beat around the bush, just say it.

  6. This is a hard article, a hard problem to deal with in many areas. Some of these people are hurting and in danger, seeking a safer, better place to live. Yet we are a nation of laws which control immigration. Many of these people however are not seeking safety, they are here to hurt us and our nation. Many are sick. Many are Moslems dressed as Hispanic. The problem seems to be what is the Christian way to deal with our ideas of Christian love. We have this in gays wanting to come into the church as gays, open, in your face.
    I think all this may be shortly taken care of through the Ebola bug. I think it will get loose this winter.
    Through all of this we must draw closer to God and keep looking up. I don’t know of any other answers. We all have opinions, but what is the correct answer?

  7. Also keep in mind that 90 percent coming across the border are not children and most are not being apprehended. The children crises was deliberate and anticipated, it was designed to gain sympathy for open borders and amnesty.

  8. Anyone coming to the U.S. has to have some kind of income to exist on. As far as I know you have to have a work visa or a SS card. No one else is paying taxes or collecting benefits [supposedly] so what kind of better life can they be hoping to find? The cost of living here is over the top. More and more citizens are finding it difficult to get a 40 hour work week. Part time employment doesn’t keep up with the bills and you had better hope you don’t get sick or injured because you have no insurance in spite of the ACA.
    I’ve gone to Mexico several times, once to get a tooth capped for $20.00 where it would have cost several hundred here. The dentist did an excellent job. Once I bought antibiotics no hassle and they didn’t cost what they cost here.
    If you need any kind of medication this isn’t the place to be. For instance, the eye drops I need for glaucoma cost $122.00 at my not so friendly Walmart and the very same drops are $12.75 in New Zealand with comparable prices in Canada and Australia.
    Don’s article cites the facts. If ‘they’ want to get swept up in all that then why not cross over legally? Or move to a boarder town and get a work visa [as long as you are moving anyway]. There are a lot of Mexican nationals who work in the U.S. and go home to Mexico every night after work.

    Re: Ebola virus. This isn’t the first outbreak of Ebola in Africa. The virus isn’t airborne. It’s contracted through person to person contact. Anything is possible but I don’t think it’s something to worry about.

  9. Hi Don-

    Love the headline. Not to diminish the points you make (which I largely agree with) but “Hey Jose, You’re Going The Wrong Way” almost sounds like the title of one of those old Warner Brothers cartoons-Speedy Gonzalez maybe? 🙂

    I have often wondered what most of the illegal immigrants think they’re getting themselves into when they sneak into America.

    Oh, I guess it isn’t “sneak” anymore, is it?

  10. Hi Chris,

    I am a big fan of Warner Brother cartoons. Many looney tunes liberals hate them for some reason. I love when Michael Savage plays the loony tunes theme when Pelosi talks to the press about what is on her warped mind. It is so fitting.

  11. Hi Don:
    This problem could be solved quickly if they would go to a cashless society using an RFID chip. Immigrants would not be able to function without some way to eat. I can see how a world wide cashless system could be the answer for a LOT of issues. Without cash, you can’t rob me, deal illegal drugs to me or sell an illegal gun to me. Sure you can break in my house and steal my possessions but you may be on the wrong end of a LEGAL gun. It would also eliminate things like food stamp fraud, voter fraud, mob activity, money laundrying, tax evaders and tax cheats. Personal debt would be a thing of the past (if you can’t afford it you can’t buy it). Just look at the volume of money this country would have if everyone payed taxes and no one could go into debt. Its true that the ones that cannot make an honest living will die off or be killed but I doubt many will care. The chip will also allow big brother to catch these badies as they will know where they are at any given time. I can see how the antichrist will have an easy sell after we’re gone.

  12. Hi Kevin

    I think such a system like that is coming but an implanted chip might not even be necessary. It could also be an invisible tattoo code that personal devices can already scan, read and transmit, Even so, the communications systems to cover the whole world with a buy/sell system is not in place yet. It will take at least ten to fifteen more years to reach everyone on earth. Google, Facebook and others are now exploring ideas to reach the whole world with high speed data. That is just one reason why everything points to around 2030.

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