“I Am” beckoning by Glenn Beck

It is with mixed feelings that I am writing this post because most of what Glenn Beck says is as American as American pie. Nevertheless, most Christians leaders so love the sugar in the American pie that Beck is dishing out that they are also gobbling down the deadly crust that molds it. When Glenn Beck stays on politics he is pretty good but when he talks about God he is so far off the Christian reservation that he might as will be on planet Kolob (Where Father God of the Mormons lives).

First let me once again comment on Mormonism in general. Don’t be confused just because they use the same terminology as Christians. They do not believe the doctrines of Christianity. They just put their own meaning on common Christian terms. For example, don’t confuse God the Father of Christianity with Father God of the Mormons. The Father God of Mormons was once a man just like us that progressed to become a God before us. Don’t confuse Jesus of Christianity with the Mormon Jesus who is the spirit brother of Lucifer and a God in the making like his brother. Don’t confuse the blood atonement of Jesus with the Mormon’s limited atonement that requires you to still work to achieve your godhood. Don’t confuse the Trinity of Christianity with the separate three gods of Mormonism.

In short, Mormons believe that there are many Gods and that Gods have children that can also grow up to become Gods. Mormons believe that we are preexisting spirits that came to earth to continue the progression to become Gods. When Mormons achieve that state by their own efforts and their own good works they get their very own planet to play God in just like Father God did. This is not Christianity it is the demonic posing as a Christian church. When you look at the facts there is not much difference between Mormonism, Eastern religions and New Age beliefs. That is because it all originates from the same source. It comes from the same being in the garden that told Eve if she ate the fruit of this tree she could become like God.

So when Glenn Beck has a rally about restoring honor and returning to God and Christian leaders unite around him as if his God is our God, they are deceived. They are uniting around a forked tongue that believes he has a higher self and they are misleading Christians to believe Beck and Mormons are Christians.

Want to hear the truth about Beck’s own beliefs from his own mouth? According to Brannon Howse Beck said this:

“Last week on his radio program Beck said “I Am That I Am is the most powerful phrase in any language as it is the name of god, never use it in vain; use it to create who you want to be. I AM blank.”

You might expect to hear such nonsense from the Oprah’s of the New Age Movement that believe “The Secret” that we are Gods and that we can speak our own realities into existence. Apparently Beck also believes in his higher self because he has said so. Also, do not be surprised when the “Christian” sons of Gods of the “New Apostolic Reformation” heretics flock around Beck as if he was a Christian because with their own Dominion Theology they have much in common. The Christian dominionists and the Mormon Kingdom believers apparently will be singing kumbaya into the The Secret New Age Utopia. Only proving that Gods of a feather flock together even if they fly on different broomsticks.

The real question we Christians should have is why are the mainstream Christian evangelicals yoking up with these god makers of paganism? Sure we can agree on political objectives in America, but when a Mormon is calling Christianity back to God and Christian leaders respond as if Beck is Moses, you have got to wonder? Beck gets his religious messages from the priests of Jezebel so why have our Christian leaders checked their brains and their Christian theology at the mall?

Here is a very notable clip from the same article by Brannon House , Glenn Beck Rally Set Stage for “Christians” to Accept Paganism, and Mormons Say Beck Achieved 200 Year Goal of Getting Evangelicals to Declare That Mormons Are Christians

The fact that people like Beck on the right and Oprah on the left are proclaiming the “I AM” message is a sign that we are living in the last days according to Jesus Himself in Luke 21:7-8:

And they asked Him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass? And he said, “Take heed that yet be not deceived: for many will come in My name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near; go ye not therefore after them.”

Former New Ager, now Biblical Christian, Ray Yungen writes:

Notice, “Christ” is italicized in verse 8, meaning that it was not in the original manuscript. The translators of the King James Bible probably thought it awkward that it said “Many shall come saying, I am.” Probably for the sake of clarity and to be consistent with Mathew 24, the translators added the word “Christ.”

Did you catch that? Jesus was saying that when people say they are god by using the title “I AM” it is a sign that we are living in the end times. We are also told to run away from the people saying “I AM”. Sadly, many of our nation’s pastor’s and Christian leaders did not run from Glenn Beck but ran to join him in a spiritual service and enterprise.

The article by Howse says much more that Christians need to read so I hope you will click on the link and read the entire article. I will just give you a final clip because it certainly fits the theme of this blog.

Do you now understand the magnitude of the spiritual shift that occurred this past weekend? The millions that see nothing wrong with the messages of Beck’s 8-27 and 8-28 rallies reveal that the religious left and the religious right will be easily merged  together in the coming one world religion under the coming one-world spiritual leader as prophesied in Revelation 17:8.

Few other Christians are warning people about the beckoning of Beck that is a false pagan flag hid behind the stars and stripes. If your going to a tea party you might watch what some leaders are  pouring in your cup. If you know of Christians leaders that are beckoning others to follow Beck you might even spout off at them. If the real Creator is not in this movement their god is not going to save America. For more insights on Beck and his followers read this article from Jan Markell

Also read what Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky, has to say about all this. and here is a good article by Dave Welch that should make any true Christian see that Mormons do not worship our God  –  Christianity versus Mormonism . What if Beck supports Mitt Romney the present Republican front runner and a Mormon Bishop to boot? Even if some Christians go down that road, do you think the Liberals will really let his cultist religious beliefs slide and not use them to kill the move toward the right in America? Read this article by Sola Sisters and you should get the point.

* Update if after reading this anyone still thinks that Glenn Beck is a Christian or on his way to becoming a Christian read this article about the New Age and demonic Doctrine that Beck has in his new book The Seven Wonder That Will Change Your Life” Apparently,Beck is just a conservative Oprah.

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84 thoughts on ““I Am” beckoning by Glenn Beck

  1. Just watched a little of Beck’s show tonight. He said, and I qoute, “I believe people are good… all they need is a little nudge…” Huh? Sounds like Morman Theology jibber-jabber to me. Fits right into the morman thinking that God was a man and became a god by BEING holy. This man’s thinking is dangerous.
    As I’ve said before here, I was an avid listner to Beck until a few months ago, something in me said, wait a minute this doesn’t sound quite right.
    Christians, I implore you, this man’s thinking is not right! It’s very very close to sounding right but it’s NOT! I’ve said it before but it bears repeating. This is the kind of thinking that will ensnare the very elect, if it were possible. Something that is so close to the truth, yet still not true.

  2. Good warning. Beck and Mormons believe that man is learning to be good. After all, one would have to be good to become God. However the real God says that only He is good and man is evil and therefore man must be saved by Him. The proof that God is good is Jesus the proof that man is evil is us.

  3. John 3:30 immediately to mind:
    “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

    Bring that one up to a Mormon when they talk about becoming a “god”.

  4. I graduated from Liberty University this past May, and upon hearing Beck was the speaker I was excited, agreeing with most of his political views. However I was unaware of his religious views at that time, upon learning about his views, I am suprised, yet more disappointed Liberty choose him as their speaker. His speech was filled with comments about Christ and God, all appearing welcoming to a Christian. Without a proper knowledge of the Mormon doctrine, I feel many Christians will be led astray by his false teaching. We are told to test the spirits, Beck I not instructing people from the direction of the Holy Spirit. Many Christians will place thier political views above thier religious views due to ignorance of the Mormon beliefs. It is suprising to look at the Mormon followers in high political office, noticeably Mitt Romney. Christians need to be aware of those preaching a false doctrine which acts as an imposter to true Christanity, enabling them to keep thier lives in the here and now, but acting in opposition to Christ’s teachings found only in the Holy Bible. Thanks for the post and insight and keep informing people of the times we are in.


  5. Thank you to the few who are sounding the alarm regarding Glen Beck. I also have agreed with him regarding his political views but began to experience a check in my spirit after he shifted to preaching to America. Sorry, but a former Catholic and now Mormon cannot, by reason of both false doctrines be a mouth-piece for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I will be passing the word to the believers I know, to beware of this false prophet who is garbed in patriotism and false humility. As sad and scarey as it is to see the decline of America, America is not the promised land like so many patriotic people think it is. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and and that the Lord’s Kingdom would come. And pray for Glen Beck that he would be saved.

  6. I agree totally with what many of you have noted about Beck and I also really enjoy his detailed exposes on the political happenings but when he starts invoking God (and in his cryptic way) it doesn’t ring true to me personnally. I have heard many professing Christians call into his show recently as of today and they like to quote scripture to him or like one lady said on Mondays show. I know what your trying to say and I can read between the lines as if to say I know your trying to tell us about Jesus and getting right with God through him but he just can’t say that on the air. I think if he wanted to say that he could directly but I have never heard him say anything close to that. He stays a comfortable distance from the doctrine of Christ as we Christians know it. But many are buying into that part of his stick as if there is a certain line he won’t cross because he doesn’t want to push hi faith on the rest of us (very clever!). Look at it this way, if he really was preaching the true Gospel and mixing it with patriotism, he would have long ago been rejected just as Christ was. So it has made me think how is he getting away with invoking God all the time(and for the most part he is)? Yes we should all pray to God, but that God is the “I AM” and the Everlasting God of Abraham, Isacc and Joseph. I think there will be an eventual blow back onto Christians for what Beck is stirring up and Christians are allowing themselves to partake in it just simply because he has provided a venue for them that is working both angles that they want to hear.

    Great blog Don.

  7. I can certainly understand your wariness about Beck because he is a Mormon. However, I disagree with Brannon House that Beck is turning evangelical Christians (the Bible-based ones, at least) towards Mormonism.

    There were people of different faiths at the rally. There are people of different faiths watching his T.V. show and listening to the radio show. In particular, the huge audience that showed up at the rally were there for the purpose of agreeing with Beck on the need for us all to turn back to our Founding Principles – including faith, hope, and charity. These are three things that all can agree on.

    I saw the same kind of caution being discussed in America when the Manhattan Declaration came about and people were being urged to sign on. Some Christians refused (e.g. John MacArthur – a Christian apologist and author whom I greatly admire) and others signed it (e.g. Albert Mohler). I have read a lot of the writings of both men and what they profess agrees with Biblical Christianity. However, they disagreed on the signing of that document. Is one correct and the other wrong to do so?

    The Bible states that we are not to place a “stumbling block” in front of others – especially “baby” Christians – so that they veer off in the wrong direction away from the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Perhaps it is the “baby” Christians that must be warned and cautioned not to equate Mormon belief with Biblical Christianity.

    In the case of Beck, the fact that he has given such a HUGE PLATFORM to Christian leaders and pastors on his T.V. show is enough reason (IMHO) to cheer him on. It doesn’t meant that people are going to embrace Mormonism. Most Bible-based Christians will not be swayed in that direction. Recall the Bible verse that says:

    Mar 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if [it were] possible, even the elect.

    The “if [it were] possible” clause informs us that it WON’T be done! The elect aren’t fooled because they are forever sealed in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    What I am seeing (including my own pastor who will be on Glenn’s show this Friday) is a unique show giving Christian leaders a platform with a huge audience to express what they believe and how it all relates to our founding here in America; and how our people need a re-awakening to WORK towards restoring our nation.

    I have read comments from other Christians stating that perhaps Glenn might be converted from Mormonism to Biblical Christianity. We can all pray for that, of course. I will admit that it is VERY DIFFICULT to change their minds. Been there, done that at my front door and on my couch during conversations with young “elders.” However, there is always hope.

    Pastor Miles McPherson was highly criticized by some evangelical leaders for attending and speaking at a convention for “The Secret” (if I recall correctly, I think that is Oprah’s new religion?) Anyway, he stood up there and preached the true gospel of Jesus Christ to the audience and told them something like – ‘that’s the secret.’ Ha! Of course, not every Christian pastor and/or apologist is geared up for such a presentation. It just happens to be one of Pastor Miles’ gifts.

    I sincerely hope that this political divide forming doesn’t break the wonderful message that the Restore Honor rally presented to America on 8/28. That would be a most unfortunate development! Rather, I continue to hope and pray that people will go back to their homes and churches and apply the message that we all can agree with – America needs to restore honor in our nation and we need to utilize faith, hope and charity in order to do so.

    Don, you certainly pointed out the VERY important differences between Mormon belief and genuine Biblical Christianity. I am not trying to downplay your concerns. I just think that it would be a missed opportunity NOT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of the national audience that Glenn has created via his show. If you think I am wrong – so be it. We will just need to agree to disagree.

    In closing, I want to express how much I have appreciated your excellent post here. Because the message of distinction between what Mormons believe vs. Bible-based Christian belief is immensely important, I plan to link to your post today at my blog.


    P.S. There are some Christian bloggers who used to post at my blog, but now do not visit or comment because they obviously don’t like that I write about Glenn Beck’s show. Some have abandoned my blog because of this. So be it. My blog is involved in both proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and applying the Word of God to everyday life – including political issues. During the very first God-Blog Conference back in 2004, a professor at Biola U. told me that mixing all of these goals might make for an impossible task. Perhaps, but I keep going anyway. God bless.

  8. It seems that dominion theology is getting more popular…
    But I will put my hope Jesus Christ and not in any earthly system.

  9. Christine,

    I appreciate your input and I understand some of your views. However, one thing that I am seeing taking place among Evangelicals is death by a thousand cuts. There are those caught up in unifying the world through the socialist ideals of the CFR, there are the Dominion Theology and self anointed, there are those that are afraid to offend seekers with the gospel truth, there are the emergent types with their neo-Gnosticism and other heresies, there are the prosperity peddlers, and there are the confused Evangelicals that cannot understand that works based religions like Catholicism is just a religion of bondage and does not offer people the true gospel of salvation. Nor do they seem to understand that demonic cults like Mormonism and Islam are in direct opposition to Christianity. There can be no Christian compromise with them.

    What we cannot do as Christians is compromise our message on who Christ is and how people can be saved. We can agree on a million things to try to make our temporal world a better place but if we do not also preach salvation only through Jesus Christ as He is defined in the Bible so the soul of man can live with God, all that agreement on temporal issues means nothing. It even becomes a stumbling block for those that are led to believe that man’s problems on the earth can be solved through man’s own political or religious efforts.

    Mark 13:22 in context is talking to the elect living under the time and deception of the Antichrist. It is not saying that Christian leaders cannot be deceived. Beck is not working signs and wonders in order to deceive, so lets keep scripture in its proper context. Your concept that Christian leaders cannot be deceived is not correct. They are being deceived all the time. True Christians do not lose their salvation if they truly believe but they certainly can compromise their message and lose their rewards. Do not assume that all our Christian leadership is mature when they have wishy washy message of compromise. Maybe they need to go back to the crib and start over on the milk of the Word. Don’t even assume that all Christian leaders are actually Christians. We were clearly warned that there would be wolves in sheep’s clothing among us.

    If Beck stays on politics I do not have a problem with him and if he allows Christians to speak I do not have a problem with him or them appearing on his show. But when Beck gets on religion he is very confused. I understand that he was a Catholic and converted to Mormonism about a decade ago. By what he says he also seems to be mixing in the New Age (He probably read a book called “The Secret”). People that are totally confused about God like Beck can be led to Christ so Evangelicals should try to make the Beck conversion their top priority rather than just accepting him as a brother in Christ when he is not. Beck is tending toward universalism and pluralism so I think Christian leaders better waste no more time giving him the true facts about the Jesus Christ of the Bible.

    Yes, I agree that America needs to restore honor in our nation and we need to utilize faith, hope and charity in order to do so, but the only real way Americans can do so is to believe the gospel of the real Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and Savior. Without the Holy Spirit all the effort of man is futile.

  10. I just pray that GB will see the true light as he has on so many other issues and will come to saving knowledge and belief in Jesus Christ of the Bible.

    He has helped expose a tremendous amount of bad characters and actions over the last few years and for that he should be commended. It is my hope that others will step up and take the lead in politics and religion once they see the American people rise to the occasion…as Glenn has expressed as his wish. I hope that will happen so he and his team can get back to comedy and exposing creeps, which is their strength.

    If he does not relinquish control of the movement, the movement will either fall apart because of division or it will lead to a very dark place of disillusionment for many.

    For the record, the thought of the 8-27 prayer event really creeped me out. I am still trying to find a list of the people that spoke/prayed just so that I could know a little more about what happened.

  11. “If he does not relinquish control of the movement, the movement will either fall apart because of division or it will lead to a very dark place of disillusionment for many.”

    I agree.

  12. A few years back, a friend mentioned something along these lines: that Satan devised the left-versus-right American political system; There’s probably something to that; Satan is using / abusing both left and right to his aim; Jesus is the center (love the sinner, hate the sin) and scripture hasn’t moved;

    I appreciate Don’s passion for calling out various leaders and movements for what they are;

    There is plenty of disillusionment to go around; I can look back to my child hood and characterize it as just that – and I was dealing with a quasi-Catholic upbringing under two psycho’s… it’s amazing two of us children turned out half sane; Yes, calling out wrong and cautioning against activities leading to disillusionment is a very worthy fight, indeed;

  13. It seems in all these happenings that Christians, Mormonism, Islam and Secularism are each becoming very popular subject’s these days and in doing so are all on the same road to collision for the ends times in which we already know who the winner is! Amen.

  14. Here are the latest follow up comments by Glenn Beck on God on Sept 2

    “America’s religion. This is it gang, this is all you need to know. There is a God, He’s going to judge us, we should be good to each other, cause daddy’s gonna be pissed in the end if we’re not. That’s it. That’s called a big principle.”

    You can see this clip at this link. Start at the 10:40 mark.


    On his September 2, 2010 TV program Beck said, “We need a Jesus or a Buddha.”
    See this statement at this link at the 5:00 mark:

    Source of these clips is this article by Brannon Howse


  15. I’ve always found it interesting to read the rantings of those that have what I call “tunnel vision”. Well meaning Christians, but so misguided as to think that there can be no opportunity to spread the words of Christ via a platform of someone that may have a different faith. Clearly Mr. Beck is not a messenger of the Morman faith and any grounded Christian would scoff at the idea that the “truth” is in the teachings of John Smith Jr. or Brigham Young.
    The problem with those that have ‘tunnel vision’ is their intellect clouds reality. I think Christine made some excellent points and clearly has a better understanding of the mentioned reality.
    Beck confused about religion? Grounded Christians are not.
    Amercia is in need of restoration and bickering between Christians over foolishness such as this is a victory for the enemy. The powers of darkness are very good at dividing and until Christians recognize that … we’re spinning our wheels.

  16. Steve,

    Better to have tunnel vision than a world vision posing as a Christian worldview.
    The great commission is not spread through non believers. What do you intend to restore America to if not Christian morality? If we are going to restore America to the moral relativism and pluralism of Glenn Beck then we have just shifted America from humanism to man-made religion. It is becoming apparent that most Americans do not even know what Christianity is anymore even though they just love to claim the name.

  17. Craig,
    Be careful of the middle as well, because as most are looking to the far left and far right, the third wave…aka the third way or Communitarian democracy is being implemented throughout the world and the US government. It is a pragmatic movement that seeks to bridge the divide between capitalist and socialist societies by promoting limited liberty based on local community organization. As always, the Devil is in the details. Standards and policies will come from the elite at the top, but you will be free to choose from what they have determined are the best options….This movement has co-opted many in the corporate and religious realms as well.

    As to Steve and ….Amercia is in need of restoration and bickering between Christians over foolishness…..

    What is more important, America’s restoration or the Great Commission?

  18. It’s clear that Beck is not calling people to Mormonism. His use of the “I am that I am” phrase refers to the name of God, and he used it to encourage people to define themselves as Christians, not to let others define them as something else.

    This tactic of making Beck an offender for a word is not a Christian thing to do. Urging people to return to God, according to their own consciences, and exercise faith, hope and charity, is a Christian thing to do.

    Beck is not talking theology, you are. Beck is not preaching his religion, you are preaching yours. Give us a break. This blessed country has been taken over by godless communists, saying that they believe Jesus is Christ, while they have always hated Christianity more than anything else.

    Now God has blessed us with a voice powerful enough to expose them and to rally the freedom loving, God fearing, family preserving forces for good that we might resist these deceivers, trusting in the grace of God, and all you can do is attack him, because he believes a doctrine about the nature of God and Christ that is different than yours.

    If there were time, I would defend his religion, but that would be a distraction. If we suffer these Bilderbergers, banksters, communists, and thugs to get above us, they will do here what they have done all around the world – persecute the Christians and their cause, because the devil is the founder of all these things and the Lord commands us not to suffer them to get about us.

    They seek to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations and countries and to bring to pass the destruction of all people. Stop finding fault with Glenn’s faith! Repent. Humble yourself. Get on your knees and start praying to the Anointed One you worship, as you understand him, and plead with him that he will have mercy on us and heal our land, before it’s too late, and let the Mormons do the same!

  19. Doug,

    Yeah, just pray to any God you want that is no God at all and that will change America. Give me a break!

    This is a Christian blog so what would you expect on it the promotion of false Gods? By the way, it is not just communists that are godless. All outside of Christ are godless lost souls in need of salvation. I know you do not want to hear that but it is true nevertheless.

    How would you even know what is the Christian thing to do? Obviously by your statement you cannot be one of us.

    Beck can do what he wants and people can believe what they want about Beck but when evangelical Christians act as if he is restoring America back to Christianity they are totally out of their mind.

    The Devil uses many types of deception he is not limited to Bilderbergers, banksters, and communists. One of his ways is to mix truth with lies in order to deceive all who can be deceived.

    There is only one Anointed One of God and if most of the people in America pray to some anointed one of their own choosing the only real God will not answer their prayers. Now, if people repent of their evil ways and start doing what is right God may heal our land but people should not confuse a nation’s prosperity with Christianity or a nations religion. Just look at the great empires in world history there was nothing Christian about them but when they departed from God’s natural order into perversion God brought about their end.

    Here’s one of the confusions with Beck. He claims we should all repent and start doing what is right and then he sees nothing wrong with perversion of marriage. However, the perversion of God’s natural order is one of the major things bringing a curse on America.

    I also think you are wrong about Beck. He might have started with right motives but I now see that he has become just another deceiver using the discontent in America for his own end and I think time will prove me right. Christians in America need to hitch their wagon to one of their own and not just fall for another media distraction.

  20. What’s more important, the Great Commission or the Restoration of America?
    Folks, unless there is a restoration of America, yes, to Christian morality and values, can there be a Great Commission? How can the truth of Jesus Christ be spread freely when our religious freedoms are decaying? I fail to understand why Christians don’t accept the fact that the way political winds blow, have a direct effect on our ability to worship in freedom. We, as Christians really need to get on the same page. And the “bickering” I’m referring to is the attempt to see who can make the most intellectual point. I don’t think this is about being intellectual, I think it’s about using the wisdom that God has given to us. Being ‘wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove’.

  21. I think one of the problems with Beck is that his thinking has morphed into what it is today. This is the danger of not being planted rock solid in scripture, or having a true Christian worldview. It makes you susceptible to all kinds of thinking. Without the proper perspective you’re thrown to and fro with all kinds of thinking. It’s one of the things I mean when I said up until a few months ago I understood where he was coming from. Something changed in his thinking. It made my antennae go up, and I said, wait…what?

    Doug, I agree, “This blessed country has been taken over by godless communists…”, but as Brannon Howse says, “Reverend Jim Wallis is pushing a liberal, leftist, man-centered, Godless, good works, social justice and Beck is pushing a conservative, right-wing, Godless, man-centered, good works, social justice.” what’s the difference? Satan doesn’t have to get you to believe in him, he just has to get you to disbelieve in God.

    It’s going to be difficult because some christians are going to be slower than others in coming to this realization. It won’t be revealed to all at once.

    Don, in fairness to Glenn. I was watching the night O’Rielly asked him about the case of homosexual marriage and it was my opinion that Glenn wasn’t so much open to it as he was saying that there are more pressing issues that are tearing us apart. However, having said that, it further illustrates my previous point about being rooted in true scripture. Romans 1 tells us that one of the first signs of the wrath of God revealed against those who supress the truth is homosexuality. I believe it was John MacArthur who recently wrote piece on this being one of the reasons nations are judged. I’ll see if I can’t find the link.

  22. Ken,

    I read what Glenn said to O’Rielly. He does not think homosexual marriage is a danger to this country but it is.

    I wrote an article almost ten years ago that deals with sex perversion. I think it is a barometer of demonic activity in a nation. So if that is true what does that say about America?


    As God said in Romans:

    1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
    19 ¶ Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
    20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
    21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
    22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
    23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
    24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
    25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
    28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

    29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
    30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
    31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
    32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

  23. Steve,
    you have it all backward. The Great Commission and Christianity is not about the restoration of America. True Christianity is spreading just fine in countries where Christianity is even outlawed.

    What are these unified Christians in name only supposed to be restoring America to anyways? Is the America of the civil war days appropriate?

    “We as Christians need to get on the same page” Who is “we”? Glenn Beck is not a Christian read the links in the post.

    Christians in this nation apparently need to evangelize America because somewhere along the way most Americans cannot even define Christianity yet be believers in Christ.

  24. Don, I suppose if you hold to the tenant (as I would) that to not be against something is to be for it, then Beck is guilty. For I don’t recall him condemning homosexual marriage, perhaps he has, I just don’t recall.

    I read the article you referenced. If I may pick nits, (maybe I just don’t anything better to do on a saturday afternoon)In light of your last sentence, “From what I see, it really looks like God will judge this present generation.” Would it be your contention that the sex perversion will result in the judgement, or that the sex perversion is itself the judgement? I understand if you don’t want to go down this road on this thread. I have no alterior motive, just curious.

  25. I have to go cut the grass but I will answer before I go. The answer is neither.

    It is my contention that sex perversion is a symptom of a spiritual disease. When God gives man up to Satan sex perversion is just one outcome. It is not so much that sex perversion results in judgment. It is that a people controlled by demonic spirits will be judged. God gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts but God did not just give them up to only sex perversion. He gave them up to every wickedness of man’s own heart.

    Sex perversion is not the judgment it is one outward expression of demonic possession or oppression.

  26. I really support what you are saying Don. The increasing, ungodly changes occurring in our country and world can be so deceptive but just a little study reveals the truth according to the Bible and that is what is of utmost importance as we continue to lift high the name of Jesus. You have not made any degrading statements about Mr. Beck you have simply revealed the truth and we must act accordingly upon that. The root of homesexuality, for example, is idolatry. The worship of something or someone other than the God of the Bible and that is why any manifestation of idolatry God will address profoundly.

  27. Don,

    You wrote:

    Yeah, just pray to any God you want that is no God at all and that will change America. Give me a break!

    That’s not what I meant. I meant the Catholics, the Lutherans, the Anglicans, the Eastern Orthodox, the Oriental Orthodox, the Episcopalians, the Presbyterians, the Assemblies of God, the Baptists, the Church of God, the Church of the Nazarene, the Churches of Christ, the Congregationalists, the Calvinists, the Holiness, the Mennonites, the Pentecostals, the Reformeds, the Seventh-day Adventists, the Quakers, the Evangelicals, the non-Denominationals, etc.

    The Mormons are told that within these churches is found the body of Christ (somewhere), from which Mormons are excluded. But Mormons don’t mind, they just want it on record that they are disciples of Christ, as he has revealed himself to them, regardless of what others say about how that revelation does not conform to their own traditions.

    Glenn’s message is that the body of Christ within each of these Gentile denominations should repent join with Israel, and Moslems and Mormons, in repenting and in calling upon God, according to their own beliefs, like the city of Nineveh did, that he might have mercy upon our land.

    Now I agree with you that God probably won’t hear our prayers, or he will be slow to hear them, until we have stopped the murders, the adultery, the raping, the robbing, the lying, the deceivings, the secret combinations with the devil, the pollution of the sabbath day, that has overtaken the land, and turn with full purpose of heart to him, according to our beliefs.

    BTW, Beck said nothing about “restoring America back to Christianty.” Nobody could expect that. Not even if he had all the king’s horses and all the king’s men.

    Beck’s just asking the fragmented Christian world to join with the fragmented Jewish world and the fragmented Muslim world to restore honor in their lives. And you cry foul because he is not part of Christianity’s body of Christ! Well, what if he were an atheist crying for this nation to do the honorable thing? Would you say no, we can’t do that, because a born again Christian is the only one that can ask us to do that?

    But you wrote:

    Beck can do what he wants and people can believe what they want about Beck, but when evangelical Christians act as if he is restoring America back to Christianity they are totally out of their mind.

    How did you miss the point so much? The answer is Beck’s faith enrages you, is it not?

    You wrote:

    There is only one Anointed One of God and if most of the people in America pray to some anointed one of their own choosing, the only real God will not answer their prayers. Now, if people repent of their evil ways and start doing what is right God may heal our land but people should not confuse a nation’s prosperity with Christianity or a nations religion. Just look at the great empires in world history there was nothing Christian about them but when they departed from God’s natural order into perversion God brought about their end.

    We are not talking the nation’s prosperity here, Don. That’s already gone. The last thing the people of this nation need is a return to prosperity. Repentance in sack cloth and ashes may help, and I don’t think God is waiting for us to sort out all these theological issues first – if he is, then we might as well give up now – but I think, and Glenn Beck thinks, if I’m not mistaken, that God would turn away his anger, if we would just repent and keep the ten commandments.

    We don’t all have to become Evangelicals do we?

  28. Doug,

    Actually what you said about the Mormons is not correct. The whole foundation of their religion is the doctrine given to them by a “Angel”, That message was that all Christian denominations are an abomination and that God was starting over His church with them. That’s why they call themselves the Latter Day Saints. They believe they are the only true Christian Church. However, their God is not the God of the Bible. This is well documented no Christian denomination believes Mormons are Christians. Just read the links or do the research yourself.

    Also, to say they do not mind not being called Christian is rather strange since they have been trying to be accepted as Christians by Christians for 200 years. If they ever give up their demonic doctrines maybe some will find the true Jesus Christ. Like Paul said, if anyone even an angel from heaven presents any other gospel than the one you received let him be damned (Ga 1:8). Paul was hardly accommodating to those teaching damnable heresy.

    What you said is “stop finding fault with Glenn’s faith”. Why? If his faith is the Mormon God he has no real God. I say Communism is demonic, I also know Islam is demonic so why is the Mormon Cult exempt? Christians are supposed to be the light that exposes darkness. Why should someone in a demonic cult be calling Christians to prayer anyway and why should Christians heed him? If nobody in true Christianity will do it we have a bigger problem than Beck. And we do have a big problem because most of the members of those Christian denominations you mentioned are CINO’s, they are Christian in name only. So who do CINO’s pray to? Let’s even suppose that all true Christians in the country start praying for America. What should we pray for? Should we pray for God to bless a nation that denies Him and His Son in word and deed? Or should we pray that God chastises this nation so some might repent and find Jesus? I know which Christian prayer is likely to be answered.

    I know what Glenn’s message is, it is one of religious pluralism, “Everyone should call on their own God”, but I will tell you again there is only one God and unbelieving Israel, Muslims and Mormons don’t know Him. For if they did know Him they would believe in Jesus Christ as He is defined by the Bible.

    So how can Christians unite in prayer with those that do not know God? The Bible clearly tells Christians not to be yoked together with unbelievers. Nineveh believed Jonah and repented so we have to believe that their repentance was also believing in the God of Jonah. Besides, if you think all the unbelievers and CINO’s in America are going to put on sack cloth and ashes and repent I have a bridge to sell you. God is having mercy on this land or we would have been destroyed a long time ago. Get Muslims, Mormons and CINOs to repent and find Christ and we might get somewhere.

    You seem to think God hears prayers of those that stop sinning but are not in the body of Christ? First get people in the body of Christ and then Christ can work with them through His Holy Spirit to renew their mind so they come to hate sin. You have the cart before the horse.

    Beck’s faith does not enrage me. He has no faith in the real God. I hope Beck finds faith in the true God because only then can he really have an effective message to this nation. One has to have a relationship with the real God to have faith in God. Beck does not know the God of Creation in fact he rejected any truth about Him when he converted from Christianity to Mormonism. Now he only knows a counterfeit.

    How can unbelievers repent and keep the ten commandment when even believers cannot keep them in the flesh? The Christian message is that God paid the price of the Law and now one is saved and justified by faith in Christ. Mormons, Islam and all the rest deny Christ’s atonement for breaking the commandments, so how can they keep the ten commandments?

    I hope we do not all have to become what is now called Evangelicals because it is clear to me that over half of the Evangelicals are now CINO’s. Those that claim to be Christians do need to make sure they have faith in Jesus Christ and not just a Christian religion. Anyone who thinks they can get the vast majority of people in this nation to repent of their sin before some radical chastisement from God is rather delusional.

  29. After the last two posts by Doug that were deleted it has become clear to me that Doug is a Mormon or is a Mormon promoter. There is already enough on this blog proving that Mormonism is not Christianity. So, any defense of this clearly demonic religion on this Christian blog is simply going to be deleted. If Doug persists he will be banned from this blog.

    This post is about the agenda of Glenn Beck and a caution to evangelical Christians yoking up with him. It is not a sounding board for defense of Mormon fiction religion. Fiction? Yes. There is good reason to believe that some of the concepts of the book of Mormon appeared in a work of fiction on American Indians, by Solomon Spaulding before the religion existed. In any case, the Jesus of Mormons is not the Creator and their Father God is not our Father God. If I wanted to start a post on what Mormons believe I would have. In fact, I already did elsewhere.

  30. I was really hoping for a rebuttal to Doug’s last post that was deleted just so I can I understand what the heck he was saying….was that even from the Holy Bible? But I guess enough is really enough in this case! You are right Don, it’s your blog and it’s a Christian view point that is being expressed here about who Glenn Beck is and what he believes or doesn’t believe so as to alert those that might not quite understand what is happening and hence be led astray. Would any self respecting Mormon believer let his own be led astray? I say not!! Almost got me in the Mormon Batism pool!!

  31. Jerome,

    What Doug did is to come here posing as a Christian to just use my blog for a Mormon recruit drive. They claim Christian morality but have no problem using deception to get nominal Christians to fall for the Mormon demonic deception.

    “Almost got me in the Mormon Baptism pool!!”

    I hope your joking. Doesn’t anyone follow links so they will read and understand that Mormon claims of Christianity are ridiculous?

    This link should tell any Christian all they need to know to know about the beliefs of the Mormon religion. If anyone cannot see the difference between the lies they teach and what Christians know to be truth they should not be calling themselves Christians either.


  32. He claims he did not come here posing as a Christan but I cannot read Doug’s posts defending Beck and come to any other conclusion. For example his “we do not have to all become Evangelicals do we” As if he were one of us.

    Also his gravator had a link to a Mormon apologetic website and putting that link here was probably his real motive for coming here. Those have now been deleted. There are Mormons that do nothing but search the Internet to see where they can post their deception to deceive Christians not well grounded in their faith.

    I am not against people of any belief commenting on the post topic here but when they use that pretext to publish their Religious doctrine on a Christian blog they are going to have their comments deleted. He claims you asked about his faith and that is why he did it, but obviously he was just looking for an excuse.

    It least if he had been up front that he was a Mormon defending Glenn Beck Christians would not be deceived that he was promoting a broad view. And that is part of my problem with them. They always come in dressed in Christian garb with their demonic deception. They do the same thing when they go door to door.

  33. Yes I am joking! Just another way of saying what you said below and above. They make convincing arguments for their faith and or belief. But the issue is more serious than I first gave it credit. I think many see them as non-threat in this life and this is why I think many see them as harmless but just trying to return to the values of yester year which were Christian based and this seems to be an attempt by Beck at this time in our history to co-op this past America and make it their own for today and tomorrow. For this to be realized it is clear that Christians (CINO’s) need to be brought along for alteast the ride. I will definitely check out the link you posted and the really only time I looked at cults I have to admit was in a book called Kingdom of the Cults. Thanks for the direction!

    “There are Mormons that do nothing but search the Internet to see where they can post their deception to deceive Christians not well grounded in their faith”.

  34. Don;
    I think you missed my point when I said, “What’s more important, the Great Commission or the Restoration of America? Folks, unless there is a restoration of America, yes, to Christian morality and values, can there be a Great Commission?” But it’s of no concern right now.

    You stated, “True Christianity is spreading just fine in countries where Christianity is even outlawed.” I’m wondering where Don? I have friends that are missionaries to Africa; and yes the people there are hungry for the gospel, but as far as Christianity “spreading just fine” … I trow not. They are struggling just to survive themselves, let alone bring in new converts. Please don’t take me wrong as I feel I’m beginning to spin my wheels here.

    Here’s a link for you: http://www.compassdirect.org/

    Click on any of the countries on the left and see exactly what “religion” is “spreading just fine”.
    Sir, there’s a storm coming and that storm is not Mormonism. (NO I’m not an undercover Mormon) I’m amazed that you don’t know what the real threat to, not just Christianity, but to every religion, false or otherwise is. Absolutely amazes me, as I feel the powers of darkness are getting Christians looking “here” when they should be looking “there”.

    Look, I have major problems with Glenn Beck. But it’s not about his Mormonism. I’m hoping that any Christians that are “yoking” up with him are doing it for his politics, not his ‘faith’.

    Finally, what I said about Christians getting on the same page … I simply meant is some Christians seem to think ALL should be evangelists. Or ALL should be ministers. Or ALL should be youth leaders. Or ALL should be pastors. We all have different callings.
    Let me see if I can put it in simple terms. If you have a 1,000 piece puzzle, no two pieces are alike. Every piece has it’s own unique place, all different. Some may look the same, but they are not. Christianity is the same. ALL of us have our own place in the body of Christ; though we are ONE in Him. Though differing functions. But it’s a bummer when the puzzle is missing some pieces … But I digress. Forgive me.

    I hope you and your family have a great weekend.

  35. Whew! I have missed a lot while on a brief vacation from blogging. Don, I look forward to Ridenour, I read about the major differences between Mormonism and Biblical Christianity. They are substantial. However, when two young elders (about the same age as my own son) sat down with me to talk, we couldn’t even get past the description of God the Father!

    Steve, my friend, you have made excellent points as well. Your final comment here is awesome! You are teaching me a lot! I think that you are correct about losing the ability to promote the Great Commission here in the U.S. if we let our freedoms get taken over by any of the threats out there – Marxism, Socialism, Islamo-Fascism (most dangerous – IMHO), or any other threat that would trump our laws and Constitution.

    I cringe when Beck makes a biblically incorrect statement. But I hope that in the similar fashion when Beck gave the 9/12 Project over to We The People, perhaps he will do the same thing with Restore Honor, Faith, Hope and Charity. I think he will. He cannot take on such a massive endeavor and he will release it over to the thousands of pastors, rabbis, and lay persons who will pass the message on to their individual congregations.

    The only way for a Christian believer to NOT be deceived is to be born again in Christ and study the Word of God through the proper channels of exegesis, the plum line of Scripture, and Sola Scriptura. Beck’s religion is already cancelled out (sorry, but true) because of the added “book” they have. Same goes for Islam. In the case of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, they have skewed the meaning of certain verses to “fit” the pre-conceived notions of their founder. Any time a person claims to have Christian faith; but they do not adhere to the proper interpretation of the Scriptures that have been given for thousands of years, then you know that they have had their thinking skewed in a cult-like manner.

    The following may not be a very good analogy, but recall when the prostitue Rahab hid and sheltered the two spys sent out by Joshua?

    God can use anyone to lead them unto Himself – and even save a former harlot and her family.

    Who knows? Beck converted from Catholism to Mormonism. Perhaps all of the Christian pastors working with him in the Restore Honor project will have such an impact upon him that he is led to the Lord Jesus Christ and genuinely saved?

  36. Steve,

    If I misunderstood what you said it was because you have not been making yourself clear to me.

    You ask where is Christianity spreading where people are not free? I really had China in mind but the truth is that nobody really knows the facts and figures where they do not have access to true Christians nor the facts and figures. When I say Christianity I am talking about true followers of Jesus Christ not CINO’s.

    If having religious freedom is related to the spread of Christianity like you imply how do you explain the apathetic CINO’s of the Western world? Your not equating true Christianity to the vast majority that only identify with the name, are you? Certainly you are not saying that the great Evangelical movement of the last few hundred years is related to secular freedom? America was established by people fleeing from Christian persecution in Europe. Where Western Christianity was spread by conquest most of the natives reverted back to pagan Christian hybrids.

    God knows how to destroy Islam and He will do it in His own good time. The seeds of its destruction are already in place, a house divided cannot stand. God also knows how to keep His own people out of the inevitable conflict but if they insist on fighting with weapons of the world they will also suffer the consequences.

    In spite of what some think, the greatest threat to Christianity is not Islam. It is the wolves in sheep’s clothing within what is identified as “Christianity”. Many tyrannical governments and religions opposed Christianity and it still spread but when Satan joined the Church the gates of hell tried to prevail against us. It took a Protestant reformation to get the Great Commission moving again but Satan soon infiltrated that as well. So then it took the Evangelical Movement to advance the Great Commission but now it appears that the New Evangelicals wolves in sheep’s clothing have arrived. So, the main danger to Christianity is from the wolves in sheep’s clothing from the wolves and CINO’s that identify with Christianity. Most of the warnings to the Church in the NT are about them for good reason.

    I agree that we all have our own role in the body of Christ but I guess I still am not getting your point? So explain the puzzle for me rather than tell me the Body is made up of many different pieces.

    Almost time for that all important campfire. Best wishes to your family as well.

  37. Don,

    What do you think about the CINOS who are ignorantly embracing Islam as “the religion of peace?” Isn’t that part of the threat? Isn’t it all related?

    Those who are so foolish as to think that Islam won’t hurt us if we appease them are dead wrong, IMHO. Any “faith” that emphasizes that it’s O.K. to lie to get what it wants (taqiyya) is certainly from the father of lies.

  38. Christinewjc

    I hope Beck will be converted. That should be the priority. All Beck has really known is two different churches claiming to be the only Church on earth. But, both are liars.

    I do think you believe that Beck has way more influence in America then he really has. Mark my words, if the people of America ride on a ship full of Right wing holes they will be sunk when rounding the national primaries and the Left wind really starts blowing hard. Better to find the unsinkable Molly Brown or the like. Beck has far too many holes in His ship for him to be leading America anywhere and he knows it. He is probably just setting America up for Mormon Bishop Mitt Romney.

    Time to find a true Christian to steer the course before the deceivers again make that impossible when Americans at the polls find they only have a choice between one candidate promoting a liberal, leftist, man-centered, Godless, good works, social justice and the other promoting a conservative, right-wing, Godless, man-centered, good works, social justice. Or a compromise Newt promoting a third-way Godless, man-centered, good works, social justice.

  39. Christinewjc

    CINO’s have no light they are blind.

    Christians should certainly oppose Islam. Islam is the biggest Satanic cult in the world. I expose Islam for what it is on this blog and on my website. I think that God will soon deal with Islam in a world war, a civil war among themselves, or even more likely both.

    Sure Islam is a threat to America and the world but they would not be a threat if Americans were full of Christians instead of CINO’s and God haters that embrace a whole host of anti-Christian cults.

  40. Don

    Your last reply to Steve: – September 5, 2010 at 6:03 pm was just perfect. Everything you covered was spot on. Keep it up.


  41. Don;
    Just a note to say, and I hope I’m wrong, that perhaps all those you think are CINOs are just Christians that don’t meet your standards as such (and I’m sure the response will be “It’s God’s standards” that needs to be met, but as I tried to say before, we all have different callings in the body. Keeping God in a box is having the tunnel vision I talked about before). To suggest that God will destroy Islam in His own time is accurate but surprisingly naive. If I remember correctly, faith is action. When Jesus said we could say unto the mountain, “be thou moved”, of course that could happen. But I think it’s more in His plan that if you want a mountain moved, to get a shovel and get after it. We need to expose Islam for what it is; and it’s spreading like wildfire.
    One last thing. I agree with your assessment that the Church is infiltrated with the wolves. But I don’t think they are a threat to grounded Christians. I think they are mostly greedy “wolves” exploiting the Gospel for personal gain. And God will deal with them soon enough.

  42. Well Steve, I hope Christians are Christians but out of the 2 billion people that claim to be Christians on earth only a few hundred million could care less about the teachings in the Bible or even try to live by the codes of their own denomination. The overwhelming majority think they “might” be saved by being a member of their church some through infant baptism ritual and most of the rest of “Christians” think being a Christian is just being part of the Western culture. They either do not care if they are saved because they do not know what that means or they think that one is saved by being good. Don’t take my word for it just read the polls or visit Europe.

    You make brash statements like “tunnel vision” and “keeping God in a box” but I don’t see how my exposing the Mormon agenda in the US and the religious pluralism of Glenn Beck is doing that.

    How could my statement that God will destroy Islam in His own time be accurate and surprisingly naive at the same time? That is not logical. I agree that we need to expose Islam for what it is and that it is spreading like wildfire by high birth rates and conquest but God knows how He is going to deal with Islam. One likely way is that Islam has the seeds of destruction within its own house. There will be a Sunni vs Shia war. That is why the Sunni states want us to bomb Iran they fear a Iranian led Shia will take over. The Shia hate the Sunni because they have always been second class Muslims. So I am not at all naive about Islam. Another way God might deal with Islam is a world war.

    I write about what I believe will happen on my website. There will be a world war against all the radical elements of Islam in the near future and a backlash civil war against Islam in Europe by the natives. There will also be a civil war within Islam. What is left of Islam after all that will join with the world Harlot. Believe me, I am well aware of what Islam will bring the world but I also am aware of the dangers of any religious dominionism wrapped in the American flag, especially when it is led by a pseudo Christian.

    Wolves are not much of a threat to grounded Christians but where are all the grounded Christians in Christianity? Maybe 10 percent that claim to be Christians are well grounded in Christian faith and doctrine. So the other 90 percent are being led into every new whim of doctrine or else they are already under lock and key in the wolves den.

    It is not just those doing it for personal gain either. There are other motives. Also, you would have to be incredibly naive to think that God will deal with them soon enough but He is not going to deal with them through “faith in action”.

    See Steve, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t tell me that Christians need to oppose Islam but then tell me that Christians do not need to do anything about the wolves in the Church “because God will deal with them”.

    People have called me many things but being naive is not one of them.

  43. Don;
    Again, you’ve missed what I’ve said. When I said that it’s accurate that God will destroy Islam in His own time, but it’s naive at the same time … I attempted to place that in the ‘moving the mountain’ picture. Of course God’s going to destroy Islam, but we just can’t sit back and think “oh well, God knows all about it” …
    I simply don’t see where Mormonism is any more of a threat than Islam, or the Chruch of Rome etc.
    Let me ask you what your “faith in action” is for the 90% of CINOs?
    You see, me saying that God is going to take care of the CINOs is the same as you’re saying that God will destroy Islam. I think we need to do something about both.
    Forgive me if I implied that you are naive. Folks can make what appears to be naive statements without being naive.
    I do appreciate what you’re doing here. I think it’s important for us to keep in mind that everyone is ‘wired’ differently. I think we’re on the same team.
    Have a great week.

  44. Steve, you have been implying things in your comments here that I never said. I never said to sit back and do nothing about Islam because God will take care of Islam.

    Of course Mormonism is not as big a threat to the world or true Christianity as Islam or Rome but the topic of this post was not about Islam and Rome. I do have topics on my website that cover them. Since I talk about so many topics on this Blog I also expect people to stay on topic here as much as possible or every tread ends up on the same spool.

    Just because Mormonism is not the greatest threat does not mean that we should not discuss it especially when a new movement is starting in America and a Mormon seems to be leading Christians but also making himself a possible fit for Mormon Eschatology. I am not saying that he is doing it on purpose but you can bet that Mormons are entertaining the thought. Also, like Howse said, Beck is accomplishing what no other Mormon has accomplished in 200 years and that is getting many Christians to accept Mormons as Christians. By the way, I understand that Beck also was suggesting that Islam could also join in this movement back to God but Islam can no more know the real God than Mormon’s can while still bound in their religion. Without Jesus Christ as He is defined in the Bible nobody has access to Father God.

    I think you missed my point, you told me that we need “faith in action” against Islam with you assuming (when I said God would take of Islam) that I was saying that God would do it all and man needed to do nothing. That was a wrong assumption, I never said that. So I turned it back on you and said we need “faith in action” against the wolves in sheep’s clothing in the Church, because you similarly said, “God would deal with the wolves”. So you claim that I was naive for not mentioning that we need “faith in faction” to deal with Islam but then you latter say nothing about “faith in action” when you said God would deal with wolves in the Church. In others words, what you accused me of believing you displayed likewise in your own words. Nonetheless I did not assume with you that you were naive enough to think that Christians needed to do nothing about the wolves.

    The only thing true Christians can do with CINO’s is present them with the true gospel. In other words evangelize them because if the are CINO’s they never heard the true gospel or do not understand and believe it or they reject the truth for some sort of relativist all path religious pluralism. These people need to be saved. We are wrong to think that most that call themselves “Christians” in this country are saved. The polls say about half of Christians even think Jesus sinned. The surveys say about two percent actually have a Christian worldview. Josh McDowell says he cannot even find Christian leaders that can give a logical reason for why they believe. All that is documented on this blog. Houston, I think we have a problem with “Christianity” in America. And its not just America. Europe is much worse even with their state “Christian” Churches and of course you know about Catholicism.

    I realize that we are on the same team. I just hope what I said now clarifies things a bit.

  45. Don,

    After reading the above, I was reminded of this passage which I believe is so topical to the subject matter being discussed:

    2 Corinthians 11:13-15 (King James Version)

    13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

    14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

    15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

    In the times we find ourselves living in so many are coming forth presenting their so-called truths. Satan with his arsenal of ploys loves to present himself and his religions as Christ-like, but they are counterfeit. Let us not be so easily deceived by that which appears to be good as so many are idolizing these larger than life personalities we see and hear on mass media. They are empty vessels trying to deceive and rob all they can. Hold what they have to say up against scripture and let the light of God’s truth guide you. GB and so many others tell us to do good when the Lord’s word tells us that man’s righteousness is as filthy rags. It grieves me that so many Christian’s ears are so easily tickled by what the GBs and OWs of the world have to say; moreover, we have those that think and teach that many paths to God exist, some that have been very trusted and respected in the past. We are truly seeing that which is evil portrayed as light and so, so many are buying into all these falsehoods. My Bible is very clear as to what a Child of God should believe and it does not compromise with the world view.

    Acts 4:12 (King James Version)

    12Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

    Jesus is the only way, not Mohammad, not Buddha, not some fallen Angel spirit guide or diverse religion. So when one of notoriety speaks of calling on one’s god and it is not Jesus of Nazareth, they have no credibility with me for I wonder what spirit has brought “light” to their minds.

    Don, thank you for the time and effort you put into this blog. I know it is no small undertaking. May you have many crowns to lay at our Blessed Savior’s feet as we behold his Glory!!

  46. thanks for the article! i use to listen to beck all the time. have for several years. in the beginning it was just politics, and then he started talking about god. i kept wondering if he was a christian. i think he very deliberately eased his way in to talking about god without purposely mentioning what faith he was. when he finally admitted to being morman, red flags went up for me. although i continued to listen, god’s spirit was stirring inside of me as if to warn me. then i heard about the dominionist movement and it all came together. glenn beck is like a drug! it probably took me 3 months to stop listening altogether. i was becoming angry more and more everyday with what was going on in this world. then god reminded me that this is not my home! heaven is my home. what goes on in this world is no concern to me. just get out there and tell others about our wonderful god in heaven.
    i must mention, and i don’t remember who up above mentioned all christians gathering together at the 9-12 and that it was probably a good thing. can you say ecumenical??? we are to be like minded in our fellowship.
    the hardest thing my husband and i have going for us right now is finding like minded christians to fellowship with. we have yet to find a church to worship in.
    i enjoy reading this website. keep up the good work and writtings. sound the trumpet because time is short!!

  47. Don,

    Thank you for your wonderful insight. I have been praying about Glenn Beck’s faith for some time. There are some comments he makes that almost seem like good Christian Faith, but we must be cautious and not be fooled by what sounds good. Knowing scripture is the key. Personally I think Glenn Beck is more of a moral relativist than a Mormon. I know he claims Mormonism as his “Faith” but he seems to advocate that as long as you “Believe in God and have faith” then that is what matters. He doesn’t want to discuss theology, even though he admits his theology is a bit different than that of Christianity. My comment to Mr. Beck would be, “Faith is only as good as the object on which it is placed.” Clearly the god of Mormonism isn’t the God of this universe. We Christians need to pray that Glenn Beck finds truth and that truth sets him free. Unfortunately he seems to be headed down a road seeking god in following after Gandhi. That and his “I Am” statements. It seems now he is declaring himself a god. Well thank you for your blog. I plan on checking back soon. I am praying to determine making my own blog on Glenn Beck’s Faith.

  48. I just heard Glenn Beck on the radio today talking about his “I am” theology. I am a political moderate and Christian who never listens to Glenn Beck. Today, I was driving and I thought I had tuned in some kind of preaching on the dial…. and I was totally stunned. All I could think of was how this idea sounded utterly satanic. Turning the “I AM” from Yahweh into a declaration of personal power that you or I could use to make ourselves into whatever we wanted to! And then he said that there is no such thing as “we,” that we were all free and in control of our destinies, etc. Sorry, but I have submitted to God, so that’s as free as I want to be. And you know what, there is a we, it is the Body of Christ, the communion of believers.

    I was stunned when I learned that this was Glenn Beck. I normally don’t worry about the anti-christ, I just try to focus only on being a disciple of Jesus, because even if evil comes against me, I know that Jesus loves and cares for me. But it was like a bucket of ice water in my face to hear this nonsense on the radio… and then to discover that it was actually Glenn Beck! A man with millions of followers.

    Evil is afoot in this world. And I am glad that I am not the only one who noticed. God bless you.

  49. If anyone still thinks that Glenn Beck is a Christian. Read about what he said in his new book. If after reading this link you still cannot see that Beck is not a Christian then it must be because you have no clue what a Christian believes.

    If you are one of those Christian pastor of mega churches mentioned in this article and you still believe Beck is a Christian you are a heretic and a wolf in sheep’s clothing. That also goes for any other Christian leader that claims Glenn Beck is a Christian after reading this link or his new book. You were given the truth you no longer have any excuse.


  50. Thanks for the link. There are many believers that I had considered as “solid” that have fallen for the Beck stuff. One seemingly solid Baptist member sent me an email saying that he believed Beck was a Christian that just happened to attend a Mormon Church. I am still amazed at his lack of discernment.

  51. Bob, Unfortunately most of the people that call themselves conservative evangelical Christians believe Beck is a Christian or is giving America a Christian message.

    People have been arguing with me about Beck but their argument is no longer what I said about Beck, because my arguments have been vindicated by Beck himself in his new book.

    On the other hand, other evangelical “Christians” think that Oprah is a Christian although she would deny that herself. She believes pagan New Age concepts much like Beck. What does all this confusion say about the teaching in even our conservative evangelical Christian Churches? Few read the Bible anymore they get all their Christian doctrine from Sunday school magazines and from watching the heretics on TBN or one of the others.

    I am about to stop attending Sunday School at my own conservative church because I do not know how much longer I can abide the teachers or the responses of those filling the seats. If I then say something in correction then I am corrected by the biblically illiterate and the cause of a disruption. If I bite my lip I have to sit through nonsense and verses ripped out of context that will continue to pop up all too frequently. I also am certain to get the latest teachings of popular media heretics.

    I have learned why pastors and teachers do not attend Sunday school themselves.

  52. I feel your pain people,
    Don I can picture you sitting there in the Sunday School room and listening to some of that. It’s hard to listen to what some people believe.
    I just had that article you mentioned on a seperate blog about Christianity taking over the world read to me in the staff meeting this morning. And then to see you comment on it and see some of the links. Wow!

    I don’t know what to think of Chuck Smith being linked to the Purpose Driven people again.

    I have a friend in the ministry whom I respect a lot, I’ve known him for years. He was a special guest on the Beck show a couple months back. I told my wife “If Beck doesn’t turn to the Lord he is gonna burn bright come judgement day, he’s had so many chances.” But I came to find out the ‘friend’ I know also made an appearance on the Oprah show some months earlier.
    Not a good place to be hanging your hat.

    I have been pleased about the Christians who have been on the Beck show because it has opened up more conversations about Christianity, but the truth is maybe they have given Beck the illusion that he is ok where he is or even in the Mormon doctrine he may see himself as the next godman to come along.

    He’s obviously not saved even though there is a strong Christian influence around him.

  53. I appreciate your comments. I have noticed many Sunday school teacher obtain their lesson material through TV preachers that use suspect interpretations. You are right – anyone who questions the teaching is considered “disruptive of the unity.”
    In addition, a statement by one filling a seat that “Beck is really a Christian” went unchallenged by the leader.

  54. By the way, this Doug is not the previous Doug on this post.

    I am curious Pastor Doug?

    Why would that article by Jim Rutz and his claim that Christianity was taking over the world be read in a staff meeting of your Mega church? I hope someone was not actually trying to get the staff to buy into these New Apostolic Reformation claims?

    Beck obviously has bought into the lie that he is a God man. That is taught in Mormonism and in New Age teaching as well. In fact, most religions have man eventually becoming God or becoming like God through their own doings. Satan’s lies are pretty consistent throughout world religion.

    This is the great separation from Christianity where any fellowship with a holy God only comes from accepting the sacrifice of His Son taking the curse for our sin in his body and allowing it to be nailed to a tree. Now all that will believe in God’s righteousness to save this fallen creation through Jesus Christ will be saved.

  55. Don,
    The reading of the Rutz article had nothing to do with apostolic claims, it was intended in the context of the meeting which was introducing a global internet evangelical effort. The context was proper and applied correctly, there were even chuckles at the end with the implication that there would be more Christians then people in a couple decades. For certain our church isn’t heading down that crazy road but there are things that surprise me at times that I hear about.
    We were warned not to listen to complaints that recently had arisen that the leader of our ‘mini-denomination’ had been taking some heat from Roger Oakland. I dont even know what the issue was but I saw some old news about his connection to Warren.
    I do feel that there is too much willingness on the part of the mega church celebs to rub elbows with power elites and that brings in apparent compromise on doctrinal issues. I say apparent because often there is the stance to agree to disagree which many people take issue with.
    In my particular area of ministry many of the national leaders and speakers are all heading down the candle lighting, chanting road where the crazies live.
    I’ll let you know if we start chanting and lighting candles.

  56. Doug,

    I hope your church is not buying into the Christian growth claims of Jim Rutz either. For example,I have been hearing these huge conversions claims in Africa for decades coming from the signs and wonders Pentecostals and Charismatics. If that were really true, Africa would already be all Christian. Just by observing the tribal wars and the march of Islam in Africa we know this is not the case.

    Probably the fastest growth of Evangelicals in numbers is in Latin America but they are coming out of Catholicism so Rutz would count them as Christians twice.

    I wonder why they are not evangelizing the United States or Europe other than a few NAR circus performances here and there? The civilized West is certainly not becoming more Christian.

    While I am on that subject. There is not one Calvary Chapel in South Central Missouri that I am aware of. How about some of you Calvary Pastors considering staring a church in the Ozarks and give the Southern Baptists some competition?

    I have nothing much against Baptist doctrine since I am a member but they generally do not teach through the Bible and with the magazines taking over their Sunday schools the biblical illiteracy is becoming incredible in these once strong Bible churches.

    Then there is the subtitle legalism, the church splits and they have more committees than faithful attenders. There seems to be two or more Southern Baptist churches in every town of 500 people or more making all of them rather small and struggling. The average Sunday attendance of these churches is fifty people, Yet they want to have all the same programs of big churches. There is little chance of numerical growth and these churches are too small to offer good pay so they often attract pastors that cannot get a job elsewhere and most won’t stay when they get a better offer. The average stay of a Southern Baptist pastor is 3 years and then the church spends two years trying to find a new pastor.

    I think there is great potential here for a few Calvary Chapels because many Christians are just feed up with the Baptists and other denominations around here and they are just staying home.

  57. Hi Don,

    Just for the record, I want to make clear that LDS Christians also reject this New Age nonsense Beck is spouting. Our pain is that we think that non-LDS Christians misunderstand our message, but the nationally visible Mormons, like Beck, Romney, Reid and soon Huntsman Jr, don’t help.

    Of course, this is nothing new to the non-LDS Christian community, who have long been fragmented and plagued by imposters. What we have in common is that those born of the Spirit can discern the truth, but they can’t convince others, except by the power of the Spirit, which others have to receive, before they can experience its convincing power.

    So, it can be frustrating at times, to be sure.

  58. Thanks for the confirmation that Beck’s message is New Age.

    I understand that Mormon’s think Christians misunderstand the Mormon message but that is because the Mormon message is a fabrication and a different gospel than the one we received.

  59. Don,
    As far as buying into such growth claims, just like any group of people, some will believe anything but some of us will use discernment and check things out.
    I do have some first hand knowledge in regards to some of the claims at least in Africa.
    I was part of a team that went to Uganda and we had events that led to some 2,000 young kids on one day accepting Jesus as Lord with smaller numbers on different occasions.
    I have heard of much larger claims, but the circumstances have to be considered.
    Surprisely Americans are very well recieved over there because of the great corruption of the in country leaders of each nation. Americans on short term mission trips usually come over and genuinely want to help. Uganda happens to have a strong Christian influence even in the government.
    When our team arrived we were coming on the heals of Benny Hinn having just left and he also had thousands committ to Christ.
    The issue is; most of the population at least in Uganda is very open to the claims of Christ and the Bible, but they know very little and accept most of what is told them.
    Benny Hinn will come in with his name it and claim it doctrine and they eat it up because some rich American tells them it’s true.
    It’s a potential source of income for some in Africa because leaders are raised up to start churches and they preach the Hinn doctrine and people bring in what little money they have so they can follow in the Hinn footsteps.
    It’s really quite tragic, but I will say there really are large groups of people who commit to Jesus, but in truth what is the depth or reality of these conversions.
    Knowing the grace of God and the heart of many of these people who respond to the claims of Jesus I would say there are a lot of real conversions, but there are no good teachers to help them grow.
    At the pastors conferences over there that is the main plea…”teach us so we can teach the people”
    Regarding the Baptists, it’s a growing problem of apathy in all the denominations. And a Calvary guy is not going to go to the Ozarks without good beaches close by…that part is a joke for those not familiar with Calvary roots.
    Magazines…don’t get me started on Christianity Today…that’s needs to go straight to the trash can sorry to say.

  60. Don,
    Connected Prophetically to what I said about Uganda is what is happening in Sudan. I believe we will see the north of Sudan join in the Gog Magog war when that comes together. It’s Muslim dominated and is probably part of the ‘Cush’ we see in Prophecy. The world holds concerts and pretends they want to help but they let the tragedy continue. They are voting in Sudan this week to let the South of Sudan break off from the north. I know people personally who are involved first hand in the Spiritual battle going on there. Real Christians who preach the sincere Word of God. In these areas, the south in particular, people are rejecting the hatred of the Muslims for the peace that comes in Christ but it comes at the expense of their lives in many cases.
    There is much going on over there that I could fill up several pages with but I’ll let it go for now. I’ll see if I can drum up a volunteer for the Ozarks.

  61. That is a refreshing realistic assessment of the evangelical situation in Africa.

    The Islam influence in parts of Africa is the cause of much bloodshed of Christians. Too bad our world leaders just dismiss that fact.

    Hay, there are even Calvary’s in upstate New York. But, our climate is better, our taxes are much lower, housing is much cheaper and we have the best float streams and lakes in the country. West Plains is a fast growing city of about 20,000 people. Rolla is a college town and even larger and Branson has more live shows than Las Vegas. So come on over!

    Yeah, “Christianity Today” reflects Christianity Today and that’s the problem.

  62. Don,
    Sounds tempting to me but my wife would have me fitted for cement shoes and offer to help toss (ganster style) if I said we were going to the Ozarks.
    It does bring up a valid point. There is so much need for strong teaching all across this decaying nation; it is often the case that when a church breaks off a pastor to start a new church they often go just down the road. We need to spread the wealth around with what little is left.
    If there was more balanced, Biblically based teaching we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in…but it’s all gotta come to a close sometime and it looks like we are closing in on that.

  63. My wife is the reason why we moved here. Women can be so fickle. She came from S. Calif and she hated the idea of ever moving back there or living anywhere in the desert. She wanted to live in Alaska but can’t even stand the cold in Missouri and New york. Then we moved to the desert of Arizona and she loved it there but here we are again living in the Ozarks At The Pond (Christian kids program) near a Mayberry knock off town and we attend a church were the pastor does Mark twain impersonations 😕

    I would like to see more churches get their leaders from within because then the leaders are known and tested and they are likely to stay. Perhaps Baptist churches ought to send grounded Christians in their own churches for formal training rather than hiring pastor from without that only stay three years. The Calvary Chapel model is a good one even if they move their new leaders just down the road. Anyway, I am getting this post way off topic so I better shut myself up and get back on topic.

    Glenn Beck teaches a very inclusive all paths theology that is mixed with New Age paganism.

  64. Don, what do you know about Tommy Tenney’s pulpit split? Did that happen here in Houston? Between Houston and Dallas/Ft. Worth (Fut Worph – for Texans)we seem to have cornered the market on misleading/heretical teaching.

  65. It seems to me that Beck is taking a page out of Oprah’s book with his E-4, Power of 7. I think this is being pushed by Beck to turn into a new “spiritual” movement.

    Where do you think this will go?

  66. Beck has been a breath of fresh air exposing the evil forces at work in Washington. Most people don’t have a clue about the Counsel of Foriegn Relations and the Trilateral Commission who have dominated the cabinets of both political parties and have an agenda for the New World Order. This plan for a world government leads right to the Anti Christ and the loss of America’s soviergnty. It’s pretty sad that it takes a Morman to point this out and I’m very surprised that the Insiders have allowed it. The Church has really dropped the ball when all of this is in the scriptures but I suppose its all part of being the Laodecean Church. Beck knows the whole problem has spiritual roots even if he is a Morman. Trouble is, how much of an audience would he have left even if he preached the true gospel and the conspiracy for a New World Order? You can call it the CFR, Soros and company, the military-industrial complex or “principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies” but Beck has shined a spotlight on Satan, the bankers and the international eletists and I tip my hat to him. Dolph

  67. I see Beck is “uncomfortable” with Trump (Politico). I wonder if he is concerned because he sees Trump as a roadblock for Mitt Romney’s election to the Presidency.

  68. dolph,
    I mostly agree with you.
    Beck politically is really good. He’s a talented, engaging, & mostly accurate speaker regarding politics in my opinion.
    When I listen to him and see how he breaks down world problems, I think to myself, how can anyone this logical & intelligent be into a cultist deception ?

  69. David, the Mormans probably have shallow Mormons just as we have the Laodecean Church. It’s a miricle in my eyes that he is allowed on TV by the Elitists. He certainly is confirming what the scriptures say about how corrupt this world is and if nothing else this should increase our faith. Fifty years ago Eisenhower warned of the military-industrial complex. Well, we have it now on steroids. Dolph

  70. Hey Bob from Texas, good comment! The best person running is probably Miichelle Bachman who owns a Christian counciling center with her husband, has a home for disadvantaged children and understands the fiscal emergancy the country’s in. Dolph

  71. When I talk with mormons they always leave due to exhaustion. Its fun, really. I always get down to the point that the one thing that matters is the blood of the cross, and thats all. Funny how they always say “so our views are ok since thats all that matters.” I just smile and say don’t forget Jesus.

  72. I agree Frankie, but isn’t it Jesus rising from the dead, not just the blood on the cross that makes the case ?

  73. What also is important is that the Jesus they think went to the cross needs to be the Jesus of the Bible. The Jesus of the Mormons is just another planetary god that is in the process of becoming a god like they also think they are through their obedience to the Mormon church and their good works. It is an entirely different gospel and a different Jesus. It is not Christianity at all.

  74. Yeah, then there’s that from the Planetary Mormon church theology…it’s amazing that since, what was supposed to be a religion for the True And Living God has come up with all these perversions since the 1st church…and look at the world now with all these ridiculous offshoot religions of the True Gospel.

  75. Beck is having another one of his gatherings in Jerusalem in August. What is he up to now? One of his fans is claiming he is is one of the Two Witnesses of Revelation, and all that has to be revealed is who the other one is. All this nonsense, and there are still Christians who hang on every word of Beck’s. How many “Christian ministers” will be joining with Beck in August? There seems to be more and greater deception every day.

  76. Lynn,

    Excellent question!!! It will be very interesting to see who joins with Beck. I wonder if Hagee joins in the gathering,

  77. I just heard on Brannon House’s site that Beck is a former Roman Catholic. The Vatican is evidently very interested in Beck’s upcoming ecumenical coming together in Israel.

    If we get The Vatican and Hagee to support Beck, can Warren be far behind? I also saw where Joyner is a member of Knights of Malta – an RC organization.

    I know this is sheer speculation. But it is something of which to watch.

  78. This is an awesome analysis. Why? Because it speaks precisely to how “I” feel about Beck. Beck knows his Politics and has a profound understanding of the secret societies that pull the strings. But where knowing the one and only real God is concerned, Beck is completely LOST.

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