I am not setting a date for the Lord’s return but I am seeker friendly.

Well meaning Christians that even sense that the time of the Lord’s return is near have offered their higher criticism for what they think is date setting on my timeline projection table. They imply that I should not have complied this projection because the Bible says no one can know the day or hour of the Lord’s return. Actually, I am not setting a date for the Lord’s return on this table, at most I imply a general season for Jesus seekers looking for the Lord’s return. My view on the no one knows the day or hour topic is just about the same as what Jack Kelly wrote in a recent article, so just read the above link.

Actually, the main reason I wrote that article was to get people to my website so they would read what else I have to say. What would you think is the number one keyword phrase through which people find my website? Is it “David Wilkerson’s prophecy” or “Enoch and Bible”  or “socialism obama” they are the top keyword search phrases that bring people to my blogs but the number one keyword phrase that brings the most people to my website each month just happens to be the phase “when will Jesus return“.

That is no accident. When I wrote the article I designed it and keyworded it so that people seeking a date for the Lord’s return will find my website and get some reasonable eschatology. I really did not write the article to tell anyone when the Lord is coming.

Many of you who are reading this blog first came to my website and blog first through that article. So should I have not wrote it because some think it seems to imply a date of the Lord’s return?  Should not the many people who are looking for answers on when the Lord will return find a realistic answer from those who study Bible prophecy? I think better that they find my article and website then those websites that are saying the Lord is coming between 2012 -2019 based on Mayan and/or Islamic pagan prophecies or even science fiction like Planet X speculations.

Now I suppose I will get higher criticism for using the term “seeker friendly” in the title (clue..articles mainly get hit on from the keywords in the title and article).

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7 thoughts on “I am not setting a date for the Lord’s return but I am seeker friendly.

  1. “but I am seeker friendly”

    Don, now that there’s funny I don’t care who you are!

    You could even get some unsettling responses from those Emergent(s) (churches) from the woodwork! : ),

    Just a little southern humor.

  2. The date setting of the return of the Lord is a really good bait for really confused people. I have been looking info on the rapture in the Internet and I have found a lot of strange sites. When I first came to your site it was because I was looking for a free download Revelation commentary. But recently I have read your opinion in the date setting, –a really superficial reading– and I said to myself, Why is Don trying to do this? Now I understand.

  3. Glad you now understand. I actually got the idea from thinking about some way to bring these people to my site and the http://www.raptureready website clock came to mind. I then said to myself why not make something on my site on the actual second coming. By the way, I actually do think the Lord is coming within the time-line my table suggests but It is my opinion based on the correlation of world trends not theology.

  4. Don,

    …no matter what your reasons, I am very grateful for your article. I am sure it helped me arrive at your site as I saw things that really bothered me and was looking on commentary to that effect, though I do not remember the search words/phrases I used anymore. Today I read your articles to reinforce a personal belief, gain insight, and to be challenged on a place where I may be ignorant at best, struggling at worse. Your articles have inspired and challenged me, and for that I am grateful. I may not always agree with you, but I am always grateful to read your point of view, and have benefitted personally from your wisdom.

    Thank you so much!!

    God Bless!

  5. This is my first post here.. I just wanted to say thank you Don, for leading me closer to God during these troubled times. I’m pretty young being only 19, been a Christian for the majority of my life thanks to my family and friends I was just unaware at how chaotic this world was around me.. maybe due to my childish innocence that I have somewhat shed now, I both welcome and fear the rapture. My fears are selfish though, I just want more time on this earth no matter how terrible it is to.. I don’t know make a family of my own one day and lead them to Christ as well? Maybe actually do something with my time here? I know those are probably terrible thoughts, making people wait here for my own personal gain but I can’t help it and it gives me anguish when I get stuck on it, I pray for guidance often and I’m not a good speaker. I’m very shy so I haven’t done too well in talking to many non believers about Christ and his wonderful promises. Then I got somewhat obsessed with the end time events a couple months ago and started looking for even the littlest things your words helped me calm down and get closer to Christ.. and while I do still obsess a little bit [which you said it’s not healthy in one of your other posts I can’t remember which at the moment however]I’m a little more calm.. But I still for some reason fear it somewhat, not very rational I know

    But I just thought I’d drop by and finally speak my mind, Thanks again

    God Bless

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