I write something to offend everyone.

When people ask about my website I often warn them that there is something  to offend everyone on my website. I don’t write to try to offend everyone but it turns out that telling people my Christian worldview makes me an equal opportunity offender. If you  read all of my articles something is sure to offend you. However, if we really could all agree on every point we all could just do away with thinking.

Obviously much of what I write offends non Christians so if your one of those, you will not have to look far on my website to be offended. For that reason I will not get into all the articles that will offend all you unbelievers. People who do not know God cannot know the truth. (See I just said something to offend almost everyone) I will just tell you here how you can know God and how one really becomes a Christian.

Some of what I write offends Catholics because I tell them the truth. (I was once a Catholic and I I know how most in Thyatria think.)

Some of what I write offends Pentecostals and Charismatics. I was part of your movement as well, and I am aware of the spiritual games you play and how you are often led by the nose by control freaks and hucksters. Christians do not need to get the Holy Ghost in your back rooms because true Christians already got the Holy Spirit when they were saved.  (Maybe I  am a Charismatic by any strict definition because I believe the gifts did not cease. But, I do not believe some of what are claimed to be manifestations of the spiritual gifts, actually are.)

Liberal Christians are offended for many reasons. They disagree with most everything I write. That is because I disagree with most everything they believe. I believe the Bible is the infallible word of God and is meant to be taken literally.  (I never was one of those liberal Christians and never will be.)

I write something to offend conservative Christians as well, for example:

I am sure a few of my articles offend conservative Baptists along with other conservative denominations because I like to drink something fermented once in a while and have a hard time stomaching rule by committee, covenants, putting burdens on the poor in the Church, and often wooden interpretations of various Bible passages. (Although, I often am a member of some Baptist fellowship if the leadership actually permits thinking.)

Many of my articles would offend the amillennial believers since I think it is error. I believe in premillennial theology.

There is no doubt that there would be something to offend everyone that believes in Replacement Theology or Supersession Theology

I know I offend post toasties that think the Church is going through the tribulation because they often take the time to tell me I am leading people to hell with my pre-trib Rapture Theology. They tell me Christians will lose their faith in tribulation. I think they are very confused.

I certainly would offend Word Faith Kingdom Now, blab-it-and-grab-it, prosperity teachers that often have Dominion Theology. I think the leaders are all heretics.

I also write things to offend those who have brought into the teachings of pop psychology and just love to have their purpose driven pop psychology book studies in their church.

I even write something to offend some pre-trib believers when I suggest Jesus is not coming in glory by 2019, the Antichrist will not be a Muslim, pagan’s do not know Bible prophecy, you cannot figure out the date of the second coming through Bible codes and that conspiracy theories are mostly hype from those making a living selling hype to those wanting hype.

I write and offend seeker friendly leaders and their supporters and the various emergent varieties of Christians, and I should do more of that.

I write and offend global warming fear mongers in Christianity because I tell them that man-caused global warming is junk science promoted by the world elite to tax them and bring them under global governance.

If you have not found something I wrote to offend you yet,  just keep reading. I am sure I have someone to offend everyone somewhere. If you have a certain topic in mind that you know will offend you, you might do a search from the search box on either the homepage of my website or the homepage of this World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy blog.

I do try to be an equal opportunity offender.

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12 thoughts on “I write something to offend everyone.

  1. Don’t get a swelled head or anything, but I love this site, the articles, and do not always agree. May Christ continue to use you mightily.

  2. Usually when we are offended, it is because you are too close to the mark. As a Christian, it is never easy to have our errors shown to us in a mirror. I pray that God always keeps me open to testing all things by the word of God – the day I can no longer do that, I will become unteachable and no longer be of good use to the Kingdom.

    Thanks for having the courage to teach the truth without regard for whether or not people choose to “be offended.”

    Vince / Dallas, TX

  3. Your articles do not offend me. I might disagree on some minor issues but I do enjoy reading articles from astute Christians.

  4. I also like reading articles from astute Christians. The whole one percent identified with Christianity that still have a Christian worldview (According to one very astute Christian). However, only a few percent of the one percent ever write anything for anyone to read, probably because they are products of our public schools. Have I offended anyone?

  5. probally those hippies that do not believe in the justice of God. They just only believe that God is love and He cannot abandoned a nation. In fact just go to the conserative Baptist churches today and tell them that we are in the latter days and they would look at u like u were crazy and they will qoute Matt 24:36 at u and tell u that we cannot ever know when Christ is coming back even though the Bible tells us that we should know the seasons and should be watching for His return.

    I personally believe If preachers start preaching the Biblical Gospel and what it really means to be a Christian then many people in congreations will end up leaving because the message does not sound good for their ears and their consciences will be killing them (if they have a conscience).

    For anybody out there I encourage yall to listen to John MacArthur sermon on being a slave for Christ.



  6. While I have by no means read all of the material on your sight, I have yet to take offense. Quite the contrary. I find your comments refreshing. I thought it was just me that offended folks anymore.

    I believe, but not 100% sure, that it was Charles Spurgen that said something to the effect of the bible taught properly is offensive.

    Nevertheless, I’ve always said the only thing that offends me is people who take offense.

    Keep up the good work and as soon as something you write hurts my feelings I’ll be sure to tell you.

  7. Don, some people are just so thin skinned, these are the ones that expect a trophy just for showing up. Take care and keep on commenting. Joel

  8. I love this stuff Don! The truth is often offensive to people. Especially now that we’re in a practicing time of it being unbecoming to disagree with someone. We can’t even “agree to disagree” anymore. With almost 7 billion people on this planet and a “don’t upset anyone” policy, we’ve set ourselves up to be more offended than not. Funny thing is, I never hear anyone ever talk about how we are all offending God (Romans 3:10).

    And there are movements, religious practices, and various other ways of thinking that simply are wrong, based on God’s word. Keep sharing that information and thank you!

  9. I received an email about Christ being “born again” after his crucifixion. Guess the source: As Jacob Prasch would say – “Kenny and Benny”

    If you have time on your hands, you can search by using; Was Jesus Born Again After His Death on the Cross?

    Be sure to send them a seed offering.

  10. Yeah, I already know that they teach this nonsense and their big blasphemous mouths will speak their own hell into existence.

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