Is a Jericho like civil war possible in America?

I think civil insurrection is in our future. I wrote about how I think this might come about in my imminent danger series. Chuck Baldwin is one of those Christian patriot leaders that will join with a secessionist movement if hate speech laws are passed and constitutional rights reversed. Many heartland American patriots and conservative Christians will join with leaders like Him. I was not just blowing smoke when I wrote my article.

People in the heartland will not put up with godless socialism being shoved down their throats and the throats of their families. These days are almost certainly coming. I am not advocating a break up of the Union but I see that if we remain on our present course it is inevitable. Read my article and then read Baldwin’s article.

Chuck Baldwin — Are We Headed For Jericho?

I personally believe there are only three reasons why we are not already living the Jericho experience. One, people have been quite comfortable in their own personal lifestyles. They have enjoyed comfortable homes, nice automobiles, fine clothes, and pleasure-filled vacations. Who in their right mind wants to give up the tranquility of hearth and home? Two, most of America still rests upon a Christian foundation. As such, Americans believe in peace and harmony. They believe in law and order. They believe in submitting to authority. Three, there has not been an overt, large-scale attempt by government to confiscate the firearms of the American people. Remember, it was the Crown’s attempted gun confiscation at Concord that ignited the American Revolution back in 1775.However, the materialistic comfort of the average American is quickly fading away. People are losing their jobs, their livelihoods, their homes, and their savings. More than that, they are losing hope for a better tomorrow, and they are losing confidence in their government to honestly protect their freedoms–even their national identity.

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