Jews against Christian Zionism

This excommunication of the Christian Zionists does not surprise me. Most of Israel are leftist secular humanists who will make peace with their enemies at any cost. The only hope they see for peace is a peace enforced by the world powers. Zionist evangelicals are telling them not to give up there land for peace because it will bring a holocaust but if they know Bible prophecy they also know that a holocaust must come. So it gets rather difficult to understand why some people’s ministry is to bring a mostly unbelieving people back to a place where they know they will be doomed.

Most of the liberals running the Jewish nation now just see Zionists as a hindrance to brokered peace so they believe Christian Zionists are a threat to their nation. It is one of the reasons why Christian proselytizing is not allowed.

Some Zionist evangelicals have made the mistake of thinking that the nation of Israel would be blessed before they returned to God. The Bible does not teach that. It actually teaches that before Israel will return to God the nation will accept a Wicked Shepard a false Messiah that will lead them into another Jewish holocaust where two thirds of all the Jews in the Land will be cut off.

So we have a two part truth here that is inevitable. The blind Jews that are running Israel will lead the country into the prophecies of their end time destruction and a smaller remnant will believe the two witnesses sent by God and be saved. The other truth is that Christian Zionists will be increasingly looked at by everyone as a threat to world peace.

Activist Zionists trying to hurry the Jews back to Israel might have thought they could hasten Bible prophecy because they correctly see that Israel will one day be restored but they too often downplayed the prophetic chapters that come before the final chapter where Israel is restored. They knew Bible prophecy declared that Israel would go into this final holocaust but their actions in supporting unbelieving people destined for destruction might be questionable. They down play the fact that Israel has not and will not accept their message and any role they played in Israel’s last days is probably way overblown.

I am not against Christian Zionism, I am one. All Christians should be Zionists. We know that God gave the land to the descendants of Israel but I also think many Christian Zionists today are pretty naive.

They should know that no long term blessings can come to the nation of Israel before Israel accepts their true Messiah and this brokered peace deal with the world was inevitable. It is prophetic. So don’t feel jilted when the Jewish leaders turn on you, it was inevitable.

American Thinker: Rabbi Yoffie Excommunicates Pastor Hagee

Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President of the Union for Reform Judaism, seems to think Israel has too many allies in America. In particular, he believes that Israel can do without the support of evangelical Christians, and especially Pastor John Hagee, founder of Christians United for Israel.

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2 thoughts on “Jews against Christian Zionism

  1. Live televised Debate : Has the Church replaced Israel ?
    Place : Revelation TV London UK in front of a studio audience
    Date : November 9th 2011
    Time : 9 pm to 10:30 pm UK time { please adjust for local time } broadcast live via SKY TV in Europe and live streaming worldwide at this link :

    Participants : Calvin L Smith & Stephen Sizer
    Defending the position that the nation of Israel as it exists since 1948 still has a place in end time Biblical prophecy will be Calvin Smith principal of Kings Evangelical Divinity School

    Opposing this and giving a different Biblical view on Israel and the Church will be Stephen Sizer who is vicar of Christ Church Virginia Water Surrey UK and founding member of the Institute for the Study of Christian Zionism .
    E mail & text comments / questions will be intermittently read out during the programme .

    Note : Viewers in USA with a ROKU BOX can now watch Revelation TV and so view the debate through this medium .

    Revelation TV is the most popular UK Christian television station

    Dr Calvin L. Smith

    Dr Calvin L Smith is principal of Kings Evangelical Divinity School , editor of the evangelical review of society and politics , author of numerous books including The Jews modern Israel and the new supercessionism . He lectures in theology and hermeneutics . He is an academic researcher conference and Church speaker .

    Stephen Sizer

    Stephen Sizer is senior pastor of Christ Church , the community church of Virginia
    Water in Surrey UK . He is a founding member of (ISCZ) Institute for the study of
    Christian Zionism . He is a member of the advisory council of evangelicals for
    middle east understanding . He co authored the Jerusalem declaration on Christian
    Zionism signed by the heads of Churches in Jerusalem . He has an extensive
    international ministry teaching regularly in Churches , seminaries and universities in
    the USA , Africa , Europe and the Middle East .

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