Killing with the beasts of the earth, the BEAST and Chimeras

I came to that same speculation myself and have talked about it on this Blog. The Beast of Revelation may be a Chimera with super human powers selected from the DNA of animals or angels. I have even took it one step further. Is taking the mark of the Beast also taking his genetic makeup to become changed into an advance race of superior physical beings — some man-made type of an evolutionary leap forward? Therefore, whoever takes it can no longer be saved because he is no longer a member of the Adamic race that Jesus died for?

God destroyed all air breathing flesh in the days of Noah because angels came down and created a human hybrid called the Nephillim. These Beasts somehow corrupted the genetics of almost all flesh on the earth. Jesus said it would be like the days of Noah just before His coming. We are now there or we will soon be there. There are things we do not understand about how Bible prophecy can be literally fulfilled and that is because some of the things that occur in prophecy may actually be stranger than science fiction (e.g. the stinging locusts).

The beasts of the earth: “If the public is only now learning of the existence of ‘chimeras,’ is it possible that at least one has already been created? If so, what has been its fate? Is it living out a meager, animal-like existence in a cage somewhere? Or, is it at the other extreme of existence? Is such a ‘chimera’ gifted with super-human strength, intelligence, voice, and/or appearance? Could such a one be compared to the ‘nephilim’ described in Genesis 6:4? If so, then the parallel becomes even more astounding as one considers that they are mentioned as part of the description of the world just before God’s decision to destroy it with the flood. Will the ‘chimeras’ begin to rule the earth now, just as the ‘nephilim’ did in the days of Noah? Will such a situation bring about king-worship and violence, thus provoking God’s world-destroying wrath, as it did in Noah’s time?

And, if the above concepts are correct, will that gifted ‘chimera’ rise to become the predicted king of the world known as the Antichrist? (Has he already been living among us?) If so, just imagine how angry God would be to see that, not only is someone usurping the place reserved for His Holy Son, but that the usurper is also a half-animal. If so, it would certainly add a new degree of meaning to his other title: The Beast.”

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