Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, Jan 2011

Last week brought unprecedented spam and hack attacks to this website so I spent many hours since then making this website more secure. I even overdid it on the security because I found out that I was not allowing some valid users access. Yesterday I took out a script that I know was blocking some people from viewing this website. I still retain 3 spam checkers and 3 other powerful security checkers and a .htaccess file that is designed to block most bad robots.

The security I set up might inadvertently still block a few valid viewers but the security is also quite necessary.  If you cannot view this website on certain devices or browsers you should have success if you use one of the main web browsers like Explorer, Foxfire, Safari, Opera, Chrome etc. This is even more important when trying to comment on this Blog. Some that try to post from behind proxies are simply going to be blocked. For example, AOL is not really a web browser it is a portal that goes through a proxy server. Some proxies send a blank referrer in the header. Blank referrers are blocked because webmasters cannot determine where the spam came from so they cannot take action against it.

By the way, about half the comments to this blog never appear because they do not read or abide by my comment policy. I really have no interest in posting the views of pagans and obvious heretics. Arguments with these people are a waste of time and mislead Christians that are not well grounded in the Word. I think the “don’t cast your pearls before swine” passage applies.


Are you thrilled that unemployment declined from 9.8 to 9.4 percent in December? Don’t be too hasty with your celebration they are just playing with the figures again. What actually happen is that they adjusted the way they figured unemployment and also some people dropped out of the count. I can’t tell you how much impact their new adjustments had on this number but I do know they do not count the people that gave up and dropped out of the workforce. Many apparently exhausted their unemployment benefits and dropping out.

There certainly was no large increase in employment. In fact, the number of new jobs created in December was far less than was even forecasted by the experts. About 100,000 jobs were created in December. That does not even keep up with the number of new people looking for jobs due to U.S. population growth. That is why the stock market did not jump for joy over the unemployment figures today.

The Gallop Poll just did a poll on unemployment and underemployment. They said it is 19 percent. That is up about 2 percent from the prior month, so the job situation is not getting better.

Want to know where the little job growth is coming from? Places like your local Dollar Store. I bet you can get about minimum wage there. Try supporting your family on that.

Also realize that many of the job cuts will continue. The state and local governments are going to have to make severe job cuts to meet their budgets and so will the federal government if the projected cuts are realized. In addition, the proposed huge cut in the defense budget with the reduction of bases,  personal, and defense expenditures are going to have a real impact on jobs. So don’t expect any lasting long term employment gains any time soon.

So what’s with all this prosperity in the financial markets? Gee, maybe it is because Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is giving out almost free loans to banks so the banks can loan the money out at higher interest rates. However, even optimist Helicopter Ben says that it will take five years for employment to become normal again. Sure it will, Ben, if the economy grows as fast as you think and there is no recession in the next five years. Is that even possible under this administration? I sincerely doubt it. I do not even know how the Federal Reserve bank is even going to stay solvent because they now hold over a trillion dollars in overvalued mortgages.

I might as well get into the topic of home mortgages before people get overly delusional. There is not going to be any housing recovery in the next few years and I will tell you why. There is now about 4 million houses listed on the market and there is a shadow inventory of 6 million empty houses just waiting for the market to improve. So, as some of the 4 million are sold off some of the six million will be added. There will also be another 2  million houses each year that people will simply have to sell because they relocated or the owner died. Only about 4 million houses are bought each year. So not even counting future foreclosures there will be a surplus of houses for about four more years. The normal inventory in a balanced housing market is about 2 million units. So do the math. The inventory will take four years to get down to normal. But, even a balanced housing market in four years is out of the question because in reality there will be about four million new foreclosures during the next two years.

There is a big bubble of new interest rate resets for adjustable rate mortgages coming this summer and it will last through most of 2012. People that were given teaser rates simply are not going to be able to pay the higher rates and then since almost all new buyers are underwater many of them will walk away or be foreclosed on. Also, do not forget that new houses continue to be built each year. So there will be a surplus of housing for the better part of this decade. In the next two years house prices are likely to continue to fall in most areas. Housing is still 30 percent overvalued when it is compared to the long term rise in housing prices. Some of that thirty percent will be erased by future inflation but housing prices will not be going up in most areas until the dollar falls in value about that much and/or there is that much future inflation.


The Pope just said that God created the big bang. Before he gives Catholics his infallible Bull, I wonder how he even determined that there ever was a big bang? The big bang theory is out of vogue with even many cutting edge astrophysicists. Nevertheless, here you have the world religious leader buying into the world’s bull. Macro evolution starting from the Big Bang has become like global warming. No matter how much AGW is debunked it keeps on going like the energizer bunny.

To give equal time to the Protestant Popes. Let me tell you about what a speaker at Rick Warren’s Christian Apologetics Conference at Saddleback said.

Now I see that God prefers to work through intermediaries–Mary and the saints . . . He wants us to pray through Mary and not only directly. (p. 154)

[Mary] may bring the churches together again and heal the tears in her Son’s visible body on earth, she, the very one who seems to divide Catholics from Protestants. The most distinctive Catholic doctrines, especially those concerning the Eucharist and Mary, may prove to be the most unifying and attracting ones. (p. 158)

Consecrate your life to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She is the one who will win this war. She is the one (as the Bible says) who triumphs over Satan. (p. 169 – parenthesis in original)

Full article

Here is a message from Light house Trails, on this Apologetics Conference at Saddleback.

I really can’t make this stuff up folks, and if you go visit the eastern Protestant Pope’s seminars at Willow Creek you will hear similar ecumenical, contemplative, emergent, and social gospel crap in their conferences as well.

Is the Harlot emerging in our time or what?? Yet, most of the churches in America have not caught on and even some Bible teachers in my own church still promote Rick Warren.


On a more positive note it looks like the new Republican Congress is getting off on the Right foot (the pun fits). The budget knife fight should get rather interesting. After that we can look forward to the start of the Presidential primaries. It looks like there is going to be more candidates then ever. I hope the people do not get snowed by the establishment again.

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23 thoughts on “Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, Jan 2011

  1. Rick Warren is just another end-timer “deceiving” and “being deceived.” I personally don’t think he is saved based on his words. But if he is, he certainly shouldn’t be a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

  2. I suppose you are asking about Chuck Smith calling Rick Warren his good friend and asking him to open in prayer at the Harvest Crusades three years after taking a stand against Calvary Chapel pastors that were becoming more like purpose driven seeker churches than the Bible centered Calvary Chapels. I cannot say that Smith and Warren ever divided over that issue it really was a internal dispute in Calvary Chapels.

    I also cannot say what was really in Smith’s mind but remember this was just prior to the first Apologetic Conference during the Harvest Crusades when some thought Warren was changing his ways by having this apologetics conference.

    I think Saddleback was giving support for the Greg Laurie’s Crusades and that is why Smith was gracious and Warren was noted at the crusades.

    Rick Warren did invited some very good apologists such as Norman Geisler and Gary Koukl to his first Apologetic Conference so perhaps Chuck Smith was led to believe that the Apologetic Conference would actually be a biblical defense of the faith and I guess the first one was. I understand there was one Emergent leader at that conference but overall it was probably pretty good.

    My own take is that the first conference was designed to get conservative Evangelical support for these future conferences when the real progressive ecumenical agenda will be unfolding as we see in these reports on the second conference.

  3. Interesting post. I thought the same thing about job numbers. If everyone gave up looking for work there would be 0% unemployment. Good luck with the blog. I actually have one that I wrote in CakePHP so I know a lot more about .htaccess files, mod_rewrite, etc. than I probably should.

  4. Don, Thanks for your insight on Chuck Smith’s leanings. You were exactly on target – I wondered about the “my good friend” comment and if that equated to CS joining into RW’s theology.

  5. The emergent church is chillingly becoming very popular and acceptable by people who want the Power of God and The Holy Spirit and they do not want Jesus. My sister is slowly being brainwashed by all of this because it appeals to her self-centered , there- are other- roads- to- Heaven, materialism!!! It would make me very angry if I weren’t already heartbroken for her. I am burdened and our Sweet Wonderful Creator/Savior knows my pain…and HE says…PRAY!

    Don, I listen to David Jeremiah, Oliver B. Greene, Greg Laurie, Adrian Rogers, Lester Roloff, and J Vernon McGee on the radio…I know this is a mixture of preachers but I like that they stick closely to the Gospel (they vary on music and separation)…I also like that they all preach about sin/hell and endtime prophesies. I was just wondering what you thought.

  6. Don, I’ve been following your site for about 2 years, but this is the first time posting to you. I generally agree with you on a lot of your topics, I have read quite a few of your other articles, and in no way to I have a desire to get into a spitting match with you in regards to sign of the times. I realize that you believe that although it is imminent, you don’t think the Rapture is going to happen for a while. O.K., that’s fine. What I can’t get MY head around is why, when probably 90% of “Christianity” talks the same load of horse manure about regarding “Where is the promise of His coming” and “We must take the world for Him before He can come back” this wouldn’t constitute a time when the world is not expecting Him? Again, I’m not trying to rile you; I believe in the Blessed Hope more than anything, and basically, I’m a little confused. Do I think we won’t have tribulations? Of course we will. Do I think we will see THE tribulation? Nope. It almost seems like theres a secret desire (not necessarily on your part) for some Christians to REALLY WANT TO BE HERE FOR IT and fight the army of the Antichrist. I know I don’t want to, and if that makes me an escapist, well, I’m sorry. Incidently, I had about a 10-12 year spiritual drought where I almost quit believing in the Lord altogether. To make a long story short, I had a personal revival about 2 years ago which brought me BACK to the Lord stronger than I ever had been in my life. A large part of that had to do with a literal belief in Scripture and the Rapture. I certainly don’t believe in the teachings of Camping, but the Lord can’t come back soon enough. Anyway, God Bless you and yours, and hopefully, we’ll meent soon in the sky!

  7. Pray for our CongressCritters. The face a tough decision in voting for/against the debt ceiling limit. The vote for it, they allow the insanity to continue. They vote against it, our nation could default on our Treasuries. They will get blamed for the following recession/financial chaos that is already in the works.

  8. Dettemc,

    I think that is a good mix. I used to listen to all the old radio preachers that actually taught the Bible before I started this website. But I just do not have much time to listen right now.

    I gave my wife J Vernon McGee’s through the Bible in 5 years tapes and study notes for her birthday. I also gave her John MacArther’s Bible commentary. I plan to go through it after she is done.

  9. Welcome Michael,

    Actually, I do not know when the Rapture will happen. It could happen today. My argument is against those who say all the end time prophecies have to be fulfilled by 2018 or before like Camping. For the reasons I often have given on this site I just do not see how that is possible. I also often point out that Enoch (a rapture type) was taken a half generation before the flood judgment. The teaching that the Rapture will come and then immediately the Antichrist rises and signs the seven year covenant is just conjecture.


    Obviously if I think the end times is in the 2030’s, I also think the Rapture will happen during or before the 2020’s. I lean toward it being 10 years before the end but that is my conjecture. It could happen much sooner.

    There does seem to be a secret desire by some post toasties to fight the Antichrist but those counting on that are usually counting on fighting Islam. However, Islam is not the Beast and the Antichrist will not promote Islam. If the West gets in a world war with Islam. Westerners might even be deceived into promoting the rise of the Antichrist to help the defeat of Islam.

    The Antichrist taking control of the earth is probably still two decades in the future for the reasons I give and after he takes control of the earth all that fight him will not be alive on earth long enough to celibate any victory.

  10. Don

    With regard to the new Republican majority in the House and their plans, I think the tragic event today in Arizona will derail much of it. Call me paranoid, but I suspect the left wing will use this tragedy to paint right wingers as crazy nut jobs since the congresswoman who was shot was a Democrat. The Republican politicians in the House will then shy away from any controversy. Eric Cantor has already postponed the vote on the Obamacare repeal. Your thoughts?

  11. I am sure this is the worst nightmare come true for the Tea Party and Gun rights advocates since this nut job has already been identified with the Right. It could even become James Brady II.

    Rather than speculate on what will come of this at this time let’s take the time to pray for the surviving victims and the families of these people. I think we will see how this impacts the conservative movement in due time.

  12. There’s this phrase: the future casts a shadow… Besides the political speculation of left attacking right et al, I do see this as a shadow of the looming civil war. The GOV, of course, will not change – it is still bent on total control and will exploit every last ounce of mileage out of this tragedy that it can.

    On an aside, I see that Obama / GOV / Commerce Dept. is pushing plans for Americans to have internet IDs, presumably encyprtion certificates. There are numerous problems – particularly taking identity theft to a whole new level (that’s just one in a bucket-full of problems with this nonsense). Everything digital is defeatable. You don’t even need to be in the decyprtion chain… you can simply hijack behind it (which is why digital voting machines are a joke). And then there’s foreigners… I can just see the ACLU stepping in… What do you mean you have to have this mark in order to buy or sell? Chuckle.

    Don – appreciate all the work you put in to the site. Sometimes I think if I ran a site (noting I’m a software programmer), I would likely write my server side code myself: that way, I’d be in total control. Ton of work… whew.

  13. Don,

    Sorry to hear you had to spend so much time fighting the nasty stuff on the internet. As one who helps handle the IT issues at work, I spent 6 hours Friday killing a trojan on one of our computers. The internet getting to be a dangerous place. Thanks for helping to keep your site safe. It’s a big job!

    A bit off topic, but appreciate your hard work.


  14. Thanks Kevneto,

    With all the IT experts here I should have a source of advice if I run into a problem. Even with security controls the Internet is still a big pain in the butt with all the bottom feeding scum suckers out there, but without security the Internet would be totally nonoperational thanks to the same scum suckers. Is is much like the world, if the moral Christians were not here to keep evil in check the world would self destruct in a very short period.

    Craig, One big problem with all the electric databases is that even if government was totally benevolent there is a better chance than not that the information will get into the hands of bad people sooner or later. Not only that, all digital data is dead in the water if the power goes out. We are becoming increasingly totally dependent on having electricity and as you know that could be taken from us in a minute. That could be this nation’s fatal mistake.

    I am no programmer so writing my own code for a website is out of the question. This open source WordPress is pretty good but if it is not running on their own site it has a lot of security holes that need to be plugged. Its still Better than having Google or even WordPress shut down your whole site because someone just whines to them about something you put up.

  15. I have been thinking and praying alot about this shooting in Arizona. We as christians must realize Who are allegiances are to…Jesus Christ. We must start wrapping our minds and hearts around the idea that patriotism (left or right) is a tool of the elite propaganda manipulators (media). I am not praying for the revival of America…I am praying for the revival of Christians in this failing country…for revival to happen, this country must decline…America does not figure in the endtimes…maybe we will be struggling just to survive but revival might occur. Keep your eyes on Christ and your thoughts on His will.

  16. I agree with you 1611. The revival of America as a great and prosperous nation seems against the will of God. I will be praying for the revival of Churches in this country hopefully resulting in believers becoming more deeply rooted in the faith during the trying times to come. Additionally, If the body would walk in God’s will through the dark days ahead, the Lord would surely open doors of salvation for some of the many lost in this sinful and idolatrous country.

    The hearts of many have grown cold, and no amount of theological debate or apologetic reasoning will win people for the Kingdom. Only the convicting power of the Holy Spirit will soften the hearts left hardened. We are called to Love, through and by the Spirit of God, so that same Spirit can move on the hearts of the lost. Let us meditate on the word day and night, and fully realize the fruits that may move someone to answer the knock of Christ.

  17. Don

    I first met Rick Warren reading his books about a church with a purpose and a life with a purpose and they were some what fine and not offensive to my spirit. But to hear he says about God that “He wants us to pray through Mary and not only directly.” and that we should “Consecrate your life to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.” is totally out of order.

    How can Mary hear thousands of people praying if she is not omnipresent?

    Seems to me that Rick Warren wants to achieve in 20 years what the Catholic Church achieved in 20 centuries.

    DO you have the whole lecture or article where Rick Warren said this?

  18. Well, as far as I know, a Pastor is responsible for whatsoever doctrine is said from his pulpit. So if this Catholic speaker said that, the he should have made a public comment, at least to his flock, about the veracity if this speaker’s statements.

    1Ti 4:16 Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.

  19. The problem is that Saddleback megaclub is part of the problem or they would not have someone like Rick Warren as their pastor. For example looks at my next to last post or the dozens of other posts I have on this man.

    Anyone with any biblical discernment probably has left Saddleback a long time ago. Now he has seeker friendly people that follow the pastor rather than the Bible and are open to every new heretic he brings to tickle their fanny. Same goes for Osteen’s megaclub and the willow Creek megaclub. What a sorry lot these Laodicean megaclubs have become.

  20. Don,

    What do you think about the riots in Egypt? I listen to talk radio and beck says the protesters are right and supports democracy while mike savage thinks it is a huge problem. I agree much more with savage on most issues but idk too much about what happend. What’s your opinion?

  21. The protesters are right to protest because they have been living under a military dictatorship but the problem is that democracy is not going to work in Egypt. More likely when Mubarak dies or leaves they will soon have a state controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia law. So Savage will be proved right in the end, this democratic movement will not end well. The military will either put this revolution down now ruthlessly or Egypt will soon go from a military state to an Islamic state like Iran.

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