Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Jul 2012

Do you realize that there is not one Protestant on the nine member U.S. Supreme Court? There are six Roman Catholics and three Jews. Over one-half of all Americans are Protestants and most of those are Evangelicals, but there is no one representing this large segment of Americans on the Court. Apparently justices were selected to represent skin color, sex and political views but they ignore candidates believing in the inerrancy and sufficiency of the Bible. What does that say about the Evangelical Christian claims of all the Presidents that appointed them? They gave lip service to Evangelicals for votes but their deeds in office say they were not one of us. Do you still think the Washington establishment ever gave a hoot about the positions of Evangelical Christians?

It is more likely that the next appointed justice will be an open homosexual (we may already have a closet homosexual on the court), or a cult member, or an atheist before they would appoint any Protestant Evangelical Christian. That says something about who is really controlling America. It certainly is not Bible believing Christians. Any wonder why the Supreme  Court is becoming antichrist and why it upheld Obamanations that will bring fascist statism to America?


It looks to me that Romney has already peaked. It is not like Republicans were not warned about running another Liberal as a Conservative to try to defeat a Marxist. Obama will have to self destruct for Romney to win. The scandals to bring Obama down are out there, but most media will not investigate or report them. Obama commits unconstitutional actions every week, and everyone knows that his past has been a fraud, but nobody does anything. It seems that personal integrity or upholding the Constitution and law of the land does not matter to most Americans anymore, or they are just plain ignorant. I suppose it really is some of both. Half in the inner cities are functional illiterates and almost none can critically think. They just believe and repeat what the talking heads on their TV tell them.

The Republicans are doing their usual limp wristed effort. You cannot get the Republican establishment to take a strong position on anything worthwhile. One of the few people who dare talk about the real issues that could bring down Obama is Donald Trump, but where are the Conservatives? Romney will not expose the real evil in the White House because he is blinded by his own demons. Romney is just running on the usual generic issues that he cannot win on without Obama’s help. We are really seeing 2008 play out all over again even though the leaders of the Tea Party Movement said they would not allow that to happen again. It is happening again because Conservatives in America either do not exist in the numbers that are claimed, or they are ignorant and apathetic.

Most Americans do not have a clue what Obamacare is going to do to America and they have no interest in finding out. Ever wonder how Europe got in the sorry state that it is in today? The people of Europe abandoned God, they became dependents of the state and they became apathetic. Americans are now taking the same course.

If Republicans do not get Romney elected, they certainly will not control the Senate either. According to all polls, the only way Republicans will get the majority in the Senate is if they can acquire 50 seats and the Vice President becomes the tie breaker. If Obama is reelected he will control the Senate and shortly after that he will have unwavering support from the Supreme Court.

There simply will not be any way that the Republican House can stop him from doing anything that he wants. The Republican controlled House cannot even get the lawless Eric Holder removed as chief law enforcer! Not only that, there are not enough real conservative Republicans in the House to hold the line against big taxes and big government with their agenda to control everyone and everything.

If anyone has any smoking gun on Obama that can trump the media cover-ups, they better pull them out right now. It is only 4 months until the election. Otherwise, the only earth-shaking event that may happen might be an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities if Obama feels he needs a bump before the election. Obama holds all the cards as President. Conservatives are still a few trumps short to bring him down.


Over the last couple of weeks I have done some reevaluation about church issues. I live in a fairly conservative area and go to a fairly conservative Southern Baptist church but few in the church are taking the danger to our nation and our Christian way of life seriously. Few are even aware that anything is seriously wrong in this nation. Apparently, even in flyover country, the world and the church have become joined at the hip.

Christian parents will send their children to anti-Christian government indoctrination centers and then the churches wonder why almost all youth that once claimed to be Christians will leave the church before they get past college age. Because of the brainwashing going on in our culture, almost all youth that will ever have a sex partner, will also have sex before marriage. Most will first shack-up before getting married (if they ever do marry that person). This will happen in spite of the “love can wait” vows that they took as youth in some of their churches.

The church has its head in the sand because they think children can learn biblical morality apart from knowing Christian doctrine. And parents have their head in the sand because they let others raise their children in the way they should not go. The public schools indoctrination system tells teens that having sexual relations outside of marriage is normal and so do their peers. In fact, virgins are marginalized and even ostracized as being abnormal.

Most Christian parents also allow their children to spend a lot of time with church youth groups that might be compared to a big fish bowl that harbors sharks in guppy clothing. Even under supervision, teens in groups will start to pair off. Christian parents live in some false delusion that their teenagers kids will remain non sexual. And just because the fish bowl contains holy water blessed by the church, does not mean that your kids will not get entangled.

What is the faith of church youth rooted in, if it’s not biblical doctrine? I will tell you, it is rooted in their emotions, but emotions are always changing and emotions are unreliable. Church youth will claim to be in love with Jesus today, but tomorrow they will fall in love with Jack or Jill and Jesus becomes second fiddle when faith is only based on emotions.

Youth groups in our churches can become part of the problem in fostering early sexual activity. Youth groups have become an acceptable place where youth can freely dump their parents in the name of God. It is a great place for kids in the church to pair off. Parents falsely believe that because their children are in a church group that all this contact with other youth will not lead to emotional and even sexual relationships. That is just baloney. Every Christian youth group of any size, at any given time, has one or more  kids going through major depression because some kid got jilted.

It was not all that long ago that youth would attend church functions with their parents. The youth groups started with the big Evangelical churches that started breaking down Sunday schools into small age groups. Soon the youth had their own class and the other church youth programs took off from that. Now all Evangelical churches with more than a dozen youths must have a youth group.

Sex hormones are at peak in the teens. That is why in other eras most people got married in their teens. Now we tell youth to delay marriage, but then we put them in a candy shop and tell them if they love Jesus they will not taste what continually is being shoved in their face. It just is not realistic.

I think the bottom line is that Christians really ought to home schools their kids and keep them out of Christian youth groups and away from most TV and movies for their to be any realistic chance that their kids will not be sexuality active before marriage. It is also wise for parents to get them married off young to someone who they know was brought up right. The peer pressure and temptations are more than most kids can withstand. Anyway, that is my perspective on these issues for what it is worth. After attending Christian singles groups for decades and even leading them, I think I also have a pretty good idea about what happens in Christian youth groups.


A couple of weeks ago my church started pushing the old Baptist church covenant. Some members think the old church covenant is just one of those things that you are free to ignore even if you agreed to keep it to become a member. Almost all the Baptist churches around here have the church covenant pasted in their hymnals, or on huge plaques on a wall, like it was the ten commandments. Many even insert it into their church Constitution. I wish legalistic Baptists would give the rest of us who are free in Christ, a break. I for one am not abiding by any man-made church covenants that are neither biblical or sensible. I will change denominations first. The only Christian guidance I need to try to live by is written in the Bible. Instead of a covenant, why don’t Baptists have some creed to recite, since most clearly do not even know the doctrinal basics of the Christian faith?

After the evening service, some of us go out to the local fast food places to eat and chat. I have noticed that once Baptists are out of the church building, biblical topics or Christian worldviews are seldom heard. After they leave the building, socializing is all small talk about nothing worthwhile. For a few months, a couple did join us that actually did discuss Christian issues but they have since departed and gone elsewhere. That is understandable. Most conversations in these groups remind me of the old endless eight track tapes. If you listen for more than an hour, the songs become all repeats. I think endless reminiscing about the past should be restricted to old folks homes. Come to think of it, one could make an argument that many Baptist churches are old folk homes.


I have to admit that I skipped church last Sunday. I was in no mood to sing patriotic songs in a church where many of the patriots vote for those that are destroying the American Constitution.  Many Americans took an oath to God to defend the American Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, but all most are willing to do to save our Constitutional Republic, is to sing about how God should bless the U.S.A. Why should God do that?

America leads the world in most kinds of evil. I should not need to provide a list of those evils. Just visit your local prison or watch TV. This nation has already made choices that puts it under God’s judgment, so how is God going to bless America? Americans made these choices because most of the same people singing these songs either wanted them or did not stand against the evils.


I recently found out that young people watch TV 28 hours a week on the average. They spend about another 30 hours a week in government indoctrination centers. They spend many additional hours each week on the Internet or playing violent video games and of course texting (and sexting)

I bet most of you did not know that half of the youth in America have sent out nude pictures of themselves over their cell phone. That is a fact. But, it is always the other people’s kids that are doing it. Right! Just give your kid a cell phone because all the other kids have them, whats the harm in that?

Think of it…. other than church social events, children of Christians might spend two hours each week out of that heavy schedule in church. There they get a half hour of religious based magazine teaching and then a half hour of the pastor’s latest philosophy. Compare that one hour of religious instruction with the 60 plus hours of world indoctrination they receive each week and you might understand why churches and Christians are losing their youth, and why America is going down the tubes.

For adults, I think church in America has become so screwed up that it is hardly worth attending. In fact, it could be more dangerous attending when you consider that more than half the Christians in America are fed feel good or heretical crap on Sunday. Very little of what goes on in most churches is anything like Christian fellowship where Christians are able to use their God-given spiritual gifts for the benefit of one another.

I have to laugh (or almost puke) when I hear about church workshops designed to find your spiritual gifts through natural temperament typing. Why even get born of the Spirit? Just find your purpose in life through a purpose driven workshop. Loons! Some play push me over and I will pretend to be slain or healed. Others play I can speak what I want into existence. Others contemplate on a Jesus that fits their concept of what Jesus should be like. This is infantile behavior, and you wonder why unbelievers do not want to attend your churches? Even believers have to talk themselves into going through the act.

First it was Rick Warren that many churches put on a pedestal with his purpose driven nonsense. Now it is Beth Moore. Does anyone even know that she claims to hear directly from God and now teaches others how to find that still small voice through techniques that sounds very much like Roman Catholic or eastern mysticism? She teaches Baptists and others, but who does she answer to? Who keeps her on track if she is leading people into the heretical? Many Christians jump from one bandwagon to the next, but few check to see if the teachings can be supported with scripture when taken in correct context.

Are we really making spiritual progress in our churches when mysticism is becoming all the rage? The latest trend in American churches is toward feelings and mysticism on the one hand, or life applications supported by twisted scriptures on the other hand. The teaching of sound doctrine is getting rare.

Some pastors imply that you can learn doctrine at home. Maybe, but you better find a good teacher or you just will be learning scripture text without gaining much understanding on the more difficult texts. Ever wonder why there are so many denominations? It is because people read different meanings into certain biblical texts. Learning proper understanding of the scriptures is not as easy as some make it out to be. Maybe that is why many pastors still cannot teach doctrine even after reading through the Bible scores of times?

Why did Jesus appoint teachers in the Church if the pastor teacher is not going to teach in the church? I happen to think teaching sound doctrine is the main function of the pastor/teacher. What did Paul do and instruct? I do not believe taking one verse from the Bible and talking about whatever it is that comes to your mind this week, qualifies as teaching sound Christian doctrine. Anyway, that is another perspectives of mine about the American church of today.


After what happened in the East with the storm caused power outages, it might be wise for you to know that there are also big storms on the sun that could knock out the power grid. As I write, there are sun spots that harbor energy for X class flares. That in itself does not make a solar coronal mass ejection (CME) that would crash our power grid imminent or likely, but every time we have one of these huge storms on the sun there is about a one in two hundred chance of that  happening within the lifespan of that solar storm.

Just imagine if the whole U.S. power grid was down for months or years instead of it being just local outages for a few days like what happened in the East. There actually is almost a ten percent chance of such an event happening within the next year or two. That is because we are near the peak of a solar cycle, and solar storms of the magnitude that would knock out present ultra high voltage transformers in the U.S. can be expected to occur about once in every ten solar cycles of 11 years. You really need to be aware of this danger because these huge transformers take two years to build under the best of conditions and there are no spares. A nuclear EMP could do even more damage than a solar CME and a cyber attack on our infrastructure could also end life as you know it.  People need to prepare for such possibilities and that means having extra food and water on hand (not frozen food).

Those that will not prepare become part of the problem after the event happens. Slackers will have to depend on government or the goodwill of others for their survival. God never said America should become totally dependent on modern infrastructure but Americans have become dependents of electricity and modern infrastructure. These electronic controlled modern infrastructure systems may be a blessing to us when they are working, but they also can become an instant curse. God can use our own foolish vulnerability to dependence on the works of our own hands to bring  this nation down in a literal flash. So we better become a God-fearing nation, or God could very well allow it to happen.

Remember, God allowed a drought on Egypt for seven years and Joseph prepared for it by building food storage silos, but the people lived like usual. During those seven lean years the people had to sell all they had to buy food. They even sold all their private land and finally they sold themselves into slavery. It is amazing what people will do to keep themselves from starving to death, the stories are legion. By the end of the drought, Pharaoh owned everything in Egypt. Be like Joseph and prepare, because the future does not look too bright in America. Even the government is telling you to have some spare food and water on hand. They understand the dangers exist, even if they are not broadcasting it.

Speaking about drought, we are having a major drought of our own in over one-half of the nation. We are going to have grain shortages and prices will rise. This eventually will have a negative effect on our economy. So stock up on those corn flakes and soy beans. Meat might soon become a luxury that most cannot afford. Last weekend I saw steak on sale for $10 a pound and the effects of this years drought has not hit the livestock market yet. Can you imagine ground beef for $20 a pound? I can’t. Ground beef was just a buck a pound a few  years ago. It very well could happen in just one year. Remember, God uses droughts probably more than any other natural event for the judgment of nations. It is not impossible for a dust bowl type drought like we had in the 1930’s to happen in the 2010’s. In fact, from what I read from scientists that study such patterns, an even much worse drought west of the Mississippi is overdue.

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