Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Nov 2010

It took a number of months but I finally got through going through all my old blog posts and also deleting articles that nobody cares about anymore (as if they ever did). In that process I deleted about 350 posts on this Blog and maybe 100 or so comments died went with them. There all still over 1000 posts on this blog and well over 5000 comments.

I have now search engine optimized every post on this Blog the best I could with the content available. My earlier posts usually just had short comments by me and clips of other articles and there was no meta-data at all so they did not rank well in the search indexes. In any case, the task of going through all my old posts is now done.

This Blog now has 70 categories that can be accessed from the sidebar. The posts that fall within common categories also have a link to the other posts at the bottom of the post. In addition, there are now 100 tags (commonly used keywords). These are used  for internal navigation for my related posts software, and the keywords might help those looking for common topics and they will be a small factor in internet searches. The tags that were used on each post also can be found on the bottom of each post. Tags, categories, and comments on any post can only be found if you click on the individual post title. They will not display on multiple page views.

So far doing all this search engine optimization has not increased views to the Blog but I guess I have to give Google and the other indexes some time to re-index the articles before I make a final verdict if the time spent was worthwhile.

I decided that I will keep 66 of the most viewed posts on the sidebar. The 66 is in honor of the number of books in the Bible. That number of views that you see do not include multiple page views. For example, if you just go to the homepage to read my posts or read posts by clicking on a category or tag they are not counted. Therefore, the number of views seen in the sidebar is mostly a reflection of the number of views found through Google or Yahoo keyword searches.

I recently also added 10 random post titles on the sidebar. These ten should change each time you visit the Blog. You might find a title that may strike your interest that you did not know I wrote about in the random posts section.

I also put back in the sidebar the last 10 comments. The latest comment will be the one on the top. Since this software does not use Gravatars it should not slow down the blog like my other comment software did. It also allows for longer quotes than the other software.

I don’t think I will be changing the overall Blog appearance or any of the old content again for awhile, other than looking at articles with dead links and deciding what to do with them.

Speaking about dead links. Everything to Rev. Robert Wise at Forgotten Word Ministry is now dead I see his domain is expried??? Does anyone know what is going on?? I have searched the Internet and it is like he and his popular discernment website has just dropped off the face of the earth. I really would like to know what has happened?  Was he sued? Did the Internet registrar or host blackball his website?  Did he die? Is his website host server down? Did he quit? It is puzzling why Google dropped all references to his website so quickly?? Does anyone have a working email address to Rev Wise so I can talk to him? I guess if I do not get any information soon I am going to have to remove the links I have to his ministry (I hate dead links).

By the way, Carla of More Books and Things said that she quit posting on her Blog. It has been two or three months since that happened and she is missed. Apparently she is  exploring what else God would have her to do. Anyway, that is why the links I had to her homepage are now gone but her old Blog still exists as an archive and some of my articles still have references to articles found on her site.

My next agenda is to go through the articles on my static website (not the blog) and see if anything needs to be updated. I know I also need to go through the Revelation commentary that I wrote in 2004 and revise it a bit and fix the obvious typos and word processor conversion mistakes. I also probably should go to a smaller font on these article since screens have much more resolution then they did when I first wrote them. Maybe I will get the time to do that next year.

Someday I really need to convert the whole www.thepropheticyears.com website to a more modern CSS style website. I would like to fully integrate the website and this Blog but the learning curve about how to do that seems to be more than I want to take on.  I guess the best way to get it modernized would be to pay an expert to do it, but since I get no money from this website that probably is not going to happen (after a year not one of those persons that claims they know for sure that they will be leaving in the Rapture in the next year or two has sent me that million bucks that I asked for because they know they will not be needing it.) 🙁


I do not think the election was any big surprise to anyone except a few on the Far Left like Polosi. We need to be very careful about what this present Congress will try to pass in the lame duck session. There are some nasty things that they will attempt to attach to bills like the Defense Reauthorization Bill. Two examples are immigration reform and the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal.

I heard a bit of Obama’s speech and it sounded to me like he was blaming the gains make by the Republicans on the economy rather than as any rejection of his big government policies and his subversion of the Constitution. That should not surprise us. Most of the astute know that either Obama lives in denial and is out of touch or he is deliberately leading America to its destruction.

Here is a President who blames Republicans for the economic problems that we are now in and then turns around and says the American people voted for Republicans because of the economic problems we are now in. He must have a low view of  American intelligence. Why would Americans vote for Republicans if they thought Republicans are responsible for the economic problems that we still have? Does anyone really believe that Obama and the Democrats would be our economic salvation party if we left them in office?

Later his excuse for Democrats losing so many elections was it was just a failure to communicate. Americans were not rejecting his policies and what the Democratic administration did. In other words he thinks the Democrats lost because they did not get the message across to all those stupid impatient Americans out there that the Democrats were doing what they really want.

Perhaps Obama is correct that he can’t communicate without his own teleprompter but the problem of the Democrats is not a failure to communicate with the American people it is failure to listen to the American people. The real problem is the elitist socialist arrogance of those in power.


I said not to long ago that by the end of this year that the Federal Reserve would be talking about another round of quantitative easing. The Federal Reserve just announced plans to do that again (they never really stopped). They use words like “quantitative easing” for a purpose. Most Americans do not know what they really means. Quantitative easing simply means they are going to create more money to buy up debt. Quantitative easing is really devaluing our currency on purpose.

Anytime a country just starts printing all the money they want the currency losses value and hyperinflation is likely. Somehow Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke thinks we can drop dollars out of helicopters on the banks and be immune to the fallout. The main problem with people like Helicopter Ben of the Fed is that he is a professor of lab rats. All he has to work with is untested academic economic theory. There is no reason to believe his test tube experiments or models will work in the real world.  In fact, their first experiment failed miserably.

They created $1.7 trillion out of thin air but it failed to stimulate the economy. They are not going to give the theory up. Instead they will feed Americans higher and higher doses of quantitative easing until we get a massive case of diarrhea or we choke to death on green paper consumption.

The theory goes something like the following. They will need to keep creating more and more money until the economy starts growing again and then when the economy is heading toward inflation they just yank a chain and take all the extra money out of the economy without creating the same problem that we had before they dumped all of the created money out of their helicopters.

This stuff might work in labs and in board games but it is not going to work in the real world. The economists of the Wilmer Republic are probably laughing themselves silly in their graves.

The crux of the issue is this. The people running our government and the Federal Reserve are simply not willing to let our economy readjust to what things are actually worth. They want to prop up a phony GDP figure by using government intervention. If things could be bought for what people are actually willing to pay, it would mean deflation and negative GDP growth. In their mind deflation is political suicide because some would not be able to pay their debts and they would go bankrupt. So they purposely intend to create inflation by eroding of the value of the dollar and eroding the real wealth of all those that hold our debt.

Having said that, here is the reality of the situation, there is still over $15 trillion of bad debt on the books because many things are still not worth anywhere near what they claim it is worth on their books. So, another trillion is not going to have any major impact on the debt writes offs and the bankruptcies. This is a significant part of the worth of America. So what is going to happen is that there will be even more trillions of funny money created so they can buy up all those paper losses or else these too big to fail banks and corporations will once again have to be bailed out by the taxpayer because they cannot hold on to their toxic paper forever.

Therefore, they plan to purposely create inflation to offset any chance of deflation caused by toxic debt. Then they can tell Americans that the economy is growing even through most people continually get poorer because it will cost them more to buy everything. It is called stagflation.

Here’s the real issue for most of us common people. Most of us have nothing to do with all the bad debt held by these institutions unless we invested in them. The banks and the financial institutions are now holding paper on things that are worth quite a bit less than what they can actually sell them for on the market today. So they will create inflation and new bubbles so that these institutions can bundle in all their toxic paper. Sound familiar? The method they will use to fuel this scheme is inflation. It will increase the cost of living for everyone in its self contained hidden tax and wealth deflater. They expect us to pay for the gambling losses of all these institutions by making the dollar worth less and that is nothing less than robbing us.

Here’s the gimmick. When they devalue the dollar through quantitative easing most everything you buy will go up in price. Then they tell the public that there is no inflation because they factored into their inflation equation, house values, house loans etc. So they make it look like there is no inflation. But there actually is inflation for everyone who lives in the same house and has to buy normal things to live.

For example, some independent firms that track real inflation have calculated that prices to consumers actually went up 5 to 8 percent in the last year, but how much did our social security and entitlements go up? Government says there was no inflation again this year so people getting entitlements get zip for the second year in a row. Then to appease the largest voting block they say they will give retired people $250, but that is only about one percent not the 7  percent real rise in the cost of living for most. Not to mention that the cost of living for seniors on fixed incomes easily went up even more. For example, health care costs alone went up a minimum of 15 percent this year and at least 25 percent in the last two years. But social security recipients got zip on their earned entitlements because government says there was no inflation. Slick!

Now this year they will play a similar game again. As the dollar goes down in value everything will get much more expensive, but since items in the economy (like housing) that few are buying anyway keeps falling offical inflation numbers will be kept down and so will cost of living increases. Think of this as well. The biggest buyer of the items that keep falling in value because they are still overpriced will be the Federal Reserve that buys bad debt with notes they just print for next to nothing. Think not? Who has been buying up the bad debt of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac? Guess what the losses to the tax payer of just these two companies taken over by the government will turn out to be? It will be somewhere between $400 billion and a trillion dollars before housing hits bottom.

When the Federal Reserve buys US Treasury bonds to keep interest rates on houses artificially low with money created out of thin air tell me they are not buying down the cost of living by buying debt that they will never be able to sell on the free market much longer at single digit interest rates? You see, after they get done buying all this bad debt they will have to start selling it and nobody is going to be buying risky paper unless they get a good return. What do you think double digit interest rates will do to our economy when investors demand those higher interest rates and what will higher interest rates do to our federal budget? We may find out by the end of next year.

Do you want to know why gas and food and all commodities are suddenly going up? It is because the Fed announced quantitative easing and unlike most of the American public, those that invest in the market actually know what that means. It means the dollar will become worth less. So, its not so much that the price of commodities are going up. It is that the futures markets know that it will take more dollars in the future to buy the same amount of tangible commodities.

And what do other countries think of our little game that is also designed to make American products cheaper on their own shores (by the way, cheaper American products means that you get less reimbursement for your work). They think we are doing it at expense to employment in their own nations. So they may debase their own currencies and lower the standards of living in their own countries in order to compete. Take this full cycle and you have a race to the bottom where everyone is willing to work for less just to stay employed. America has just launched a Pearl Harbor attack in what may become a full blown currency war leading to a worldwide wage depression. Already other nations are screaming for revenge. We are playing with fire. This is not unlike the trade war that fueled the great depression.

So, the very quantitative easing that was supposed to create growth in the United States could cause a full blown economic collapse and a world depression. And its all done outside of our representative government by the votes of a few appointed people on the board of directors of the private Federal Reserve Bank.

If the nations of the world wise up and gang up, and do not play the Fed’s game then the U.S. dollar will get blown off and the U.S. will only have one place to go and that place is called national bankruptcy. We will default on our debt either by not making the payment or through hyperinflation or even both. In any case, what that means for the people of America is once again a full blown depression.

So is there a chance that the Fed can pull this off without hyperinflation or what amounts to a world trade war?  Yeah, about the same chance that you would have walking across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. In theory you could do it in the lab, if all factors like wind, balance and fear were known in advance and programed into your every step, but anyone who thinks they are going to walk across Niagara on a tightrope in the real world without falling is either full of himself and his own cockiness will likely get him killed or he is quite delusional and living in a fantasy of his own making. Delusion will not get him across the abyss.

What are the odds that the sophomores running our economy will be able to walk the abyss?


It is about impossible to determine what is going on in the Middle East peace process. It seems to me that Israel is willing to give up quite a bit because they know the Palestinians will reject whatever concessions they give in the end anyway. I think now that Obama was dealt a blow on his domestic policy he will work hard to push his foreign policy agenda. After all he has to live up to the Nobel Peace prize that he was given to him in advance. I also think Obama now realizes that he could be a one term President so he will now be working toward acquiring the Secretary General of the UN position.

It is interesting that Obama just ordered three carrier groups in position against Iran. Perhaps part of the deal will be to offer to take out the Iranian threat to Israel if Israel agrees to give up the “occupied territories” and just leases them until the settlers can be moved without a civil war. Stay turned to the Middle East. It should get interesting.

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19 thoughts on “Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Nov 2010

  1. Hi, although I’ve been a software programmer now 30 years, I cringe at the “rate of change” of web sites or, worse, office tools (I can’t seem to find anything in the new MS-Office… thankfully openOffice is more “stable”); So, since I view this web site and blog as a huge resource, I guess I have a stake or maybe my opinion might have some credence… With that said, I guess I would tender that I like the current blog functionality; Under the covers and look and feel, have at it; My 2 cents;

    Then again, I have to keep a list called “where are things.txt”; I have to live by routine or I will spend all my time looking for everything – I am always “lookin’ for somethin’ “; There’s a looney tunes cartoon with “Bugs” and a [presume] “coyote” and the wife tells the husband to go out and shoot a rabbit for dinner; The whole cartoon is about this coyote that simply can’t remember what he was “looking for”… He’s “lookin’ for somethin’ ” ; Funny but somebody knew what I didn’t know then – that I’d be spending my later years “lookin’ for somethin’ ” Chuckle..

    OK, back to the important stuff… and I’ll use the infamous “EMP scenario”… So, with all the economic doom that is being perpetuated by the DEMs / GOV, I’m thinking now is the time to buy – mostly with survival motives, but also for current life style; For example, and I don’t want to brag, but my laptop has 256 MB of RAM running win2k; Frankly, it’s doing fine, but I think the display is going; I figure, while my $$$ have some value, maybe I should get that new laptop sooner rather than later?

    Then, there’s that cash stockpile… OK, I don’t have much and I don’t think it’s of any real value other than just one scenario: if there’s an EMP, looters aside, I’m thinking that some cash might be able to buy some staples et al (e.g., TP, dental floss, over-the-counter drugs, et al); So, all this economic inflation talk doesn’t sway my thinking about a cash stockpile – only to put it in perspective, meaning, it’s not wise to have a big cash stockpile;

    With that said, I’m thinking now is the time to invest… Get your home improvement projects done (get that new roof now, IMO), upgrade your laptop et al, get that solar power panel and marine deep cell battery… Waiting until 2013 for this stuff would not be wise ????

    Again, with question marks, I’m asking versus instructing (in other words, just some thoughts of mine while I’m looking for some critique thereof);

    Don, you are a resource to us (ok, there may not be many of us). I just don’t have the time to do all the research that you can accomplish; Thanks again;

  2. Don’t rely on me. I just read articles and suggest common sense approaches. I do not do deep research on survival preperations.

    I do not know when the next crises will hit us, but I agree if you need to get anything done now is probably the best time to do it. Unless you know for sure that your income is going to keep up with the inevitable inflation and rising prices. Doing improvements or preparations in 2013 will cost more of your less valuable dollars than today.

    In an EMP type scenario I am not sure what good cash will do you when all the stores will have been looted? I don’t even know why store owners would be showing up? I guess it all depends on how fast government gets things under control. But, once that happens I do not think greenbacks will have any value for long. I would expect only government issued script would buy anything.

    I think a better options is to have on hand things to barter.

    On the website issue I am thinking about integrating both my static website and my more interactive blog into a self hosted WordPress software. That is what I use for this blog now but it is in a sub-directory of the website. If i could integrate the two, there would be one CSS stylesheet for everything on my website.

  3. Don:

    I noticed you stated that you cleaned out many old blogs and that people probably did not care.

    I am one of those that oppose this view. As I do weekly, I save your blogs / articles, print and save them in a three ring binder (I hope you don’t mind), with other articles from people like Joesph Chambers, Todd Stranberg and Terry James just to name a few. I find these to be very helpful as reseach tools and guides to subjects I study in the Bible not to mention your practical common sense.

    I am very apprecative of your hard work and it does not go un-noticed. I know you don’t nee me to tell you any of this, but I thought you would like to know that there are people out there that get anxious when there are a few days between each of your articles. Keep up the great work!

  4. Thanks Steve,

    That is an interesting study practice that you have. I would say you are unique in this respect.

    I really do not think I took out anything worthwhile on this Blog. At least it was nothing worthwhile in regards to biblical teaching or world perspectives from me. Some of my oldest posts were just clips from articles of others and on those some of the links to the full article were gone. Some of the articles had been transferred from my old DDD blog and they did not fit within the theme of this blog so I took out the ones that did not fit. Also, many that I took out had to do with candidates for the 2008 election. Some other stuff just was out dated or the article that I was talking about was no longer available on the Internet. The objective for doing this was to search engine optimize this Blog so the articles will rank higher in the search engines so more people can find them and also to have a blog where are the posts contain some useful information or links to useful information.

    Lately I have been doing about 2 new posts a week. It actually takes me most of a day to write, proof read and search engine optimize articles that usually exceed a thousand words. Almost half of my time on the internet is reading articles that gives me information to write about. I also have to take time to write responses to the posts and the emails that I get. Then the normal administrative duties of keeping up a website and blog take up about another 10 to 20 percent of my time. In addition to the internet I have normal things that I have to do each day off the Internet, so I really don’t see where I can get the time to post more frequently unless I go back to mostly clipping other peoples material and not writing much myself.

    I often wonder if blogging is really that effective and the best use of my time. I could just be writing many of these same articles and posting them on my main website where articles seem to rank better and are found more often. That is one reason why I am toying with the idea of integrating it all, but doing it in a way that the best features of both would be retained. However, changes like that take a learning curve and time, but time is something I never seem to have enough of.

  5. Don,

    I stumbled upon your site and I love it. I would suggest using a site like odesk.com to get the CSS taken care of for your site. I run a part-time web development company and I use odesk to hire cheap labor in other countries (doing my part to destroy our economy). You can get VERY able bodied developers who could do exactly what you want to do for your site, for very cheap. I hope that helps. Keep at the SEO…shorter articles will help with that. 500 words max, but don’t do it if it is going to ruin the savory bits you put out. Stay strong in the LORD brother.

    In Christ Jesus,


  6. Thanks Tom, I well check that site out. I usually start writing with a short article in mind, but they seem to take on a mind of their own.

  7. Don:

    Thanks. When I was referring to you posts, I print out the Bible based / related articles the most and incorporate them into study’s that I do or when I get to the subject I study. Again, I find your articles genuine and factual. I believe you say what needs to be said. I know I can come to your site and not be deffered with political correctness. That is something lacking in our world today.

    I know you are busy, but I do appreciate when your new articles are posted.

    Thanks again for the reply and take care.

  8. i keep reading on sites now and in newspapers that the end of the world is going to happen may 21, 2011 by this preacher who calculated with math that this really is the end. I laugh to myself when i hear stuff like this because iv been studying the bible for only 5 years now and i have better sense of when all of this will happen, the guy claims that he has been studying the bible for over 50 years but he is still setting dates. It’s so foolish to me that i can’t even understand why he would even publish such nonsense. Maybe he should visit ur site don so he can get some sense into his head of the reality because you seem like the only one who actually makes sense in all of this.

  9. They do visit this site but it does not seem to help them with their problem because they just tell me why I am wrong and why it has to happen by the date that they set. Usually this stuff either does not get posted or remain posted because they take offense to my disagreement with them and start calling me things like being authoritative and arrogant. The last one just happened the other day on my
    https://www.thepropheticyears.com/wordpress/2009/09/10/jesus-is-not-coming-to-rule-the-earth-between-2012-2019.html post.

    The guy named Doug on that post was more civil than most but certain posts from him were not posted because he would not take the time to look at my arguments and instead took a more surly approach.

    I think one reason people like to set short dates is that it brings a ready following for those selling something.

    On the other hand, I think 8 out of 10 of all the popular date setters of the more recent past and the present are those setting dates based on their own interpretation of the fig tree parable and pagan inferences. Most of latest are claiming that it all has to be fulfilled 70 years from 1948 or by 2018 because they know that the generation that Jesus said would not pass away started when Israel became a state in 1948 and they know that a generation is less than 70 years.

    In a few years we will get those that say a generation is 80 years because of strength. After that, they will date the generation from 1967 instead of 1948. I think they misunderstood the parable but I wrote about why elsewhere on this blog.

  10. My husband does not think 2012 is the end. But he does feel that some sort of an end is looming out there. Enjoy every day of your life when you can. A common comment that he makes is that most people are not ready for hard times that might come to the United States.

  11. Hi Don

    I am from South Africa and have been following your commentary and the comments on this blog for a long time.
    Thank you for your efforts. I hope you accomplish all you are hoping for with this blog.
    I think that a lot of people can learn from what you have to say, even if they are not from the US. I do believe that we are all same situation. Being form Africa I fully understand the consequences of a corrupted system of government. That is how most African leaders rise to power; once they are in control they disregard things like constitutions. The very things put into place to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

  12. H, Gideon, thanks for checking in from a very long way away and for your support. Freedom takes vigilance and a people willing to fight the predators, control freaks and tyrants that are always lurking in any nation.

  13. hey Don do you have any opinions on the missile that was fired off the coast of cali? with our government saying that it is not ours or anybody elses is just stupid. if it was ours and it was a test or something why not just say that? if it was Chinese sub or something we have a very very serious problem on our hands. not only can they get past our defenses like they did in 2007. what do you think about this? is it something to worry about?

  14. Jim,

    After further review I have come to the conclusion that the airliner contrail story was disinformation for the public.

    I think this was a missile launch from a Chinese sub off of our coast. I think the Chinese where sending Washington a message. Here is an article that sheds some light on this.


    I would say they were demonstrating just how easy it would be for them to paralyze us with an EMP. In other words, if you take action to destroy our economy we have the means to destroy yours.

  15. Don,

    If you are correct in your conclusion (and I have no reason to believe you are not), then Rosenberg’s book, “Dead Heat” takes on much more interest in fiction becoming reality.

  16. There was a lot of date-setting and speculation right after 9-11, as I remember from reading many web sites at the time.

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