Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, March 2011

It looks like it is going to be an interesting and very unstable year. It is almost like the world has now reached some tipping point and everyone is about to go loony like they did in the late 1930’s and 1940’s. The whole Middle East is now a ticking time bomb. I see no end to the uprisings and turmoil until they make a fatal mistake and unite against Israel.

There very well could be a Sunni Shia war before this all plays out. Of course the U.S. will have to protect its oil lines so it will be supporting the majority Sunni led by Saudi Arabia. As you probably already know the Saudis do not come against Israel with Russia and Persia in the Ezekiel 38 war so that probably is because of the American presence on their soil or a peace deal with Israel. Of course everyone will blame the Jews and the Americans for instigating the Muslim on Muslim hate but really the hate is bred into them.

Perhaps all the fighting against each other will allow Israel to more easily defeat all of the nearby Arab nations in the Psalm 83 war.


Russia just announced a $650 billion arms program to make their run down military strong again. I guess it will take ten years or so to pay for it and put the army together. After they get this army fully equipped you probably have the makings of the Ezekiel 38 Gog army that will come against Israel.

Russia also has a rising problem with Muslim terrorism. I think that will play out this decade. Its probably not going to be pretty because both Russia and the terrorists tend to be ruthless.


It seems that Pakistan is getting even more unstable and anti-christian. Remember, they have 50 or more deliverable nukes. India is not stable either, there is a large minority of Muslims and there is little love between the Hindus and the Muslims.

India also has other problems. Most in India still live in squalor and their solution to the filthy hygiene in that nation is over consumption of antibiotics which they can get without a prescription. This antibiotic abuse is creating new strains of drug resistant bacterial for which there is no known drug cure.  These deadly diseases will be spreading all over the world.


Obama is obviously clueless or more likely consciously or unconsciously driven to destroy America. He is on the wrong side of the majority of the American people on just about every issue in both domestic affairs and foreign affairs. The only thing that keeps him somewhat popular is lies, those promoting lies, and the government dependents and the brainwashed that are programed by schools and media to believe that lies are the truth.

Obama seems to act out a good Chavez imitation of Jimmy Carter. I guess the only thing left to happen to ice the cake on the Jimmy Carter remake is when he lets our people be held hostage and put on display.

Here is a President that will not even enforce Constitutional laws of the United States nor obey court orders of federal judges that he does not agree with. The man should be impeached in the House. They should make him defended himself in front of the American people. The lies will be exposed even if he is not removed by the Senate.


I could not believe my ears when the powers that be actually questioned if the terrorist that shot and killed two Airmen while shouting “allahu akbar” was an Islamic terrorist attack. I think we have people in government whose political correctness borders on insanity. Or is it really a deliberate cover-up by Marxists in our government that are in league with this fascist “religion of peace”, in order to destroy America?

Its the same thing on our southern border, nobody in this administration will do anything to protect the people of the United States. Instead, they tell unions to break the law and they tell their agencies to ignore constitutional laws.


It looks like oil prices are going to stay high with all the turmoil in the Middle East. Its not that there is not enough spare capacity in the world or any real shortage. Its all speculation. Things look very much like just before the last crash. Everyone is gambling on something, and that is what is driving up most commodities prices and the stock market. The rising food prices will soon bring food riots all over the world. If oil prices keep going up until this summer I can see riots in the cities right here in America. The extra costs of food and energy and inflation is going to put us right back into a recession, not that we really got out of it. This time dumping trillions of dollars into the economy to make people believe that we had a recovery will not be an option.

Remember the slogan, “drill here drill now”? Well, the government and the radial environmentalists prevented oil companies from drilling. That is why we are not becoming more energy independent. Instead, the government wasted billions of dollars on alternative energy programs some of these projects already went under and never will deliver any alternative energy. It is time for Congress to wake up. There are plenty of energy sources in this country to develop if government would just get out of the way and stop pretending like limiting CO2 will save the world from some grave danger that does not exist. They are only making the world a more dangerous place because if they create energy shortages the world will go into depression and into world wars


It is going to be interesting to see how this congress and this administration will get anything passed other than through stop gap delaying tactics. Expect the mass media to blame Republicans and the Tea Party for any stalemate. They will paint Obama as the working peoples president. They will also make him the hero of the unemployed and the government dependents (like that socialist Chavez in Venezuela, who in reality suspended their constitution and is destroying their country).

Other than stop gaps we might not see a real budget passed until the polls say one party is losing a lot of support. I can see the future media battle now. The lame-stream press will be broadsiding the lose cannons of the talk shows with progressive lies until Obama find a way to take away their firing pins.


What can you say about a well armed world that lets scores of their ships and its people to just be hijacked and held for ransom and even killed by Somali pirates with their junk boats and small arms? These pirates are an embarrassment to the pirate folklore. Davy Jones is spinning in his grave.

Is everyone in the world clueless? If you want to stop this hijacking you just arm the crew or have a few jets on call to deal with the problem. Screw the treaties that say you can’t arm the crew or polices that will not let you kill the pirates. Liberal wimps in government continually show the world and the pirates that they will not fight. They live in a fantasy world where God given rule of law and good common sense is outlawed.

Piracy is a very good example why paying extortion just causes more extortion. We might think a bit more about these policies of paying extortion because there is more at stake then just the ships around Somali. OPEC , China and North Korea are also acting like pirates and they also successfully use extortion on the world.


I still do not see any real signs of who is going to lead the pack to try to defeat Obama in 2012. I guess something still unknown has to happen to hurl someone not so well known to the front of the pack. I know if they run the same group they ran in 2008 they will lose, and even if they win nothing much will change. The damage has already been done or will be done in the next two years. We need a President and a Congress that will be willing to overturn the laws that this administration passed and to deliver a restoration program that will put America firmly back under the Constitution. We do not need a new President that will just continue the  progressive tyrannical big government agenda packaged differently.

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26 thoughts on “Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, March 2011

  1. It does seem like something is going on and things have kicked into high gear. It’s been a crazy few weeks to be sure!

    Yes, freedom and democracy is exploding in the mid east! You can bet that the the Iran/Muslim brotherhood factions have no intention of allowing the people to have freedom. It’s all about using the people to get rid of the autocrat/dictators, and then the slime will come out of the woodwork to enforce their type of Iranian-revolutionary government. You won’t see any of this this from the main stream media. They’re with Chris Matthews, massaging the thrill running up their legs and telling us how wonderful this is and getting ready to join hands and sing Kumbaya. And when it goes bad, they’ll be scratching their heads and wondering how did this happen?

    Pirates in Somalia..don’t get me started! What is our clueless President, State department and Department of Defense thinking?! We should have ships parked off that coast (in international waters of course) and blow any water craft that comes off that shore into oblivion. The actions of our government in this matter are absolutely shameless! Mark my words, our inept government’s action in this matter will only embolden these sea-faring slime.I say, let our boys in the Navy go after them in earnest, and those pirates won’t even put a canoe in the water.

    For the rest, you are pretty much nailed it, Don.

    Hang on kids, it going to be a bumpy ride for awhile!

  2. One just cannot sow the seeds of ungodliness without reaping it’s harvest. The sixties generation did just that and the harvest is upon us.
    Having rejected Biblical values, the flower power people have multiplied to become socialist humanists and can be placed squarely into one of two camps, traitors or fools. They are of course all fools but the traitors follow the beat of the socialist drum for power, the naive for bread and circus.
    Others of my generation have loved money and couldn’t care less for the growing decadence, in fact many have promoted decadence to make money.
    Then there are those who just want to earn their daily bread and retire to a comfortable old age; may they wake up to the reality of repeating history.
    Thank God for his promised harvest.

  3. People in America have been so Godless and rebellious. What will the result of their sin be? I have noticed for years how wasteful many people have been. Waste abd rebellion seem to be related.

  4. Here is “democracy” in the middle east:

    “One person. One vote. One time.”

    A culture has to be mature enough for the freedom that a constitutional republic such as ours can afford its people. No one in the ME is in that position except Israel. Sadly we are no longer mature enough, so we can expect growing tyranny.

    Re Pirates:

    You cannot deal with such people. By trying to “save” these victims, they have ensured that there will be many more. The early Somali pirates were economically-depressed fishermen. Now, because of appeasement, the whole gig is run by professionals: organized crime, and the ransoms have gone up from a hundred thousand dollars to millions. AND the pirates have the gall to BLAME these deaths on US. No mercy; no mercy: send them to God quickly and let Him sort deal with them.

  5. You should read all the pro-same-sex marriage dealings / blogs going on in the corrupt state of Maryland. The liberal sleazebag DEMs are even invoking “prayer” in their dealings. It’s the harlot.

    But if you bring up things like “raining fire on Sodom”, they say that the same-sex marriage bill is no place for religion.

    Talk about insane.

  6. Yes, it seems everyone is clueless, or blinded or just plain deceived. It looks and acts like stupid.

    2011 has brought us the birth pangs of the 3rd trimester. It is heartbreaking and sickening to see a U.S. President and State Department whose governance is anti-America and diametrically opposed to all that we call good. I pray and I vote and I call and I sign petitions but wrong is right and right is wrong in America these days. God has removed His hand. Maybe, if we pray and intercede, with fasting, He will relent and show us mercy.

    That said, I think one of the most pressing needs for bible believers in these days is to not repeat the crime of silence, ignorance, and complicity as it did in Europe nearly 70 years ago. We have no excuse today to not stand in the gap for the nation of Israel and support her in any way we can against the rise of anti-Semitism that is once again rearing its ugly head in all the world. Surrounded by nations who are bent on her destruction and who openly call for the death of Jews is not something we can afford to hide our heads in the sand about.

    Fear of inflation and a weak dollar makes us hunker down in self protection. We attend church, go to bible study and do our good deeds while the cosmic end game is being played out before our eyes and we are mostly concerned about loosing our creature comforts and our way of life. (I know because I fight this within myself, having never experienced hardship).

    Our salvation has come through the Jews; the patriarchs, the prophets, the scriptures, the covenants, the law, the sacrifices, the Savior, the apostles, the church. We have benefited spiritually from their heritage in the Lord and so we must ‘be for them’ as the day of Jacob’s trouble draws closer. Lets seek the Lord as to how each one of us and our churches can bless Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem until the rapture takes us home.

  7. Hi,

    re: silence… shrug… It’s more like my (our) voice is simply lost or disregarded. In some regards, I see an EMP as a blessing, possibly even somewhat “leveling the playing field”; Which leads in to …

    re: creature comforts… My mindset is chugging 24×7 on a self sufficiency and survival agenda. So, creature comforts is more geared to items such as winter heating possibilities or shelter – just the basics. However, if I (we) have a food and water capability, let alone some “basics”, then at least with our neighbors, we have a captive audience – at which point, our “voice” would be heard. And this time, the scoffing my be curtailed. Why would you go to great lengths to promote gay marriage when you are in hunger pains?

    Well, who’s to say, but “winter” is looming.

  8. I think Obama is given an enormous amount of credit. I believe there is a corporate-owned media desiring a one world government that basically shoved Obama down our throats during the campaign. His place of birth, lack of school records, no experience whatsoever working, etc. etc. should be enough to not even throw his name into the ring of eligible candidates. Yet he is in the White House. Google Obama and Council of Foreign Relations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5fh-kl2nS4 Rick Perry is a good choice for President in 2012 as he is a member of the Bilderberg Group. But I could be wrong…

  9. @David- However this man got to the White House, I think we can all agree that he was given a huge pass by the media. It is almost a repeat of the mid 70’s after Nixon/Ford when the country said anyone but someone from Nixon’s administration or a republican and so we elected Jimmy the peanut back then. I’ve always said and will continue to say Obama is Carter on steroids! And I don’t think I have been proven wrong as of yet. The only problem I see is that there is no Reagan waiting in the wings.

    The big takeaway I got from the election of 2008 is how a relative unknown can sweep the minds and hearts of many in a messianic furor and rise to the greatest heights of power. I imagine the rise of the anti-christ will happen in much the same way. I hope all of you were taking notes. 😉

    God bless!

  10. Kevneto: Was it Lenin or Stalin who called the manipulated masses, “useful idiots?” It makes the phrase that Jesus used, “those who have ears to hear” all the more timely. It is frightening to watch the mass mentality of lies and deception. It is nearly impossible to reason with people.

    God give us more of your Spirit with discernment so we can understand the times and know what it is each one of us should do.

  11. I think it was Lenin that coined the term “useful idiots.”

    Dun made this comment: “The whole Middle East is now a ticking time bomb. I see no end to the uprisings and turmoil until they make a fatal mistake and unite against Israel.”

    The uniting against Israel could come quickly with the useful idiots at the UN and Obama Administration deciding to split Israel up amongst their Muslim neighbors for “peace.” That, IMO, could be the fuse for the Psalm 83 War

  12. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that the enemy’s (Israel – US)conspiracy is to spur war between the nations (Islamic) and create Iranian-Arab and Shiite-Sunni tension.

    Hi Don
    If the Sunni Brotherhood gain control of Israel’s immediate neighbours (and I think most of us believe they will), Shiite Iran will find herself on the outer, rejected by the Sunni majority and left in the wings until Psalm 83 is fulfilled and until GOG is ready to take the lead in the Ezekiel 38-39 invasion where we know Persia/Iran will take her place.

  13. Hi Brian,

    That’s about the way I see it.

    It seems to me that there will be a conflict between the Sunni and Shite before the Psalm 83 war and the Sunni will win and that is why Iran does not come with all the Arab tribes mentioned in Psalm 83. Another likely scenario is that Iran could be removed from the picture because they will have their own revolution that actually overthrows the Shiite mullahs and a more secular Iran emerges that will align with Russia for protection.

    Then later when Gog comes down with Iran these nearby Arab nations are no longer in the picture because they have been defeated by Israel.

    If Iran got the upper hand in the Middle East now they would be in the Psalm 83 war so obviously Iran is out of the picture for one reason or another.

  14. Yes, when one sees documentaries from Iran her people seem to be a quite westernised and that certainly would fit with the secular society you suggest. They are Persians after all and not Arab.

  15. I know we are not to be vengeful in spirit, even against our enemies, however, I’m a little outraged right now over “The Religion Of Peace”(s) latest attacks on Israeli civilian targets.

    I am glad that the IDF acted strongly to put a stop and kill those responsible for this heinous crime.

    Israel gets condemned for defending itself by the knucklehead media…I think this is just a foreshadowing of what is going to occur when the Palestinians are denied statehood September 20th…and NO, I’m not saying that September 20th will kick off any major war, but the Muslims will surely take it as a slap in the face.

    And that is assuming that statehood is denied.

    There is no reason why all nations should not be adamantly condemning this attack at the Egyptian border.

    My prayers are with the IDF and the people of Israel against ALL that come against her, my prayer will remain the same even if the U.S. came against her !

  16. One more thing…the Muslim cowards make me sick…they don’t have the gall to take on any situation in a direct means…it’s all cowardly suicide acts…or using children or women…I look forward to the day that the Lord puts an end to these cockroaches !

  17. Hi David – How do you REALLY feel?

    I think the Palestinians/Muslims are something like 0-7 going directly against the IDF. In their Islamic mindset, using kids, mentally challenged, and other innocents, makes complete sense – they are all warriors for their god and direct confrontation isn’t working.

    I pray for the Mossad, or some Israeli organization, to spring Gilad Shalit, the kidnapped IDF soldier. I think Hamas has held him for 5 years, now.

  18. Hi Bob,

    Yeah, Gilad Shalit is in prayers also…last I read, the Israelis were willing to give quite a bit to get Gilad back…but it didn’t happen.

    Bob, they are not warriors, they are cowardly cockroaches who win only by deceit and cowardly acts. Too bad our country (the U.S.) is buying into and defending their nonsense.

    Personally, I think we shouldn’t use bombs or bullets against them…I think we should drop big buckets of pig guts on them and where they live…they’d never leave the house again : )

  19. David ,
    We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickness in high places. I agree
    with you about some Muslims, but they are victims of the “real enemy” Let’s face it, the reality is only Jesus can fix this mess which includes America. BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!

  20. To Don Fritts,

    Well, I agree with you that the only one that can solve the mess with the Muslims is Jesus Christ himself.

    I do not agree that the Muslims are victims that should be shown some understanding and tolerance…though their religion is purely evil and satanic.

    It is within their belief that the “honor killings” that have taken place in the U.S. over the last year are totally justified…”because they (their children) have become too westernized”.

    If you’ve ever heard a former Muslim speak, who is now a Christian, they will emphatically warn to never ever trust a Muslim man, women, or child…of course, they know also, that if they are ever caught by their former Muslim brethren, even here in the U.S., that they are to be killed.

    It is not “SOME” Muslims, not to say that there are not some Muslims in name only, yes there are…but a true Muslim is indoctrinated and convinced of what they must do to bring about world domination and Sharia.

    There are Muslim families here who have American born children who get their “call from Allah” and then perform their terrorist deed.

    After the celebrations by our Muslim communities here in the U.S. after 9/11…some in the Muslim community made it clear that they were disappointed by the 9/11 attacks because they were on a trek to destroy the U.S. from within at a faster rate then could be accomplished by terrorist attacks.

    All this is past news…if you want me to search the news articles, I can do that.

  21. You do realize that almost 9 out of 10 Muslims cannot even read the Qur’an in Arabic. They are generally illiterate and most only know what their clergy tells them.

  22. Hi Don,

    Yep, I know that…and that’s exactly how the nonsense of the 72 virgins upon a martyrs death came into belief…it’s written nowhere in the Qur’an yet it’s a motivation for the terrorists because that’s what their taskmasters told them to believe.

    I see the majority of Muslims as very devout and dedicated to their beliefs type people…some are very educated, in the U.S as a matter of fact.

    And they are a very, VERY patient people…this idea they have of worldwide Sharia is not an overnight endeavor…they are biding their time (in the U.S. also) and will wait until they believe the time is right…as we have seen in Europe.

    I believe, personally, that the only reason why the Muslims haven’t tried more shenanigans in the U.S. is we bare arms…and the cowardly Muslims surely don’t want to take on Americans with guns.

  23. Don,

    Is the Muslim/Israel topic just not a concern today ?

    Nobody commented on what I said or what’s going on in Israel after the attacks…I understand this is an old article post.

    Is it just not applicable unless the U.S. is attacked ?

    The Muslims are making headway for their NYC mosque, I’d think this would be a concern for everyone. As we know, the Muslim way is to build a mosque where they have conquered…they view the twin towers attack as a feather in their cap that MUST have a mosque built near it.

    The people of our nation in the northeast are quite concerned about it…why not everyone else ?

    I am totally flustered that most Americans now think that it was a fluke or are taking it for granted that it won’t happen again…but I guess I’m just talking to myself here…until it happens again.

    And what about what is going on in Israel, even today ?…I didn’t see any comments on that today.

  24. David

    I think nobody commented because nobody here wanted to. We here all know that Islam is full of terrorists and these things will continue to happen all over the world, so what’s to add?

    I think your going to have to convince the “progressive” wackos and their lame-stream media about the Islam wing of the world insane asylum. You’re just preaching and ranting to the choir here.

    Getting fluster is not going to change the fact that most Americans are apathetic about evil. The only hope for America is when it is shocked into the reality that tolerating evil in the land is going to get them killed.

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