Liberal progressive black and Latino abortion programs

If anyone ought to know about this genocide it should be the blacks that are the victims but the silence from the “Christian” black community is deafening and most of the preachers and almost all the politicians take the “liberal” “progressive” side.

However “liberal” really means liberally killing your unborn kids and “progressive” means progressing back to enslavement to a life of dependency on your government overseers. Nevertheless, apparently 96 percent of blacks would rather have a half black man as President then to vote for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Benedict Arnold’s of blacks say give us enslavement and give us death and blacks just say yes at the polls.

I hope you Latinos realize that the Liberal progressives that most of you vote for will liberally and progressively be coming for your unborn children next.

A Serious Conflict Of Interest!

The silence in the Black American Church regarding the evil of
abortion is killing us. The numbers reflecting the impact of
abortion in the Black American community are horrifying.

From 1882 until 1968, 3,446 Black Americans were lynched here in the
U.S. Today, that number is surpassed in 2.8 days by abortion in the
Black community. [1]

The abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white
women [2]. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of pregnancies among black women
are unintended. [3] Every 1.2 minutes of every single day of the
year in America, a black baby is aborted.

According to the U.S. Census Report of 2006, which is given to the
Senate and the Congress, Black Americans need 2.1 live births to
replace themselves. At this point Black Americans are currently
below the replacement level at 1.9. This means Black Americans are
no longer replacing themselves because there are more deaths than
live births. [4]

Why did ninety-six percent (96%) of Black America vote for our
President-Elect, Barack Obama, a man who supports abortion, the very
action that is killing five percent (5%) of the black population?
This is a very serious conflict of interest.

Is Black American leadership afraid to acknowledge how dangerous the
President-Elect’s support of abortion is?

Are Black American leader’s too un-informed to be outraged that for
years our President-Elect has been supporting and currently is
supported by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., an
organization that is the leading provider of surgical abortions in
the United States of America?

Is it possible that Black Americans really believe the product of a
human father and a human mother can be anything other than a human

According to Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life
Union, abortion is the number one killer of Black Americans.
Abortion kills more black people than heart attacks, stroke, HIV-
AIDS, accidents, cancer, violent crime and all other deaths combined.

According to Star Parker, President of the Coalition on Urban Renewal
& Education (CURE), Abortion is now the number one killer of black
women between 25 and 34.

Yet our pulpits, if not supporting pro-choice leaders, have been
criminally silent on the issue of abortion

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